For You Now

I never liked big cities and crouded places, but it was refreshing, to be in one at that moment. The sky was already dark. I tried to see the stars like I could from the campus, but city lights were too bright to make that possible. However, I loved the view of buildings brightened up with the lights.

I almost had a feeling like I wasn't going to the military University, with hard trainings and classes, which were making me more and more exhausted every day.

"Do you even know where we are going?" I asked after some time of walking.

I had only been in that city once, when I had come there with a train on the first day at the campus. Even then I had had no idea where to go, even though the city wasn't really big. It was even harder to find a way at the night, so I was hoping, that Kyungsoo knew the way and could bring us to the right place without getting completely lost.

"Of course I know where I am going!" he whined and looked at me like I was a joke to him.

"I am just making sure..." I replied and avoided his look.

"Make sure to remember the way for next time!" he said and I looked at him surprised.

I had lost the track long ago and there was no way I could remember where we were walking all that time. "Why are you telling me that? You know the way, so I just have to follow."

"You will probably have to go back to our drooms by yourself, because I will be with Jongin."

"You won't," I said seriously. "I won't let you, and Jongin wouldn't want it for sure. I know him better than you do!"

"Yeah, but you don't appreciate him,"

"Just shut up, okay! It annoys me more than anything!" 

"More than Park?"

"I was enough clear! MORE. THAN. ANYTHING!" I repeated my statement. Major Park really couldn't let me have normal and easy life at the campus, but that was probably just because he had to do his job.... Bullying every single student was probably one of his weird ways to train.... Kyungsoo wanting to make out with Jongin, drunk, after the party, was completely different story.

I didn't want my friend to get into trouble and regret everything after it would've already been too late. And I also appreciated Jongin a lot, since he was always there to defend me, whenever I needed help. 

"Okay, yeah.... it is quite clear..." Kyungsoo ageed a little disappointed.

I just ignored him after that. I was afraid of parties with lots of people around, but my friend's safety was more important at that moment. 

"We are almost there," Kyungsoo broke the silence after some time.

I looked around to find any place, which would look like there could be a party, but I didn't really know what to search for. "Really?" I asked. "Where-" I suddenly got hit by Kyungsoo very hard.

"Dude, you look like a lost baby," he said and hit me again, while looking at me completely serious with his big dark eyes. "Wait five minutes and we will be there." 

I didn't say anything and instead just gave him an angry look before walking on. 

Kyungsoo was right. It didn't last more than 5 minutes, until we arrived to a building, where the party was. Around the door were bright, purple lights, marking the place of the party.

I followed my friend inside. There was a big hall full of people of different ages. Men and women. Most were really boys from the campus, which made me feel a bit better. Loud music was playing and colorful lights were swinging around the place, making everything brighter. I was looking around to see every small detail of the place. There were also a lot of bigger balconies around the dancing hall. Chairs were placed around the tables where many different people were talking and playing games while drinking. I also found a place where I could get a drink (Probably cola in the best case) and DJ table. 

I just couldn't get enough of that moment. I wasn't really a person who would like that kind of places, so loud music and so many people around me, but it reallly looked cool and I was glad, that I had decided to come there.

I tried to forget everything that had happened to me at places like that in past and just decided to enjoy the moment as long as it lasted. 

"What are we doing now?" I asked and ran closer to my best friend. 

Kyungsoo found a path through the crowd. "We are looking for others," he called enough loud so I could hear him well.

"How are you planning to find them in place like that?" 

"I've already found them!" 

"What?" I looked around to find where Kyungsoo spotted our friends from the campus. I narrowed my eyes to block the lights and see faces of people better, but everything was invain. There was anybody who I knew well. 

"Just follow me and don't get lost!" Kyungsoo rolled with his eyes. 

It didn't take long until I finally found others. They all were on one of the balconies laughing and talking with each other while drinking. There were boys from my Kyungsoo's and also other units. 

