Flame, Part I


  A short update! It won't be long until the next one, it's pretty much written already.  I also have a couple oneshots that I might put up soon. One is Bangdae and the other is a Zelo-centric/ general OT6 fic. Both are humor, which is what I like to write. Anyway, thanks to everyone who commented and subscribed!


The five boys are lounging in the living room when they hear knocking and Kang’s voice. The two youngest hop up first, bouncing into the entryway of the apartment where Kang stands with Daehyun. Yongguk follows with a chuckle at their enthusiasm, with Himchan and Youngjae trailing closely behind.


Daehyun is just as petite as Yongguk remembers, dressed in plain clothes, his floppy hair covering his eyes slightly. He shakes it out of his face and then bows, greeting everyone. Yongguk’s feels the same pull that tugged him towards the younger the first time they had met as the younger’s eyes rise up to meet his. There is the briefest moment of silence during which Yongguk swears the air grows heavier, but it is gone in a second.


Junhong is the first to greet Daehyun back, happily stating his name. “I’m Choi Junhong. When the hyungs told me we were getting someone new, I didn’t realize it would be someone younger!”


Daehyun blinks, “Um…”


Yongguk and Himchan laugh, as Kang lightly knocks Junhong on the head. “Yah, where are your manners? Daehyun here is older than you. And Jongup and Youngjae, actually.”


“What, really? Him?”


“Junhong!” Himchan scolds.


Junhong pouts for a bit, before smiling sheepishly at Daehyun. “Sorry, Daehyun-hyung. I was just excited; I thought I’d finally not be maknae anymore.”


Daehyun offers a small smile in return, “That’s alright, Junhong-sshi. I envy your height, I might not be mistaken for being a kid so often if I was as tall as you are.”


“But hyung is cute the way he is!” Any lingering awkwardness is broken with this comment and various calls of Junhong, don’t be so forward and Calling a hyung you just met ‘cute’, really now ring out, as the group laughs in amusement and admonishes the teenager.


“Well, you guys should be fine on your own now. Get settled in Daehyun, I expect you all to be ready tomorrow by noon to head over to the office!” Kang says, as he helps move Daehyun’s bags further in to the living room before bidding them goodnight.


Himchan proffers his hand for a shake and Daehyun clasps it hesitantly, “Kim Himchan. Ulzzang. Classical musician, and-”


“Nagging mother. Help me get dinner ready, Channie.” Himchan whines about not finishing his spiel as Yongguk drags him away, trying to ignore the sudden clamminess of his palms.


Daehyun looks after Yongguk for a bit before turning back to the other members. Daehyun is left with the three youngest and looks to the two who haven’t spoken yet. “Youngjae-sshi and Jongup-sshi, right?”


“Just call me Jongup, hyung.” The shorter boy says as he steps forward and shakes the new vocal’s hand. “I’m the main dancer.”


Youngjae does the same, and offers a small smile. “Youngjae. Vocal. You can call me whatever, hyung.”


Daehyun nods, “Okay, Youngjae. And you can get rid of the ‘hyung’, we’re basically the same age, anyway. It’s nice to meet you both.”


The four boys continue to chat in the living room while their hyungs putter around in the kitchen. “Those kids. Not even offering to help. I’ll forgive them this once since they’re excited to meet Daehyun, but this will not do!” Himchan mutters as he scurries around trying to find enough plates.


Yongguk grins. Himchan is such a mom.


“Yah, Bang Yongguk. What the hell are you smiling about? And I have a bone to pick with you!”




Himchan lowers his voice to a whisper, “You didn’t tell me the new kid was cute! I have a reputation to maintain, Bbang, I can’t have little country boys stealing it away!”


Yongguk shrugs, “He’s going to be an idol, you didn’t think they’d pick someone horrid looking, did you? Besides you have the whole ‘cold city man’ image covered.”


Himchan rolls his eyes. “Whatever, Bbang. We’ll need to help that kid with his fashion sense though …”


As Himchan begins on a tangent on style, Yongguk’s mind starts to wander to the new addition. Yongguk had thought that whatever little spark he had felt for the younger was a temporary thing, something that came from the novelty of a new, attractive face. But the minute Daehyun had stepped into the apartment, Yongguk had felt a tension in his body that he couldn’t explain. Almost as if he was holding himself back from moving.


