Chapter 30: Day 10/ August 10th/ Tuesday

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?

Kangin           Yesung           Robert       Choi Minho          Donghae        Edward

Ah chincha!! I don't want to wake up. I don't want to see any of the guys outside… I just want to jump out of the window!!

I miss SeungWon oppa already, and Noah. Did he have to be so nice last night when he bid me adieu? How will I live my daily life without them???

I was tossing and turning thus when calls from outside my door began to pour in. I just ignored them. Then the door flung open. I covered my head.

- You're not getting up?

Robert asked. I pretended to sleep

- I know you're awake since you never cover yourself in summer so get up immediately

- Get lost!!

- I said get up!!

And he threw the cover aside. I wanted to stay mad but when I noticed that we were wearing one of our couple pyjamas I couldn't but laugh.

- Our telepathy is hopeless. I'm coming so get out of my face

I washed and ran to the sofa where I sat between Donghae and Kibum.

- What are we eating today? Who is making breakfast?

Shindong asked

- We haven't set the new schedule so let's just buy something to eat.

Everyone turned to look at me

- What did you just say?

Heechul asked

- Let's buy something to eat. Do you want to starve yourself?

- Kibum-ah, feel her forehead. She must have a fever

Bum oppa did, I had no fever.

- Let's just buy breakfast then

Eunhyuk called his bakery and they brought us lots of different pastry... yummy!!

I put my head on Kibum oppa's lap and stretched my legs across the sofa and on Hae oppa's legs. I could tell some eyes didn't like that and I didn't care. They had to be punished for yesterday's heartache.

The show started. As we watched Rob's arrival, he tried to tease me but I paid him no attention. Though the couple pyjamas weren't something to ignore I ignored it in front of the guys. The water volleyball game was fun. The scene when I stared fixedly at Kangin was highlighted and Super Junior's U was played in the background. I had to meet the editors.

And then came truth-or-dare. I knew beforehand how crazy the fans would go. It started so fun and ended terribly. That day the love-triangle was officially declared and some even talked of love square including Noah. No comments.

After the show ended the guys asked when we would be writing the new schedule and I dumped the question.

We had to go through the day nonetheless. And then a spark of evilness flashed in my mind and I decided on the perfect punishment.

- Cha cha cha!! Until we set the new schedule we need something to do, right?

I gathered the guys

- And what's your brilliant idea?

Kyuhyun satirised

- Well. Our Super Junior members are pretty close to B1A4, aren't you?

- We are

Shindong replied

- And you most probably remember that the 14th is Gonchan's birthday!!

- Ah right!!

Ryeowook slapped his forehead.

- That's why you guys will think of what do it, arrange it and do it. We have to be fully prepared.

- What do you mean you guys?

Sungmin enquired

- I mean that I have another thing to do with you oppa, Kangin oppa, Yesung oppa and Robert. So you guys go ahead and we'll meet in the evening.


Well, that was scary. For the girl who didn't exchange any word or glance with us since the morning and kept throwing remarks now and then to suddenly exclude us, it didn't sound so innocent to me.

- So… let's go

- Where to?

Sungmin asked

- Oppa!! Will you just follow me?

She sounded so serious even Sungmin followed noiselessly.

On the way we didn't utter a word.

- SM?

- I said; follow me

We entered SM clueless as to why this girl brought us here. Jay received us at the main gate

- Hi

He waved to Chohwa


- So we're actually here to practice?

Yesung hyung asked

- What did you think you're here for then?


- Oh!! Onew hyung. Aren't they SuJu hyungdeul?

I asked hyung as I glimpsed them walking into SM

- Mmm and there's Park Chohwa and her English friend as well. Let's say hello

Oh no I don't want to. If she makes fun of me again today I'll have nightmares for a year!!

- Hyung!!

Onew called and they turned back to us. Her eyes fell on Onew and she beamed. When she saw me her smile vanished and a gust of cold wind blew.

Why. Did. She. Loathe. Me. That. Much??


- Hey noona

The guy who gave me the creeps addressed me. Choi Minho actually called me noona. I was about to throw up

- Noona? Did you just call me noona?

- Chohwa-ya, isn't this one of the three you hate the most?

Typical of Rob he expressed that OUT LOUD.

I cleared my throat.

