Chapter 10: Independence; But!!

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?

Kangta seonbae picked me in the morning. It was so dreamlike to actually get stuck in the traffic of Seoul. Even the crazy traffic was beautiful that day. We talked work on the way. Our team; which is consisted of me and him – I wondered who was in the team before I came- was supposed to interview famous Koreans and introduce them to the English. And when I commented that it was a periodical and no magazine, seonbae smiled and said that our famous people were different. I didn't understand then; damn!

    Our next famous person was none but the first Korean and first woman to win the Man Asian Literary Prize; Shin Kyung-Sook.

- What?? Do you mean that my first interview would be with Shin Kyung-Sook??

Kangta seonbae nodded his head while sipping at his Americano in the middle of the traffic.

I sank down in my seat. Damn!! What kind of questions should I ask her? Everyone knows Please Take Care of My Mom. Should I ask about it? Or should I move to a different work?

- Seonbae

- Eo?

- What kind of questions should I ask?

He turned to me and smiled:

- Genuine and creative questions, hoobae-ya

Yaaaaaah!!! He certainly made my life easier!! I knew I had lots of reading to do before the interview


At work we discussed the details about the interview. It was going to take place two days afterwards and I was going to write the questions and when I asked, why seonbae confessed that I was scouted because of my sharp questions and answers. Cool!!

So I had to go to the bookstore to buy Ms. Shin's novels and few more references. That day was moving day and I was so lost because I had no time to move in AND research the great author. But I suddenly decided to do both. I already knew I was nuts. I went to the bookstore, bought the novels then directed my steps to the grocery shop. I had my backpack on and the books bag in one hand and I knew beforehand that I'd have a great shopping that day. Super Junior were singing Marry U and I was circling around picking everything that wasn't healthy –typical of single people, or typical of me!!- but then my eyes rested on a pair of orange trainers that I saw once before. They were so unique I couldn't have possibly mistaken them. I held my breath and took a step back ready to run when a threatening voice muttered:

-거기서. Stop right there!

I would have run still if he didn't hold my backpack. I turned around smiling and said pretending that nothing had happened:

- Oh Heechul oppa!! 또만나요!! We're meeting again

He glared at me so hard I thought a hole was dug in my face

- Hyun-ah; this is the girl I told you about

Hyun-ah!!! I turned my eyes from Chul's face to catch Kyuhyun's angelic face. The blood rose to my face and my limbs began shaking ''more'' –another typical reaction of meeting one of your band members for the first time, not that I wasn't shaking at the beginning encountering Heechul again like that!!-

-너였어? So it was you?

The girl I told you about? It was you? What was going on?

I introduced myself with a bow. I was longing to shake his hand when he offered me his. I was so thankful the tears rushed to my eyes. I shook his warm hand and thought of Krystel. Krystel my close friend would die to be here in my place and I wished I could switch places then. I had lots to tell her.

- What are you doing here?

Heechul interrupted my meditations

- Shopping. What do people do in a grocery shop, clever?!

Then instantly covered my mouth. I was being rude and Chul oppa was getting angry especially when Kyu oppa tittered

-Ya!! What are you laughing at?

- Sorry, hyung

- 그리고 , 따라와. And you, follow me!

As I quietly did. Could I not? My feels!

I was led to the car I started to know by heart. I sat in the back seat as Chul oppa began interrogating me.

- Did you know who I was when you met me yesterday?

- At the beginning I wasn't but then yes

He nodded. Kyuhyun was following silently

- Since you recognised both of us you know Super Junior, right?

- Yes

- And you like them?

- You're my favourite band!!

They gaped at me for a second then acted indifferent

- So who's your bias?; Heechul asked as indifferently as he could be

Unhesitatingly and innocently I bawled excitedly:

- Kangin

Heechul's face darkened and Kyu broke into a belly laugh

- Now this is not the answer you expected hyung

I started to realise my mistake but could do nothing about it because whoever asked that question would get the same answer. The pissed-off Kim Heechul started the car and put music on. Kyuhyun reassured me with a smile. After we drove a while Cherry oppa asked about my address. I was so thankful since it was my first time going there. They dropped me in front of the building and as I was muttering my thanks Chul oppa said:

- I will remember telling Kangin. He'll be glad

I got off and watched the car vanish. And I was once more at peace; and once more because of Super Junior.

I entered my officetel, put the grocery in the kitchen and opened my laptop to start working. I was checking my email when I received an email from Robert. The email contained three words:

I miss you.

I forced a smile, shut the laptop and went to have a shower.

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faeriemythc #1
Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
faeriemythc #2
Chapter 39: I miss this story. I want to know what happens next.
faeriemythc #3
Chapter 36: Poor Minho. Hope she isn't nice out of desperation and then treats him lime again later.
faeriemythc #4
Chapter 28: Aaww, she wants to kiss Kangin in private..she doesn't want to hurt Yeye....and I believe Edward has a thing for her.
faeriemythc #5
Chapter 24: Omo, I LOVE Geunsukkie! !! You don't even know how much. So glad he appeared. Interesting love triangle getting started....poor Yeye.
faeriemythc #6
Chapter 21: Aaww, she's holding hands with both of them. Can't wait to see what happens next.
faeriemythc #7
Chapter 16: Too cute. Kep up the good work.