Chapter 28: Day 8/ August 8th/ Saturday

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?

                     Yesung               Noah                 Robert                 Kangin


Noah came running. And Noah was alone. I felt weak at the knees. He was panting hard he couldn't speak at first.

- Take a breath. Are you okay?

SeungWon hyung asked. He looked fine to me. Where's Chohwa?

- I'm ok. Chohwa!! Chohwa got stung by a scorpion

- Mwo?

We cried

- Where is she?

- Unconscious up the mountain

- Call the ambulance now

I shouted. But then Siwon interfered

- There's no need hyung. Scorpions aren't deadly. And even the deadly sting can be handled. We just need to get her here

- Are you sure?

Teuk enquired

- I'm pretty sure

I didn't like that

- We should take her to the hospital

- Let's find her first!!

Heechul yelled. Hyung, not that you can feel my heart now!!

Noah, Siwon and I went to get Chohwa. Siwon took some ice packs. He said that would be enough for now.

We reached Chohwa. She smiled at us as we arrived. She was awake. As our eyes met, I couldn't move. I just froze there and stared at the exhausted woman lying in front of a cave. She tried to move but her body was numb. Noah ran to her:

- When did you wake up?

- Just now.

- Are you okay?

- My body is numb a bit and breathing is...

- You'll be ok.

Siwon said as he applied the ice pack on her leg. I was stiffly watching

And she called me

- Kangin oppa!! Come closer

I forced my feet to move. And I sat by her side

- Oh!! Why is your face so dark? Did you I worry you?

That face beaded with sweat looked up at me. I felt my heart ripping into shreds. I felt hopeless and helpless there. She was smiling, and I felt like dying. I knew I loved her. I knew that if she was in a more serious situation I wouldn't have been able to handle it. I knew it was the first time in my life to worry about someone that much. And I wanted to protect her and at the same time, I felt like crying at her .

She pressed my hand. At the touch of her hand all my defences were crushed and I burst out weeping.

- Oppa!!

- Mian, it's just. I was so worried

She brushed the tear off and caressed my face

- Nothing would have happened to me; there are many things I haven't told you yet.

I stared at her tired but lovely face; helplessly. I didn’t forget the vow I had.


Siwon hyung kept assuring us that she was ok. If we can bring her a doctor it'd be better but she was ok nevertheless. I was so thankful for Siwon's knowledge of every other topic. I watched how emotional Kangin hyung was. And it was so clear; that Kangin hyung liked her. I didn't forget the vow I had though, to protect her all my life.


Kangin oppa refused but to carry me. I circled my arms around his neck and lent against his chest. It was warm, just like I always imagined it. His breath brushed against my hair and I had butterflies in my stomach. I felt so weak physically but so rich emotionally. One of my bias-related fantasies was coming true. My bias was carrying me down the mountain.


She circled her arms around my neck and lent against my chest. Her breath brushed against my neck and I had butterflies in my stomach. I never imagined that this moment will actually come. I was worried and scared but happy. Siwon said she was ok, she said she was ok and I was carrying her; what else would I wish for?


They emerged from the mountain. I ran to meet her when I my eyes fell on Kangin carrying her in his arms. It wouldn't be awkward if he piggybacked her. She was sick and he was the strongest of the three. But to see her arms around his neck and her head buried in his chest was heart breaking. Strangely and painfully they looked good together. I couldn't help but imagine myself carrying her. We would've looked funny with my height and body. In Kangin's arms she fit. It was as if she was born to be carried by him. They approached us. As she eyed me she cheered. With her arms still around his neck she called:

- Oppa!! Look at your face!! I'm so sorry

The tears fell down her cheeks

- It's okay baby. Everything will be ok as long as you're fine. Are you?

- She is.

Siwon assured us explaining the whole thing.

- We'll need some IV fluids, that's all. In 48 hours she'll be perfectly fine.

- Put her down will you?

Irritated Donghae said

- Her body is numb. She can't walk. I'll lay her in her tent.

Kangin said

He was practically stealing all my lines.

Kibum burst out:

- We need to get her to a hospital

I agreed. But the one who strongly objected was her.

- I'm really fine. We can just send someone to get the drip.


- Are you sure you're ok?

Cha SeungWon asked me as Kangin oppa laid me down.

- I'm perfectly fine oppa; thanks to your awesome son. By the way, can I have him by my side tonight?

I think my request was odd because Kangin and SeungWon oppa gazed at me. But they agreed eventually.

Kangta seonbae checked on me before going back to the van. I was exhausted. As soon as Noah lay beside me, I curved beside him.

- Noah

- Mmm

- Do you know what the most astonishing thing was today?

- What?

- You. I'm so glad that incident happened so I got to know the real you

- Don't say such things


She looked up at my face. Her eyes were tired but as beautiful as a pair of eyes could be. She whispered:

- Having you beside me makes me feel, secure

I felt my heart bouncing. She closed her eyes and fell deeply asleep. I drew her closer and slept as well.


