Chapter 28

Its always been You

Chapter 28

I was waiting for Jessica at the airport.We are leaving to States for the project.As predicted,Jessica couldn’t stay for too long since she has work here.She will only be with me for a week until the project presentation.

“unnie,Sooyoung unnie and Fany is here”.Sinb pointed at the couple who were approaching me.

“Hei guys”.I greeted them and Fany hug me tightly.

“Taeyeon ah,please take care of this kiddo here and make sure she don’t get in trouble alright?”.She said to me.

“I will try my best”.I wink at her.

“Yah,I’m still here you know and I can hear you perfectly”.Sooyoung whine at us.

“Soo,why are showing fany your horrible puppy eyes”.She rolled eyes at me.

“She is just jealous since Jessica is coming with you but she will be all alone”.Fany replied and kissed her cheek.

“Aw,choding.Dont worry.I would not leave you alone.I will accompany you the entire time”.

“Um,no thanks shortie.I don’t want to be third wheel on your dates”.Sooyoung make fake gagging motions at me.

“I don’t think there will be any dates Soo”.I frown at her.

“Jessica,our boss and your girlfriend will be coming with us….”.

“Yes,she will be coming only for a week Soo.She has work to do here so stop whining”.I cut Sooyoung’s talk.

“Omo,really I’m so sorry for you”.She widen her eyes and throw her arms around me.I push her away when I heard Jessica’s voice.

“What did I miss?”.I saw her furrowing her eyebrow at us.

“Nothing,Sooyoung just being herself as usual and by usual I mean annoying”.I roll her eyes at her and went to hug Jessica. “Why took you so long?”.

“Sorry,I was finishing some paperwork at office.Anyway there is something you need to know?”.I broke the hug and look at her.

“What is it?Is everything okay?”.I heard annoying gasp from Sooyoung from behind me and I turn behind to look at that person.

“What is he doing here?”.I ask while looking at Jessica.

“Sorry but father insists for him to come so that he can be my substitute during my absence.In my defense,I only know  about it this morning.So can you please just handle it,please?”.I sigh heavily and just nod at her.

“Good morning Mr.Eric”.I bow to him and he just nod his head at me.

“Unnie,look what fany unnie bought for me!”.Sinb showed me a gift that Tiffany bought for her.

“fany ah,stop spoiling her too much.She is already spoiled by everyone here”.Sinb just roll her eyes at me.

“Oh wow,you guys are like a family here”.It was him.

“Yes we are, Eric since Taeyeon is my girlfriend so we are a family”.Soon the announcement was made for the flight.I turn to Tiffany and hug her.

“Please take care of Sinb for me and thank you”.I wince when she hit my head lightly.

“Yah,she is also my sister incase you forgot about it.I will take care of her Taeyeon,don’t worry”.Sooyoung pushed me away and wrap her arms around Tiffany.I hug Sinb and whisper to her.

“Take care of yourself dongsaeng.I will be back soon.And don’t take advantage of Tiffany’s kindness”.She just nod at me and kiss my cheek at approval.

“take care unnie”

After hugging everyone and Sooyoung’s annoying whining,we board the flight.I sat beside Sooyoung since Jessica and Eric sat beside each other.I was completing the proposal plan for the presentation while Sooyoung felt asleep after awhile.I look out of the window and saw the beautiful blue skies.Soon I succumb to my exhaustion.

“Taeyeon ah wake up.We are 10 minutes away”.I open my eyes to Sooyoung’s voice.I rub my eyes at her and yawned.I swat Sooyoung’s hand when she pinch my cheeks.

“Aw,you are so cute Tae”.

“Shut up Soo”.I turn to look at Jessica but she was busy talking to Eric about something.

After we landed,we met with representative from the Liekerberg Industry.

“Good afternoon Ms.Jung.My name is Sonya.I’m Mr.Liekerberg’s assistant.Mr Liekerberg send his apologies of not being able to meet you but I will be escorting your team and you to the hotel”.

“Its alright Ms.Sonya.Dont worry about it”.I stood beside Jessica while she greeted/

“Oh,Ms Jung,just Sonya will be good.So shall we go to the hotel now?”.

“Sure,please lead the way”.We were accomadated to a very luxurious hotel.

“Ms.Jung please make yourself comfortable.This hotel belongs to Mr.Liekerberg.The attendees will show the rooms”.

“Thank you Sonya.I really appreciate it”.

