Chapter 18: The Seal

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?

Blue: Kangin



Today is Saturday; the last day of the book fair. It's been so busy because we have to wrap things up. Seonbae and I would need another week or so to work on the data we collected. Seonbae told me also that Edward doesn't entrust this kind of tasks to anyone. Well, that Ice-Voice at least acknowledges my skills.

Yesung oppa is here. He comes every day. He brings food and drinks for me and Kangta seonbae, helps us with Japanese and keeps me smiling. Seonbae and oppa are already best friends. They get along well enough to exclude me sometimes. Ahem!!

On Wednesday oppa surprised me by coming to the fair bringing kimbab. He spent the whole day with us then we had dinner in Song Jook Heon. My!! That was delicious! There were almost 30 different dishes and I ate till I exploded. Oppa drove me home and gave me a warm hug before he left.

On Thursday we went to Namsangol Traditional Folk Village. Felt like we were shooting a drama. We strolled around hand in hand and reminisced about our crazy first date.

On Friday we went to the cinema and watched a romance. In the lit-off place I let my head lean on oppa's shoulder. I could feel his breath my hair. Life was complete there and then.

And today we were planning to eat naengmyeon in Eulji Myun Oak. Oppa claimed that it was the best for making naengmyeon.

As I was typing the data I collected, Yesung oppa was sitting beside me telling me funny things and making me laugh. Though I worked 12 hours a day in the fair days I was never tired because Yesung oppa kept me company. On our first date I admitted loving gummy candy so oppa brought a big bag and was stuffing my mouth with it making me chuckle as I chew. Every now and then he'd my hair. I was blessed out.


- Chul hyung; isn't that Yesung hyung?

- Oh, he is!!

Yesung hyung was sitting beside a girl her hair. He looked immensely cheery. That should be the girl he told us about


/Three days ago: Wednesday/

I wonder what was so important that Yesung hyung needed to gather everyone for. He said he had something all-important to tell us. Shindong won't be able to attend because of his radio and Ryeowook has just arrived.

Oddly enough Kibum was present. Kibum rarely comes to the dorm. Looked like a real important issue.

Yesung sat cross-legged. Kibum and Donghae sat on his right whispering and giggling. What the hell was going on?

-Ahem ahem;

Yesung hyung cleared his throat

- I have something to tell you guys. Maybe you noticed me acting all weird the last week. Honestly I have someone I like.

- Not that we didn't notice; interrupted Chul hyung

- Ara. I know you noticed. I wasn't going to talk about her until I was sure of my feelings and now I am

Heol!! That was the first time I see Yesung hyung sure about something; much less a woman. WA!! Who the heck could she be?

 - I had my first date today. I confessed to her and she likes me too

- WA!!! Teuk hyung cried, 박수!! Applause!!

We applauded. Yesung hyung looked chuffed. I was so curious about that woman who stole hyung's heart for the first time since his middle school.

- What kind of person is she?

Ryeowook enquired. As Yesung hyung was trying to find the right words Donghae jumped in

- I'll tell you

- How would you?

Kyuhyun asked

- Honestly Yesung hyung's girlfriend is the buddy for life we told you about

Bloody Hell!!! What a coincidence!

Kibum and Donghae then took turns to describe that girl:

- She's beautiful

- Extremely

- And bright

- Very

- She's talented, educated, clever and ambitious, sociable, well-mannered

- Not really; Kibum commented and Yesung hyung and Donghae cackled

- Well in all; she's the best

Hyung concluded while HaeBum nodded. My curiosity was rising.

- Introduce her to us hyung

Eunhyuk suggested.

Yesung hyung shot a glance at HaeBum who nodded in agreement.

- When can you all be present?

We checked our schedule. We could all be present next Tuesday. We’d meet her next Tuesday.


/Today: Saturday/

- Hyung; today is the last day of the book fair

- Really?

Heechul hyung sighed then turned to me saying:

- Let's go there.


And now we'll be able to meet the woman who stole hyung's heart even before Tuesday


Somebody calle; hyung and Yesung oppa turned his head. As I was typing I heard him saying:

- 왠일이야? What's going on?

- Ah!! We came to meet the troublemaker

No !! That wasn't Heechul oppa's voice for sure. That couldn't be!!