- Are you sure she doesn't need to go to a hospital?

Frantic Edward asked me for the 10 thousandth time

- Yes I am. We already inserted the drip. She'll be fine

- Make sure she is, or else

- You'll kill us all, I know


The show wouldn't be ruined because of me. I knew that my success in that day would be a breakthrough. The audience who watched me getting lost would be waiting for some phoenix rising out of the flames. It was no time for taking a rest.

I was the first to get up. My body felt weak but I was fine. I washed and set to prepare breakfast.


- Ya!!!

What a shock!! SeungWon oppa was standing right behind me

- Oppa!! Is this your way of saying good morning?

- Ya!! Do you want to see me going crazy? Who allowed you to take the drip and the ice pack off? Who on Earth allowed you to get up?

I pouted

- Nobody!!

- Then get the hell back to your tent

The guys started waking at our argument. They were once and for all united. I was getting orders from everyone when someone barracked:

- Hello!! Who are you guys to raise your voices against my soul mate?

This voice!! This tone!! This accent!! This word!!

I swiftly turned around and there stood Robert with arms open

- Robert!!

I hollered and ran into his arm. He squeezed me into a hug. Oh how I missed him. My tears fell down my cheeks

- No crying dear

- What are you doing here?

- Didn't you expect me after saying all that?

I remembered my defence

- But like … here?

- Ah!! Albert contacted them for me; loyal Albert

Thank you boss!!

- But why is my darling's face so tired?


And he her cheeks. The problem was that she was acting so normal like she's used to it. She encircled his waist with her arms and accepted his and cheeks like they were the most natural thing in the world.


How many rivals will I end up having anyway?


And who the heck is this dork?


He let go of her and walked straight to me. He was a bit taller than I. He stared challengingly:

-  Nice to meet you Rival

He whispered. What did he mean by rival? And why did he only greet me?

The director then introduced him and informed us that he'd be staying with us for a while.




- We'll play water volleyball now

SeungWon oppa announced.

- Yes!!

- Don't get excited. You're not playing

- Oppa!!

- And why is that?

Robert interfered

Cha SeungWon from the very first moment didn't like Bob. And there was Bob getting on his nerves.

- You don't even need to know that

- I think I do


- Robert

- What?

I dragged him away

- Listen darling. Whatever the leader commands, we have to obey

- I don't care

- Babe!! Actually I was sick last night that's why

He stared at me hard

- Sick? How bad?

- Just a bit; feverish. He's only worried about me

- I don't like his tone

- I don't think he likes yours either

He was quiet for a second

- Isn't he your biggest actor crush?

- Be quiet!!

I shushed him

- Wow!! I'm meeting all my rivals today

- Don't you dare call them rivals!

- But they are

- Bob

- Chohwa, I'm here because I miss you so bad

- Bob!!

He winked and led me back


I just shouldn't have gotten happy last night. I'm certainly being punished.


The game required 8 players. The rest would prepare food.

After the draw, Team A included Shindong, Kibum, Donghae and Yesung. While Team B included Kangin, Zhoumi, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun.

We started preparing for the barbeque while the game started. Robert was naturally situated beside me

- Your fake-crush and my rival are having it head-to-head

I turned to Rob instantly:

- Who do you mean by fake-crush?

- Chohwa, you know what I mean

- No I don't

He was speaking coolly but I was getting unnerved

- Sweetie, we've known each other for 5 years. I know who you actually like

I felt my hands shivering and I didn't know why

- Bob let's change the topic

- Why? Are you scared to face your feelings?

- Robert!!

I roared. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and stared at us

I stood up ready to go away when Robert shouted:

- You won't change it because you say it isn't true. It is. I know it is and deep-down you know that as well. What good will it bring if you deny it?

There was one problem; Rob was like my identical twin. If he claims something about me, I can't just ignore it. I went inside the tent and tried to calm down. After some moments SeungWon followed me.

I could never get used to have him close!! Never!!

- Is it okay to fight like this when you just met?

He asked

- Mmm oppa don't worry. We're that close

- Anyhow don't get too upset. It isn't good for your health

Why did all these guys have to be in the same place at the same time??


The game ended and the guys got soaked wet to their skin. I couldn't take my eyes of Kangin as he walked out of the water drenched wet then took off his shirt and put another one. I shouldn't look. I shouldn't but I did.

Robert lent to whisper in my ear:

- See!! You didn't even throw a glance at Yesung

I gaped at Bob for a second then turned to where Yesung was standing staring at me. He saw everything!!


Why do I keep watching that? Aren't they a bit too obvious? Does Chohwa really not realise how she feels? Should I just go and tell her: the one you like isn't me but Kangin?


