For You Now

For some time I was just floating in nothing. I didn't see, but it felt like colours were swinging around me, filling the emptiness. I wasn't able to hear anything, when I was hearing voices everything got so confusing that it didn't even seem important for me. I had nothing to move. My body was left somewhere behind. I wasn't able to feel anything, just the thought of love and coming back after some time remained with me. I wanted to stay here longer. It was peaceful. Quiet. There was no pain. Nothing that would make me suffer. The only detail missing was Chanyeol – the only reason why I didn't want to die. I wanted to come back, but it seemed impossible.

I had no ideas how much time passed. Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? I didn't know and it wasn't important. I felt how I was slowly coming back to my senses. Slowly. My mind pulled itself from a world of darkness surrounded by my memories and feelings back into a painful reality which had brought me there. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I wanted to fight with that feeling, but my body was still separated from my mind.

Gravity took over me again and pushed on me, forcing me to use some straght again. I didn't feel my body completly, but I could tell I was going to soon.

I felt sick and used. Pain came back, but I could do nothing about it. I was screaming in my mind, but nothing came from me. The sudden heavines made me confused. all the thoughts, memories, feelings of love were now pushed back. I didn't know why this had to be so hard to hold, but something deep inside me told me to stay strong until the end.

I was strugling with that pain for a long time until I felt something that took my attention. I felt my body. Well... At least part of it... I was able to feel my fingers. I rubbed them against each other and felt my skin and the heat from it. I focused to keep my breathing normal. I just felt it, how I moved my chest and a cold and fresh air filled me up, making me relaxed again. Everything around me was quiet. The only thing I could hear was my quiet breathing and beeping of a machine. My heart beat. 

I slowly opened my tired eyes and got in touch with a bright light, which made me blink a few times before I could normaly see everything around.

I found myself lying on a bed with white sheets, covering my body. My arms rested on them, placed by the sides of my body. There were wires, thin tubes and other equipment attached on me, my arms, chest. There was an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose, probably helping me breathe.

The room was not really big, but still very nice and comfortable. Its walls were in white colour with some bright blue details. On my left there was a big window. Sun was shining into the room and made it even brighter than it already was. Under the window there was a wooden table and on it papers, pens and a vase with different coloured flowers. There was also a watter bottle and right next to it I found a phone. It was my phone, but I didn't think about giving it much attention. Next to the table there was a chair, and over it a big black coat, hanging off. I wondered whose it was, but didn't have much time to think of it because I heard door in front of me crack.

They swung open and two persons step inside. I automatically closed my eyes and pretended to be unconscious, even thought I had no ideas what was my reason for doing that. Wasnt it good that I was awake? Stupid thing to do... "I told you, Jongin!" Kyungsoo's deep voice came. "You could burry him alive and he wouldn't even notice for the next decade!"

"K-Kyungsoo-" I said weakly and opened my eyes. My voice was hoase and barely heard.

"Soo, I think he actually heard that," Jongin replied, making my best friend look at me surprised.

"Oho, Baekhyun!" he said and quickly ran to me full of excitement. "Jongin, find his doctor! We should tell them he came back!" Jongin followed his orders and left the room. "You stupid idiot!" he immediately helped me to pull the oxygen mask off my face and gave me a huge smile, making a heart shape with his lips. "You really wouldn't believe how happy I am that you are finally awake, but I really don't understand why you had to wake up and hear how I was thinking about burying you alive and waiting how long it would take you to wake up and notice what had happened to your misrable self! Baekhyun, I love you!" 

"I really don't care what you wanted to do with me," I pulled out of myself, rolling with my eyes.

Kyungsoo leaned down to me and gave me a tight hug which brought pain in my chest.

"Ah!" I complained and he released me. 

"Sorry, I really got a bit too excited," He said and removed the rest of the wires off my body. 

"Don't apologise," I clenched my teeth to deal with the pain. I remembered the reason for it and did my best to forget about it as soon as it came to my mind. I didn't want to bother myself with it. At least not in that moment. It wasn't the time for regrets and anger.

Kyungsoo now took his way around the room and took a water bottle from the table. "Wanna drink something?"

I nodded. My throat was completely dry and I needed something to get it back to a normal state.

"Would you help me pull myself up first?" I asked.

