Chapter 21: Day 1; August 1st

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?

Yesung                      Kangin



The shooting started the moment I arrived at the block of flats. Kangta seonbae received me with a smile and a ''fighting''!

As I was heading up the stairs I had to face the camera and talk about Super Junior and my expectations; to chatter the time away. Because seonbae was there it was much easier. We notified the guys that I'd arrive at 9 but was there at 6. Our spy there was unusually Lee Donghae. Leeteuk Leader-nim had always played that part in varieties but I chose Donghae; for more than one reason: first; Donghae is a best friend of mine. Even if the audience would think we're just becoming best friends. Second; Donghae oppa's a light sleeper compared to others; and that would make my life easier. Third; Hae oppa's relationship with all the members is excellent. Fourth; it'd help with the views if he'd appear first –he's so popular in England-.

So I called Donghae oppa who opened the door for us. We tiptoed inside. There were 6 bedrooms; one was to be mine for the following month; 앗싸!! And the 14 guys filled the 5 others; 3 in each room except for Kangin and Heechul who shared one room. Their temper is a bit

The first step was to wake the 14 guys up. It's granted that I wouldn't wake them individually; not with some who might not know we're shooting and give me a kiss, or others who might not know we're shooting and give me a slap!! So I decided to go with push and pull method. Sorry guys!!

I turned Sorry Sorry at full blast then started my ten-minute magical recipe; Apple Yogurt Cake with Cinnamon-Sugar Streak. I specifically chose it because as soon as it enters the oven; the smell fills the place. So those who won't wake by Sorry Sorry thunder; will wake by the cake's aroma. Genius eo?!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ   

I brought the ingredients with me and started. While I was mixing the cake I heard various shouts and exclamations coming from different rooms. I simply ignored them. Before I put the cake into the oven –in less than 10 minutes that is- Kibum, Henry and Zhoumi woke up. The three were sleeping in one room. They came out of the room rubbing their eyes and murmuring: mwoya?! The first one to glimpse me was Henry. He rubbed his eyes then bowed muttering: annyeong haseyo… he was so cute with his hair all over the place. Kibum caught me and said: eo!! You're here?! Zhoumi didn't even notice. They went to wash their faces.

As the aroma of the freshly baked cake began to fill the dorm the other guys woke up. Shindong oppa spontaneously came out of the room and straight to where I was.

- May I have a bite?

- No

I hate myself

- We'll have breakfast together

Disappointed Shindong headed to the toilet.

The guys who woke up first; Henry, Kibum and Zhoumi came to help me preparing the other dishes; along with the spy Donghae. Though I didn't show it I was so glad they were the first to wake up. Everybody was worried about these three. Lots of people considered Zhoumi and Henry as members of Super Junior-M ONLY, while Kibum hasn't appeared with SuJu since 2009. It was a total risk to have them because of the negative comments that might follow but I insisted, and there they were occupying the morning.

The last people to get up were typically Leeteuk, Kangin and Heechul. Leader-nim instantly got into the show mood while the two others were annoyed to hell to behold my face but held it back.

The most unforgettable moment was Yesung oppa's reaction. We were setting the table when oppa walked out of the room. I was standing right in front of him chatting with Kibum and Donghae –like old friends kkkk- when my eyes fell on him. I drew a neutral smile and greeted him. Oppa didn't seem to apprehend the situation so he first stared at me face, my hair, my pink blouse and down to my floral skirt. He looked mystified but as he looked around the room it seemed to come back to him so he hurried to the toilet.

The 15 of us circled around the table to have breakfast. Siwon, Henry, Kibum and I were bantering with each other in English. Donghae was following attentively while the rest were shuffling in their places. Suddenly Shindong hit the table. All were taken aback. The director coughed and the crew exchanged glances. He then looked at me and asked:

- How did you make this? How did you make it so yummy?

For a moment we only gaped at him but then split our sides. Shindong didn't say anything before that outburst. He kept eating and frowning, that was one thing. He asked the question in a cute English accent and correct grammar which was the most adorable thing ever. And it was so funny; the way he beat the table, his stare, our stupefied faces, his tone, his accent and the content of the question. That scene was chosen the following day as the highlight and Shindong got the most points in the audience's daily evaluation on the show's website.

After breakfast the real work started. We sat in a circle. The introductions and the unnecessary talk were all done over the breakfast table so we were ready to start.

- Now we'll arrange the schedules. They'll be two schedules; House Chores and Activities

- Consider me out of the chores thing

I was actually waiting for that from Heechul

- Nobody is out oppa

- Don't call me oppa


The director who almost lost his mind over Shindong in the morning was now enjoying the argument.