"How the hell did you find them so fast?" I asked, but got ignored, since he was just focused on coming to others.

Everyone behind the table were wearing drak and stylish clothes, so I felt embarrassed of how I had wanted to come here in my training clothes. But at the same time I felt like Kyungsoo made me look like somebody who goes to a club and gets drunk everyday. I could be more 'normal', but still cool...?

"Kyungsoo, Baekhyun! Come and play with us! It's do or drink!" screamed Minseok and took a slip from his glass before lifting it high in the air.

I knew the game. It was like truth or dare, but if you didn't do the dare, you had to drink. Interesting was on the end when everyone became drunk and they actually decided to do the dare, even if it was embarrassing. The dares could get very extra, since a drunk person could make out anything in the mind and another drunk person could change that ideas into reality. 

"I'm with you all!" Kyungsoo said and sat behind the table with others. "Where is Jongin?"

"I haven't seen him for a while," Minho said with a smile on his face. "He is probably crying...."

"I am here, Choi! And I am NOT crying!" Jongin's voice appeared from the back and Kyungsoo looked to him immediately. I could see that the look on Minho's face got disappointed and annoyed as soon as Jongin came. 

"I have just ended packing my stuff to move in my new room!" Jongin said with excitement. "Ask me why Choi!"

"Why?" Minho sighed and passed through his brown hair.

Jongin suddenly giggled and explained: "Because now I AM THE CAPTAIN OF A2!!" he shauted the last part of his sentence and took a glass of an alcohol from the table to drink it right away. "I told you that you will never get that spot, Choi!" he pointed at the other one and sat behind the table with others.

Minho was just looking at Jongin a little disappointed. I expected a little different reaction, since he wasn't in really good relationship with Jongin, but he was probably already too drunk, to exactly get what was happening.

I knew that him and Jongin were competing against each other to get that spot. They both were the best soldiers in our unit. It was obvious from the beginning, that one of them would become the captain, but the only question was 'WHO?' Until now.

I was happy that Jongin won, since I felt more comfortable around him than Minho. 

I walked to him and smiled widely. "I hope I will be a little privileged, since I've been always on your side," I laughed and looked to Minho after that.

"How dare you, Baek!" Minho shauted, but that just made me smile even more.

Jongin turned around to me. "You can come play cards in my room from time to time... That is the only privilege you get!"

"Good enough and by the way... Congrats, you deserve it!" I gave him a back hug and walked away. 

I looked at Kyungsoo and saw that he was staring at me completely speechless. "Did he invite you in his.... room?" He whispered. 

"Yes, to play cards," I said and passed throught my hair. I could sense his jealousy, even though he pretended not to be bothered by the fact that I got along with Jongin better than him. 

"What are we doing here?" Jongin asked.

"We are playing, do or drink!" Minseok said confidently. 

"Oh, great." Jongin said. "Baekhyun come here, let's continue!"

"No, I am not playing!" I said and stepped a little further away from the table. "This is not for..."

"Common, Baek! Don't be a kid and play. You won't regret it!" said Minseok and tried to make me play the game.

I didn't want to just give up. "Nah I'm not playing it. I gotta take care of Kyungsoo!" I said under Minseok's presure. However the other one didn't look really in a mood for arguing. He gave me a short smile and then concentrated on the game with others.

Kyungsoo obviously really wanted to get drunk and took a long sip from his already full glass. First few challanges were easy like "Go and flirt with that girl there and pretend that the wall is your best friend," but soon different dares came and everyone started to drink more. Only a few actually did a dare, because they were already a little drunk and they didn't care.

I was just laughing while others were having fun and I actually enjoyed that.

"FRESHMANS!" A loud and strict voice surprised me. My heart suddenly stopped when I found out it was general Oh. "How dare you come here! Your behaviour is horrible! Punishment for you all! 10 sets of running around the campus!!!!" 