"Right," Kyungsoo moved towards me and then helped me up to sit. My body ached by every move I did and I kept groaning and quietly cursing, but Kyungsoo managed to help me a lot. He put a pillow behind my back, so I was able to lean on it. He got a glass, poured water into it and handed it to me. I was able to hold it by myself, but my hands kept shaking, so Kyungsoo helped me with that too. I closed my eyes because of that view. I remembered a glass filled with water as something bad – the reason why everything went down in the worst possible moment. I took a deep breath and drank.

"Thank you," I said and moved my hand so I was holding it all by myself.

Kyungsoo just hummed in reply and then sat down on the bed next to me. He looked at me, suddenly his happiness and excitment fading away and he looked at me with mostly expressionless look. "How do you feel?" he asked.

"Everything hurts me," I complained.

"Do you feel dizzy or anything? Any headaches? You have been unconscious for a while."

"Not really..." I answered. "I feel a bit sleepy, like my mind and body are still floating somewhere away from the reality. I can't really tell the difference between dreams and the reality and I still don't really know what actually happened before I fell into darkness..."

"Well I also don't know..." he smiled, but there was seriousnes in that smile. "You will soon remember everything. I am sure about that."

"I actually don't want to," I didn't want to remember all the pain and suffering. I got scared by looking into a glass filled with water. 

"You mentioned I was unconscious for a while now... How long and what happened when wasn't here?" 

"Well... Happy Christmas, Baekhyun!" he greeted me, keeping the serious expression.

"Christmas?! December?"

"You were in coma for a month," he told me. "We found you on the floor literally lying in a sea of blood. You were unconscious. You all were unconscious when we came there. The doctors did their work. They told us to stay away, but I could tell that you were in a very bad position. You were unconscious and you lost lots of blood. It looked like you were already dead. Maybe you actually were, but I can't know for sure. You were so pale and that blood made it look even worse. They did everything to keep you alive, but you still ended up here in a coma for a month. This actually ended quite good for you. You are lucky to survive."

"What about—"

"—Woosuk is imprisoned now, you don't have to worry about him. He got from the hospital quite soon, because he wasn't in so bad state. He got charged for , violence and murder..." Kyungsoo said and looked away, while caresing my legs a bit as they were right next to him.

The last word made me sick and I wanted him to look at me again.

"Murder?" I asked and looked around me.

"Yes," he slowly told me and kept his look away.

"I am alive..." I said. I was obviously alive, but then somebody else was dead. An awful feeling got into my chest. I didn't know what it was, because I had never felt it before. It was the worst kind of a pain ever.

"Kyungsoo, look at me now," I ordered him, my hands started to tremble.

He did as I said and I saw that tears were collecting in his eyes. "Please, Baekhyun, don't aske me that question... I don't want to be the one to answer it."

"Kyungsoo..." I repeated his name. "...where is Chanyeol?" 

He didn't say anything and it was obvious he was struggling. I didn't want to overreact. I wanted to hear it first. I wanted somebody to comfirm that I had the right thing in my mind. I would have time for screaming and overreacting later when I heard it is true. I didn't want to hear it. "Chanyeol?"

Kyungsoo hesitated again. "Well... You know... The doctors made sure to take care of you first. You were completely unresponsive and Chanyeol... Well it seemed like he was okay, partly. Like he was big and strong so everyone expected him to recover..." he rubbed his head. 

"Stop spending time and tell me where the Chanyeol is!" I got impatient now. I was nervous and afraid and Kyungsoo didn't make it easier.

"He is... Uhhh...." he sighed and looked away from me once again.

"Stop being like this, Soo!" I got mad at how he acted. In fact I didn't want to know, but I needed to know.

"He is gone!" he shot now. He was looking at me with tears sliding over his face. 

I froze at his words. I felt numb once again and all air from me happened to leave me, my heart stopped beating for a moment. I had a feeling like I was in a completely different world again. An awful pain in my chest got even worse. Like my heart was about to stop beating. "G-Gone-" I cracked at once. "N-No. It can't be-"

"I am so sorry Baekhyun," Kyungsoo said. "We had his funeral two weeks ago... I was also among the ones who had a speech, because you weren't there... I can read it to you, I wasn't really sure if you would liked it, but I was speaking out of my heart as the best friend of Chanyeol's love..." He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and startwed reading. "Chanyeol! Major Park Chanyeol! You were one of the—"

