Life is good...

Transfer Student

This morning was a miracle. One, I woke up in my Lulu's arms. Two, my mom made and stayed with me for breakfast along with the idiots. And three, it's Sunday, who can't love a Sunday? Munching on my pancakes mom made, we guessed on where Li Yin was going to take us. "Do you think an amusement park? Or, or, maybe a concert!" Chanyeol asked excitedly. "You children going somewhere?" Mom asked. "Yep, Li Yin-Noona is taking us somewhere~" Baekhyun replied enthusiastically. "Oh, yeah...At the hospital, an agent scouted us and-" I started to explain. "You became a trainee?!" My mom exclaimed. "Y-Yeah..." I said, scared that she might object to it. "Oh my! How could you not tell me?!" My mom asked. "Well I-" I started but, she interrupted. "Is there anything else I need to know?" My mom inquired. "A dance is coming up...I'm going with Luhan." I said. "And how about you 11?" Mom continued asking. "Going with (y/n)." They shrugged. "No can do." My mom shook her head. "Eh? Why?" Xiumin asked. "I want my daughter to stay with her boyfriend for the whole time, it's her first time to a dance with a partner. So, you boys find a partner." My mom suggested but, the boys looked terrified of the idea. "How about this..." I grinned mischievously. "What?" They asked. "First, everyone pair up and then I'll talk. Except Luhan." I smiled. And so, everyone paired up; Xiumin & Chen, Kris & Tao, Lay & Suho, Baekhyun & Chanyeol, D.O & Kai and Sehun by himself. "Ok, Sehun, you can sit out for now." I said motioning him to sit. "Now, between partners, choose the shorter partner." I said. And so, the chosen partners were; Xiumin, Tao, Suho, Baekhyun and D.O. "Well, sorry guys. You'll be dressing up as girls." I laughed. "Woah, woah, woah...Hold up. What?!" Baekhyun exclaimed. "You 5. Dress. Makeup. Pretty, pretty." I said, using my hands to make sparkly motions. "No, no, no, no, no. I'm not doing that." D.O shook his head. "Oh, come on. Would you rather go with a fangirl?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Good point...Hmm...Well, since it's your first time to a dance with a partner... I wouldn't want to miss it so, fine I'll do it." Suho nodded. "Besides, you already apply eyeliner like a girl. It won't be so hard!" Chanyeol teased Baekhyun. "That's not the point! I'll be dressing up as girl and dancing with you." Baekhyun groaned. "But, it's still better than a fangirl." Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "Fine...But, if you take pictures of me and claim I'm your girlfriend, call my parents that I won't be home for a while." Baekhyun said. "Why?" We asked. "I'll be in jail for the death of Park Chanyeol." He shrugged. Laughing, I started imagining the 5 in dressed and everything. "Well, we still have like...5 hours before we go to SME. So...Let's go shopping?" Tao asked, apparently not having a problem dressing up as a girl. "Sure, I'll drive you. Hope you don't mind squishing each other." My mom offered. "Mom, we crushed each other when we play football. I think we can handle it." I chortled. 

"Never mind, I take it back..." I gasped for air in the backseat. "Deal with it, hon. We're almost there." Mom laughed. We were in a van for 7 and we tried to fit 14 people in the van, that equals total suffocation. "Sehun, move your fat ! I'm crushing (y/n) 'cause you're crushing me!" Luhan groaned. "I'm trying hyung! I can't even move my arms!" Sehun whined. "Wait a little longer children." My mom hushed. Dealing with the pain of being crushed, we finally arrived at the mall. "Omo! I can breathe!" Chen gasped, when he squished himself out the van. "Let's go! We have 4 hours to get what we need!" Tao rushed. "You seem happy to be dressed as a girl." Kris noted. "Uh...Well, girl stuff are cute! And well...I thought it'd be interesting." Tao explained. "Well, first things first: wigs." I said. "I know a shop, it's on the 3rd floor." My mom suggested. "Ok sure, well see ya mom! We'll be back at 6:30-ish!" I waved and walked to an escalator. "You're in a really happy mood today." Lay chuckled. "If you can pick it up then, it's obvious. Isn't it?" I asked skipping on to an escalator while the 11 boys nodded. "Hehe, I'm happy for a lot of stuff~ Nothing can bring me down!" I giggled. "Not even me breaking up with you?" Luhan asked. "Ok, don't push it." I glared. "Ok, ok. Sorry, I'm joking." Luhan smiled. "You better." I warned. "Welcome! What can we help you today?" An employee asked. "Uh...we'll look around." I said. "Hey, Baek! This one looks nice!" Chanyeol exclaimed, showing Baekhyun a wavy brown wig. "You're having fun with this aren't ya?" Baekhyun grumbled. "Yep, it looks reaaaaallyyyyy nice though!" Chanyeol laughed, leaning over to put it on Baekhyun's head. "Ah! Don't! No, no, no, get away from me!" Baekhyun protested, running away from Chanyeol. "D.O, D.O! Look at this one! It looks nice, right?" Kai asked, showing D.O a copper brown shoulder-length curly wig. "Uh....Yeah..." D.O agreed unenthusiastically. "Ok! Then it's settled, we're getting this one!" Kai cheered. "Kris-ge! Lookie, I like this one!" Tao said happily, showing Kris a curly dark brown wig. "Whatever makes you happy, Tao." Kris shrugged. "Min, Min! Lookie this one! It makes you look like Wonder Girls' Sohee!" Chen laughed, giving Xiumin a long middle split dark brown wig. "Ah whatever, I'll get this one." Xiumin sighed. "Did everyone choose one already?" I asked, I'm holding myself a long black wig. (Who said I won't dress up my boyfriend?ㅋㅋㅋ)  "Yeah, we chose ours." The 5 replied, some sighing and others groaning. "Why do you need one?" Sehun asked. "It's a surprise." I replied placing my wig with the other 5.

