Chapter 11: Tell It to My Heart

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?

Blue: Kangin


     I'm the kind of person who prefers to have somewhere to sleep even in my workroom, that's why I asked for a BIG room to have my study and my bed there. The room was simply decorated; white everything. To the right of the door stood a shoe cabinet. I simpered at the size of it. What would I do with such a huge cabinet when all I wear is trainers? A fitted wardrobe stood tall on the right side of the room and looked out of place. I meant to have BOTH rooms in one big room but somehow the wardrobe didn't fit; since my clothes are never IN there. The white bed occupied the right side beautifully; let me confess. Next to it the wall panelling was a work of art. I was glad they didn't panel the whole wall. Where would I hang my posters? A glass door covered the opposite side of the room where the veranda was. I love verandas. The bedside tables matched the white ocean. I was honestly relieved that it was white. If they painted and decorated the room otherwise – blue excepted- I would have made a fuss; or at least was miserable. The left side of the room was the study side. There goes my awesome huge oak desk. Oh my God!! I only love brown on desks. The shelves, the drawers, the desk tidy, the chair, I love chairs!! The set of drawers in the corner, that would be awesome for my handicraft! To the door left a big TV screen was hanged, a stereo, hey, whoever added this is awesome!  and a chest of drawers. That was a perfect room but too simple. That room didn't fit my personality at all. Time to edit. I took out my posters and attacked the wall by the bed. All kinds of posters; Enrique Iglesias, David Beckham, Real Madrid -2004/2005 squad of course-, Super Junior, Kim MinJong, Bae SuBin, Cha SeungWon, Choi Daniel, Jung IlWoo, Rain, Lee SeungRi, Daniel Henny, Song ChangUi, Hyun Bin, Jung YongHwa, Lee PyungHun, Kim WooBin, Lee SunKyun, Sung Joon, Yoo SeungHo, a lot of Kim SunA, Kwon SangWoo, Park SiHoo, Moon ChaeWon, Kim Joon, Park JungMin, Jang GeunSuk, Lee DongWook, Song JoonKi, Joo Won, Kang SoRa, Kim SungRyeong, Kim SuYeon, Kim Bum, Lee JunKi, MBLAQ, Onew, Uhm KiJoon, Yeo JinGoo, Yoon SiYoon, and GonChan. It took me hours to find places and hang the posters. My wall turned into a mosaic and I was extremely happy at the result. The room was alive once more but there was one thing left. I took my Kangin poster and hung it on the ceiling so I can see him first thing when I wake up and I marvelled; did Chul oppa actually tell him about me?


- Hyung, if you're not going to tell me why you have been staring at me for the past hour, I'll go sleep

Chul hyung was acting extremely weird. Since he came back from shopping with Kyu he's been just staring at me as if I was some kind of a freak. He'd scan me from top to toe then cast a glance at Kyu who'd shrug his shoulders. Hyung would look at me once again and shake his head.

- Kangin-ah

- Yes, hyung

- !! Do you think you're special?

- Hyung!!

What kind of question is that?

- I don't mean it in a bad way. I mean do you think you're more special than me?

- Why would I compare myself to you, hyung?

- 맞지?! I know right?!

Then there were moments of silence and the same glances between hyung and Kyu and I was losing my cool gradually.

- Kangin-ah

- Yes, hyung; feeling irritated

- About Kim Sun-ah seonbaenim

- What about her?

- If she were to like one of us who would she like?

Holy crap what was going on with hyung? Why would Kim SunAh seonbaenim fall for us?!

- Hyung!!

- Just answer

                         - And how would I know that?

-I know

- Hyung, if you don't tell me what is this all about I'll really get angry

Chul hyung exchanged another glance with Kyu then sat upright and faced me; his expression all serious

- I'm just wondering In-ah; why would a young woman with the personality of Kim SunAh seonbaenim like you and not me?

- 그런 여자가 있어? There's a woman like that!

- Ah! And she likes you and not me

I was confused to death and I understood nothing

- Hyung, what on Earth is going on?

- Remember the girl I met yesterday

- Mmm why?

- I met her today

What? That got the best of my curiosity and found me all ears

- Ok? And?

- And she turned to be an ELF

- 세상에! 그리서? Oh my God, so?

He looked askance at me, forced a smile and said:

- Well after causing another scene she turned out to be your fan. You've got to be happy. I wish she was mine!

I stared fixedly at the wall. I had such a mix of emotions I couldn't fathom. The whole thing was so ridiculous but I was secretly a happy camper. I didn't understand hyung's frustration but I was chipper to know the mysterious girl was my fan.


     Reading for an interview wasn't an easy task. I couldn't enjoy reading because I had to dig up ''genuine and creative'' questions. Time was passing and the reading required was huge. I actually spent hours hanging the posters instead of coming up with questions. Well Mr. Ice Voice wouldn't be too happy if I didn't come up with few questions before tomorrow's meeting.

     While I was reading Please Take Care of My Mother and getting all involved in the heroine's multiple epiphanies my phone rang. Without looking at the screen I replied:

- Hello

There was silence. I looked at the screen and found Robert's number. Damn!!

- Hey Rob!!

He smiled; I could see him grinning

- How's Korea?

- Busy

- Great

Another silence

- Ah… mmm… anything extraordinary?

- No. Except that I met two Super Junior members and got into an argument on my first day at work and is late for my first task  

- I miss you

- Me too

And I knew that sounded nonchalant and insincere

- You must be busy

I heard the disappointment in his voice but that was right. What I was doing was right. Robert was so attached to me and I was never going back to England so he better move on

- Quite

- I'll call you later then. Good luck.

- Mm you too

And I hung up quickly. I felt guilty for a moment but then brushed it aside and took to reading the novel. That was right ChoHwa. What you did was right.


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faeriemythc #1
Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
faeriemythc #2
Chapter 39: I miss this story. I want to know what happens next.
faeriemythc #3
Chapter 36: Poor Minho. Hope she isn't nice out of desperation and then treats him lime again later.
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Chapter 28: Aaww, she wants to kiss Kangin in private..she doesn't want to hurt Yeye....and I believe Edward has a thing for her.
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Chapter 24: Omo, I LOVE Geunsukkie! !! You don't even know how much. So glad he appeared. Interesting love triangle getting started....poor Yeye.
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Chapter 21: Aaww, she's holding hands with both of them. Can't wait to see what happens next.
faeriemythc #7
Chapter 16: Too cute. Kep up the good work.