Dating and Discharged from the hospital

Transfer Student

"So you guys are dating now?" D.O asked. We nodded. "Our Lulu just confessed his love, guys!!" Chanyeol yelled. "It was so obvious that Luhan had a crush on ___(Y/N)! How could you not notice that?" Chen asked. "I had my own worries ok!!" I retorted. "You and Luhan-oppa are dating?" Taegin asked pulling on my sleeve, I picked her up and replied. "Yep! Me and Luhan-oppa are dating!" "Awwwww! You look like a family!!" Baekhyun cooed. "Shut up, Beakhyun!" We both said blushing. "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Everyone started chanting. Luhan and I looked at each other. "Will you guys all calm down if we do kiss?" I sighed, they nodded. "Its just a little kiss, Luhan-oppa." I smiled. (Luhan's mind: She just called me oppa!!! Omo!!! Calm down Luhan!!) He nodded blushing. He cupped my cheeks and gave me a little kiss on the lips. Everyone cheered. "Lets celebrate!! The (Y/N)Han get together!" D.O said running to the kitchen. Geez, it was just a kiss.

(Luhan's POV)

D.O made a giant feast JUST because we started dating. "Hey. ____(Y/N)! Look at this picture! You and Luhan are so much alike!" Sehun said showing her photos on his phone. "Yah! When did you take a picture of that, Oh Sehun!?" She yelled. "Are we going to do this every time someone gets a girlfriend/boyfriend?" I asked D.O. "Maybe! This time was really special because its you and ___(Y/N)!" He replied cheerfully while setting the food on the table. He called everyone over and we started eating. "Unni, sing a song with oppa! Pretty please? I like it when unni and oppa sing together!" I overheard Taegin asking __(Y/N). ___(Y/N) called me over and asked if I wanted to sing with her, I agreed of course. "What song should we sing, Taeginnie?" I asked. "How about Haru Haru by Big Bang?" She asked. "Taegin, that songs sad... Think of a happy song! Dont you want unni and oppa to be happy together?" Chanyeol said, she nodded and asked. "Then how about, Colourful by SHINee?" "Sure! I think it matches their relationship!" Tao smiled. "Ok! Its settled!" Xiumin said bringing her laptop.

'Colourful, colourful. Oh why do you look upset? The sky turns yellow, if you look at me again and smile (the world becomes blue again). A red alert rings from everywhere. I dont move at all and look around. Then from your minty smile (the world is dyed). The moment (that moment) our eyes meet (meet), my (grey) heart beats again (it beats red). In (in your eyes) your eyes, (the dark) me finds the light. Did I see wrong? The moment your hands touch, everything around me is dyed. In a world frozen white and cold, the moment I became blind. You make my life colourful. I think you're magical (hey!), I think you're wonderful (yeah!) because of you, my heart is colourful. In a world that was just dark, the moment I try to close my eyes. You make my life colourful. I can see your spectrum, my heart beats more than a kick drum and it goes like its on a slide. Be my favourite colour pink, give me your wink. Cover me with your colour, cover a rainbow, over that blank t-shirt. Put colour on top of the sunlit ocean, the scenery you've captured is warmer than anything. I feel you now and face the blowing wind.' The more we sang, the more we understood what Tao meant. I think he meant that the more Luhan and I stay together the more our lives would be 'colourful' or enjoyable. When we finished the song, Kai muttered something. "What did you say, Kai?" I asked. "Oh, I never told you guys this before, have I?" He asked. "About what?" We replied. "That me and Taemin are pretty close friends." We stared at him n awe. "Y-You mean Lee Taemin? From SHINee?" I asked, Kai nodded. "Omo!! Can you ask him to give me his and s autograph?" I asked. "Why dont you just enter the entertainment and do it yourself? You have the talent..." Kris muttered. "Fine! Lets make a deal! All of us will audition and if we all get in, we will all work hard to debut and NO turning back no matter how hard the training is! Ok?" I stated. "We're already going to do that! And its not a IF we get in, its a we WILL get in!" Chen said confidently. I looked at the time, it was late. We were all tired and went to sleep.

I woke up with Taegin curled up beside me and an arm around my waist. I felt someone breathing on my neck, I turned around and it was Luhan sleeping on the bed with me and Taegin! I turn my head and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, Luhan-oppa." I said softly. He rubs his eyes and said "Morning." He smiled then the smile faded. "Whats wrong, oppa?" I asked. " that we're leaving today." He whispered. "Oh...yeah. I forgot." I said looking at Taegin. We got up and went to the kitchen. "Good morning, love birds. Didnt bother waking us up?" Chanyeol asked. We blushed at the sudden nickname. "No, you guys could've continued sleeping while we make breakfast." I said calmly. "How about this time we all make breakfast together?" Lay asked. "Awesome idea, Lay! Lets go!" Suho said getting up from bed. We all went downstairs and decided to make pancakes. Baekhyun was trying to reach the flour that was placed on the highest shelf, he couldnt reach it! I giggled and asked Chanyeol if he could help Baekhyun. Chanyeol easily reached for the flour, annoyed Baekhyun punched Chanyeol in the stomach. Yelping in pain, Chanyeol threw the flour. Uh oh... This is not going to end well. In then end we were all covered in flour. "Yah! Park Chanyeol! Byun Baekhyun! Be careful! Now we're all covered in flour!" We yelled. As punishiment we made them clean the kitchen.

After a few hours, the nurse reminded us that today was our last day staying at the hospital. Taegin overheard the nurse and started crying, everyone tried to comfort her. "Dont worry, Taegin! I'll give you my address and phone number! You can call whenever you want, EXCEPT for when I'm at school like Soomyun and Yonggyeum!" She wiped her tears and nodded. We went upstairs to change and came down wearing casual clothes. "Thank you for taking care of us!" We said, I gave Taegin the phone number and address. We waved goodbye and left the hospital.

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 34: I love it author-nim and looking foreword to the updated chapter ^_^
Exofangirl68 #2
Chapter 30: Update soon please!!!!!
Chapter 10: hehehehe..
Chapter 9: hehehehe...Luhanand me...hehehehe....<3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Fanfictrainee #6
Cool story!