Chapter 38: Day 18

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?


I feel that I haven't given much attention to the guys lately, especially Kangin oppa. That's why I woke up so early to make them casseroles. Oppa will like it!


Exhausted and blushing Chohwa went to sleep immediately after the party so I couldn't talk to her. I will though. Wait! Is this the aroma of casseroles?


- So today's breakfast is casseroles!!

She cried excitedly. We could see that.

She sat beside me to feed me. I was taken aback. What was wrong with her suddenly?

- Sorry guys I've been so busy lately. I'll try to do better. Here oppa. Say aa

I looked around and they nodded. I accepted the spoonful. She smiled gladly. She's got a talent in confusing people.


Why does it still hurt?


- Someone will be added to our team tomorrow

The director announced. Someone? Who?

- You'll need to treat them well

We exchanged glances and shrugged our shoulders. The most urgent question was: where would they sleep?


I already informed the director that I'm leaving after Kibum's birthday. I don't have the heart to tell Chohwa yet.


- Aren't we going to put today's schedule?

I asked Siwon. He commented looking at his phone

- Chohwa has left

- Left? Where to?

- How would I know?

She said she'd put some effort. Where did she go?


I couldn't give him the chocolate stick yesterday so I'll give it today mwo. I sneaked out of the dorm and called SeungHo. I stole his number from Kibum's phone. Innocent!!

- Hello

- Who is this?

- Chohwa noona

- Noona?

- I take that back. Park Chohwa

He laughed

- What is it noona?

- I told you I take that back. There is part of your birthday gift with me still. Do you want it?

- Of course I do. Where are you?

- I'll come to you. Where are you?

- At home


- I'll send you the address

- Ok. I'll be there in minutes.

I wasn't shaking; not at all. Why would I?


I opened the door for her. She was wearing a blue sleeveless dress. She looked gorgeous.

- What an awesome dress!


Ok I know. I shouldn't have dressed up. I should've just put on anything but I couldn't. I was going to meet Yoo SeungHo. His smile proved to me that I looked the most ridiculous woman ever.


She was so nervous. I didn't expect that. Her invincible personality didn't appear in front of me. That was satisfying. I wanted her to stay on her toes like that. How I wish to see her face after she watches tomorrow's broadcast! She might not see me again even.

- So what is it you want to give me?


After I entered his house and he threw that smile at me I turned into Ms. Confused. I even forgot why I was there.

- Ah! This..

- What is this?


- You made this?

- Ryeowook and Henry helped me

She actually made me a chocolate stick; like a real stick. It looked exactly like the one I held in I Miss You. I was extremely touched. After all she did for the party, there was still much left. I couldn't find words. I only stared at her


He made me feel so awkward. I didn't know what to do. I was anxious as is. I felt like burying my face somewhere.


- Noona

- Don’t call me that

- Minho hyung called you noona and he's two years older than I!

- Minho is a younger brother so he should call me noona. But you...

what am I saying?

- I am what?


She let the words slip and I felt so excited but I suppressed it. I was planning on using her nervousness to the extreme.

- I am what? C'mon

- Just don't call me noona

- Keurom; Chohwa-ssi?


Jesus Christ!!


- No. Just call me Chohwa. I'm English you know. Everyone there calls me Chohwa.

She didn't make eye contact at all. I was on the right track.

- Ok Chohwa.


I shouldn't have come here.


He made us coffee and sat down. We didn’t talk for a while. Then he asked:

- So do you have someone you specifically like?


- I like everybody

- Mmm so you're not confused between Kangin and Yesung?


For the first time since she arrived she met my eyes. Her lips parted and her look said: can't you be a little less straightforward? She bit her lip and looked away. I loved what was going on.

- I am. I'm so goddamn confused I don't know what to do

- You can't choose one?

- No

- And you can't choose both?

- Unfortunately not

- Then choose none

She gazed at me with those what's-wrong-with-you-son?eyes.

- What do you mean?

- You can't choose between them and you're only raising false hopes. Even if you pretend like it's none of them, they'll keep hoping

- So?

- So you got to have someone new; an outsider. Just then would they be able to move on


That sounded so logical. But the question was: did I really want them to move on? I asked SeungHo:

- You sound pretty confident. Do you have a plan?

- Use me

- What?

- You like me and I like you. We know we won't really fall in love. We can spend some good time together. The other guys will have a chance to move on. When everything goes back to its place, we remain good friends. Friends with Benefits kind of plan.

I eyed the charming young man in front of me for a minute.

- Let me think about that

- Take your time. You have my phone number and you know my house.

I left; SeungHo's words echoing in my head.


She approached me but was too absent-minded to see me. I jumped in front of her


- Kabchagiya!! You scared me oppa!!

Kangin oppa appeared in front of me out of nowhere and scared the wits out of me.

- What are you doing outside? Why aren't you in the dorm?

- I was waiting for you. You look beautiful. Shall we go on a date tonight?

I was contemplating SeungHo's words. I came to a conclusion. I'll go with SeungHo's plan. Kangin was living in a world of his own and I had to stop that. His invitation was a great opportunity.

- Cool. Let's go!!


The very sense of joy!!


- What do you mean Hamlet? Do you think Hamlet is any musical? How do you expect Yesung whose last musical was years ago and whose acting skills are the level of an elementary student to act Hamlet? Are you kidding me?

- Yesung isn't bad. He's just lazy

- And why would you give a lazy guy a Hamlet role?

- I have to and he'll do well

- What if he doesn't? Would you take responsibility?

- Yes   


- Where do you want to go?

- Somewhere quiet

- Shall we have dinner first?

- Sounds good

We went to some luxurious restaurant. After we had dinner and I finally found a chance to talk, oppa said:

- Look there. Seems like you can sing. Wait a minute

Good grief!! What is he doing?

He jumped on stage and took the microphone:

- Good night everyone. I want to sing this song to the beautiful woman in the blue dress.

Everyone looked at me. That wasn't the plan at all.

- I've been practicing this song since I lay eyes on her first; back in the club, wearing a red dress and a floral backpack

No !! No he hasn't!! That couldn't be!! I had to put my hand on my heart to stop it from bursting out!

And there playing the guitar, Kangin sang:

Could you be the most beautiful girl in the world?
It's plain to see you're the reason that God made a girl
When the day turns into the last day of all time
I can say I hope you are in these arms of mine
And when the night falls before that day I will cry
I will cry tears of joy cuz after you all one can do is die, oh


I listened and my heart throbbed. The plan!

After oppa finished and paced to the table, the people in the restaurant called for a kiss. Everyone stood clapping and crying: kiss!! Kiss!! I shook my head to Kangin. He shouldn't do that!


I had the chance of my life. I knew Chohwa didn’t want that but I decided to act selfishly. Who knows? Maybe the kiss would change her heart!


With people's cheers all around, Kangin oppa kissed me; softly but deeply. I shouldn't push him while people were looking and I wouldn't if I could. The plan was to be postponed for a while.


I stepped into heaven that night.


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faeriemythc #1
Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
faeriemythc #2
Chapter 39: I miss this story. I want to know what happens next.
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Chapter 36: Poor Minho. Hope she isn't nice out of desperation and then treats him lime again later.
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Chapter 28: Aaww, she wants to kiss Kangin in private..she doesn't want to hurt Yeye....and I believe Edward has a thing for her.
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Chapter 24: Omo, I LOVE Geunsukkie! !! You don't even know how much. So glad he appeared. Interesting love triangle getting started....poor Yeye.
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Chapter 21: Aaww, she's holding hands with both of them. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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Chapter 16: Too cute. Kep up the good work.