After paying for the wigs, we went to the next step on the list: dresses. "Well, this shop looks decent." I said to myself. 'PROM BLOWOUT SALE!' Was printed in bold letters in front of the store. "Welcome! What can we do for you?" An employee asked. "Uh...we're looking for dresses." I replied. "Perfect! We're having a sale for dresses! I have one in mind that would look adorable on you!" The employee cooed. "Oh, it's not for me. It's for these 5 boys!" I giggled. "Ah jinja?! Let us help!" Another 4 employees squealed. Taking one of the pairs, the 5 employees took their measurements and ran off to find dresses for them. "Well, we'll just sit...I guess." Luhan said and motioned Sehun to sit with him. "Ah wait, Luhan? Can you do me a favour?" I asked, my best puppy eyes stared at him. "What is it?" He asked. "Can I dress you up too? Pretty please??" I asked. "No, no, no. I'll do a lot for you but, ​that is not one of them." Luhan shook his head. "Aww...Please? Oppa!" I whined. "N-No..." Luhan flinched because I used my aegyo and the word 'oppa' against him. "Pretty pwease?? Oppa! Buing, buing?" I asked doing my best aegyo act. Luhan averted his gaze quickly but, not fast enough. "Argh, fine. Just drop the aegyo act." He groaned, ruffling his hair. "Yay! Sehun, wanna watch?" I asked, smiling brightly. "Whatever, I have nothing else to do." Sehun shrugged and followed Luhan and I to the clothing stand. After 15 minutes, we ushered the 6 boys into the changerooms and one by one, came out fabulous looking girls.

"Never again, am I doing this." D.O muttered.

"Well, it isn't that bad, Kyungsoo.Think positive." Baekhyun encouraged.

"Baekhyun, thinking positively won't help Kyungsoo." Luhan sighed.

"I agree!" Tao agreed, flicking his cap up.

"It could be worse." Xiumin sighed, straightening his dress.

"True enough." Suho said.

" guys make me feel bad about being a girl." I chortled, looking at the girls​​ I mean, boys. "Baekhyun! You have to look natural! Don't act so fake! Cutie cute girls don't smile so stiffly and don't pout so fakely." Chanyeol scolded. "Why don't you try it and try." Baekhyun hissed, annoyed at the fact Chanyeol is enjoying this. "Hm...Maybe I will." Chanyeol grinned, dashing off into the clothing stand and came out with a dress, teddy bear and headband. He ran into the changeroom after swiping the wig from Baekhyun's head.

​"Tadah!" Chanyeol exclaimed, putting the teddy bear under his chin and pouted cutely, he tied the wig in a side ponytail. "​That's ​how you do it." Chanyeol smiled proudly. "Ahahahaha, Chanyeol! Stop! You're hurting my ego!" I laughed, banging on the shelf next to me. "Is that a problem? You barely show your girly side so, your self-esteem shouldn't be hurt ​that much." Kai snickered. "Still doesn't cover the fact that my own boyfriend is prettier than I am!" I chortled, gesturing to Luhan. "Yah! Jagi!" Luhan whined, rushing back into the changeroom in embarrassment. "Well, are we done? I would like to go back to my normal clothes... People are staring." D.O stated, shifting on his foot uncomfortably. The other shoppers, girls or boys, ahjunma or ajhussi, stared at the 6 boys. Probably thinking they're girls. "Yeah, go on." I waved my hands and immediately they ran back inside to change. And then, came out looking normal, making the shoppers dumbfounded. "I'm so jealous of you! You have handsome and pretty friends!" The employee squealed. "So, we'll get these dresses." I stated, taking the clothes from the boys. "Sure thing! Come with me!" The employee said. After buying the clothes, I checked the time. "Guys! We have 2 hours left!" I warned. "And I'm hungry!" Xiumin whined. "Come on, let's go eat then." Suho suggested. 