Everyone started to complain.

"Shut up you all! You will get  5 sets more," said ganeral and after that sat down the table and took a glass of alcohol. "It's very rude from you to not call me earlier! Where are the dares huh?" he said and waited for everyone to dare him.

Everyone just stared at him shocked including me, since I at least expected generals to be a little more mature. Kyungsoo had told him that professors and higher ranks sometimes came here as well, but I still didn't expect seeing general Oh wanting to play do or drink with first year students.

"Common guys let's get a dare for general!" said Minseok excited to challange him.

"Yah, 5 more sets for you.... What is your name again?!"

"Kim Minseok, sir!" he replied and general looked at him confused.

"Well, Kim... " he  said. "... Another five for you, because I am Sehun here! Don't call me general when I'm drunk. It's weird and I don't feel like a general right now."

"I'm not surprised at all," I sighed to myself and looked away from the group playing a game with general.... Well with Sehun, who just didn't feel like a general at that moment.

While all of the others were playing, I decided to take a look around and also get a Coca Cola for myself.

A young waitress tried to convince me into drinking alcohol there, but I luckily knew where my head was and insisted with Coca Cola. I didn't want to get drunk and I was afraid of what could people around me put in my drink if I wasn't focused, so I kept my glass on eye all the time. It was a party where I was supposed to have a fun, but instead of that I was mostly just afraid.

He took his way back to the balcony. Many people were dancing, talking, screaming, laughing and drinking as I passed the hall. 

It got even more crowded and I didn't feel well anymore. I wanted to get away from the people I didn't know. 

When I came to the place with less people, someone suddenly crossed my way.

"Well well well, Byun!"

I didn't even need to look up to know who it was. The only person who was calling me that way, with his deep and strong voice, was major Park.

I looked up to him and we both stared at each other for a moment. 

He was wearing black pants, on top he had a black shirt and over it a suit, which perfectly suited him. On his right hand he had a leather glove, which didn't cover his fingers, bracelet and on his fingers he had a bunch of silver and gold rings. His silver hair were combed back, which I found hot and in his left hand he had a glass obviously with alcohol.

"Sir!" I said surprised because of his different look. "I didn't expect you here,"

"Byun, do you think I expected you here?!" he replied. "When I said you don't belong to the military university, you could at least prove I was in fact wrong, but I see you are bad at blending into that place..." he pointed at my drink.

I tried to hid my cola, but it was already noticed. 

"Byun, do you know that you can get that at the campus?" he asked and I felt my cheeks blushing. 

"I- I- I don't really drink, sir," I replied and major Park just laughed at my reply. It wasn't the evil laugh he had at the university, but it made me even more embarrassed.

"You don't drink?" 

"I don't drink alcohol," I added. 

"Okay, but I see that you actually got quite ready for this," he said and pointed, with his large hand, from the top to bottom of me.

"I have a roommate,"

"Everyone has one, except higher ranks," major said. "I am not surprised you have one."

I thought about the comment and knew he didn't mean anything good with that. "Well... Uh... My roommate convinced me to come here with him and he also got me ready."

"Explains a lot," he said and shook his head. "You look good and horrible at the same time. So you are here just because of your friend?"

"Yeah," I said. "I can't just let him to get drunk and do something embarrassing..."

"It seems like you aren't doing your work..." major smirked at me. "You just left your friend alone?"

"Actually, sir, he is playing do or drink with others," I explained and pointed to the place where my friends were playing. More students and other people were there now, probably because of general Oh, but I didn't really care what was happening there.

"Oh, I found him,"

"Who?" I looked confused, because I was sure major couldn't know who actually was my roommate.

"Oh Sehun," major looked back to me.

"General Oh?"

He one laughed when I said that. "Yeah general," he repeated and laughed again. "I came with him. Junmyeon wanted me to take care of him, because he didn't want to deal with this guy drunk."

