Chapter 29

Its always been You

Chapter 29

“That’s all for the presentation.Thank you”.I bow down while the conference room echoed with applause after I ended my presentation.I took a sit beside Sooyoung and she gave me a little thumbs up.

“I’m very satisfied with the design itself Ms.Jung.I’m very happy to sign this contract with your company Ms.Jung”.I smile triumphantly at the success.Jessica stood up and shook his hand.

“Its our pleasure Mr.Liekerberg.My father would really be happy to hear about this”.

“Your team will start the project tomorrow with one of my creative team itself.I hope this collaboration will be great.As for today,my assistant will introduce your team to my creative team and they can plan about this project with them”.

After that,Eric and Jessica stay back to talk to Mr.Liekerberg while Sonya lead us to a room where the creative team were waiting for us.We introduce ourselves and I propose that maybe we should start working about this project soon so that we could finish it as early than we intended.All of us agreed so the creative team head,Erin and I decide to mix our team so that ideas can be shared.Almost 5 hours later,my team head back to the hotel after working the plan for the project.Erin and I make sure that everyone was satisfied about the decision and no favouritism were shown.As I can say,all of us were great in working together.

“Damn,I’m tired and I felt like my brain has been fried.The creative team are really full of ideas though”.Hyorin said while we were having dinner.I just nod while eating since I skipped lunch,I was starving.

“I agree though.How long do you think we will take to complete the project?”.Sooyoung asked me.I look at her.

“Are you guys for serious?We are here to eat dinner not to talk about work”.I huff out. “And to answer your question,by seeing how productive we are,I think by a month maybe without any glitch.

“Are you guys having fun?”.Jessica arrive at the dining table and Eric tagged along her.

“Yes.Please join us Ms.Jung”.Soon we were having our dinner.My phone beeped alerting me about an incoming message.

Meet me at the lobby after dinner.I want to take you out for sight seeing – Sica

After dinner, I can change my outfit and inform Soo about my going.I were talking to Sinb when Jessica arrive at the lobby.

“Hei beautiful”.She greeted me with a soft kiss.

“Hei yourself.You are look absolutely gorgeous Sica”.

“Preety smooth Kim Taeyeon.Come on,lets get out of here”.She take a hold of my hand,out of the hotel.

“Where are we going Sica?”.

“Nowhere.we are just going to take a walk.Its a beautiful night”.I gaze at her.

“yes it is”.She look at me and lightly punch my shoulder.

“Stop being so smooth Ms.Kim.I cant keep up you know”.I smile at her.

“Anyway where are we going?.We have been walking for almost 10 minutes”.

“I just found a park around here that I want to take you”.

We arrive at the park and it was mostly empty.Jessica let go of my hand and went to the swing.

“You know when I was a kid,my father never bring me to the park”.She said while swinging. “He thought it was a waste of time”.I look at her.

“So you never been to a park before?”.She shook her head at me.

“No,but I used to sneak to play at my kindergarden.Father used to scold me for wasting his time because he will be looking for me”.Her voice cracked. “I miss my childhood”.

I knelt in front of her and wipe her tears away.I hold her face and kiss her forehead.

“So do you want to be a child again?”.She scoffed at me.

“If that’s possible,I would really like to”.I smile and kiss her cheek.I stood and push the swing back and forth.

“Oh,Taeyeon what are you doing?”She let out a loud squeal when I push it a bit faster.

“I can’t bring your childhood back but I can help you build a new memory besides who said swing is just for kids.”.She let out a soft laugh.

“I thought swings were for kids only”.

“Well love,there is no rules saying that swing are just for kids.Aftermore,the park is almost empty,who cares”.She start laughing.We spent almost an hour playing the swing and some other things there.Before we head back to the hotel,we stopped by a ice cream parlour.

“I had fun today babe”.She smile at me.

“We did not do anything,we were just playing in the playground”.I furrow my eyebrows at her.She smile and leaned to kiss me,tasting the chocolate flavour.

“Maybe we did not do anything but I had fun.You help me to fulfil my childhood dreams and you were right,we don’t have to be kids to have childhood memories”.She kiss me again.

“That was tasty.Chocolate is going to be my new favourite flavour from today”.After eating the ice cream plus some few kissing,we went back to hotel.

“How was working with the creative team?Are you guys comfortable?”.I nod at her.

“Yeah,actually is pretty good.They are full of ideas and we work well together.We even decide to implement some changed in the design.So basically our teamwork is working perfectly so nothing to worry”.

“Good”.I walk her to her room and kiss her.

“I see you tomorrow alright?”.

“Oh yes,I forgot to mention.Mr.Liekerberg invite me for breakfast with him and he is going to show me around his empire.Probably looking for some future business to do with him”.She shrug her shoulders at me.