- Keurae? Hyung let me introduce you to my girlfriend. Chohwa-ya!!

Damn it!! Damn my ing messed-up life. I inhaled and exhaled trying to calm down; forced a smile and turned around; when my heart fell.

Beside Heechul oppa stood Kangin who stared at me dumbstruck.

- !!!!!!!! You!!

- Hyung; do you know Chohwa?!

Yesung oppa asked when Heechul flew into a temper

- Wa!!! You certainly have skills. So it was you? You're Yesung's girlfriend and HaeBum's buddy for life?? WA!!! You're something definitely!!

He then turned to Ye oppa

- This is the troublemaker I told you about

Yesung oppa stared at me confusedly then cracked up.

He ruffled my hair

- Aigo!! You drove my hyung crazy for a while

- What do you think you're doing?

Heechul oppa screamed

- Why? Isn't she cute?

- Wa!!!! You lost it!! Wanjeon lost it!!

Kangin oppa didn't utter a single word


Yesung hyung's girlfriend turned out to be none but the troublemaker. The girl that changed Yesung hyung in less than a week and got hold of his heart was none but the girl who kept me awake since the nightclub incident. The brown hair that I dreamt of was raffled and by Yesung hyung. The hand that sent the shivers down my spine was held by Yesung hyung. That angelic smile and beautiful laugh were his. I stood there unable to talk and I thought: why would something like that happen to me?


- I don't like you; not one bit

Heechul continued the attack. It was amusing. What was not so was the way Kangin gazed at me; like I slapped him in the face.

- Keundae neo!! You said Kangin was your bias

Damn you Kim Heechul!!

- I haven't changed that


She said I was her bias. She said I was her bias and Yesung hyung put his arm around her shoulder. She said I was her bias while addressing Heechul. She said I was her bias while smiling at Yesung. What kind of situation was that? And why was my heart aching?


- I don't like you and I'll never approve of you; that's final

Heechul oppa's fury was so adorable.

- Hyung!!

Yesung oppa pleaded

- Then I'll see you on Tuesday Cherry oppa

- Cherry oppa!! Ya!! Call me that again and I'll hwak keunyang

I smiled pissing him out. He was so cute.

- Ok I'll see you later. We have a date tonight

I bowed goodbye and left. What was that bitterness in I felt though?


We had a great date. We agreed not to meet till Tuesday because my buddies were mad. I had to spend time with them.


I couldn't sleep that night because of Kangin's poster staring down at me; and the bitterness didn't vanish.


/Today: Tuesday/

After I stared at my wardrobe for hours I picked a blue shirt and white trousers.

Let's be natural!!

I was worried about one thing; Kangin.

When I met the guys yesterday they told me to be prepared because each one would ask me questions before approving me. I wouldn't leave before everyone did.

What's wrong with my life chincha?

Though I wished HaeBum would pick me up so I could loosen up with them, Yesung oppa did. He held my hand as we rang the bell. I was no longer scared. I was no longer nervous.

The thirteen guys were sitting in a circle waiting for me. How I wished Shindong and Hangeng were there also. Promise15 feels .

As I introduced myself Kyuhyun shouted:

- Neo!!

I heard Heechul oppa sigh.

After dinner the interrogation started. Donghae oppa took the microphone:

- Everyone will ask whatever they feel like in order to approve of Chohwa

- Whose idea was it?

I whispered to Bum oppa who was sitting to my right

- Heechul hyung

I hate you Kim Heechul

- We'll start from the right; Kim Kibum

Bum oppa winked at me

I love you oppa!!

- Park ChoHwa-ssi; who's got the most beautiful smile in Super Junior?


- Kim Kibum oppa; I grinned

- Pass!! High five!! Seal

I high-fived Kibum. Annoyed Heechul commented sarcastically:

- 아주 skills 있다 진짜!! Neo aju skills itta chincha!! You really have the skills!!

Without noticing I muttered imitating Gag Concert:

- 아주 sense 있다!! 아주 wit 있다!! Neo aju sense itta!! Neo aju wit itta!!

Stressing the words like the original. I thought my voice was low but I realised it wasn't when Kim Ryeowook fell about

- Do you watch it?

He asked me

- Yes. It's awesome

Though it wasn't his turn he clapped and cried:

- Nan pass!!