- Well

Everyone was waiting for an answer

- Honestly yes. Like… Choi Minho!! I don't know about others but you're intolerable. I'm just allergic to you ok? You give me goosebumps!!


She was muttering all those painful words looking me in the eye. I never met her before and yet she hated me that much. It was the first time I heard someone talk to me that way. I was always the invincible Choi Minho, the perfect body, handsome face, energetic youth, ambitious star, etc… but to hear those accusations from someone I longed to be praised by was way too painful. I felt a lump in my throat and hurried away.


 Strangely it didn't feel good.

I brushed Choi Minho aside and followed Jay to the practice room.


But why did she bring me? I can understand why she brought the other nutcases but why me?


Robert has to be always within my sight so I'd feel comfortable. I can't have him going around making trouble like yesterday.

The atmosphere was so tense. Yesung and Kangin were to sing in unison and there they were turning their backs to each other and each one singing on his own.

I hit the guitar in my hand. They shifted their eyes to me.

- Listen guys. I'm not concerned about your personal issues right now. There's a camera shooting and we need to get this song right. I haven't told you because I didn't want to freak you out but we're performing this the day after tomorrow.

- What?

The four exclaimed

- That's why you should do it right?

Jay and I were doing great. He felt like a long time partner. Yesung and Kangin, on the other hand, tried but the awkwardness remained.

I was about to start another fit of scolding when my phone rang. Bob handed it to me:

- It's Ice-voice

Oh really!! Good to call me back after a decade!!

- Hello

- Where are you?

- Why?

- I can simply call Kangta who's standing in front of you shooting you practicing the song with those fruitcakes in SM. So where are you?

There was only one fruitcake around sir. I guess you know who that is!!

- What do you want?

- Come over

- Now?

- No of course not, the next light year

- I'm on my way

I have met many insane people but not as headcase as my dear director!!

- Guys I have to go. Mr. Headcase is waiting

Rob who was staring at the ceiling muttered:

- This will be recorded

I smirked

- He must know my opinion of him by now. You guys keep practicing. Sungmin oppa, I'll leave them in your hands.

I walked out when I felt a grip on my arm. It was Rob

- Why did you follow me?

- I want to see the headcase

- Go back

- Do you want me to stay with those rivals? I won't I won't!!

I sighed


- So what should I do about this? If Chohwa's feeling brilliant let her do this. Nan molla

Heechul hyung literally didn't sit still since Chohwa left. It was funny and obvious. Heechul could do nothing with Chohwa not around. Everybody smiled secretly but none commented.

We agreed on a surprise party. Wook called Baro and informed him. The other members would help us sneak in the dorm and get it ready. We'd make a cake. Ok that was what everyone would do. What we needed was that WOW idea of Chohwa, the kind of event that would make Gonchan walk on air.

And there was the most important part that nobody knew except for Kibum and I and probably Robert who left. Gonchan was Chohwa's B1A4's bias. He was so special to her. For Chohwa, the dongsaeng-idols matter differently to her. Yoo SeungHo excepted, Chohwa sees the idols younger than her as her real brothers. She likes them a lot, cares about them and feels so protective towards them. So Kibum and I knew how important this birthday was for Chohwa. We had to come up with something genuine.


So I walked into the office cursing Edward under my breath. He gestured me to sit down and paid absolutely no attention to Rob. It pissed me off the more.

- Chohwa

- Yes

- I'm looking for a new writer

- Ok

- I want you to find them for me

What the hell?

- What do you mean sir?

- I need someone hardworking, talented and extraordinary; someone crazy that won't give me hell; someone like you.

Was he praising or cursing me?

- So do you want me to bring in a copy of me?

- Exactly

- Sir, are you ok? Is your fever recurring?

- Chohwa!! Do I look kidding to you?

- You look serious and that's why I'm asking. As much as I know you don't stand the sight of me


She looked so adorably confused and I felt like teasing her forever if that eagle eye wasn't following every expression of my face.


- Listen Chohwa. I'm talking about work now. I want someone who holds your perspectives on work

I had someone like that actually

- So?

- So if you think of someone would you please contact them as soon as possible and summon them here?

- Well that isn't hard but… do you really trust my choice?


Of course I do, silly.

- Well if I didn't like them I'd send them back you know


And I thought for a second there was a kind side of him. Tsk tsk!!

- I'll contact them and inform you of what happens. Can we leave now?


