Chapter 8

Its always been You

Chapter 8

I bring Jessica for lunch at her favourite restaurant.After I get back to my room,I continue my work in my laptop.Suddenly there were an knock on my door.I internally grunt.

“Yes come in”.I told that person. “If you are here without any proper reason please leave because I have no time to listen unimportant stuff”. I told that person.

“should I leave even though I’m your boss”.A deep male voice startled me.

“M-Mr.Jung,I’m so sorry.I thought it was one of my team members”.I stood up and bow to him for a few times.He just chuckled while looking at me.

“Its ok Taeyeon.I was just joking.I’m sorry for your lost.Jessica told me about your mom”.

“Its ok Mr.Jung”.I smile at him.

“So your sister is living with you now right?”.I just nod at him. “Anyway back to why I barge in your room.Jessica told me that you and your team is currently busy with our latest project with our Jerman counterpart”.

“Yeah that’s true.We are still working on it to produce best result”.He smile at me.

“Okay then.Meet me at the meeting room in 10 minutes with your team member and your current progress.I just want to see the progree”.I nod and bow to him.I called my team members to gather in our room.We went to the meeting room together.I saw Mr.Jung and Jessica waiting for us in the meeting room.It took abou half an hour for us to present our current progress.

“Great.I like your team’s progress Ms.Kim especially the design sketched by Ms.Hyorin.I hope our partner will like this too.How long do you and your team members need to finish this project?”.He asked me while looking at me.

“We would meet at least three weeks because we have to settle some things in the design”.I answered him professionally. 

“Okay.Please do inform me after your team have finished this project”.I nod at him.I was going to exit the room when he asked me to stay.

“Taeyeon,I and Jessica is going to have dinner later.Do you want to join us?”

“Sorry Mr.Jung.I could not because my sister will be at home alone.I don’t think it’s a good idea if she is left alone at home”.I declined it politely.

“uhm.. Maybe your sister could join us?I’m sure Jessica would not mind about it”.Ok this calls trouble because Sinb doesn’t knows about our situation.I look at Jessica for help.

“B-but Mr.Jung….”.

“Just bring her Taeyeon.I’m looking forward to meet another version of you”.I have no choice but to agree with it.I excuse myself early to fetch Sinb from school.On the way home,I told her about the dinner and  she was excited about it.

At 8p.m sharp,we meet up with the Jungs for the dinner.

“owh,here is a  another version of Kim Taeyeon”.Mr.Jung said when he look at my sister.My sister bow at him and I look at Jessica.She look stunning in that white dress.I internally drooled when I looked at her.

“Do you have a boyfriend yet?”.Jessica and I choked when I heard his question but Sinb looked at me questioningly.

“But I thought unnie has…..”.I hold Sinb’s hand under the table to avoid her from spliing any things.She looked at me curiously.

“No not yet Mr.Jung.I’m still s-single”.Sinb looked at me and Jessica constantly.

“You should find someon for you Taeyeon ah”.I nod at him.The dinner was killing me and Sinb kept looking at me,asking for answers while she keep conversing with Mr.Jung.After two hour,we bid goodbye.

“Unnie,please tell me the truth.Why does Mr.Jung asked if you have a boyfriend? I thought you and Sica unnie is together”.She asked me.

“Sinb ah its complicated.I’m tired and I will tell you soon ok”.I try to avoid the question but she was just as stubborn.

“No tell me.I remember that you told mom that Jessica unnie’s family agreed to your relationship with her.and what is this now?”.

“I l-lied to mom Sinb ah.Jessica’s family don’t know about our relationship yet”.

“But then why is he so friendly to you just now?”.Sinb asked me.

“Its because he is the one that hired me.And he likes my talent”.I told her.

“Jessica unnie also didn’t tell anything to her dad?”.Sinb asked me.I smile at her weakly.

“No,she said she is still not ready Sinb ah.Thats why”.

“But unnie,its been three years”.

“Its not her fault Sinb ah”.It was Jessica’s voice who enter my apartment. “I was not ready to tell my dad yet.I’m sorry”.Her voice was soft and she hung her head low.

“So you and unnie lied to mom for three years!.Do you know how happy were she when she knew that you are dating her and Jessica’s unnie family has agreed to her?”.Sinb’s voice was much louder and she sound disappointed.

“w-we are sorry Sinb ah”.I told Sinb while my voice cracked.

“mom was very happy unnie but you were lying to her for three years.I’m so disappointed with you unnie”.She dash towards her room and close the door.My tears fell after what Sinb has said.

“She is right.I disappointed my mom for three years.I’m a disappointment for my mom”.I say to myself.Jessica hold my cheeks and wipe my tears.

