Chapter 7

Its always been You

 Chapter 7

Two weeks had passed since my mother’s incident.I brought Sinb to live with me.She is studying in one of the school in Seoul.Work load has increased since my team is assigned to lead the new project.I usually stay back till night so I usually go back late home.Sinb don’t really mind this as I always took care of her needs.She suffers from nightmare almost everyday so I asked her to sleep beside me.Well,my relationship between Jessica and me is going fine guess.She starts coming to my house more often because she doesn’t want Sinb to be alone when I’m not at home.Currently,I was in my room,designing some sketches in my laptop.Right then,Hyorin enter the room,I tear my gaze away from my laptop to look at her.Hyorin and I has gotten pretty close since the last time I dropped her back home.

“Hei”.I greeted her.

“hei.i brought some food since I guess that you are going to keep yourself locked up in the room like usual”.I smiled when I saw her rolling her eyes.

“well as a project manager,I ought to be responsible don’t I ?”.

“Yeah,yeah project manager ,come and eat this food before I shove it to your mouth”.I laughed and eat with her.As I was phone beeped indicating an incoming message.I fish out my phone and it was from Jessica.

‘Hei wanna go eat with me.I know you are still in your room’- Jessica

‘Sorry sica baby.Hyorin brought some food for me so I’m eating with her-Taeyeon

‘*pout. I hate you’ – Jessica

Okay.I’m officially doomed.When she say that,I knew that she is dead serious.I waa going to see her but I was so busy after work that I have to uphold that intention.It was almost 8pm when I reach home.After I reach home,Sinb dashed towards me.

“Unnie!”.She hug me tightly.I smile and pat her head.She offered to carry my laptop bag.

“What are you doing?”.

“I’m completing my homework unnie”.I sat beside her and she show me her works.I felt proud when she got all of the questions correct.

“Do you need help?”.I asked her.She grin at me while shaking her head.

“nah,its ok.Sica unnie helped me already”.

“Jessica is here?where is she?”.I asked her surprisingly.She pointed towards the kitchen.

“unnie is cooking dinner for us”.I smiled at her and went to find her.I back hug her and she broke the hug and looked away.I went to her and turn her around to face me.

“Baby,I miss you”.I cup her cheeks to kiss her but she push me away.I heaved a sigh. “so are you going to tell me what did I do?”.

“Ask yourself idiot”.I scoff at her.I grab her wrist and trap her near the fridge.

“why would I ask you if I know”.I took her hand and kissed her.

“Let me go before I punch you”.I smirk at her.

“Oh yeah,go ahead and I will scream and Sinb will dash here”.She glare at me. “Please baby ,tell me what I did so that I can fix here”.She mumble something which I can’t deter. “You got to speak up baby”.I caress her cheek.

“I said I don’t like that Hyorin and how you ignored me today to have lunch with her”.She pout at me.I kiss her pout.

“I didn’t ignore you.She brought lunch for me and I cannot say no to her.And I want to find you after lunch but I was busy so I forgot about it.I’m sorry”.I said to her.But she crossed her arms and glare at me.

“I still don’t like how she act clingy with you everytime I look at both of you.Ugh,seriously I felt like want to fired her”.She said which shocked me.I shook my head at her.

“Sica,you cant take action based on your emotions.Its not good moreover when you are a boss of a big company.”.

“I know,but…I’m jealous of her and how you treat her.If anyone saw you two,they will definitely think you guys are in a relationship”.She bury her face on my neck because of embarrassment.I kiss her forehead.

“No matter what people says,you know that you are the only one for me right?”.She nod her head and hug me. “Since its settled,can you kiss me now?I’m deprieved of your kiss for 8 hours”.She chuckled me and kiss me amorously.

“Unnie,stop kissing each other.I’m hungry!”.Sinb’s loud voice broke our kiss with us panting.We look at each other and laughed.Soon all of us gathered at the dining table.

“so how is school going Sinb ah?”.I asked her while eating.

“yeah,its going great.I have found some friends.They are so good to me”.She smile widely at me.

“Good but focus on your studies ok”.i reminded her.

“Of course.I want to make you and mom proud”.I smile at her.It was 10pm and Sinb bid goodbye to us so that she can sleep.I sat on the couch with Jessica lying on my lap.i was looking at some of the sketches send by others.Right then,my phone beeped and I ask Jessica to look at my phone.But then she threw the phone to my laptop which startled me.

“Yah!my phone!?”.I yell at her. “why do you have to throw my phone like that!?”.I asked her.

“well your new girlfriend just texted you!”.She yell and went to my room,slamming the door in the process.I frown and looked at my phone.It was a text from Hyorin.I close my laptop and went to my room.I enter the room and saw her lying down on the other side of the bed

“Seriously my new girlfriend”.I went and lay beside her. “since when do I have a new girlfriend?”.Jessica remain silent. “Jessica,are you going to be angry and jealous for no reason.She just text me to call her to ask me about the design.So you don’t have to worry”.I make her turn around and looked at her.

“But why does she have to call you in this hour”.I shrug my shoulders.

“why don’t we ask her uh”.I smile and took my phone to call her.

“hei Hyorin.I just saw your text.Whats wrong?”.I asked her.