Can't you just stay a bit more?

- Leave


- Waa!! This guy is a lost cause really. Did you see him?

Rob was thinking hard with a smirk on his face. I didn't like it

- Rob!

- Mmm?

- What are you thinking about?

- About the event you'll make Gonchan

- Ah!! I'm worried about that as well


So actually all that teasing was because he had feelings for her and my clueless friend thinks he dislikes her. Wow Edward, you impressed me.


- I'm giving up. Let's just wait for Chohwa

Chul hyung announced and lay on the sofa. No ideas came up. Chohwa would murder us all.


The moment Chohwa walked out an Englishman in his early fifties walked in. He looked nervous. I invited him to sit down.

- Would you like a drink?

I asked

- Only cold water please

He drank his water in one gulp and was nervously looking around.

- Please feel comfortable.

- Thank you. Actually I'm here because of Park Chohwa


- What about her?

- Ah… you see… I'm her step-father


I was all curiosity.

- I married her mom three years ago. Her mom has only one concern in her life, which is Chohwa. And because she continuously talks about her and because her photos are all over the place I feel like I know her.

He paused

- Because of that father of hers, my wife couldn't reach out to Chohwa. It broke her heart but she felt that in staying away at least Chohwa wouldn't need to face two conflicts. Since she saw her on TV she's so restless but she refuses to see her.

- What can I do for you? I really would like to help? Chohwa is a special person to me as well.

- I expected that. When I saw Chohwa in the show happy and running around I knew her boss must be a nice person.

What's this feeling?

- Thank you sir. I can do nothing if her mom isn't ready yet. I just wanted to come and ask you if you can keep me updated especially about her father.

- Don't worry about him. He won't bother her anymore.

He raised his eyebrows in disbelief and I only smiled assuredly. We exchanged phone numbers and the man left.

I had lots to think about.


We didn't practice. I sat in a corner and chatted with Jay while Yesung hyung talked to Sungmin. There was that agreed-on silence. We just couldn't.


We had to call it a day. I called the guys practicing and we headed back to the dorm.


- So guys what did you come up with?

I asked the guys at the dorm. Cherry oppa walked to me

- Listen big-brown-eyes!! Use your brilliant head here. We came up with nothing

- Oppa!!! You're frustrating

- I admit

I pulled my hair and the guys were taken aback. I sat cross-legged in the middle of the room.



She was completely scary and we had to come up with an idea. We thought and thought and waited and waited and nothing came up. We were dead-meat.


- Ok. You contacted Baro right?

Wook oppa nodded.

- Make sure he keeps Gonchan away on his birthday. I'll transform his room. I'll need lots of shopping. Get ready we're going shopping


Nobody had any idea what she was talking about.


- You're not going shopping.

The director interrupted me

- Why?

- Because you have an individual schedule. You have boxing lesson today. Kangin get ready.

Holy Jesus Christ no!! Not an individual activity with Kangin!! Not boxing!!


My heart started throbbing as I went to my room to get ready. I was going to teach Chohwa boxing. I can't even imagine that!!


Give up already I say Yesung!!


I don't like that one bit!!


I didn't utter any word on our way to the the club oppa practices in. It was so awkward inside the car.

As we reached the place, I changed into a shirt and a pair of shorts and put on the gloves and the helmet.

Oppa was waiting for me.

After much hesitation he started:

- First we're going to learn the boxing stance.

He stood behind me and I felt breathless

- Front toe and back heel on the center line. Dominant hand in back 

And he held my hand and brought it back. A rush of electricity went through me. That was torture.


- Now step 2. In order for your weight to be distributed evenly you need to bend your knees.

I pushed her knees a bit. My body was on fire.


- Step 3: Feet diagonal, little wider than shoulder width apart, back heel raised. Ok… great

- Step 4: elbows down

And he brought them down

- Hands up

And he brought them up

In my 25 years, this was the most nerve-wrecking lesson ever.

- Step 5:  Head behind your gloves, chin slightly down, eyes see over the gloves.

When he touched my chin I was about to lose my balance. His face was so close and his hand's touch sent the shivers down my spine. And I hated that day when I chose boxing to be an individual activity, not total hatred that is.


I saw her lower lip tremble and I could barely control myself. I lied and claimed that we can't take more than one step at a time and she had to practice the stance.