- Yeah; I'll call you sir. Cool?

- It'd be better if you don't call me at all

- Fine

The battle started

I opened the laptop and said:

- We'll have a draw. Based on the draw we'll choose who will do the chores. Two people will do each chore. The table we'll fill now will be printed out and hung on the wall

- I thought I finished my military service; he staged whispered to Kangin. I only smiled and ignored it. Heechul didn't like that one bit

- So who'll draw?

I looked around and my eyes fell on the perfect person for the task. He'll hate me!

- Co-director Kim Kangta will help us draw. Applause!!

Kangta seonbae shook his head. The cameras turned to him and the director gestured him to go.

When he sat beside me he whispered:

- I'll make sure to kill you hoobae-ya

- Ne seonbae

And grinned


As I mentioned the chores Cherry oppa commented:

- How interesting!

I ignored that as well.

It was a Saturday so the schedule would start on Saturday obviously.

After Kangta seonbae finished and Heechul commented A LOT; the result turned out to be:





































Washing breakfast dishes






























Washing lunch dishes






























Washing dinner dishes



































Lots of fans asked to add Kangta seonbae to the characters after that. He refused though



- Eunhyuk-ah!!

- I got it

Eunhyuk and Sungmin oppadeul on getting the copy of the schedule immediately went to wash the dishes. What an ideal pair!!

There must be something with 1986ers; considering Donghae and Robert were born in that year as well!


- Before you wash the dishes oppadeul

I called after them

- We need to settle the activities schedule

- Ah right

And the resumed their seats

- As group activities will be decided by the writers, we'll only discuss the individual ones. There are few things I want to learn from you, please!

They all smiled- Kangin excepted. What a business!!

- Okay I'll see the activity and I guess everyone knows what they're capable of. If you want to teach it to me raise your hand and call out your name. First; electronic guitar

- Why do you want to learn that?

Sungmin oppa enquired. I knew as well as everyone that Sungmin was the king of electronic guitars

- For many reasons; first; I want to learn many instruments. Second; the electronic guitar makes people crazy and alive. Third; and most urgently; I want to play ''Sarang Halsurok'' with Yesung oppa.

- Sungmin

Sungmin oppa raised his hand and the first activity was settled


What the devil was she trying to do? It was a broadcast. We were filming and she was one the one to emphasise the importance of being professional and now what? She wants to learn the electronic guitar to play along with Yesung hyung?! How absurd!! And what was more asinine; was my bile over it. I clenched my fists and ground my teeth because I didn't want to ruin the project. I hated how she said that and I hated how Yesung hyung looked back at her. What I hated more, was the bumper reaction from the audience who absolutely loved it and were shipping them together already. What a load of crap!!


Chohwa and I agreed to respect the show and act professional; that we wouldn't show our feelings or our relationship; that we'd act neutral; but then; when she explained her desire to learn the electronic guitar I couldn't help but stare at her. I fit to burst with love. I couldn't hug her then. People's reaction though consoled me. If they only knew how desperately in love I was with her.


- Cooking

- Ryeowook

Simple and easy!!


- I want a beauty partner; someone who goes to the hairdresser with me; someone who can teach me more about hair and makeup; a shopping partner

All stared at one another and before anybody could call their names Shindong oppa screamed:

- Shindong

How charming!!


- Mandarin

- Of course Zhoumi

Zhoumi oppa grinned from ear to ear

If only all tutors looked like that!!


- Dancing

- Eunhyuk

Confidently oppa raised his hand.

I stood up then bowed.

- It's my honour seonsaengnim

Everyone laughed their head off;

Almost everyone


- Rapping

- Donghae

He winked and gave me a smile

I'd make sure we'd have sometime alone kkkk


- Wine

And unconsciously looked towards Kyuhyun. He shrugged his shoulders then nodded his head.

A perfect Gatsby!!


- Fashion

- You already chose Shindong

- Aiyoo aiyoo aiyoo Kim Heechul... You don't difference between this and that. Pashion is different

I felt a pang of pain. Leeteuk leader-nim was trying and I was glad but… I frowned. Siwon oppa noticed and turned to Kim Heechul in his gentlemanly manner:

- Hyung; you need to differentiate between this and that. Fashion is different.

Without looking at Leader or making him feel awkward he corrected the mistakes. Leader blushed but looked grateful while Heechul pouted. Siwon oppa raised his hand:

- Choi Siwon

What did I do to strike lucky like this?


