Chapter 14

Its always been You

Chapter 14 (Amber’s POV)

I woke up early just to see this beautiful’s face.I caress her cheeks which make her squirm because it disturbs her sleep.I smile to myself.Today is our 4th year anniversary.I hope I could stop the time when I first met her.It was a beautiful moment in my life when I saw her for the first time in college.


I was wondering around the campus looking for my class.I’m a newbie who just transfer here.As I kept looking around,I bumped to someone.

“What the hell”.

I quickly apologise to her and help her to take her belongings whch were scattered around.While  I was picking up her things,she kept mumbling incoherent things and crossed her arms.

“I’m so sorry Ms.I did not see you upfront”.

“Of course you didn’t dumb head because you were too busy looking around like an idiot”.She reply while glaring at me.If looks could kill then I will be a dead meat now.

“I totally did not mean it.I was looking up for my class…”.I could not finish my talk when she rudely interrupted me.

“I get it geek.Goodbye”.And she just walk away.I sigh to myself and kept looking for my class.I still has another 5 minutes before my class starts.I took out my campus map and look for my class.While I was walking,I heard someone calling me geek.

“Hei geek.Are you following me?”.What the hell.

“I’m not.I’m just looking for my class Ms.”.I told her.She was the person that I bumped just now.

“You totally look like a creep stalking like that”.I took a deep breath.This girl is getting on my nerves.

“Excuse me Ms.I’m preety sure you listened to what I say just now.I wasn’t following you,I was just merely looking for my class”.I said sternly and walk pass her.But then I stop and turn to her. “Well you are not the beautiful either way for me to stalk you Ms.”.

After three weeks.

“Oh my look at her.She is so beautiful and hot.I would give my whole life just to be her girlfriend”.Not again.Just in this three weeks,I kept hearing the same compliment whenever they saw that girl.Yeah the girl that I bumped into when I was looking for my class.On the same day,I get to know that she is a year younger than me and we have certain same class.Krystal Jung.Everyone gets swooned by her.


“Yeah, damn can you not shout too loud.I think I will go deaf soon”.I told my friend Luna.

“Well you were the one who were deaf idiot.Lets go there.Krystal and others is waiting for us”.Yeah forgot to tell you.She is also one of Luna’s friend which also make her as my ‘friend’ and trust me tha girl just hates me so much.Whenever we meet,we tend to argue a lot.

“Ugh,can you guys shut up?i don’t know you both became cat and dog”.Eunji yelled at us because we keep arguing. “I hope you guys will fall in love and get married”.

“Ew,I rather marry a donkey rather than get married to her”.I scoffed.

“I wish the best for donkey will stay healthy and live happily after it get married to you”.

After three months.

“Stop it Amber.She is freaking straight.You seriously have to throw your feelings away”.I told myself while looking at the mirror.A relationship which started with hatred  is now growing to love and its seriously not a good sign.I have no idea when this started,I think its after two months we reconcile with each other.Since then,we have been a great friends.This feelings is killing me inside.

The fourth month

“How can Krystal agree to go for a date with that idiot?”.I was mumbling to myself while walking to my dorm.When we were having our break,a guy from the chemistry class came up to Krystal and asked her for a date.To my dismay,she agreed to it without giving a think about it.I throw myself to my bed and drifted to sleep.After few days,I abruptly avoided talking to Krystal.I thought it was the best for me to get rid of this feelings.It was almost a month since I avoided Krystal.As I was walking to my class,someone grab my wrist and drag me to restroom.


“Shut up.Why are you avoiding me for a months?”.

“I-I’m n-not avoiding.I’m just busy”.

“Busy my .I missed you Amber.Luna and Eunji is busy with their own private lives,leaving me alone”.She try to hug me but I move backward.She look at me while frowning.

“Please stop it Krystal,Serioulsy I can’t do this anymore”.I plead to her while tears were trying to escape.

“Do what Amber ?And why are you getting teary?”.

“Don’t act like you don’t know Krys god damn it.Even a stupid can understand this.I’m in love with you and this is wrong.You are damn straight that’s why I’m avoiding this feelings from me but its just not going away!”.Krystal look like she was shocked.I just cant control myself anymore.All my effort to lose this feeling all was invain.I was expecting a outburst but she was just silent the whole time.She silently walk away from me and stopped.

“You could have just told me Amber.How would you know without knowing my feelings?.Meet me at the rooftop at 11 sharp”.And she just left like that.

At 11 sharp,I met her at the rooftop.

“So……”.She started.

“Krystal,I just wanna stay away from you.I’m in love with you.Look,I know that you are straight and you don’t have to worry.I promise that I will try to let go of this feelings soon”.She looked at me with her emotionless eyes.

“So did you succeed?”.I was dumbfounded by her question.Succeed what ?. “I asked if you succeed in trying to forget me in this few days?”.I hung my head down and shook my head.

“I’m still trying Krys..I’m trying very hard”.I told her while I kept my head down.

“Then don’t try hard.Just let the feelings flow”.I heard her say.Wait?what?.I looked up and my heart stopped when she pull me closer and kissed me.After a few seconds,she pull back,leaving me in a daze. “I hope this shows how I feel towards you”.


Flashback ends

“Babe”.Krystal pull me off from my flashback.I flashed her my smile and kiss her nose.

“Good morning and happy anniversary my love”.I told her.She smile at me.Suddenly she crawled on top of me.

