Lets Sleep

Transfer Student

"Uwah! Someone call the nurse! I think the stitching on my arm undone!" I yelled. The 12 boys went running to get a nurse, while the 3 kids tried to stay calm. "Come on! Hurry!" I heard Luhan said. The nurse came in with a first-aid kit. "Miss___(Y/N), this will hurt so please bear with it." She said as she pulled out a needle and thread. The pierced my skin with the needle. I winced and nearly yelled in pain. Clenching my teeth, I silenced the scream. Tears weld up in my eyes as she continues to pierce my skin. When she was done, she rinsed my arm in cold water and said. "Done. Now I will put something over your arm and you wont be able to use your right arm, OK?" I nodded, wiping the tear I had in my eye and waited for her to finish putting the cask-ish thing on my arm. It covered from my shoulder to my elbow, so I cant even move my arm. "Im sorry, unni...its because I hid up there." Taegin said trying to hold back her tears. "No its fine, Taegin. Its my own fault! And Im glad you're safe." Not being able to hold back tears, Taegin bursts out crying. I gave her a hug and conforted her.

When she stopped crying, she followed me everywhere! "Omo! You're just too cute!!!" I exclaimed and gave her a giant hug. "Taegin changed alot thanks to you. And she's become quite attached to you too." The nurse noticed. "Really? How was she before?" I asked. "She used to be quiet. And will always look scared if someone were to talk to her." The nurse answered. "So just like D.O!" Chanyeol said. I laughed and walked back to my room. We played games until dinner. Using my left hand to eat was hard, after all I'm a righty. "____(Y/N), having trouble eating?" Luhan asked. "Yeah...I cant use my right arm so I have to use my left. As you can see, thats not going very well." I replied. "Pass." He said. "Pass what?" I asked. "Pass me your chopsticks! What else?" He answered, passing him my chopstick. He took my bowl and fed me. We overheard a nurse saying. "Awww, they are so cute! Too bad they arent dating." We blushed at that comment. "Unni! Can we sleep in your room again?" Taegin asked. "Sure Taegin!" I said as she crawled up the chair to sit on my lap. "Awwww, you three look just like a family!" Tao said. Finishing dinner, we went to my room. Sitting on my bed with Taegin curled up beside me, I watched the others as they played. I noticed that Luhan was writing in his notebook. It was a little early to sleep but I felt very drowsy. Tucking Taegin in beside me we slept.

(Luhan's perspective)

"Hey, ____(Y /N) and Taegin are sleeping! They look so cute!" Sehun said taking out his phone. "Didnt you already take a photo of them sleeping, Oh Sehun?" I asked. "Wait, what? Took a picture of who?" Suho asked. "He took a photo of ___(Y/N), Taegin, Soomyun and Yonggyeum while they were sleeping." I answered. "Really? I wanna see!" Chen said. Sehun went to his gallery and found the photo. "Awwww, they look so cute!" Chen exclaimed. She looked better when she was singing with the moonlight on her. Remembering the way she was singing and how she looked, I smiled and wondered why she was so afraid of showing others that she can sing. "What are you smiling about, Luhan-oppa?" Soomyun asked. "Oh nothing, Soomyunnie. Just about someone." I answered. "Is it ___(Y/N)-unni?" She asked innocently. I blushed and picked her up to my lap and whispered. "Maybe!" She smiled and whispered back. "I hope it was!" Then she jumped off my lap and went to play with Yonggyeum. Was I really that easy to read? I got up and went to my usual spot to write. 'It's really odd. Everyone just seems to know my feelings! Am I that easy to read? I hope ___(Y/N) didnt notice my feelings...' I closed my book, and saw that the twins seemed sleepy. Walking towards them, I picked both of them up. I sat down setting both of them on my lap. They fell asleep right away, feeling a bit sleepy myself I positioned myself and fell asleep.

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!