- Celebrities. I want to meet many of them

- Ahem ahem

Leader cleared his throat

- That's my specialty



- Drinking; I need to know more about soju and I need a drinking partner

- That's me

Kibum oppa!! Aja!!


- Driving. I have no Korean licence

- This handsome oppa will take care of that

The handsome Henry winked. I swooned with happiness.


- Animals

- That's something I can do

Yesung oppa –who didn't take his eyes off me since I talked about the electronic guitar- said


- Games

Heechul and Kangin were left and both stared fixedly at me.

I waited

- You'll never win against me though

Heechul crossed his arms and declared assertively. I smirked

- We'll see to that

- You will… NEVER

- Don't bet on it


There was one thing I saved till the end, because I wanted the last person to teach it to me and because I didn't want to leave him a choice. Though I didn't know what exactly I did wrong I knew I wasn't his favourite. I was scared of him, and on my toes around him.

I took a deep breath


- Boxing; Kangin oppa?

His eyes bore into me. I felt my hands shaking. He gazed at me with piercing eyes then turned away and didn't comment. I darted a glance at the director who nodded his head.

Well that was considered a yes after all!!


- Now let's start the schedule

Sungmin and Eunhyuk went to wash the dishes. Kibum and Kyuhyun started collecting the laundry and shooting angry looks at me. Adorable!! Shindong and Donghae had the toilets. Heading there Shindong oppa stood over me and stared at my laptop then whispered:

- If you want me to behave make that cake again

While Donghae on the other side pretended to check my clothes and under his breath murmured:

- The toilet?!

I barely held my laughter in.


Henry and I went to shop for lunch.


The director told us that we should prepare for our individual activities when we don't have tasks. He informed us that they're the most important part of the show. I knew that much but I wasn't in the mood for it. How would I teach her boxing when I can't stand the sight of her?


Shooting in the streets and the grocery store with Henry attracted everybody's attention. Everybody knew about the show. The amount of advertising Adams and Co. and SME had been doing was no joke.

- Oppa; what shall we cook for lunch?

- Mmm pasta?

- Eo? Heyy!!

- Let's go

We went around the shop picking ingredients and discussing them before we bought them. Henry oppa knew a lot about the types of pasta and cheese. He shot more than one film and show on cooking before. Most of our shopping was broadcasted; it was fun and it was English.

I kept wondering what was going in the dorm.

- Oppa

- Yes?

- Shall we call the other oppadeul and ask them if they need anything?

I asked Henry as we were choosing the necessary vegetables.

- Cool

Kangta seonbae –who was accompanying us apparently- gave us the thumbs up.

- Who shall we call?

- Mmm someone who's not busy; Leader?

- Ok


Teuk hyung was calling celebrities and trying to arrange meetings with them for Chohwa. He was with one of the staff who was writing everything down to fit it in the schedule when he received a call. He hailed the director:

- It's Henry

- Put it on the speaker and speak as much English as you can

- Yes sir.

- Oh Henry!!

- Hyung. We're at the mall and we want to ask if any of you needs anything

We? We? Batty team!!

- Guys; Chohwa and Henry are in the mall and they ask if you need anything

Ryeowook jumped out of nowhere.

- Let them buy us stuff for dinner

- ? 죽어 십어? What? Do you a death wish?

- ?? Why?

- 안되 인마!! You can't jerk!

- Leader!!

Her voice suddenly filled the place if she was standing there and I felt a sudden shiver. What was wrong with me?

- Ah Chohwa-ya

- Tell Wook oppa that we're sorry but you should do the shopping for dinner

- I'm not Ryeowook

I heard her giggle

- Leader; you and Ryeowook will prepare dinner.

- Ah!! Right!!

- If you don't need anything we're hanging up

- Okay

We we we??? I hate we!!


- Chohwa-ya

- Eo oppa

- Let's take a photo. Let's take photos for everything we do. Okay?

- How adorable! Of course okay

We took a photo with the trolley and outside the mall. People liked them so much when they posted on the website.


The guys liked our pasta so much. After lunch Siwon and Zhoumi washed the dishes then we sat down waiting for our mission as a group.

- What could it be?

Yesung oppa exclaimed

- How would I know hyung? Something crazy mostly.

Henry and I were best friends already. We were sitting beside each other when Henry replied to Yesung.


- On the official website;

The director started talking while I only observed Chohwa; how she chatted and laughed with Henry, how she peeked at Yesung, how she signed to the director and staff and how blissfully happy she was, and everybody. Why was I the only one in the doldrums?!

- We conducted a poll on Super Junior's most favourite dance-songs. You'll be teaching Chohwa and the audience these dances.


- Song number one is Sorry Sorry. From now till dinner you'll practice the song.