Heechul oppa didn't like his role in that pass at all.

Donghae oppa was still MCing

- Choi Siwon

- What book are you reading now?

Typical of Siwon. Aigo!

- I'm not actually reading one book; I'm reading 6: Nietzsche's Thoughts Out of Season, Human, All Too Human and The Birth of Tragedy, Fifty Shades of Gray by E.L James, Voice of Knowledge and Shin KyungSook seonsaengnim's Please Take Care of My Mother

- Haven't you finished that already? Kibum oppa asked

- I have. But I decided to re-read it after I met her

Siwon his chin then said: pass!!

Bless you Choi Siwon!

Yesung oppa said nothing but kept following attentively.

- Henry

How handsome!!

- (in English) When Mahler wrote Symphony No. 9 in A Major; was it right that he was dying?

Who are you trying to outsmart?

- Symphony No. 9 was written in D Major Henry-ssi; (in English)

He smirked

- Second question: what is Beethoven's Symphony No. 3 in E flat major called?

- Eroica

Another broad smile

- Last question: What is the theme of the first movement of Georges Bizet's Faust Symphony?

Aigo oppa!! Be more creative, will you?

- Faust Symphony is Franz Liszt's, oppa

- Wa!!! Pass

And he clapped. Yesung oppa tapped me on the shoulder.

- Zhoumi

- Do you know Mandarin?

- Not yet

Zhoumi oppa smiled: -Pass

- Why pass?

Heechul exclaimed

- If she said no, I wouldn't let her pass, but she said not yet which means she plans to. Pass!!

- Damn

Heechul muttered under his breath.

How cute!!

- Eunhyuk

- If you were to buy me something that has only one of its kind, what would that be?

- Michael Jackson's shirt

Eunhyuk oppa gaped: - WOW!! Pass!!

Heechul didn't like where that was going

- Leeteuk

- What's Super Junior to you?

- Family

- Pass!!

Can I just hug you Leader-nim?!

- Lee Sungmin

- What's the musical instrument that makes you alive?

- Electronic guitar

- You're no joke!! Pass

Awwieeee Sungmin oppa!!

- Cho Kyuhyun

- Give me one word for this description: clear sky, fireflies, and violin

- Wine

Typical Kyuhyun's smirk.


- Kim Heechul

!! He'll give me a hard time now!!

- What's the best song of Super Junior?

I knew he wouldn't simply ask for my opinion. He was tricking me

- The song where the 15 members sing together

I saw his eyes widen. After ''pass'' he didn't object anymore that evening.

- My turn

Donghae oppa cried:

- Chohwa-ya; Lee Donghae in one word?

- Hypnos

He frowned.

I smiled:

- Hypnos is the Greek god of sleep

His face expression changed. He stepped towards me, looked at Yesung oppa and said:

- Mianhae hyung

And hugged me

Omo!! My loved buddy!!

All was quiet for a second but then Hae got attacked by everyone. It was so adorable.

Yesung oppa wasn't going to ask obviously so the last question was Kangin's

- Who's your Super Junior's bias?

The question sounded like an accusation and it hurt. For some reason I felt guilty when he asked me that. I wanted to run and hide. Why was he looking at me with those eyes? Why did the bitterness come back?

I felt Yesung oppa's hand on mine and I was calm once again

- Kangin oppa


I cornered her. I wanted to corner her. I wanted to defeat her for some reason. She was winning everyone's heart. Even Heechul hyung was amazed. I don't know why I felt everyone was against me personally. I shouldn't let her pass. So I cornered her.

But then Yesung hyung reached his hand out to her and her face calmed. And I knew I lost. I knew I lost the battle I didn't realise I was fighting until that moment. She simply replied Kangin oppa. Even when everyone stared at her saying Kangin oppa while her hand is in Yesung hyung's she didn't waver. I didn’t understand why she would insist on announcing that I was her bias. I couldn't read her. And I lost.


I didn't get any sleep that night. There was a hollow inside of me. I called Yesung oppa and asked him to sing me to sleep. He did, but I didn't sleep. I pretended to so oppa could hang up and sleep. I spent the rest of the night staring at the wall; Kangin oppa's ''pass'' echoing in my head and piercing like needles.


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Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
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