Makeover and A New Friend

Transfer Student

Sehun...Sehun...What kind of makeup would suit Sehun? I guess I'll do something simple. I dont think he looks good with alot of makeup so a bit of eyeliner and the rest would be just skin makeup. I put a thin layer of concealer and said to Sehun that I will be putting eyeliner on him so he cant move unless he wants eyeliner in his eye. Taking the black eyeliner, I placed a thin line on his lower eyelid and a thicker line on his upper eyelid and connected it to the lower lid. I decided to also put a little blush on him so he wouldnt look so pale. "Ok! I think Im done!" I said as Sehun got up and faced the crowd. "Wow, you did a pretty good job." Suho complemented. I smiled and asked Kai to sit down.

Now for Kai, I guess I'll do the same as I did to Sehun but I'll make both lids the same thickness. Finishing his makeup, it was Tao's turn. I'll make the eyeliner thicker and kinda make a wing out of it. Instead of a black eyeliner, I took a very dark blue. Next is D.O, I'll do it like Kai's but I'll make it thicker and smoke it a little. Then its Chanyeol. I dont want to put makeup on Chanyeol! It just doesnt suit him! Oh well... I guess I'll just do a thin line, I mean VERY thin line on his upper lid and done! After Chanyeol, its Chen. Again, I put on eyeliner, made a wing like Tao's and smoked it. Now its Baekhyun, I have a feeling that Baekhyun looks good with alot of eyeliner so lets test it out! Taking a VERY dark purple, I drew a thick line of eyeliner on the upper and lower lid and made a wing. I think I went overboard with the eyeliner but it looked nice on him. For the rest, I either put a bit of eyeliner, smoked it or made a wing. The crowd was awestruck when the makeup was done. Then they started taking pictures. "You did an awesome job! They almost look like stars!" One of them exclaimed. They do look like stars. I went to the counter to get a drink, I might also ruin the idol image if I stand there without any makeup. "Yah! ___(Y/N)-ah! Our punishment isnt done yet! We still need to do yours!" Xiumin yelled. I walked back and asked. "Who's going to do it?" "How about we ask one of the audience? I dont think any of us have any makeup experience." Kai said and everyone nodded. The person we selected was a girl named Minryeok.

Minryeok was a quiet girl around my age. "Minryeok, which school do you go to?" I asked as she did my hair. "XO high...1st year." She replied. "Cool! I go there too! Im a 2nd year and so are the others!" I said. "I know, I seen how the girls treat you too. I feel sorry for you." She said. "Dont worry about it! Im a strong girl!" I said. When she was done with my hair, she started doing my makeup. When she was done, I turned around and everyone stared. "W-What?" I asked blushing. Luhan dropped a kiss on my cheek and said. "I feel very lucky to have a girlfriend like you!" I blushed. "Oh and Minryeok-ah wanna be friends? We'll have lots of fun! And plus I feel a bit lonely without any girl friends." I said. "Hey! You dont like hanging with us?" Tao asked. "No thats not what I mean! I want to have a girl friend to talk about girl stuff." I explained. "You have a girl side?" Chanyeol asked. "Yes...maybe. How am I suppose to know?" I asked. "So anyways, lets be friends!" I said, Minryeok nodded. "Awesome! Lets go to my house!" I exclaimed, taking her arm and walking out the door. "Wait! What about the makeup? We'll stand out too much!" Kris whined. "We wont stand out THAT much! Come on! I wanna go home and play games!" I said. They sighed and followed.

Ok, maybe we DID stand out TOO much... All eyes were on us while we were walking. We heard whispers asking if we were idols or anything. "I told you." Kris said. "Shut up! I didnt think we would attract THIS much attention!" I said. When we got home, we started playing video games. "Hey, Minryeok. Wanna play?" Xiumin asked. "N-No its fine. Xiumin-sunbaenim." She replied. "Sunbaenim? Oh! You dont have to use honorifics! We're all friends!" Xiumin said cheerfully. "Yah! Park Chanyeol! You just killed me! Im on YOUR team remember?" Baekhyun exclaimed. I laughed and joined in on the game. "Minryeok! Wanna stay over tonight? Everone always stay at my house if they want to." I said. "I-I'll have to ask my mom about it." She said taking out her phone. After a few minutes she said. "My mom said yes. She'll be coming over in 15minutes to give me my stuff." When her mom came, she gave all of us an odd look and left. "You can take a shower first, Minryeok. Dinner will probably be done when you're done." I said cleaning up the mess Baekhyun did as revenge because Chanyeol killed him in the game. She nodded and went to the washroom. After cleaning up, I went to make dinner.

"Um...The shower's free now." Minryeok said coming out of the shower. "Oh! Im not quite done dinner yet! You guys! If you want, one of you can go take a shower now!" I yelled. "We'll take a shower later!" Chanyeol yelled back. "Here. I'll help finish dinner." Minryeok said rolling up her sleeves. After a few minutes, dinner was done! "Dinner's done!" I yelled. They came down noisily like usual. "Are they always this noisy?" Minryeok whispered. "Yeah, dont worry. You'll get used to it. Come on! Lets eat!" I said sitting down. When we're done eating, they all went to take a shower. "Ahhhhhh!!!" I heard Baekhyun scream. "Yah! Byun Baekhyun! Whats wrong? You better not be pranking me!" I called. "The eyeliner's in my eye!" He yelled. Everyone bursted out laughing and we heard Baekhyun yelled through the shower door. "Its NOT funny! It hurts!!" Still laughing, I said. "Baekhyun, first finish your shower and I'll help remove the rest of the eyeliner." He came out and we all started laughing again. He looked like he was crying ink! "Hey its not funny!" He complained. "Ok ok, Baekhyun calm down. Sit down while I go get my makeup remover." I said running upstairs. When I came down, I dabbed his eyes with the makeup remover. "How about we remove the makeup on all of you so you wont suffer the tragic that Baekhyun did." Minryeok giggled. "Oh! She laughed!" Chanyeol said. "W-What?" She asked. "I said that you laughed! I havent seen you laugh till now! You look pretty when you do!" Chanyeol repeated, she blushed. "Dont worry about him. He wont know that he complemented someone indirectly. He's that stupid." Baekhyun whispered to Minryeok. "Ok! You guys sit down so we can remove the makeup." I said. After removing the makeup, they took a shower. Waiting for each of them to finish a shower was boring...So I started talking to Minryeok. "Whats up?" I asked. "Nothing much..." She shrugged. She's been glancing at her phone for a while. "Waiting for a phone call?" I asked. "Ah no...maybe. Normally they would call me by now." She said. "They?" I asked. "My cousins who are twins. One girl, one boy." She answered. One boy and one girl...Dont tell me its Soomyun and Yonggyeum. "This may be random, but are their names: Soomyun and Yonggyeum?" I asked. Minryeok looked shocked and asked. "How do you know my cousins?" "I met them in the hospital when I got cut in the arm." I said showing her the cut on my right arm. "They were involved in a car accident and sent to the hospital. They were recently discharged right?" I nodded to her question and said "I got a call from them not so long ago." "Really? Are they doing ok?" She asked. "They're doing well!" I said. "What are you guys talking about?" Luhan asked putting his arm around my shoulders. "Just about Soomyun and Yonggyeum. Did you know they're Minryeok's cousins?" I asked. "Really?" Lay asked. Minryeok nodded and said. "Its late, lets sleep." I yawned and nodded. "Here I let you use my matt, I'll share with Luhan." I said. I layed down beside Luhan and rested my head on his shoulder. I fell into deep sleep to the beat of his heart.

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!