Chapter 15

Its always been You

Chapter 15

I was at the office when Sooyoung came barging into my room,startling me .

“Yah don’t you know how to knock?”.I asked her irritatingly.When I look up at her,she was panting like she was running for her life. “Are you ok?why were you running?”.

“I was just inform that there’s a new HR head appointed by Mr.Jung.Do you know anything about it?”.New HR?.

“No I don’t know anything about this.Who told you ?”.

“The whole office has been talking about it since this morning”.I was about to reply her when Hyorin enter my room to inform me about an urgent meeting arranged by Mr.Jung with all the head in the office.I nod my head and went to meet Mr.Jung.After I arrive at the meeting room,I realised that I was late for the meeting.All the eyes looked at me like I killed someone.I bow and apologize to them.Mr.Jung cleared his throat and everyone paid attention to him.

“Good morning to ladies and gentlemen.I”m sorry for arranging for an emergency meeting but I just want to make some announcement.I think most of you have heard of it.We have a new HR managed appointed to our company.Our ex HR manager have retired from his job citing health reasons…….”.While Mr.Jung was talking,I looked around the room to see any new face and yes I found…..him. “Let me introduce you,this is Mr.Eric Jr Kim.He is our new Hr manager”.Not bad he look handsome though.

“Good morning everyone.I’m Eric Jr Kim,the new HR manager.I hope we will get along well and please take care of me”.I mentally scoffed with his introduction.Mr.Jung were busy introducing all the head to him but I was checking out my y girlfriend.She does look hot with that outfit of hers.She caught me looking at her and we were having a staring contest.But then I was interrupted with Mr.Jung’s voice.I quickly stood up and give him a handshake.

“Mr.Kim this Ms.Kim Taeyeon.Our company most talented fashion designer”.We both smile at bow to each other. After the meeting,I stood up to go to my room.I have tons of work to do and I cant wait to finish it as soon as possible.

“Ms.Kim can you wait for a moment?”.It was Mr.Jung’s voice which made me stop in my tracks. “As you already know,he is our HR manager and the same time he is also my friend’s son.He is multi talented and I really hope you both will do a great job together”.I nod at him and smile. “And Taeyeon,aunty wants me to invite you for a dinner.Eric will be there too and please invite your sister too.Its been too long since I met her”.

“But Mr.Jung I will probably will be late since there’s some unfinished work to be done..”.

“yeah I know Taeyeon but you definitely need a break.So be there ok.I will see you later.Jessica please show Eric his place”.Then he left.I sigh and just agreed to him.Jessica kissed my cheek making me jump.She mouthed ‘don’t be late’.

I reached home at 6p.m and saw my sister doing her homework.I walk up to her and ruffled her hair which make her glare at me.

“Yah,I think you shouldn’t hang out with Sica a lot.You are glaring like her though”.

“So are you saying that Sica unnie is bad.Maybe I should call and tell her about it”.She smile slyly at me and I barely confiscate her phone from her before she got to call Jessica.

“Yah,don’t you like me being alive?Anyway Mr.Jung invites us for their house dinner later”.She pout at me.

“But unnie I already promised to Naeun that I will study with her later”.I squinted my eyes at her.

“I notice you hang with her for a lot of times.Is there anything that I should know Sinb?”I asked her and she looked at me like I’m an alien.

“What are you talking about?There’s nothing important.I just told her that we will study together”.Then she sat beside me. “Unnie,if I happen to like someone,you will be the first one to know about it ok”.She kiss my cheek and I smile to myself.

“Um,I hope its true.So I have to tell Mr.Jung about it.I better get ready.So do you want me to drop you?”.She just nod at me.

At 7 sharp,I arrived at the Jung’s mansion.One of the house helper opened the door for me.I greeted her and I saw Eric sitting on the sofa while having a heartfelt chat with MY GIRLFRIEND whom I believe ignored me.I was waiting for her like a statue so that she will notice but she just doesn’t even look at my direction.Annoyde with the situation,I went to kitchen and spot Amber helping Mrs.Jung.I helped them in the kitchen and when Mrs.Jung left us to set the table,I notice that Amber was sulking.

“Hei are you ok?”.I nudged her and she looked at me with a pout. “Uh,I preety sure that pout will work with your girlfriend but you look so ugly when you do it to me”.

“Unnieeeeeee”.She punch my arm lightly. “My girlfriend is like ignoring me since she met her old friend”.She keep whining which make me laughed.

“Who is her friend?”.I asked her curiously.She pointed to the guy sitted with Krystal on the other sofa.I just notice that there’s some other guy than Eric in the house.

“Who is that?”.I asked her.

“She said her old friend and its weird cause I know all her friend”.I just pat her shoulder and whisper to her ear.

“Not only you my buddy,not only you”.I showed her to Jessica’s way and she laughed with me.

“Girls come on lets eat”.Mrs.Jung’s voice rang which made us to scramble towards the living room.I got more annoyed with the sitting arrangement.Eric and my girlfriend sat beside each other while Krystal and the unknown guy sat beside each other so I and Amber has no choice but to sit each other.

“Ah Taeyeon,where’s your sister?”.

“I’m sorry Mr.Jung.She is busy,her exam is nearing.She send you her apologies”.I told Mr.Jung but my gaze remain on Jessica and Eric.Somehow their interaction shows they were something more than friends.As we were eating,I noticed Amber beside me was quietly sulking and not eating.I nudged her arm.

