Waking up and Meeting new Friends

Transfer Student

I woke up looking at a white ceiling. I look to my left and saw the IV needle and to my right was Luhan. Wait, what Luhan? I rubbed my eyes, I used my right arm to push me up which was probably the stupidest idea I had because that was the arm that was cut. I nearly screamed in pain but I held it in. I got out of bed, in front of my bed were the 11boys. Smiling I pushed the hair out of their faces and walked around. A nurse came in suddenly. "Oh Miss._____(Y/N)! You're not suppose to be out of bed yet!" She said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just woke up." I explained walking back to my bed.

"Excuse me, how long have they been there?" I asked the nurse. "Ever since you were brought in, that boy was especially attached to you, he was there when you were in the ambulance. So about 2 days." She replied. "2 days?! I was unconscious for that long!?" I exclaimed. "Yes, which was quite unnatural. The doctors predicted that you would be unconscious for at least 5 days judging by the amount of blood that you lost." She said. "Were they eating properly? Wait, 2 days... That means today's Tuesday! Did they even go to school? But if they are here now...That means they didnt." I started mumbling. "You are really worried about us even though your condition is worse..." D.O said rubbing his eyes. "Why didnt you go to school?! You couldve just left! Besides how would I know if you left? And were you all eating properly?" I started blurting out more questions. "You seem to be back to normal 'mom'!" Chanyeol said getting up. "Im not mom. So answer my questions!" I said. "Yes we did eat properly. And we played with the kids in the hospital to keep their spirits up! Other than that, we were always in the room." Chanyeol answered. "When can I be discharged?" I ask the nurse. "You all are so cute, I see why they are so attached to you, Miss____(Y/N)! And you can be discharged a week from now. We still need to run some tests to see if you are truly healthy." She asnswered. "Oh! ____(Y/N), you're awake! Hows your injury?" Luhan asked rubbing his eyes. "It hurts to use my right arm, other than that Im fine." I answered. "Lets call everyone up, I think they slept long enough." I said pulling their blankets. "A little longer, D.O..." Tao munbled in his sleep. "Tao-yah, its not D.O this time... Guess who!" I said. "Wah!!!! ____(Y/N)-yah! You're awake!!" Tao exclaimed as he jumped on me, giving a giant bear hug. Or should I say panda hug! "Ow ow ow ow! Tao! That HURTS!!!" I screamed as Tao squeezed me, crushing my right arm. "Oh sorry, ____(Y/N). I was just happy." He apologized.

Waking everyone, we walked around the hospital. Two little kids came up to us and asked "Oppa/Hyung! Is that the noona/unni you all came to see?" They all nodded. "Wahh!!! Unni! Your pretty!!!" Said the girl. "Thank you, whats your name? Im ___(Y/N). Nice to meet you!" I asked. "Thats Soomyunnie and he's Yonggyeummie. They're twins." Luhan said. "Luhan-hyung! Soomyun and I want to play soccer!! With Xiumin-hyung too!" Yonggyeum said. "____(Y/N)-unni can play too!" Soomyun said. They took us all outside to play, as I walked out. I noticed a little girl watching us in the corner. "Soomyunnie, you can go first. I wanna do something before going to play, ok?" I asked, she nodded and went to play with the others. "Hey, what are you doing by yourself over here?" I asked the little girl. "I-I w-wanted to p-play with you...B-But I-Im too shy t-to ask." She stuttered. "Sure, you can play! The more the merrier! Im ____(Y/N) and you?" I asked. "I-Im Taegin." She replied. "Come on! Taeginnie! Lets go play!" I said giving her my hand. She took it and followed me outside. "Hey! Do you have room for two more people?" I asked. "Sure! Who's that?" Suho asked. "Oh, this is Taeginnie. Come on, say hi." I urged Taegin. "H-Hi." She said hiding behind me. "Dont worry! We wont hurt you, Taeginnie!" Xiumin said. We played soccer for half an hour and stopped to go inside. Eating snack, Lay and Chanyeol played the guitar. I talked with Taegin while the others sang songs. "Hey! ____(Y/N) sing a song!" Baekhyun called. I looked around, there was too many people watching us. "Sorry Baek...Remember? I dont like letting others hear me sing." I said. "Oh, come on! Cant you be more confident? You have a great singing voice! Why dont you show it off?" Kris asked. "I wanna hear unni sing!" Soomyun said. "Me too!" Taegin said. Looking at their innocent eyes, I gave in. "Fine, but only one song." I said. Everyone cheered. Lay and Chanyeol played the song 'You dont know love by K.Will'.

'You said that I changed, that I dont mean what I say, that my Love has cooled but thats not it. Im just tired, will you let me go just for today? Why are you only thinking of yourself? Will you just be there even if I dont say anything sometimes? Is that so hard to do? Stop bothering me and let me breathe. Yeah~~ Oh!.' Glancing up, Soomyun and Taegin were enjoying the music and started dancing. Taking a breath I continued. 'You dont know love, you only know yourself, stop with the childish whining. You still dont know love, you only know yourself, do I have to say it for you to know? Thats not it, why are you being so old-fashioned? Thats not what I meant. I made you cry without even knowing, I know. Why are you being so old-fashioned? Those words just burts out before I knew it. What do I do? Please let me go this once.' And I sang until the end. Clapping startled me, when I looked up. There was a giant audience clapping. Not knowing what to do, I bowed and went to sit beside Taegin. "____(Y/N)-unni! You sounded great!" She exclaimed. "Thanks Taeginnie." I said. We all played for the rest of the day. When it was time for the kids to sleep, they came over to my room with their pillows and asked "Unni/Noona, can we sleep here?" I nodded and they all layed down on my lap. The 12 boys left to help the nurse. They couldnt sleep, they continued talking. "Wanna move onto the bed?" I asked, they nodded and jumped onto the bed. I sat on the bed and they layed on my lap again. Being more comfortable, they became drowsy but didnt quite sleep. Looking around to see if anyone was around, I decided to help them sleep and sang a lullaby. I looked out the window and stared at the full moon as I sang. Caressing their heads they all fell asleep. Then I fell asleep myself.

(Luhan's perspective)

I was walking back to ____(Y/N) room because I finished helping the nurses. When I got to the door, I heard ____(Y/N) singing. I peeked into the room, the three kids were sleeping soundly as ___(Y/N) sang a lullaby. She was looking out the window. The moonlight shined on her, she looked beautiful, her hair shining. She looked like an angel. "Hey, Luhan. What are you doing standing there?" I jumped as Sehun asked the question. "Hey, isnt that ___(Y/N)'s voice?" He asked. I nodded and told him that the three kids were sleeping in there. When the lullaby was over, we went in the room. ___(Y/N) was sleeping with the three kids on her lap. "I gotta take a picture of this..!" Sehun whispered taking out his phone. Taking my spot in the corner, I started writing. "Hey, hyung. What do you write in that notebook?" Sehun asked. Looking up, Sehun was leaning down and staring down at the notebook. "Just stuff, Sehun. Personal stuff." I answered. "Im going to the washroom." Sehun said and left. I got up and looked at the 4 of them sleeping soundly. They would be such a good family if they were related. I sat a the edge of the bed and stared at the moon. I glanced back at ___(Y/N), looking at her beautiful face. I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead before going to sleep.

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!