Finally cleared

Transfer Student

"Oh, (y/n). The meeting was short. Who's with you?" My mom asked eying the 12 boys behind me. "My friends, mom." I replied. "Well, dinner is in the fridge." She said walking back into her room. "Not a very talkative mom, is she?" Baekhyun asked. "Heheheh...She's always like that, avoiding me and all." I chuckled bitterly. "She'll warm up to you eventually." Luhan smiled encouragingly. "How long is that? I've waited nearly 14 years and still nothing!" I exclaimed exasperatly. "Can we still stay over?" Chanyeol asked. "Yeah, of course. I'll feel lonely." I pouted. "I wondering how you're always happy when you're all alone." Kris stated. "Geez...Isn't it obvious?" I sighed. "Nope..." The 12 members blinked innocently. "Middle school? Do I have recite the whole story?" I asked. "Please do! Story time guys!" Kai smiled. "Ah....So immature, fine." I smiled.

After 5 minutes, I finished my story. "Oh...So that's what happened." Baekhyun said. "Wait, I think I got it. But, repeat the whole thing again because I wasn't really listening." Chen joked making us all laugh. "Our (y/n) has gone through so much hardship! I'm sorry I wasn't a better friend!" Kai joked hugging me tightly. "Yah...Kim...Jongin...She's mine!!" Luhan exclaimed prying Kai's arms away from me. "Neh, hyung. It's your precious (y/n). But, we still get to dance with her for the Winter Dance which is on the next Friday, a week and 5 days from now, right? I really hate those fangirls." Kai asked. "Yes, but only ONE dance." Luhan stated. "So, (y/n)...Did you get a dress? I want to see it!" Tao exclaimed. "Sorry, panda Tao...It's a surprise~" I smiled. "Aww....Ok, I'm hungry...What's for dinner?" Tao asked. "Let's see what's in the fridge." I said walking into the kitchen. Opening the fridge door, mom left kimchi, a few slices of meat, vegetables and rice. "How do you guys feel about eating Bibimbap?" I asked. "We're going to eat Bibimbap? Yes!!!" Chanyeol exclaimed gleefully. "Yeah, yeah. Ok, you guys can do whatever you want; shower, video-games...etc. I'll call you guys when I'm done." I said rolling up my sleeves. "I'll help." Luhan said. "Thanks." I smiled and started cutting the vegetables. Luhan made the rice. "I'm done~" Luhan hummed hugging me from behind. "Ahem...(y/n)...Who's this?" A voice asked. "Mom! Uh...This is my boyfriend, Luhan." I said. "I'm Xi Luhan. Nice to meet you." Luhan bowed. "Boyfriend?! Since when?" My mom asked. "Since the second last day of my stay at the hospital." I replied. "Hospital? Why were you at the hospital?" My mom said looking terrified. "Why would you care? You weren't even there." I said nonchalantly. In fact, I was happy I went to the hospital. If I haven't went there, I wouldn't have gotten into SM and I wouldn't be dating Luhan. "Because I'm your mother." She stated. "Not to me." I muttered. "What was that?" She asked. "Not to me. All you did since dad died was avoiding me, like it was my fault dad died! What did I ever do? As a mom, you're supposed to comfort the little girl who's dad just died not frickin' avoid her like she was a time-bomb! So I don't think you have the right to tell me \who to fall in love with." I exclaimed raising my voice. Not wanting to listen anymore, I turned off the stove and stormed out of the room.

(Luhan's POV)

Sighing, I walked over to the stove and finished making the Bibimbap. I turned around and saw (y/n)'s mom sighing and sat down, face buried in her hands. "Uh....(y/n)'s mom? Are you o-ok?" I asked hesitantly, afraid that she will demand me to break up with (y/n). "How's (y/n)? Was she well?" She asked suddenly taking me by surprise. "(y/n)? Oh, she's doing fine." I replied. "Did anything special happen?" She asked. "Why don't you ask (y/n) yourself?" I asked. "I try but...It never ends well." She sighed. "Go talk to her, she needs it. For 14 years, you've been avoiding her. She had no one to talk to until the end of middle school." I suggested. "I think it would be better if someone she's close to, to talk to her first." She sighed. "So you admit that you've been avoiding her?" I asked. "Yes, I have. It's only normal that she dislikes me...But, it's too late to fix it now." She mumbled. "It's never too late, you should know (y/n) better. She will forgive you if you tell her the reason why you avoid her, she's that kind of person." I smiled ushering her out of kitchen. "I'm a horrible mother, aren't I? Even her boyfriend, that she had for I don't know how long, knows her better." She chuckled bitterly. "Thank you, Luhan." She smiled and left.

"You guys!! Dinner's ready!" I yelled. One by one, they rushed to the table. "Hey, where's (y/n)?" Sehun asked. "Clearing stuff up with her mom." I said through a mouthful of rice.


"(y/n)? It's me." My mom said knocking on the door. "What do you want?" I muttered through the pillow against my face. "I-I came to talk." She said. "About what?" I asked. "You know...I know I wasn't a proper mom. But, I just didn't know how to face you after the funeral," She started quietly. "I had all these doubts in my head, I didn't even know why. But, when grandma and grandpa told me about the thoughts you had about me hating you. I was shocked, terrified even. You reminded me so much like your dad, that I didn't know how to face you.So, I avoided you. And I know I have no right to tell you who you should fall in love. Will you forgive me? I'll do my best to talk to you more often." Mom asked. Tears filled my eyes, it was the first time she talked to me for so long after the funeral. "W-Why a-are you t-telling this n-now?" I asked. "Your boyfriend Luhan suggested me to. I'm sorry for judging him, he's a sweet boy actually." Mom chuckled. "Thanks mom. He is." I smiled.

(Luhan's POV)

"Achoo!" I sneezed. "What's wrong Lu? Caught a cold?" Xiumin asked. "No, I just- Achoo! Feels like someone's talking about me." I replied. "We all get that feeling, don't worry." Suho smiled. "I'm done my dinner, you guys place your plates in the sink when you're done." I instructed putting my plates into the sink. I walked upstairs to check on (Y/n). "(y/n)? It's me, Luhan. I'm coming in." I said opening the door. (y/n) laid in her bed sleeping soundly, I walked to her bed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Uwah!" I gasped as a pair of arms slithered around my waist. "Luhan...You're the best." She said hugging me tightly. "Thank you." She added. "You're welcome." I blushed caressing her head. "Let me stay like this a little longer." She mumbled. "Wait." I said repositioning both of us so, now that we're facing each other. "Good night, (y/n)." I said giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Nigh, oppa." Sh mumbled snuggling into my chest.


That night I listened to Luhan's heartbeat and fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart. Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!