- But how do I practice this?

She asked innocently. I sat at the very end of the room.

- Just keep standing there for a while until you get used to it

And I watched her


Was he kidding me? How would I practice standing? Well honestly I was relieved that he stopped there because my heart would have burst out if he hadn't. So I kept changing positions and going back to the stance while he sat at the end of the room checking and commenting.

After we finished there was some time left till the end of the schedule. Oppa walked to me and whispered:

- Shall we go have fun on our own?

I didn't understand. He winked to me

We went to change. I was putting on my blue dress when oppa sneaked into the room.

- Oppa!!

He put his finger on my mouth

My heart!!

- Listen. We can't drag these guys along if we were to have real fun that's why we'll fool them. See that door? It opens to a back alley I know well. We'll exit from there and when they realise we're gone it'd be too late

That sounded so good to me. I always wanted to do that with Kangin but… but…

- Chohwa!! There's no time!!

And he grabbed my hand and ran out. I didn't resist


When we were out I noticed that my hand was in his and tried to pull it out.

- Just leave it there

Oppa whispered looking ahead

I left it there

Oppa turned to me:

- Where would you like to go now?

That was a hard question.

- Mmm there's something I want to do but I don't know how

- And what is that?

- Ice skating

Oppa beamed.

- We'll need some hiding to do

We dropped by a stand and bought caps

- Is this your hiding oppa?

He laughed

In the taxi, oppa whispered:

- Since my photo will be all over Lotte World, we'll go to Bundang Olympic Sports Centre. Ok?

- As if I know the difference

I mumbled. Oppa held my hand. I pretended not to notice.

There I had the joy of my life. Oppa tied the shoelaces, oppa helped me walk with the skating boots, and oppa held my hands and taught me to skate. In my five-year fantasies, that kind of activities was what I always dreamt of, and that person was the one I only dreamt of. Holding his hand and skating I realised that what I had for him wasn't some fan love. The epiphany hit me so hard I asked oppa to go home.

- Are you ok?

- Mmm. It's just… they'll be worried sick about us now

- Ok but Chohwa

I turned back

- Let's take one photo

I was glad he suggested. We took a photo and headed home.


- So you're telling us Chohwa and Kangin just disappeared and their phones are turned off

Heechul was worried. I was frustrated and Yesung was experiencing hell.

I sat down beside Yesung

- You should have expected that

- Would you leave me alone?

- Let's have a bet. If Chohwa comes back the one you know you win, if she appears a total new person I win


He screamed. I walked away.

Ok. You work it out!!


In the taxi Chohwa dozed off and her head fell on my shoulder, that drama scene I always acted but never felt. That night was the best night of my life. That's how I always wanted to live and that was the person I wanted to share the rest of my days with. Even if hell was to swallow me once I reached the dorm I had no regrets.

By the time we reached the dorm Chohwa was fast asleep. She must have been so tired. I carried her in my arms and walked into the room. The guys who looked ready to bomb my head fell into deadly silence. Robert jumped and opened her room. I put her on the bed, covered her and was about to walk out.

- Chohwa doesn't put covers in summer

Robert interfered

- She needs them tonight

I tiptoed out.

Nobody said a thing. Yesung had already gone to his room.

In our room –that Robert shared since he joined us- Heechul hyung whispered:

- What the heck do you think you're doing?

- I like her hyung

- Ya!!

- Let him be Kim Heechul. She likes him too.

Chul hyung and I stared at the bald guy lying on the blanket beside our bed and no words were left.

I slept soundly like a baby.


So shall I play some classics and announce: '' The End''?


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faeriemythc #1
Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
faeriemythc #2
Chapter 39: I miss this story. I want to know what happens next.
faeriemythc #3
Chapter 36: Poor Minho. Hope she isn't nice out of desperation and then treats him lime again later.
faeriemythc #4
Chapter 28: Aaww, she wants to kiss Kangin in private..she doesn't want to hurt Yeye....and I believe Edward has a thing for her.
faeriemythc #5
Chapter 24: Omo, I LOVE Geunsukkie! !! You don't even know how much. So glad he appeared. Interesting love triangle getting started....poor Yeye.
faeriemythc #6
Chapter 21: Aaww, she's holding hands with both of them. Can't wait to see what happens next.
faeriemythc #7
Chapter 16: Too cute. Kep up the good work.