​After eating, we headed to the SM building where we met Li Yin greeted us at the entrance. "Nooooonnnnnaaaaaa!!!! Where are we going??? I'm dying to know!" Chanyeol whined childishly, swaying his arms around. "We're going to the amusement park." Li Yin said, patting the whiny puppy's head. "Jinja?! Asa!" The 13 of us cheered. "But, maybe not for the reason you think." She added, then climbed into the van without another word. "Wait! What do you mean?" Suho asked but, she already shut the door. So, we had no other choice but to climb into the van and drive to our destination.

"Come on, hurry." Li Yin urged. "Aish... Unni! Just tell us and then, we'll hurry!" I complained. "We're almost there.. Ah! Here we are." She grinned stopping in front of the amusement park fountain. "And we are here for...?" D.O asked. "To perform. What else?" Li Yin stated as if it was obvious. "Perform what?" Baekhyun asked. "Anything you want! Now, who wants to go first?" Li Yin said. "We will!" BaekChen volunteered with confidence. "Ok, break a leg!" Li Yin said, pushing them in front of the fountain.

BH: The person, I loved to dearly, has deserted me. And I am now weeping, holding my burning heart.

CN: I never thought the person I trusted would turn away. In the past, I didn't know. Really, I didn't know. Who is making a whistling sound?

BH+CN: Could you possibly find out? Would she not come? My heart is waiting in vain. 

​The two's voice captivated a huge crowd. Girls snapped photos and tourists videotaped. "Thanks for listening to our cover of 'I really didn't know'. Now our performance will pass on to our other members!" Chen grinned bowing to the crowd. "So? Who's next?" Baekhyun asked. "I guess, we will." Kai, Lay ans Sehun said. "We need back up though." Kai said, gesturing to the rest of us who would be doing nothing. "We need you guys to sing for us." Lay clarified. "Sure! What song?" I asked. "We're freestyling aren't we? So any song will do. Just switch it whenever we're switching dancers." Sehun stated. "Ok!" We nodded. So, first dancer was Kai. His dance was powerful and charismatic. It was so powerful that his snap back fell off his head but, he picked it up as if it was part of the choreography then, finished it with a freeze. Next dancer up is Lay. Unlike Kai's dance, Lay's dance was more fluid but, just as charismatic. He finished his dance by falling to his knees then, spun himself back to his feet. And finally, it was Sehun's turn. To change it up, we had Chanyeol and D.O beatbox. And did Sehun surprise us! Aside accidentally flashing us while doing a flip, he finished his dance with a hip- and a kick. "Yah, Oh Sehun! How old do you think you are?! You're too young to do that kind of dance!" Suho scolded. "Oh Sehun, there were children present!" Chanyeol whined. "Ahhhhhh! My eyes! What happened to my innocent Sehunnie?!" Baekhyun cried. "Whatever." Sehun shrugged. "Lets have to couple to a duet, shall we?" Sehun suggested and immediately, everyone pushed Luhan and I to the fountain. "What shall we sing then, (y/n)?" Luhan asked. "Mr.Chu~ ipsul wie chu!" I sang. "Ok! Let's go!" Luhan nodded.

You: When I see you once, I wanna see you twice more. When I see you two, three more times. I want to hug you even more! I want to put on couple rings with you and walk together on this street.

​Luhan: Even when I see you every day, I like you even more. Even when I pinch myself two, three times. It's like I'm dreaming, dreaming, I smile just at the thought of you.

​You+Luhan: Mrs./Mr. Chu~ On my lips, chu. Sweetly, chu, I lose all strength in my body. You shake up my heart, you shake me up. I'm falling falling for your love!

​You: Hey you! On my lips, chu. Every day with you, when I see you, my eyes close.

Luhan: Will you secretly come to me and kiss me again? 

You+Luhan: You're like my dream, you're my Mrs./Mr. Chu~

And to finish, we turned to each other and we originally meant to just stare or something but, Chen... Damn him... Being the troll he is, he snuck up on us and you can guess what happened. KISS! "Y-Yah! Kim Jongdae!" We stammered. "Bleh. Too bad." He stuck his tongue out. "We came here pretty late, huh? The sun is setting." Kris said, ignoring what just happened. "How about this? To close the performance, we perform together!" I suggested, slapping Chen in the back as hard as I can. "What shall we perform then?" Chen winced. "Something the girls would like..." Baekhyun said, noting the amount of girls in the crowd. "GG! I got a boy!" He snapped his fingers. "Thats what you ​would like." Chanyeol snickered. "Too bad! GG it is!" Baekhyun smiled and we had no choice but to agree.

Once the performance was over, Li Yin had something to announce. "Well... The performance was part of the reason why I brought you guys here. The other reason is to celebrate." She said. "Celebrate? Celebrate what?" Lay asked. "The 12 of you... ARE GOING TO DEBUT! CONGRATULATIONS!" Li Yin cheered. "Omo! Jinja?!" I said. "Yep! You're 1st Showcase is coming up so, you'll be making your first mini-album. Be ready!"

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!