“Happy anniversary to you too my ever handsome girlfriend”.She kissed me and while she was kissing me,her hands were sneaking inside my tank top.

“Ooh,calm down my lady.Isn’t it still too early and I have some plan for today”.She pout at me and I kiss her pout. “Lets go out to eat and go for shopping”.Her eyes bulged when I say shopping.

“Really?Oh my are you serious?”.I nod at her.

“Why are you so surprised anyway?”.I asked her while squinting my eyes.

“Because you always sulked whenever I asked you to shopping with me”.I flick her forehead earning a glare from her.

“That glare doesn’t work with me anymore princess”.I told her.

“I wish I fall in love for a donkey rather than you”.She said whil she huff.I laughed at her remark.I pushed her lightly from me.

“Maybe you can ask the donkey to kiss you or make breakfast for you”.I kiss her cheek and ran to the bathroom.I heard a ‘yah Amber Liu’ from outside.After an hour,we both were at the dining room with Krystal sit on my lap.We were feeding each other.

“Don’t you have work love?”.I asked her while feeding her pasta.

“No stupid.I took an day off.How about you?”.

“Same here”.I kiss her nose which in return she smack my head.

“Yah stupid.Faster eat so that we can go to shopping”.She grin happily and also in sly.

“Why are you giving me that look Soojung?”.

“What look ?”.

“The look which gives me warning later”.She smile at me.

“Maybe now hurry up”.She patted my head and left me alone in the dining room to get ready.

I swear I would not suggest shopping to Krystal anymore.I was panting and out of breath.My both hands were full with shopping bags which everything belongs to Krystal Jung Soojung.

“babe are you done yet?”.I decide to interrupt her moment and she glare at me.

“Why do you have anything important to do?”.She ask me while her eyes were still on the outfit.

“I’m hungry babe.Like really hungry.Its almost two and half an hour,its lunch time and I’m freaking hungry”.She look at me and nodded while I heaved a sigh.We went to eat at her favourite restaurant and after that she decided to be good so we headed home.

After we reach home,she went to our room to freshen up and it was the time to carry out my plan.I locked our room from outside an thank god Krystal doesn’t have a spare key.

“Amber whats wong with our room door?Its locked and I cant opened it”.She yell from the room.

“Sorry love,I have a surprise for you and I can’t let you out from the room till the surprise is ready.So you have to stay inside for some time ok.I love you”.

“Yah Amber Liu!!ugh…you’re so lucky that I love you so much or I will probably kill you”.I bursted out laughing.It took me almost two hour to finish up the surprise.I slowly unlocked the door room and chuckled when I saw Krystal sleeping.I slowly creep beside her and lie down beside her.

“Babe….wake up…babe..”.I move some hair from her face and kiss her cheek.She squirm and opened her eyes and looked at me.

“So is your surprise done yet?”.She asked me with her hoarse voice.I nod at her.

“Yeah.So you have to get ready now.I placed your outfit for you at the dressing table .So please get ready fast”.I kissed her cheek and went out of the room.I got ready and waited for Krystal outside our room.She wore a red flaming dress which hug her perfectly.Merely her look took my breath away.

“Wait!”.I blindfolded her and guide her to the dining room.I slowly took her blindfold out and her reaction was priceless.It makes me proud to see her.

“W-what?w-wow?”.She was speechless.

“Do you like it? I prepare this for y…”.I could not finish my words when she pull and collide her lips with mine.

“I love it Am.How did you do this in just span of two hours?”.I smile at her.I decorated our living room and dining room with our anniversary and sweet words.I also prepared a candle light dinner with her favourite meals.

“I have my own ways.Lets eat.I’m seriously hungry right now”.We ate our dinner accompanied by sweet words and some teasing here and there. “Can I have a dance with the most beautiful princess?”.She nod at me.I played some romantic music and we both sway towards the music with her resting on the crook of my neck.

“Thanks you for being with me for 4 years Amber”.I just silently listened to her. “I know I was not a good girlfriend to you but you took care of me so well that I’ m feeling so blessed that you chose to love me.And moving in with you is something that I would never regret it”.She look up at me. “I love you Amber.I wish theres a word more than those three words to express how much I love you”.We both close the gap and kissed passionately.

“And I love you too.Thanks for choosing to love me and for fighting for me with your parents.I was guilty when you fought with your parents for me and moved out of your house but I guess its all worth it for our love”.I told her sincerely.

“So is your surprise over yet or not?”.She asked me while still swaying with the music.

“Yeah that’s it.Why?”.I asked her.

“Because I’m still hungry”.I looked at her incrediously. “Hungry for you”.I laughed with her choice of words.

“Then lets go”.I carried her to our room and locked our door.

‘I do love you so much Amber’

‘ I can’t wait to make you mine legally Jung Soojung’

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abokado #1
Chapter 30: this is the best taengsic fanfic I ever red...btw update please 👉😚👈
Chapter 13: What??? Unbelievable . Impossible hemmm
Chapter 11: Finally jujur juga
Chapter 9: Problem started
Chapter 8: Waduuhhh darurat ini sepertinya Taengsic hemmm
Chapter 7: Semoga hyorin baik yaaa
Chapter 5: What happened ?? Hemmm
Chapter 3: Wuuuhhhhhh rumitttt rumit memang taeng
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee, angry jess menakutkan wekakakka
Chapter 30: ahhh.. when will you update authornim??? T.T