After the awesome barbecue we sat in a circle to chat and have fun. Eunhyuk suggested playing truth and dare and absolutely everyone agreed; except for me. Wonder why!!

And to make it more interesting, Hyuk oppa actually brought a lie detector with him. Awesome!!


Rob sat to my right and Noah to my left.

- HaeBum; buddies for life eo?

Chul oppa teased them. I was sorry for them but there was no stopping Rob.

The game started. Leeteuk oppa flipped the bottle

- Teuk to Sungmin; you didn't like Chohwa at first? Right?

Sungmin oppa put his hand on the detector, looked at me and said:

- Truth

Correct answer!!


- Sungmin to Heechul; you feel jealous of HaeBum because they're close to Chohwa?

Chul glared at Min oppa I thought he was going to hit him. He hesitantly put his hand on the detector and said no. Wrong answer!!

- Hey!!

Sungmin cheered

- Oppa!! Just get close to me mwo. I'll accept you if you try hard

- Yaa!!

I was just glad

Sungmin considered for a second then declared:

- Your punishment will be: gaze at Chohwa's eyes and tell her I love you

- Argh!!

Heechul oppa and I screamed but punishment was punishment.

Oppa sat in front of me reluctantly. He looked at me eyes but I couldn't take it and broke into a fit of laughter.

- Ya!! Do you think I'm having fun?

- Sorry oppa

- I love you

Oppa quickly mumbled it and ran back to his place. I was about to die laughing

Heechul flipped the bottle

- Heechul to Chohwa

Revenge!! Now I'll be dead

- The guy you like the most here is Yesung

It was a slap on the face. What should I do? I don’t even know the answer.

I touched the detector, took a deep breath and said:

- No

Correct answer!

Everyone was silent when Rob drew me to him and declared:

- Of course it's me

- Yes!!

I forced a grin. The guys smiled while Yesung only stared at the ground. I shouldn't hurt him. I shouldn't


- Chohwa to SeungWon oppa; you see me as a woman right?

I don't know where those words came from. I covered my mouth immediately. Oppa gaped for a second then with a smile said:

- Yes!!

Correct answer!!

The guys went crazy and I wished the ground would open and swallow me


- Cha SeungWon to Kangin; you have a crush on Chohwa?

My heart dropped! I couldn't even look up. Rob pressed my hand. That question shouldn't be asked because I don't want to hear the answer no matter what it is

There were some moments of silence


I knew that question was coming sooner or later. Chohwa didn't look at me and I didn't know how to answer. I shot a glance at Yesung hyung who pretended to check his phone. Cherry hyung was shaking his head. I put my hand on the machine and said:

- No

Wrong answer!!


I was conflicted as how to feel. Should I be upset that he denied it? Or happy it was a wrong answer? Should I feel happy that Kangin likes me or guilty that Yesung would be hurt? I was meditating when I heard SeungWon oppa announcing the punishment

- And your punishment is: kissing Chohwa on the mouth


- Oppa!!

I yelled.


Go ahead and I'll simply step aside.


This shouldn't be. I can take anyone kissing her but not Rival. If he kisses her now I'll lose her forever.


Why does my heart hurt suddenly?


Hyung, this is no punishment. This is the best gift I've ever received. Yesung hyung, sorry but I'd like to accept my punishment.


Don't come closer. Oppa don't come closer. We shouldn't do that.

Oppa lent to kiss me. The guys were silent. He held my face. I felt the world spinning. Every cell of my heart was screaming yes!!

I want to do this. I waited for this forever. I imagined this for 5 years.

I felt his breath on my face. It was heaven.


I leapt up.

- Though it's a game I can't do this. This isn't something to be ridiculed. Sorry but I think it's time to sleep. Rob, let's go

I clung to Rob's arm.

- Rob

- Mmm

- Hug me to sleep

- Yes dear


She refused his kiss. I genuinely was going to step aside after the kiss but now that I saw her rejecting it, my mind changed. That action meant she feels for me, that it is something. No, not after this. I will never give her up after this.


She refused me. The pain in my chest was unbearable. I knew then how Prometheus must have felt when Zeus hung him for the wild birds to feast on him. Why did she do that? I definitely heard her heart throb. I definitely saw the thirst in her eyes. I felt it yesterday and I saw it today so why? Why?



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faeriemythc #1
Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
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Chapter 39: I miss this story. I want to know what happens next.
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Chapter 36: Poor Minho. Hope she isn't nice out of desperation and then treats him lime again later.
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Chapter 28: Aaww, she wants to kiss Kangin in private..she doesn't want to hurt Yeye....and I believe Edward has a thing for her.
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Chapter 24: Omo, I LOVE Geunsukkie! !! You don't even know how much. So glad he appeared. Interesting love triangle getting started....poor Yeye.
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Chapter 21: Aaww, she's holding hands with both of them. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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Chapter 16: Too cute. Kep up the good work.