Chul hyung was right beside me. He said; contrary like always:

- Not enough that the whole neighbourhood danced to it in the morning

Chohwa –addressing Henry- said:

- Not that somebody actually got up when they heard it.

Chul was about to snap at her but caught me chuckling and took it on me instead:

- You're enjoying it?

- You should host a show with her hyung; you'll be a great couple

Chul nudged me and walked away. I turned my attention back to her.


- But how can the 15 of us practice in this living room?

That was a problem. We were already 15 without the staff. How would we practice Sorry Sorry here?

- Let's go to SM then?

Sungmin coolly suggested.

Everyone stared at me as I stared at the director.

- Cool. Divide yourselves into the two cars

They weren't cars; they were people carriers actually.

I picked my backpack and was about to get into the car when someone pulled me from behind. I turned around and it was Heechul

- What's wrong oppa?

He bit his lip. Amusing!!

- Listen girl. We're going to live together for a month so we'll need to coexist and I honestly can't be with this backpack of yours. It just cheeses me off!

- Oppa. If it wasn't for this backpack, we wouldn't have had this special relationship

I tapped him on the shoulder and got into the car.


She was unbelievably fast and good. Being an ELF helped a lot obviously but she only needed few instructions and she was already excellent. It was hard for everyone; Zhoumi and Henry weren't used to it while Kibum hadn't danced it in years. We weren't young either and constant practice exhausted us but her presence made us less tired. The cheerfulness she added to the atmosphere made everything worth it. It hurt to admit that though.

 After two hours of practice the director told us that we'd practice for only one more hour but it would be broadcasted live on the website. That was a big challenge and we were hesitant; up until that girl wet through with sweat and her hair drenched stood in front of us cheering the name of every one of us:

- 슈퍼주니어 사라해. 사라해요 김영운사라해요 김희철사라해요 이성민사라해요 김려욱사라해요 신해동사라해요 최시원사라해요 조규현사라해요 이정수사라해요 이혁재사라해요 이동해사라해요 김기범사라해요 Henry…사라해요 Zhoumi…사라해요 김종운

She was cheering with all her night. Everybody was in tears. Suddenly we all had a boost of energy and we decided to do the live practice. As she was glowing with passion she looked utterly beautiful. That evening; she won the hearts of all of us; all.


The live practice was the best thing ever. We hit 20 million live views on our first episode. The guys never knew, but the idea of the live practice was mine. I saw the way Kangin oppa smiled at me at the end of practice and I knew it was worth it.


Leeteuk and Ryeowook oppadeul baked pizza for dinner; pizza that had only the name, but we finished it all. Ryeowook oppa was really good at that but Teuk leader-nim insisted that he would make it... Yeah I know!!

When it came to the dishes Heechul said:

- Let's play Rock Scissors Paper and the loser washes the dishes.

Everyone turned to me. I stood up, walked to the kitchen, snatched the gloves and brought them to Heechul. He was about to argue when everyone pointed at the dishes. With many curses under his breath, Heechul with Kangin as his partner fulfilled the mission.


It was midnight and we should go to sleep. We were scattered around the room when an idea flashed in my mind. I asked the guys to sit in a circle which they reluctantly did. Oddly I found Kangin on my right. Yesung oppa was on my left. I talked:

- We've had such a full day. For me it's been the best day ever. To meet you guys is an honour and a pleasure; not because you're celebrities. The men I met today were so real it was frightening; so beautifully real I couldn't believe I hadn't met you before. I want us to hold hands and talk about today and the days to come; as the family we turned to be.

Spontaneously I held Kangin's left hand and Yesung's right. A spark of electricity went through me and I didn’t know which hand caused it.


 She held my hand and I pressed it. I longed to hold it all day through. All the fatigue of that day melted that moment.


Heechul hyung was on my right but before I could reach to his hand a spark of electricity went though me. Chohwa's hand was in mine. Throughout the talk, I could hear nothing except for my heart beats.

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faeriemythc #1
Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
faeriemythc #2
Chapter 39: I miss this story. I want to know what happens next.
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Chapter 36: Poor Minho. Hope she isn't nice out of desperation and then treats him lime again later.
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Chapter 28: Aaww, she wants to kiss Kangin in private..she doesn't want to hurt Yeye....and I believe Edward has a thing for her.
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Chapter 24: Omo, I LOVE Geunsukkie! !! You don't even know how much. So glad he appeared. Interesting love triangle getting started....poor Yeye.
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Chapter 21: Aaww, she's holding hands with both of them. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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Chapter 16: Too cute. Kep up the good work.