“N-no babe.Please don’t cry”.I took her hands away from me.

“I’m tired Jessica.You should leave now”.I went to my room and close the door.The next morning,I was still asleep when I felt someone caress my cheek.Then I felt someone sleep beside me and hug my waist.I force myself to open my eyes and saw Sinb looking at me.

“S-Sinb ah….”.                                                 

“Ssh unnie,lets sleep.I barely slept last night.I’m sorry I should have not say those things to you”.I nod at her and smile.

“So are we ok now?”.I asked her .

“Not yet because you have to tell me everything that you hide from me ok”.I nod at her.

“H-how did you enter my room.I thought it was locked”.She smile at me.

“I have my own ways unnie”.I smile at her and took my phone to send text to Sooyoung about my absent to work today.After that we fell asleep.It was almost noon when I woke up.I smile when I see Sinb slept so peacefully beside me.I wash up and prepare lunch for us.My phone starts ringing and Jessica’s name flashed on the screen.I cut off the call.I’m not in the mood to talk to her.I was setting up the table for lunch when I heard Sinb’s voice.

“unniee ,I’m hungryyyyy”.I laughed when she whine to me.I knock her head and gesture her to sit in the dining table.She was eating the lunch happily.

“Sinb ah, do you wanna go out today?”.Her face brightens when she heard my suggestions

“Sure…sure..where are we going?”.She asked me happily.

“lets go for shopping,maybe amusement park and long ride.How does it sound?”.She nod at me happily.At 3pm sharp,we went to shopping mall and I laugh when Sinb was trying all the outfit.After 2 hours trying and buying clothes for her,we went to have some refreshments.My phone starts ringing for the umpteenth time and it was Jessica again.I sigh and switch off my phone.It was almost 8p.m when we left the amusement park.I felt happy when I saw Sinb was happy.We went to restaurant to have dinner.

“unnie,you still haven’t tell me about it yet?”.I heaved a sigh and told her everything that happened for this three years.She look shocked and startled. “can I ask you one question unnie?”.I nod at her. “Do you really love Sica unnie that much?”.I looked at her.

“I do Sinb.I do love her so much”.

“I hope you both will be happy but please don’t hide anything from me anymore”.I smile and nod at her.Sinb fell asleep as soon as we reach home.I tuck her in bed and plop myself on my bed.I sigh softly and fish out my phone to switch on it back.There was many missed calls and texts from Jessica.I throw my phone away and drift to sleep.

The next morning,after I dropped Sinb to school,I went early to work to avoid Jessica.But luck was definitely not on my side when Jessica was sitting in my office when I enter my room.I ignored her and went to my desk to put my things.

“Where did you go yesterday Kim Taeyeon?”.I sigh.

“I and my sister went out to have some quality time together”.

“But why do you have to switch off your phone”.She asked me.

“Because I want to avoid any disturbance”.I told her nonchalantly.

“Excuse me?!since when am I a disturbance to you?I just want to know how you are doing?”.She raised her voice at me.

“Well as you can see.I’m still alive and my bond with my sister has gotten better”.I raised my voice at her.Thank god that it was still early and there was no workers yet.

“I just want to know what happen between you and your sister?”.

“we are doing fine.I told her everything and that’s why I brought her out to have fun”.

“Why do I fell like you are blaming me for this?”.I scoff at her question.

“Do you even have to ask me that question Jessica?why don’t you ask yourself?”.I attempt to walk away but she grab my wrist.

“Answer me first”.I shook my hands from her.

“Yes its your fault.Your fault.If only you told the truth to your dad.I wouldn’t have to lie to my mom about us and Sinb was right .I’m a disappointment for my mom.I broke the trust that she was having on me.I just don’t know why am I still with you?”.I took a deep breath before continue “I think I’m so stupid or its just because I love you too much to break up with you but I’m sure of one thing.I’m getting tired Sica,I’m getting so tired of this”.I walk away from the room leaving Jessica stunned.


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abokado #1
Chapter 30: this is the best taengsic fanfic I ever red...btw update please 👉😚👈
Chapter 13: What??? Unbelievable . Impossible hemmm
Chapter 11: Finally jujur juga
Chapter 9: Problem started
Chapter 8: Waduuhhh darurat ini sepertinya Taengsic hemmm
Chapter 7: Semoga hyorin baik yaaa
Chapter 5: What happened ?? Hemmm
Chapter 3: Wuuuhhhhhh rumitttt rumit memang taeng
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee, angry jess menakutkan wekakakka
Chapter 30: ahhh.. when will you update authornim??? T.T