He needs to avoid being too close to Daehyun, he decides. Not so much that it was suspicious, but enough that this infatuation would have time to fade. He can’t afford to have feelings, or develop them, for anyone in the group. Not like that.


But Yongguk is also scared. He knows himself well enough to know that he rarely develops crushes on people beyond the appreciation of a beautiful face. Unlike Himchan, who falls for a new girl group member every week, Yongguk’s affections remain firmly tethered. But Yongguk knows that once they are unleashed, there is precious little he can do to reign himself back.


“Oi, Yongguk!” Himchan’s voice startles him out of his thoughts. His friend peers at him curiously, Himchan was the only one that had a vague idea about Bang’s uality, and if anyone was going to figure out what was happening, it was him. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice anything too amiss. “I get it, you’re stressed. Don’t worry, Daehyun seems like a boy with his head on his shoulders.”


Yongguk nods and walks into the living room to grab the others to sit down for their meal.


“Dinner.” He says briefly, and the boys obediently rise and file into the kitchen. Daehyun follows last, and flashes Yongguk a sweet smile as he passes, the soft scent of vanilla following him.




When Zelo first met Daehyun, he thought Daehyun was younger than him. (http://itsbap.com/post/22761401539/random-zelo-fanaccount-mashup)



Hmm, Bang might be in a little trouble now that he'll be living with our little vixen. I think I'll try and add canon facts like the one above to chapters every so often , might make it more interesting. Thanks for reading~

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Finally done with this story! I hope it was enjoyable, thank you!


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Chapter 33: What a high quality fiction ! Thank you for this. Its soooo interesting when you mix both reality and fiction in a story! I had good time reading this!
ttrojja #2
Chapter 33: Woah, this story was a wild ride :p I've never seen anyone mix real events with the story, it feels so real... Anyway, I just wanted to say that the way you describe things is amazing, the adjectives you use, this kind of language... A could picture in my head the scenes and people you were describing and these were some of the most beautiful descriptions I've ever seen. I also liked the plot very much, although it was bittersweet. But emotions you portrayed felt real, not overreacted. Thank you for this amazing journey and for making me want to explore more Bangdae :p
This is probably going to be one of my favorite fics ever! I've been listening to BAP for years but never really looked further than the music until recently, and this is one of the first fanfics I've read about them. I'm still trying to figure out who my bias would be but I think, because of this story, Daehyun has been bumped up to the top and I don't think he'll be moving anytime soon :D
So thank you so much for writing this wonderful story and finally helping me choose! (It was so hard because they're all so lovable from what I've seen so far!)
bangdaebak #4
Chapter 33: I'm going to cry, no actually, I already cried too much since their doubts but now I am going to cry because it has ended. This was good, too good to be true and too good for our own sake. Bless you for writing this, thank you xx (I am so glad there is a happy ending, I thought I had to clutch onto my heart harder)
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 23: Hi, I am probably late but I have only recently came across this. I have read till this chapter and I want to tell you thank you for writing this. You are amazing, your effort as a bangdae shipper needs to be acknowledged haha and I am sorry for only commenting after 23 chapters. I really love this work and I'm going to cherish it. Idk if u would still be reading this or are u even still active here or as a baby but I hope you don't stop. Don't stop writing, don't stop giving love to BAP, don't stop giving love to bangdae, don't stop giving love to BABYZ and bangdae shippers yay! xx thank you
Chapter 33: I just finished reading this fic for the first time and I loved it. It was cute, sweet, and heart breaking all at once. What I loved the most is the fact that every part of the story went along with their real life events. Interviews, fan meets, shows, and concerts...all on point. It totally made the whole fic feel realistic. I was thoroughly impressed. <3
thechainfiction #7
Chapter 14: Chapter 14 : OMG i have re-read this chap several of times. As much as i read the intense Yongguk 's imagination which he would do to Dae as much more i understand him. I was literally quivering while reading all of your writing. The expression of both of them. When YG trying to pushing the little away because he about to lose control. And when DH assumed he might had upset his hyung with something. OMG i really like this kind of story. Thanks a lot for this or so that thanks i found your stories here. You are the greatest one among the other writers here. ^^
christinlogan #8
I know this is late (since I read it a while back) but I just had to say thank you for this masterpiece. THANK YOU SO MUCH ♡♡♡