“Its our pleasure Ms.Jung.Um,if its alright with you Mr.Liekerberg wants to meet the person in charge for the plan with you”.That is my cue.

“Owh yes sure.This is Kim Taeyeon.She is my assistant for this project and the design were by her too”.I shook her hand.

“I’m Kim Taeyeon.Nice to meet you Sonya and it will be my honour to meet Mr.Liekerberg”.

“Its my pleasure Ms.Kim.Thats fantastic,I will inform Mr.Liekerberg about this and maybe we can meet over for dinner”.I just nod at her.

“Sorry to interrupt but I guess Ms Jung forgot to introduce me.My name is Eric Kim.I work with Jessica”.Sonya just smile at her while I sigh at his antics.

“I will take my leave now Ms.Jung.I will contact you as soon as I have Mr.Liekerberg’s word”.She left and we were guided to our room.I have the same room with Sooyoung while Jessica’s room was beside mine.Thank god,Eric’s room were far from me.Sooyoung passed out after eating lunch.I was arranging our clothes in the closet when my phone beep an incoming message .It was Jessica asking me to come to her room.I left a note for Sooyoung and I send a text to Fany about our arrival.

“Hei”.I step to her room and she was lying on her back.She tap the other side of the bed for me to join.I lied beside her and she quickly snuggle up to me.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t sit with you during the flight”.

“Its alright Sica.Can we sleep?.I’m just tired and Sooyoung fell asleep soon after lunch”.She just nod at me.Soon after wrapping herself around me,we both fell asleep.

I woke up when I heard Jessica speaking to someone,probably on her phone.I slowly opened my eyes and look at her.She turn around and smile at me.

“Hei,good evening.I was about to wake you up”.I propped  myself on my arm and look at her.

“What’s up?”

“It was Sonya.She said Mr.Liekerberg agree to meet us over for dinner.She will be here to fetch us in an hour”.I huff in sigh. “What’s wrong?Are you okay?”She ask me while caressing my cheek.

“Nothing,I’m just tired and exhausted…..why are you looking at me like that?”.She just shook her head and look at me.

“Nothing you are just beautiful”.I chuckle at her.

“That was smooth Ms.Jung,very smooth”.I kiss her lips softly.

“I was just telling the truth.I mean who else will compliment you if its not me huh”.

“No one,I can assure you that”.I close the distance between us and we engage in heavy make out session.

“I thought you were tired and exhausted?”.She ask while I kiss her neck,leaving her breathless.

“Just now,not anymore”.I connected our lips again.We broke apart when Jessica starts vibrating.I groan out aloud.

“Easy there tiger.Its probably my dad,asking about our travels”.She kiss my cheek. “And  you need to get ready for our meeting later babe”.

“Yeah,I almost forgot about it.Do I have to bring anything for the meeting?”.

“Just the gorgeous yourself is enough”.

“Alright sweet talker and please answer the phone.I will see you later.I love you”.I kiss her cheek.

“Love you too”.I walk out of the room and softly knock on my door.I walk in and heard the shower sound.After a few moments,Sooyoung walk out all dressed.

“Hei,did you sleep with your girlfriend yet?”.She ask me teasing and I roll my eyes at her.

“Yeah Soo,we slept with clothes on and arms wrapped around each other”.

“You are boring Taeyeon”.

“Whatever Soo.Will you be alright for an hour or two alone?Jessica and I has a dinner meeting with Mr.Liekerberg”.

“Sure.I will just do something to pass some time.Or I will just call Tiffany for company”.Oh yeah.

“I just send a text to fany about our arrival.I should call in to check about Sinb”.I took my phone to dial when she stop me.

“yah,are you insane?They are probably still sleeping there.We can call later.You should get ready for the dinner”.I just nod at her and got ready.I exited the room and went to the living room.I found Jessica and Sooyoung talking to each other.

“Hei.You look beautiful”.I greeted her and she peck my cheek.

“So do you smooth talker”.I smile at her.

“Sooyoung you will be fine right”.

“Yah,seriously.You are worse than Tiffany.I can take care of myself.I’m going to spend time with our team.You should just focus on impressing Mr.Liekerberg”.

“Geez,don’t be sulky Soo”.I pinch both of her cheeks.Jessica clear .

“We should go.Sonya will be waiting for us at the lobby”.I just nod at her.

“Good luck Tae,Jessica”.I waved at her.