"—STOP IT!" I screamed and threw the glass, which I was holding all that time, to the ground, making it shatter into thousands of pieces and make a lot of noise. "Stop lying! H-He is here! He- He can't be- he wouldn't just give up on life!" I now felt how rivers of tears flew down my cheeks. I screamed out to get rid ot the emptiness, but it got even worse. Kyungsoo moved closer to me and then wrapped his hands around me, hugging me. I couldn't help, but hug back. I burried my face in his shoulders and cried harder than ever before. I couldn't belive it. Chanyeol couldn't be just dead. He would fight for us to be together. I didn't want to belive. I was breathing hard, but part of me just wanted to stop breathing. To die right away. I wasn't going to live without Chanyeol. There was no point that I woke up at all. My heart ached and I felt heaviness in my chest. I missed, loved, needed Chanyeol. "It- can't be!" I cried into Kyungsoo's shoulder. "He is strong! He can't be—" I choked out of myself.

Kyungsoo caresed my back, but said nothing. I wished he told me Chanyeol was still here, alive, that he would maybe come soon or something, but he didn't. It was just the wish that wouldn't come true.

"H-He isn't dead!" I chanted now. I was mad, in pain, tired from everything that happened. I took a strong grip on Kyungsoo's shirt. "He in NOT dead!" I rised my voice. With each word I said, I got more hurt. I knew I was lying to myself, but I didn't want to accept it. I kept crying, sobbing, calling for Chanyeol to come back.

My voice got weaker as I started screaming for Chanyeol to come back. I was in no state to scream already, but the pain caused by the fact that Chanyeol was dead, made me let my eyerything out. I kept clenching onto Kyungsoo, his shirt soaked in my tears. I got quiet after what seemed like years. I just sobbed, but didn't speak up anymore. I let Kyungsoo away and let my back fall on the pillow behind me. I burried my face in my hands imediately.

"I-I loved him," I sobbed quietly. Kyungsoo slightly nodded and then looked at me in the eyes. "I will always love him," I added.

I heard someone coming closer to the room. Maybe it was Jongin or nurses who came to look what had happened here. I didn't care about it. 

Kyungsoo hummed and then whiped away his own tears like it was nothing. He stood up straight and a big smile appeared on his face again. "I WON!" he suddenly screamed and made me confused.

"What-?" I sobbed through my tears.

" NO!" there came another voice, which I recognised as Jongin's.

Kyungsoo turned around again and faced him. Jongin came to his side and stepped into the room, furious and mad. He had his hands crossed and looked at me with murderous look.

I was getting more and more confused, but the answer for this all didn't come.

"WHY, BAEKHYUN?! Will you ever do your job and stand on my side!" Jongin passed through his hair. He took a few deep breaths to calm down. "I was on your side all the time, but you do nothing to give it back! Anyways.... I'm glad you came back! I missed your company a lot!" He went from mad to happy and giggled. In the next moment I was in his hug.

I didn't understand a thing and pushed Jongin a bit away, showing him that I was in no mood for hugs. "Get out you both!" I said madly now. I didn't want explaination for their acting, but just wanted to be alone now. I hated how they didn't care at all.

"Why that?" Jongin got worried expression.


"Damn, he really fell for it!" Jongin whined and looked at Kyungsoo surprised. "Okay, I am giving you that money."


"Kim, I knew you tried to fool me with that coffee!" A different voice came. It was deep, melodic and at that moment mad. Very mad. I got shocked. It couldn't just be hallucination. I knew I was hearing his voice and there was nobody else who would use that kind of a tune for expressing anger.

"Chanyeol!" I pulled out of myself.

I was sure I was looking at him. Not an illusion. Not a halucination. I knew the difference between those.

His tall posture, broad shoulders, his face which I wanted to see so much. The only difference was that his before silver hair were now black and he was wearing an oversized hoodie through which I couldn't see his strong arms and builded body like I usually could when we had trainings. He was holding two cups of coffee in his hands he was obviously mad. Literally furious. 

"Kim, I will kill you as soon as I get time and chance!" he said and then focused on me. He noticed my teary eyes and sighed.

"Baekhyun! Or should I just call you Byun right now?" he pushed the coffee in Jongin's hands roughly and made it spill over his shirt. Jongin whined and started complaining, but I completely ignored him, because Chanyeol walked to me. "How dare you wake up when I am not around, my love?" he asked and leaned down, warping his hands tightly around me. He was using a lot force to hold me like that. It hurt me a bit, but I wanted him to pull me even closer to himself. I wanted him next to me like that. I was still sobbing, but now when I was able to feel him I got relaxed again.