“Why are you not eating Am?”.

“How am I suppose to eat when my girlfriend seems more attentive towards her friend and literally ignoring me”.I look at Krystal and there were more close to each other.There was one point where Krystal serve that guy with meat whih was Amber’s favourite.Amber was gripping the utensils tightly.

“Amber darling,why are you not eating?is the food not good?”.That broke Amber’s tension.

“Ah,n-no Mrs.Jung.Its good,just I don’t really have an appetite.But the food is good and I will eat it”.Jessica was also totally ignoring me and she was treating like I wasn’t present in the room.

“Owh,I forgot to introduce them.This is Eric and his brother Samuel.Eric is working in our company as the new HR manager and Samuel is working in of architectural company”.I and Amber just nodded.

“Eric you are still funny just like in high school”.My ears perk up when I heard that.High school??.I and Amber looked at each other.

“I know right Jessica”.It was Mr.Jung. “he is still funny just like when you was dating each other”.I choked on my water when I heard Mr.Jung’s words.I look at Jessica but she kept her gaze on her food.

“Dad I don’t think you have to bring it up now?”.Krystal said to her father.Somehow,I totally have no appetite to eat.

“Why?I’m preety sure Amber knows you have dated Samuel before right?”.Suddenly a fork dropping sound startled us.

“Um,sorry.Its my mistake”.It was Amber.I look at Krystal,Jessica and Mrs.Jung sending their deadly glare to Mr.Jung while Mr.Jung send apologetic look to us.I just smile at him.So they both were our girlfriends’ ex boyfriend,what a nice situation.

“Somehow I’m not hungry anymore unnie.I’m sorry but can I be excused?”.Amber stood up and took her plate.I stood up and bow,bringing my plate to the kitchen.I went to the kitchen and heard her mumbling something.

“Yah whatever you were saying,say it loud”.I told her.

“I can’t believe that she hid it from me.We made a promise that we were never going to hid anything from each other and she literally ignored me when she saw her ex boyfriend.Is she freaking serious”.She was going to rant more but I stopped her when I notice that Mrs.Jung were coming to the kitchen.

“I’m sorry for my husband’s bluntness girls.But based on your expression,I think none of you knows about them do you?”.We just hung our head down.I heard her sigh. “I hope you guys can talk about it”.When I and Amber were walking out of the kitchen,I notice Krystal head was hung down and Jessica grab my hand.I brush it off and went to the dining room

When I thought the torture were over,Mr.Jung decided to have some friendly chat.

“Owh do you know that Krystal like to read romance books.She used to ask me to buy her books to read and she also like swimming “.And the conversation was going on till to the point where I heard Amber saying something under her breath.

“she told me she hated reading especially romance and she doesn’t knows how to swim.So ironic”.I don’t know what to do.When Mr.Jung offered me some wine with high alcohol tolerance,I and Amber reject it politely.

“So you don’t drink Ms.Kim”.It was Eric asking me that question.

“Eric she doesn’t drink.She have a low tolerance to alcohol”.Jessica explained to him.Somehow I saw him smirk at me.

“Why don’t you drink Ms.Kim?Because incase you didn’t know being able to have a high tolerance,whats the point of you being a man in a relationship.Man symbolizes strength and confidence”.Somehow my patience were at its limit when he try to sound cocky. “Anyway do you know that Jessica like to drink…..”.The next thing I did was to shut him up with my own words.

“Yes,I know that she likes to drink especially the red wine imported from Italy.She also like to drink Cabernet Franc and Nebbiolo.And I don’t think there’s any saying that says that being able to have high tolerance makes someone manlier.I think being drunk would not helo if you got into an accident and you died because of that.If you wants to know the reason why I don’t drink any alcoholic beverages,its because I value my life and I have a family and girlfriend to take care of”.The whole living room was silent and Jessica was looking at me.I stood up, “Look you may have known Jessica for quite a long time but I can guarantee you that I know about her more than you do”.I turn to look at Mr.Jung and bow to him. “I’m sorry Mr.Jung.But I have to go now.I have some unfinished work to do.I would take my leave now”.I went to grab my coat and I heard her Amber excusing herself too.

“I’m sorry Mr.Jung.But I have to leave now too.I have meeting early in the morning”.I and Amber.My phone starts ringing.It was Jessica.I switch off my phone.

“Unnie,are you heading straight home?”.Amber asked me.

“No,Amber.I would probably heading to the beach just to relieve stress”.

“OK unnie,take care.I would probably crash in my apartment with some soju”.I smile and show her thumbs up.I stopped at the beach and stroll at the beach at that night.

“OH MY STRESSS!!!!!”.I shouted and took a deep breath.

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abokado #1
Chapter 30: this is the best taengsic fanfic I ever red...btw update please 👉😚👈
Chapter 13: What??? Unbelievable . Impossible hemmm
Chapter 11: Finally jujur juga
Chapter 9: Problem started
Chapter 8: Waduuhhh darurat ini sepertinya Taengsic hemmm
Chapter 7: Semoga hyorin baik yaaa
Chapter 5: What happened ?? Hemmm
Chapter 3: Wuuuhhhhhh rumitttt rumit memang taeng
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee, angry jess menakutkan wekakakka
Chapter 30: ahhh.. when will you update authornim??? T.T