“Before that,although I insist not to but Eric stubbornly wants to join us for dinner.So…..”.Great,another problem.

“Its alright Sica.There is nothing you can do about it”.When we descended the elevator,I saw Sonya was typing something on her laptop while waiting for us while Eric sat at the opposite of the couch..We apologise for our lateness which she brush off.

“Its alright Ms.Jung.Shall we depart now?”.Jessica just nod at us.After almost 30 minutes,we arrive at a restaurant.It look fancy and such.Before Sonya could start explaining,I cut off politely.

“is this also one of the property owned by Mr.Liekerberg?”.She just nod at me.

“Yes,he is very interested in this kind of design and such.Lets go in.I’m sure he is already anticipating your arrival”.She led us in private VIP area where a middle aged man were waiting for us.

“Sir,our guests are here”.He stood up and gave Jessica a tight hug.

“I finally got meet you after so long Jessica.I hope your father is doing fine.I hope you like your accomodation”.He kiss Jessica’s cheek.

“Yes he is doing fine uncle.Thank you for having us here and yes we are very comfortable,all thanks to your assistant here”.

“So who is this?”.He ask while glancing over Jessica’s back.

“Oh,this is Eric Kim,our HR head and this is Kim Taeyeon.She is the one who did the design”.I bow my head while Eric shook his hand.

“Its nice to meet you two.Ms.Taeyeon,you are really talented.Come on,let’s have dinner”.One of the waiter ushered us to the table.

“Ms.Taeyeon,you look younger than I thought.I was expecting you to be someone in middle aged but honestly I was absolutely wrong”.

“Thank you Mr.Liekerberg.Its my honour.Actually its done by my team and I.The design is a product of teamwork sir”.

“Anyway,consider me impressed and I can’t wait to work with your team”.The dinner went by smoothly.Jessica,Eric and Mr.Liekerberg were having some light conversation while I took part just when I were needed.

“Thank you for the dinner uncle.We will see you tomorrow”.Jessica hug him.

“Sure.Sonya will accompany you to the company.We will check the design proposal then we will talk about other things”.Jessica just nod at her while I just bow my head.We head back to the hotel accompany by Sonya.Eric were having conversation with Sonya while Sica intertwine her hand with me at the back seat.

I walk Jessica to her room after arriving.

“Do you wanna come in?”.Damn it.She ask me with her sultry voice.

“I would love to but I probably wouldn’t be able to leave.I still have to prepare for the proposal.I’m sorry”.

“Don’t be”.She place a soft kiss on my lips. “I will see you tomorrow alright”.We kiss and head to our room.I went inside and found Sooyoung already face timing with Fany.

“Fany ah,Taeyeon is here”.I jump on her bed and join her.

“Hi fany ah”.I waved at her. “How is my sister doing?”.

“She is doing great.Hold on she will be down soon.So how is it going?”.Fany asks me.

“Its going great.Tomorrow morning we will be presenting the proposal.I think I got on Mr.Liekerberg’s good side”.

“That’s good Taeyeon ah”.I heard a loud squeling and my sister join us.

“Unnie!!.How are you doing?Is States good”.After talking for several minutes,I decided to call off with Sinb.Sooyoung and Tiffany need some time alone too.Sinb went to do her homework.

“I will leave you both alone now.I’m gonna go shower”.I said bye to them and went to take a ice refreshing shower.After almost an hour,I saw Sooyoung watching some show.I went to my side of the bed and took out my laptop to complete my proposal.

“Taeyeon ah,are you not gonna sleep yet?”.Sooyoung asked me while yawning aloud.

“No,I’m still reviewing the proposal.You go to sleep Soo”.After a few hours reviewing and reading the proposal for the umpteenth time.I closed my laptop,send Jessica a goodnight message and went to sleep.

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abokado #1
Chapter 30: this is the best taengsic fanfic I ever red...btw update please 👉😚👈
Chapter 13: What??? Unbelievable . Impossible hemmm
Chapter 11: Finally jujur juga
Chapter 9: Problem started
Chapter 8: Waduuhhh darurat ini sepertinya Taengsic hemmm
Chapter 7: Semoga hyorin baik yaaa
Chapter 5: What happened ?? Hemmm
Chapter 3: Wuuuhhhhhh rumitttt rumit memang taeng
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee, angry jess menakutkan wekakakka
Chapter 30: ahhh.. when will you update authornim??? T.T