"I love you, Chanyeol," I sobbed and pulled him closer, because of which he had to bend over the bed. He was surprised as I suddenly pulled him, but he didn't pull back. Instead he climbed on the bed with me and then wrapped his hands around me, hugging me tightly to his body. I felt his heat take over me and make me warm, relaxed, happy again. The pain and heaviness faded and love took over me once again. I didn't hesite anymore. I took a hold behind Chanyeol's neck and pulled him into a kiss. He too took a better hold of me too and kissed back, deepening it with each move. I was crying hard, tears fell down my cheeks, some sliding to our locked lips and making a mess.

"Jongin, my dear, do you agree that this is utterly disgusting?" I heard Kyungsoo, who was obviously bothered by me kissing Chanyeol like that.

Chanyeol caresed my back and then went to my neck, where he rubbed his skin with mine. I pulled away just to burry myself into Chanyeol's shoulder and cried into it, at the same time smelling Chanyeol's scent.

"Kyungsoo, you idiot, what did you tell him!?" he asked my friend, while still holding onto me.

"Everyone should admit that I am the best actor ever. We had a deal! If Baekhyun wakes up when you aren't around I can look what would his reaction be, if he thought you had died. I won the bet with Jongin, because he believed me."

Chanyeol looked at me and clenched his teeth. "How could you believe it!?"

"I want to know as well!" Jongin said. "I always lose money because of you!"

"Don't do that anymore! It hurts so much!" I kept complaining without answering on that question. Of course I had believed it. Kyungsoo really was good at lying and acting like everything was true. All I had wanted in that moment was Chanyeol and he had been telling me that my love had died long ago. I had been broken and now when I was sure it wasn't true I felt much better. 

"Actually I think it is fair," Chanyeol smiled. "You are forgetting that you nearly died in my hands. I was ready to give up. You don't dare do that again! It was hard to see you unconscious for so long. All that regret and feeling of guilt. It was my fault for sure. I shouldn't have brought that gun and I should have done more to protect you. It was painful when I thought you died because of my foolish actions. I was so confident and full of myself that I forgot something could have gone wrong. I wan't to apologise for that, but at least now you know how I felt when you just left me there." 

"He admited being too conceited about his abilities!" Kyungsoo announced. "I should tell that to your psychiatrist!"


"Baekhyun, imagine the anxiety that came with seeing you unaware like that for a month. I wasn't doing well before and it was hard without you. Now I feel much better when I hear you talk, see you smile and when you finally kiss me like I want. I was here with you most of the time and I still don't get how you dared to wake up when I was somewhere else."

"What exactly were you doing?" I asked.

He moved a bit away and helped me to sit up straight. "Well... Working out is one of my ways to relax... I went to the gym for an hour and took a quick shower. When I was on my way back Jongin came and told me that he wanted me to go with him and get some coffee, because he was afraid of going down alone. I knew something was wrong with that, because Kim would never ask me to go with him... I would probably be the reason for him to be afraid of on the first place. When he suddenly disappeared and I knew something changed for sure. So I came here. With coffee..."

"So you were working out," I laughed. "Why am I not surprised?" 

"Baek, believe me," Jongin spoke. "He was dying to see you wake up! He was supposed to rest to heal, but he was so stubborn with just sitting here next to you! The nuruse was going crazy, because he didn't take care of himself propperly. Maybe she was also annoyed because he was giving all his attention to you and not her..."

"We didn't believe there were any chances for you to wake up when he was away because of it," Kyungsoo said. "We weren't here all the time, because of the trainings, yet this turned into his second home in some way." 

"Seriously?" I asked. 

"Well I also needed some time to recover. That is also one of the reasons why I am here a lot." 

"How bad were you injured?" I asked. Last time I had seen him he hadn't been in the best state. Woosuk was skilled and I wasn't really sure what exactly had happened after I passed out. Kyungsoo had told me some details, but I wasn't sure which were true and which weren't. 

"Well... I had broken ribs, my arm was knocked out of my shoulder, my back hurt a lot after he hit me with that chair, some bruises and smaller wounds and I got shot twice," he spoke like it was nothing much, but it made me shiver just as I thought of it. My jaw was hanging of once he ended counting his injuries.

"How come you are all fine right now?!" I stared up at him. Chanyeol laughed a bit as I asked it and then answered.