"Like... general Kim Junmyeon asked you that?" 

"Well he is actually my boss... So yes.... But I don't care what Sehun does here," he said and made a sip from his glass. "I wouldn't even be surprised if I found him sleeping in a trash bin behind the campus..."

"Outside?" I asked.

"Don't talk about sleeping outside! You aren't drinking type of a person, but you still end up sleeping in the hallways at the middle of the night," he recalled the night when I had fallen asleep on the second floor.

"Ahh, you would've never known, if you hadn't come out on that night!" I argued and made a mad, but playful look.

"You are forgetting that I actually saved your 'to be expelled '." he remainded me. "You should be thankful!"

"You actually did nothing, but got yourself an even uglier face." I responded and pointed at the taller one. "I found my way down to my room by myself, without your help. It is not that hard!" 

I waited for major's response, but he just stared at me for a moment and calmly asked after some time: "Did you say that I had gotten myself an even uglier face?" he raised his eyebrow and his face turned into completely serious one. The one I knew from the trainings. 

"Yeah, that is exactly what I said and meant," I said confidently.

"You dare a lot, Byun!" 

"I really do and I don't need to be drunk for it," I agreed with major.

"What is so ugly on me?" major looked at me curiously. "I think I actually look quite good..."

"Everything on you doesn't look good, especially your Yoda ears!" I said without thinking. 

"My what ears?"

"Yoda ears," I repeated. "Have you watched Star wars?"

"I have," he answered. "What's wrong with my ears?" 

"T-They are too big! You look like Dumbo."

"Dumbo!?" he raised his voice a little. "You really want to die? You are getting yourself into trouble!" 

"You asked me and I answered, sir," I continued. "It doesn't suit you and they can be distracting," 

Major Park crossed his arms and glared at me for a moment. "Ohh, really? So my ears distracted you on today's match as well?" he asked and took a sip from his glass again, while staying focused on me.

"You whole distracted me," I looked at the ground to avoid his look. "I hate you for that. It is annoy....."

"I was actually expecting more action.... " major interrupted me. "They only shot you twice. You should have suffered more, it was boring to watch you after 10 seconds!" 

"I should have sffered more?" I asked and looked up back to major.


"Do you know how painful it is when you get shot?!"

"Yeah, that is why that guns are the best!"

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. I didn't want to think about the feeling of getting shot on that battle field. It really wasn't something a person would like to experience daily, but apparently major Park enjoyed the view of the students suffering.

"I actually wanted to run over the fance," major explained. "I was literally thinking abut going inside that battle field, I would take a gun from one of those incapable and useless freshers and show them all, how to properly shoot on a puppy like you are."


"You called me Dumbo and Yoda" he complained. "I was just being kind with comparing you to a puppy, Byun! Your ears aren't that unnoticable as well!"

I thought about it a little. "Fair enough," I agreed and took a sip from my glass with Cola.

Major Park rolled with his eyes. "You are such a kid!" he complained. "This Cola is annoying me!" he pulled the glass of coke from my hand.

"What the hell? Give it back!" I tried to reach my drink, but he lifted the glass high in the air. I stepped on my fingers and tried to grab it, but I wasn't tall enough. 

"What is wrong, Byun?" he asked and smirked to me, because I was still trying to get his drink. I hated the fact, that he was taller and stronger.

"Why the heck do you have to be so tall?!" I protested and grabbed his strong shoulders and tried to get higher. I got closer, but still not enoug.

"Wow, are you trying to climb on me?!" major moved back and pushed me away with his other hand. "You know what, Byun? Let's do something with that." he lifted his other hand, with which he was holding his alcohol and poured it in my glass. "Here you go," he offered the mixed drink to me.

"YOU DESTROYED IT!" I shauted.

"I made it better," he smirked, proud and satisfied with his work. 

I took the glass in my hand and looked at it while cursing quietly. I looked up at the other one. Getting my drink mixed with something I didn't want was the main thing I was afraid of.