“Sorry Tae,did I disturb you”.I was about to answer her but I saw Jessica took her shirt off.I gulped when I saw her body.She was just wearing her bra.Hyorin’s voice broke my thoughts.

“Oh s-sorry.No,I’m still a-awake”.I’m literaly dead when she took off her pants and just stood in her lingerie.

“Sica what are you doing?”.I mouthed at her but she just gave me a naughty smirk and advance towards me.I scoot away from her but she pull my collar,closer to her.

“No I just want to know if you are free tomorrow”.Hyorin told me.

“W-why”.I stifle a moan when Jessica blew air to my ear and nip it.She my earlobe.I push her away which made her pout.

“I want to discusss about the project”.Jessica didn’t stop her administration and dove to my neck.She kiss my neck down to my throat.Placing short and hot kisses around my throat.

“B-but we-we can discuss it tomorrow.S-sorry Hyo,I c-cannot meet y-you”.Jessica mouthed at me ‘hang up now’.Then she my neck hard which makes me moan.

“Tae are you ok?you sounds breathless”.She asked me.I accidentally moaned again when Jessica ravaged my thoat and keep it,surely leaving a mark there.

“S-sorry Hyo,I get to go.Bye”.I hang up and glare at Jessica who just smile innocently at me.

“what do you think you are doing?”.I asked her.She trace the mark that she left .

“well just ,marking what’s mine”.

“Yeah right,it was embarrassing to know that someone hear my moan”.

“Well,its your fault for being a flirt”.She told me.

“Yah!.I’m not a flirt ok.and Hyorin know that I have a girlfriend”.I told her.

“Well I don’t care”.She told me.I glare at her.

“well I do.Since your mark what’s yours.Its my time to mark what’s mine”.I rub my hands together and grin at her.

“No!Tae no!.dont come near me.I have a meeting tomorrow.Aah!”.She yelped when I push her down to the bed with me hovering on top of her.

“Well I DON’T CARE”.I pin her down and start marking her.This is going to be a long night.

Next morning,Jessica kept sulking at me throughout breakfast.She was sulking because I mark her in too many places and she have a meeting today.

“unnie,are you ok?.I saw you sulking since just now”.I chuckled at my sister’s question.Jessica glare at me and elbowed me in my ribs.

“Nothing Sinb ah.Get ready,I will drop you to school”.I told her.She gobbled down her breakfast and ran to her room to get ready. “stop sulking baby”.I told her.She just went s away.I smile at her.After I got ready,Sinb was waiting for me outside.I went to Jessica and back hug her.

“Baby,I’m leaving now ok”.I pout when she give me no response. “Lock the door ok.I will meet you in office.I love you”.I kiss her cheeks.I broke the hug and walk away but then she grab my hand.

“Where is my kiss?”.She jutted her lips at me.I smile at her and pull her to kiss her.I kiss her while she put her arms around my neck.After a minute,we broke our kiss.I press our forehead together,panting to catch breath.I kiss her forehead and bid her goodbye. Soon, I reached the office and Hyorin greeted me at the entrance of my office, carrying breakfast. ‘Oh my gosh, not again!. Sica is going to kill me if she saw this.’

“Hyorin, what are you doing here?”. I asked her. She gave me a sly smirk.

“Well, project manager I brought you breakfast”. I were so unlucky because when she pass me the breakfast, Jessica appeared out of no where. ‘I’m doomed’

“Ms. Kim what are you still doing outside your office when its already past 8a.m.?. I thought work starts at 8 sharp?”. She stare at me and then she diverted her stare to Hyorin. “How about you Ms. Hyorin? Why are you waiting in front of Ms. Kim office, do you have anythings to deal with her?”. She sent her death glare at her. Hyorin gulped when she saw that stare.

“ No Ms. Jung. I’m on my way now”. She pass me the food and dash towards her cubicle. Jessica push my shoulder and went into my room while gesturing with her finger to enter the room.

“So, what did she give you today?”.Her voice send shiver down to my spine.

“N-no.Sica please stop being jealous.You know that she is just being friendly towards me”.I stutter when I saw her face. “W-what if I bring you for lunch today in your favourite restaurant?”.I asked her.Her face brightens when she heard my suggestion.She walk towards me and my shin seductively.

“ok,I agree to that.Better don’t forget about it because I will kill you and you will probably will be sleeping on the couch tonight”.I shook my head furiously.That’s something that I don’t want to happen.She kiss me and wave to me goodbye.I sigh and took a sit on my chair.Its going to be a long day.


a/n:I’m sorry for this quite lame update.And I wil probably can’t update as fast as I usual does.Assignments is draining my energy to the max.Blame school for exhausting me.Sorry…..


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abokado #1
Chapter 30: this is the best taengsic fanfic I ever red...btw update please 👉😚👈
Chapter 13: What??? Unbelievable . Impossible hemmm
Chapter 11: Finally jujur juga
Chapter 9: Problem started
Chapter 8: Waduuhhh darurat ini sepertinya Taengsic hemmm
Chapter 7: Semoga hyorin baik yaaa
Chapter 5: What happened ?? Hemmm
Chapter 3: Wuuuhhhhhh rumitttt rumit memang taeng
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee, angry jess menakutkan wekakakka
Chapter 30: ahhh.. when will you update authornim??? T.T