"I am not really fine yet, but I guess I am on a good way to recover!" he paused a bit. "My ribs still hurt a bit everytime I work out, that is why I am limiting myself as I exercise, but that also helps if I want to get back to my normal self. I will need some more time to get back into a shape."

"Don't believe him," Kyungsoo said. "He still could end everyone in the battle if he wanted. A little pain in his ribs and back wouldn't stop him." He was right. Chanyeol was someone who could do literally anything. I knew he had some bad sides. His bad temper and confidence were sometimes too much, but he knew where his limits were. 

"Where did you get shot?" I asked.

"Back, near my shoulder, he missed all the important parts," he shrugged. I looked away for a moment. Chanyeol must have been in a lot of pain. I just got shot and then passed away, while he had to fight 2 gunshots and several broken bones.

He noticed how I went quiet and then he caresed the back of my neck. "It's fine Baekhyun. You don't have to worry about it now," he said.

"I'm mad that this happened." 

"You know it wouldn't have happened, if you had trusted me," Chanyeol said, calmly. "I would protect you, but instead I let you walk around while that ing Woosuk walked around casually! Also Minseok should have taken care of you. And I shouldn't let you leave on the first place and also think before bringing a gun with myself."

"I was afraid to tell you about my past life. It was just killing me and I couldn't get it off my chest. I was afraid you wouldn't like me for it. I felt even worse when I found out that you knew for it all that time and tried to make me tell the truth." 

"Well... You should just trust me from now on, like I will trust you!" Chanyeol said and then lied a kiss on my forehead. "And you also should do something to recover. I am not sure how you feel right now, but you will soon have to slowly start with the trainings with your unit." 

"I actually feel quite well, if I ignore pain in my chest," I admitted. "But what do you mean with my unit? Will you train us all again?" 

"Baekhyun, we are having trainings with general Kim. And this will not change." Jongin said seriously. 

I looked at Chanyeol and noticed that he was completely serious as well. "Chan?" I asked him to get answers. 

"I quit my job at the campus," he said straight. 

I got shocked by the sudden news. "What?! Why?!" I pulled the words out of myself. 

"I told Junmyeon I wanted to stop working there about a week or two ago. I have more reasons for it. First of all there is no way I can be a trainer there and have a relationship with you as a student. It just isn't very appropriate. The other reason is that I don't just want to be a major and learn students how to use a gun and fight. I want to be more than that. I have wanted to be more than just a major since I started to train. You know me... I want to be like my father, so I should continue my training to get to a higher position."

I nodded and thought about it for a moment. I completely understood him. He really had good reasons for it and there was no way I could tell him to do anything else. "So you won't be there at the campus with me?" I asked. 

"That is what you worry about?" Chanyeol laughed. "I will be working there as a part-time worker. I will still come to the campus quite frequently so you don't need to worry when you will get a chance to see me. I am not going anywhere far. I just need to go on with my life and you have to train hard to come after me!"

"Trainings without you will be awful," I sighed. 

"Nobody said I am not allowed to help you with trainings," He leaned down and kissed me quickly. "Don't worry, I still need some time to start the actual trainings as well." 

"You will have me!" Jongin spoke up to get my attention. 

"Are you his boyfriend?" Kyungsoo asked and looked at him seriously. 

"No, but I am good at trainings." 

"Jongin, I love you. You are amazing, but there are still four years of trainings and more for you to come to Park's level." 

"That didn't sound like you love me," Jongin pouted.

"I do, but nothing will stop me from spilling the facts." 

"Jongin you are great and I don't mind training without Chanyeol," I said. "I will have time to be with him anyway, so I guess it is okay."

"Are you sure, my love?" He asked and smirked. 

"I think you will come quite often just to see me," I said and warped my hands around his shoulders. "Kyungsoo and Jongin, would you two do me a favour?" 

"Anything!" Kyungsoo said and straightened himself up, showing that he was ready to do anything. 

"Would you leave?" I asked. 

Both of them sighed as I said that. "No," Kyungsoo said and crossed his arms. 

"I want some privacy. Like I want to be alone with Chanyeol for some time..." 

"You could be also alone with your best friends for a little and sent your boyfriend away!" Kyungsoo insisted. 

"Do you want to see us kissing again or something?" Chanyeol now asked and Kyungsoo blushed right away. I enjoyed seeing him embarrassed. I was usually the one blushing in front of him, but this time it was otherwise. 