"Will you try it or not?" major asked. "It is really better."

I just stared at my glass. Memories flashed over my mind, but I pushed them all away. I blocked everything and focused like always. 

"Should I order you to do it?" he continued.

"Order me?"

"Byun, drink this now or I will meet you at my office!" he said seriously and thren smirked at me.

I raised my eyebrow. I knew he was just joking. I had found out that he didn't have office long ago, but I still wasn't' sure what to do in that case.

"Byun!?" major got impatient.

I made my move. I quickly moved my hand towards him and spilled the drink over him. He looked at me surprised and cursed as the liquid soaked into his clothes. "What the !?" he shauted.

"Sir, I think I spilled the drink you ordered me to drink," I said quietly.

"I noticed that, Byun!" major pointed to his wet shirt which was sticking to his body. "And I will remember it!"

"I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't poured your alcohol in it!"

"You really don't know what life is," major Park sighed and tried to wipe the liquid off his shirt, which was literally pointless. "One glass of an alcohol mixed with coke for kids wouldn't make you drunk." he complained.

"I don't drink at all,"

"Yeah," he sighed with anger in his voice. "It is obvious, that you prefer waisting and spilling a good drink on major, over at least trying it... Byun! I will definetly remember that for the training!"

"We don't have trainings tomorrow anyway..." 

"Do I look like someone who would forget things in one day? If we had trainings tomorrow half of the students wouldn't even think about coming there. The other half would still be too drunk to move. Anyway Monday still exists, so get ready for OCR!" 

"What does OCR stand for?" I asked. We had done many things when training. Martial arts every week, discipline and endurance training, learning how to properly use weapon, working together in units, different kinds of battles, but I had never heard for OCR.

"You will see later," major Park explained with a smirk on his face. "Just remember, that I expect a lot from you!"

"You expect a lot from me?" 

"It means that I will torture you a bit more on the trainings! You got yourself in trouble as soon as you destroyed one of my favourite shirts!"

"That shirt isn't anything special..." I pointed at it, but he gave me serious look and I decided to stay quiet.

He stepped closer and looked down to my eyes with anger. "Maybe we are not at the campus right now, but I am still the major and you better keep your mouth shut!" He said. "Now get away from here, because I am slowly getting annoyed! And you should check if your roommate is still conscious, because I doubt you can cary anyone back to the campus." 

He was talking about my weakness, but I decided to ignore this. He was actually right that it would be hard for me to carry Kyungsoo all the way back, so I left without saying anything else. 

"Baek, will you play now?!" my roommate shauted as soon as I came closer. There were many other students playing the game now. I didn't know most of them, but I had seen them at the campus many times. 

"Nah, I'm okay," I told my friend, who semmed to be already very drunk. I guessed that he probably hadn't done many dares and decided to drink in most of the cases. Or maybe he just decided to drink more even though he had done the dares. 

"Then at least sit with us!" he pulled me to the table.

"You are Baekhyun, aren't you?" one of the students pointed at me and I knew what would follow.

"Yeah," I quietly agreed and looked to the side.

"You are the one who won a bet against major Park Chanyeol," he said, but I didn't respond. I wanted to forget about it as soon as it had happened. "You are a legend! Can I give you a dare?" 

"No," I said. "I am not playing that game,"

"Ah come on Baek!" Minseok said and hit the table. "Just try!" 

"I said, NO!" 

"So you are that Byun," general Oh looked at me after that. I wasn't comfortable at all to have general here drinking behind the same table as my mates. "Chanyeol was complaining about you for days! He doesn't like loosing! And he gets annoying when something isn't like he wants..."

"Nobody likes loosing," I said and looked to the place, where I had seen major Park before. He wasn't there anymore, so I was afraid that he was somewhere enough close to hear that conversation. 

