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Tell Me What To Do
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[ f l a s h b a c k ]

Sana looked at the time. It was almost 10PM and Dahyun wasn't back from work yet.

She looked at Yuta sleep peacefully, while Hana was still awake. The one year old was biting one of her soft toys.

“It's time to sleep.” Sana took her in her arms. Hana's small sharp eyes watched her curiously, she was comfortable in her mother's arms.

Sana caressed her cheek softly before starting to sway her, trying to make her fall asleep.

The baby yawned, closing her eyes slowly.

Sana couldn't help but admire how adorable her daughter was. Once she was sure the baby was sleeping, she put her in her bed softly.

She sighed and made her way to the bedroom. It was one more night waiting for Dahyun.

It had been several occasions when the Korean doctor would just ditch her family to spend more time working, even if she didn't need to stay for more hours. It reached the point where Sana seemed like an obstacle for Dahyun to do what she really wanted. 

And Sana blamed herself. Did Dahyun not love her anymore? Was she bored? Why was she just pushing her away like this.

They were living comfortably already, it wasn't like they needed the extra money that she got by working way more hours. Sana just assumed it was her way to spend less time with her.

It broke her heart that Dahyun was missing the  important moments of their children. She had a job too but she never put it before their family, she would go directly home to take care of the kids but Dahyun would never be around.

“You're still awake?” It was the first thing Dahyun told her when she got home.

“Yes.” Sana said. “You were supposed to get home hours ago, you weren't supposed to stay extra hours again.”

“I had to do a surgery.”

“Such a long one.” Sana said annoyed, crossing her arms.

“I'm too tired, Sana. Can we discuss this tomorrow?” Dahyun raised her voice at her, while taking off her shoes. Sana almost gasped at how rude her tone was.

“I'm so tired of you being like this.” 

“I said, we're going to discuss it tomorrow, Sana.” Dahyun looked at her, frowning. It was as if everything As a did annoyed her.

“No, we're going to discuss it now.”

“What's your problem?!” Dahyun spat. “You keep nagging all the time!”

Sana took a step back, suddenly afraid of the doctor's reaction. This wasn't the Dahyun she was used to.

In the middle of their discussion, the cry of their children waking up because of the noise.

It was like that suddenly brought Dahyun back and realized what she just did. 

“I'm tired of you.” Sana's voice cracked as she left the room to get the babies.



Sana had her eyes focused on her coffee, lost in her thoughts till a familiar voice brought her back to reality.




Sana looked up at the two women sitting in front if her. Momo and Mina had finally come back to Seoul and convinced her to meet as soon as possible. It didn't take too long for them to ask about what is going on between her and Dahyun, cause rumors fly.


“Huh?” Sana blinked. “Sorry, I didn't hear it..”


“I said, what are you gonna do now?”


“I.. just don't know.”


Everything that happened between them the previous nights, Sana didn't regret it at all. She learned her heart and body longed for Dahyun, but she still needed to be sure of not risking it. She needed the advice of her best friends.


“You have to do what your heart wants.” Momo encouraged her. “Dahyun made mistakes but, it was pretty much cause she thought she had no chance with you once you decided to ask for some distance.”


Momo knew Dahyun, she was her friend as well. She still remember years back, when Sana would talk about how hard she was crushing on the younger girl, and Momo would try to help to get them close. She knew Dahyun has never loved someone that's no Sana.


“I'm scared,” Sana softly said. “What if I everything turns bad again?”


She was scared of things don't working out again between them. 


“She won't let you down again. Sana. I know that.”


“We can't really know that, Sana but you gotta face your fears. Before you make a final decision try to talk to her, for real.” Mina said holding her hand to show support.


Sana bit her lip question herself if she should take the risk.



[ f  l a s h b a c k ]

“You look beautiful.” Her father said to his daughter. Sana looked like a princess in that beautiful white dress. “Your mother and I are so proud of you.”

“Really?” Sana asked. It was her father who was telling her months ago that it was too soon for her to be getting married, that Dahyun and her were still so young but now he had the proudest smile on his face.

“Yes, it's just that..” There was a small silence, Mr Minatozaki coughed trying to hide his eyes getting teary. “My little girl is getting married. I remember when you were a baby. So clumsy and also so smart.”

Sana tries hard too to not tear up, Nayeon will kill her if she ruins her make up.

“Are you sure of this?” Her dad asked her one last time and Sana wants to tell him that she has never been so sure of something in her life. She was to marry Dahyun.

“I am.” She whispers. “It doesn't matter if you say we're too young, I'm sure this is what I want.”

“Aren't you afraid?” 

“No..” She answers too fast. “Yes, I am but I'm going to be fine if it's with Dahyun.”

A smile appeared on her face.

“I'm going to marry Dahyun.”

“It's time.” Her mother walks into the room. “Everything will go great, honey.”

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40 streak #1
Chapter 10: Sana feels upset and ended up unleashing it onto Dahyun which caused her to do something with the new doctor, just a kiss hopefully.

If it was more then their fates would get even more complicated.

Sana's apology was sincere and hopefully it will patch up their Rocky situation they had about telling things to their children.
40 streak #2
Chapter 9: A fight is never a good thing. Dahyun though that they still had a chance only for Sana to shatter it. Hurtful words were exchanged and now relationship might be even harder to make it work.
2073 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
40 streak #4
Chapter 8: Dahyun knows what Sana likes, that is why her gift to her was perfect. Also Sana's reaction was very sweet and warmed up my heart.
Congrats on the feature!!!
40 streak #7
Chapter 7: The moment they shared might be a restart to what they had previously. Kind of like a new beginning.

At least Dahyun knows that Minseok was speaking the truth- she still has an effect on Sana and the other one has feels for the Korean. Minseok needs to visit them more to make things better, he is kind of like an advisor, saying the truth the way it is.
40 streak #8
Chapter 6: It is sad that Dahyun thinks that Sana does not love her anymore. Whatever happened between them must be very hurtful to both of the pair.

Though Sana still loves Dahyun, and not just because of their children or shared past and memories. Minseok notices everything with his careful gaze.
minalover #9
Chapter 1: so good
40 streak #10
Chapter 5: Dahyun and Sana will try to be a family for the holidays. The tension is in the air but they will make it work.

Dahyun's parents are so sweet and welcoming. Minseok probably is the same as he is part of the family as well.

Love the children, they are very sweet.

The last moment between them. Their feelings are so thick you can cut it with a knife.