"I don't want to watch this!" Jongin said and left immediately. 

" this!" Kyungsoo cursed and followed his boyfriend. "I'm coming with you!!" 

Chanyeol kissed me as soon as they left the room. His lips moved in a sync with mine, passionately, but still very gently. My hands passed from his neck to his soft hair. "I forgot to tell you that you look even more y with black hair," I said through the kiss. 

"I'm glad you like it," he moved a bit away and smiled with another smirk on his face. "Black and visible forehead makes me look mature and even more good looking than I already am. It is natural look." 

"Well it suits you a lot." 

"Your hair lost most of the colour as well," he told me. "I sometimes helped the nurses to take care of you. You will never imagine how hard it is to take care of a person who hasn't been aware for weeks. Wah... I don't want to be a doctor or anything like that. I don't know how Jongdae survives with a job like that."

"You were taking care of me?" 

"From time to time I helped," he smiled. "I shaved you once. You actually look good with beard over your face, but I still prefer your smooth skin. Also washing teeth is actually fun." 

"I feel so embarrassed now," I sighed and covered my face. 

"Don't be, it wasn't hard because I love you and I felt responsible. Also I had nothing else to do." 

"That explains why you also decided to make a change in your hair colour." 

"That was actually a birthday present from Yixing." 

"And all you got from me for your birthday were troubles," I clenched my teeth. "I'm a really great boyfriend..." 

"I actually don't care. You are great. Most of the time I felt like it was my fault, but let's leave that in the past. Did Kyungsoo tell you that it is Christmas? We should celebrate it and New year together." 

"Will the nurses let me leave this place?" I asked. 

"You don't seem to be in so bad state at all. And I can make nurses do anything for me just by smirking a little." he laughed. "I am popular here." 

"I don't know how to feel about it..." I said. 

"Don't worry. You are my only one. I have to tell you that it made me frustrated that there was someone who wanted to take you from me. I'm glad that he got what he deserves."

"Woosuk?" I asked. "He deserved it way before, but I didn't do anything." 

"Don't blame yourself," he told me and rubbed my cheeks with his fingers. "It is okay now. You can forget about him and I am going to make you feel better than ever before." 

"You are teasing me now, aren't you?" I looked at him seriously. 

He kissed me again. "Yes, I am. And I am not lying about it. When was the last time I lied to you?" 

"When you were acting like you didn't know anything about my past..."

"That was like a month ago!" he whined. 

"And it seems like yesterday to me!" 

"But it seems like years to me," He argued back. "It is not my problem that I just wanted you to tell me. Imagene yourself, if I came to you and told you I was looking into files about your health. You would kill me alive!"

"Well technically a person who does that always kills a person alive. There is no other way!" 

"Stop being smart here!" Chanyeol ordered me. "You can trust me, that is all you need to know and expect me to show you what the real pleasure is soon." 

"And what if I won't let you?" I smirked on the same way as he. 

He looked away and sighed. "You won't. Because you want it as well." He gently passed over my face, down to my neck and then kissed me right under my ear. I threw my head back, hoping that he wouldn't stop. He kissed my neck again and the part of the skin where his lips touched me. The contact with his lips made me breathe out all the air out of my lungs. I really wanted him so much. "You are still so beautiful." He whispered to my ear and then and them moved away. "I hear somebody coming... Pretend that everything is okay with you. Or you won't be able to celebrate with us! My smirks and winks don't have unlimited power. Especially not when you are awake," He walked a bit away and in the same moment the nurse came in. 

"You should have informed us before that the patient woke up," she said seriously. 

"Well... We had plenty of time to talk," Chanyeol said and leaned to the doors. "It seems like he is feeling well. Do you think he could be released from the hospital before new year?" 

"Depends..." she answered. "Now you should go. I should do some tests here." 

"Yes, ma'am!" Chanyeol straightened himself and winked at me before leaving. 



IT'S NOT THE END! Well... Yes... I didn't kill anyome... Surprise haha...

Anyone belived that Chanyeol actually died? Crying again?

Chanyeol decided to train for higher ranks! No more major Park, time to introduce a general Park and higher! Who likes black hair more than silver? 

Woosuk got what he deserves! End of Woosuk lol

There will be more, like end chapters, so wait for them too! 

Thank you for all the comments, subscribes, upvotes that you give! It means a lot to me!

Love you my Readers!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!