"That is true! Nobody likes loosing!" Jongin laughed, he was a little drunk, but I saw he was still more sober than others. "But, Choi you are a total looser today! I am your captain!"

"I can't hear what you are saying!" Minho replied. "This university is corrupted! General Oh Sehun how could you make him as the captain? I am here!" he was obviously drunk, because of a way he was speaking and looking at the general. 

"Do you think I made him a captain? I and all of the trainers just gave the resul to Junmyeon! Don't annoy me here with that!" Oh Sehun stood up from the table and walked away a bit dizzy. 

"Corrupted," Jongin laughed at Minho. 

"You should have seen how Minho on Jongin were competing before," Kyungsoo whispered to my ear and I could smell alcohol as he leaned closer. "Jongin is even more y when he is angry..." 

"Yes, Kyungsoo you are drunk. I get it!" I said. 

"Kyungsoo! Dare for you!" one of the students suddenly called and both of us focused on him. "You haven't done much and Minho here seems a bit upset, so I dare you to kiss him!"

Kyungsoo obviously didn't want to kiss him, but he was that high from drinking, he took his way to Minho. I tried to do something about it, but before I could say a word, he was sitting on Minho's lap and kissing him. 

I stared with my mouth open and others cheered around to make more action. Minho's hand sliped under my friend's shirt and rubbed his back.

This was too much for me and I decided to take control of this. Kyungsoo never wanted this and he was doing it in front of everyone just because he was drunk.

I grabbed Kyungsoo and pulled him of Minho's lap.

"Ohhhh, sorry to interput you, but we are leaving..." I said quickly.

"Common we just started!" yelled Minho, who was also drunk and didn't have any ideas what he was saying.

I looked at him, then my friend and everyone else. "Next time, man," I replied and pulled Kyungsoo away. 

"I love you, Minho!" Kyungsoo called as I pulled him away. 

I lead him through the crowd. I was walking fast and Kyungsoo was barely catching up behind me. I soon came out to the cold air. "Ahhh, you will wish this wouldn't have happened!" I shauted on him, but it was obvious that he wasn't taking me serious.

"Baekhyun, I didn't know you have a twin brother. He is just as pretty as you are!" 

I slapped him a little to wake him up. "How much did you drink?"

"Baekhy, I...." He suddenly collapsed and I caught him. 

"Why are you so damn heavy?!" I complained under Kyungsoo's weight.

"Baek- I-" he slowly spoke "I- feel-" he didn't end the sentence. He put a hand on his stomach and yelped. I pushed him away from me and my friend fell on his knees right when he threw up, whatever he drank.

"Ewwww, dude! Tell me before you are about to do that!" I yelled, but he didn't care about me. He was still high and he lay on the cold ground, like I wasn't there. I rolled with my eyes and took him back on my shoulders. 

We had to stop a few more times before we reached the university, because Kyungsoo had to throw up or he just triped and fell. I felt extremely tired when we finally reached the campus.

"Can you at least walk a bit by yourself?" I asked, but he ignored me. I was exhausted. It took me a lot of time to come to the campus with him on my back. My muscles were in pain and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold much longer.

A sound suddenly came to my ears and it completely got my attention. Someone was singing once again. I stood up and looked around. Kyungsoo fell off my shoulders and hit the ground, but I didn't care, because I was sure he would forget about this tomorrow.

I focused on the sound and looked around. The hallways were empty, but the sound was there. I wanted to follow the melody. 

I was getting more and more obsessed with the voice and wanted to hear it more. It brought my memories back, but I wanted it. It was making me relaxed even though it brought me thoughts about pain and torture. 

"Baekhyun!" I suddenly heard Kyungsoo's voice pulling me back to reality and the sound disappeared. 

I looked at my friend on the ground. "What?" I asked. 

"This isn't my bed, is it? It isn't comfortable at all!" He said. 

I ignored him and walked away. I wanted to hear the voice again, but I was too late. It was gone. Again. 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!