Treasure Hunt and Running Man

Transfer Student

I woke up to someone caressing my head. When my eyes focused, I noticed I was sleeping on Luhan's lap! Blushing I got up and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning." Luhan said. Fixing my hair, ask "Where are the others?" "I dont know myself...They were gone when I woke up." He answered. "Why didnt you wake me up?" I ask. "You were sleeping comfortably and you always seem to wake up early so...yeah." He replied. I went to my room to change, I changed into skinny jeans, beige shirt with a blue blouse with a belt on my waist. I walked out of the room and Luhan was staring at a note. "Whats that?" I ask, he showed me the note. it says 'Couples treasure hunt to find the kids! Use the hint we give you to lead you to the next destination of where we might be! P.S If its not us find another note somewhere hidden in that area and your hands have to be linked. Hint number 1: Its where Tao and Kris like playing basketball.' "A couple treasure hunt?" I ask. Luhan snapped his fingers and said "Han River!" He was about to run out the door until I stopped him. "Lets pack up the pie. They might be hungry by the time we find them AND they said our hands have to be linked." Actually, I was happy I get to hold hands with Luhan. We packed up the pie, Luhan gave me his hand and we went to Han River.

While we were walking, people passed by us thinking we were a couple on a picnic. Luhan always scratch his head and blushed. Well the streets were relatively empty. I got the song me and Luhan sang stuck in my head so I was humming it as we walked to Han River. On the other hand Luhan was listening to his mp3. He didnt seem to be paying much attention to me, I started mumbling the lyrics. Checking if anyone was around, I sang a little louder. "Hey, _____(Y/N). Wanna listen?" I quickly stopped singing and nodded. I placed the earbud in my ear and listened to what song was playing, it was A-Pink's 'Nonono'. I like this song, I started singing to it. When we arrived at Han River, there was a note on the gate. I took it and read 'BEEP! No ones here! Go to next location! Hint number 2: Where we all met up when ___(Y/N) told us what was going on.' "Thats easy! The soccer field at school!" I exclaimed. So we started walking to the school.

"Hey, wanna sing a song and I have to guess it? And then I'll do the same. Walking in silence is boring." I nodded, he gave me his phone. I scrolled through the songs he had until I found one I like. I stopped at Hello by SHINee. Playing the song, I sang to it. "Thats easy! Hello by SHINee!" Luhan said. "Ok, your turn!" I said having fun, I passed him his mp3 and he selected his song. He started singing. I thought about the song, then I said "2pm's Come back when you hear this song!" We played the game a few more times until arriving at the soccer field. We found the note on the goal post. I read it out loud. "No ones here either!! We would like to make this hunt longer but we are hungry. So this is the final hint: Its where it all started." Really? After all that walking we have to go back where we started.

As we walked home, we listened to songs on Luhan mp3. We chatted along the way, when we got home. I opened the door and the others exclaimed "Congratulation! You finished the Couple Treasure Hunt!" "As your reward, have this." Chen said, passing us 2 pictures to each of us. I looked at the picture, the first one was the photo of me and Luhan sleeping during the movie, my head resting on his shoulder. There was hearts drawn all over the paper. I looked at the second one, it was me sleeping on Luhan's lap while he caresses my head. "Hey! When did you take a picture of that?" Luhan asked blushing. "Oh we took all sorts of pictures of you two! Just look!" Baekhyun replied holding up his phone. There were photos of us listening to music and they even did a close-up of our hands being linked. "It feels like we were stalked by you guys..." I said shivering. "Anyways it wasnt my idea! Im hungry too..." Xiumin said rubbing his stomach. "Then lets eat the applepie I made yesterday!" "Yay!!!" They cheered in unison. We sat on the floor and ate the pie. When we were done eating, Lay asked "Well, what now?" Everyone pondered on the question. "How about we make another version of Running Man?" Chanyeol asked. "But we are going to use the whole neighborhood!" Baekhyun added. We all agreed and we started making the name tags. It was all against all game so no teams but we can make alliances if we wanted to. When we were done making the name tags, we all waited at the frontdoor. Suho counted down from ten and when he reached zero, we all dispersed. Thus starting the game.

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!