“Oh,okay.I guess I will see you later then”.I kiss her for the last time and bid her goodnight.I went back to the room and found Sooyoung asleep.I got changed and went to bed.

Just when I thought I could do this project smoothly,someone just had to ruin it”.By someone,I meant Eric Kim.

“He is so irritating Taeyeon”.Erin complained when we were discussing about the design.

“Yes I know,Erin”.He has been stucking his nose in this project.Eric was giving us orders and complaining how the design was not up to the proposal that I presented during the proposal.I were getting all agitated while Sooyoung pat my back wheneve she walk pass by us.

“Are you sure he is going to like this design,it so different from the proposal?”.Oh for sake!!.I stood abruptly from my chair startling the team there.

“Eric can I talk to you for a second,outside now?”.He follow me outside.

“What is it?Is everything okay?”.Wow serioulsly!!!

“What the hell is your problem?You are disturbing our work inside there”.I asked him.

“What you mean by disturbing?.I was trying to help”.I scoffed at him.

“Help?Guess what.You are not helping anyone here by complaining every second about the design.As matter of fact,you were annoying as hell”.He clench his fist.

“Excuse me?Did you forget whom are you talking to?I’m your HR head”.

“Of course I remember which why I’m asking you to stay away from the room.You are aHR head.You do not know anything about designing or trying fix it so that everyone will be satisfied about it”.

“I was just saying…..”.I cut him off and our voice were rising every second.

“ ‘If Mr.Liekerberg is going to like the design because its different from the proposal’.Yes I freaking heard you Eric.We are not changing the design here Eric,we are just making it better.I don’t think he is going to complain when we are making a better design.Thats why there is something called creative team”.

“I was just trying to help Taeyeon”.He argued back.

“Alright,first you are not a designer and you can help by staying out of the bloody room Eric”.I said.

“What is going on here?”.Oh ,great.I took a deep breath,it was Jessica’s voice.

“Nothing Ms.Jung.We were just talking about the design”.I told her.

“It doesn’t seem like it to me.Eric,can you follow me please and Taeyeon please continue you work”.I bow lightly to head and went back to the room.

“Hei are you okay?”.Sooyoung asked me as soon I stepped into the room.

“I’m not ing okay Soo.He is freaking annoying”.I whisper to her and I told her about what happened.

“Wow,I hope he learn his lesson .Dont worry Tae.Just focused on the project.Erin is waiting for you”.I nod at her and apologise to Erin for the delay.Almost an hour later,Sonya enter the room.

“Ms.Taeyeon,Ms.Jung wants to see you”.

“Uh,sure”.I follow Sonya where she lead me to a room where Jessica and Eric were sitting.Sonya left and Jessica gesture for me to sit.

“So Eric told me what happened.But I would like to listen to your side of story too before I said anything”.So I told her what happened.After I finished,she turn to look at Eric.

“She is right Eric.You are not designer and not all the design that we design is same as the one that we proposed”.

“Alright I’m sorry but I was just trying to be help”.

“And Taeyeon,you shouldn’t have to raise your voice at him.He is still your HR manager.Maybe you should have explain to him earlier”.

“We did Ms.Jung.Sooyoung and Hyorin explain to him about our doings”.Eric opened his mouth to argue back but Jessica glare at him.

“Alright,that’s enough.You both are in fault here.He had already apologised so you should apologise too Taeyeon”.I look at her incrediously.

“what?but I did not do any mistake here”.She just look at me.

“I know but we came here to work,not to argue about who is right or wrong Taeyeon”.I took a deep breath and sigh.

“Alright,I’m sorry”.I stared at him.

“Eric,you may go but do not disturb the team.I have other work for you,please wait outside”.He stood up and left.

“Taeyeon…..”.I held my hand to make her stop talking.

“I get it Sica,Don’t say anything.Can I be dismissed?”.She just sigh at me.

“Yes you are but I just want to let you know that its not fun playing peacekeeper between Eric and you”.I stood up and mumbled a ‘yeah’.

What a way to start the day……


a/n :Sorry,life has just been difficult.I’m trying to update as soon as I have time and I can.I wrote a double update and I hope it made up for all those months.And Happy new year.Please leave comment and I’m sorry for all those reader who has forgotten the

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abokado #1
Chapter 30: this is the best taengsic fanfic I ever red...btw update please 👉😚👈
Chapter 13: What??? Unbelievable . Impossible hemmm
Chapter 11: Finally jujur juga
Chapter 9: Problem started
Chapter 8: Waduuhhh darurat ini sepertinya Taengsic hemmm
Chapter 7: Semoga hyorin baik yaaa
Chapter 5: What happened ?? Hemmm
Chapter 3: Wuuuhhhhhh rumitttt rumit memang taeng
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee, angry jess menakutkan wekakakka
Chapter 30: ahhh.. when will you update authornim??? T.T