Chapter 27: Day 7/ August 7th/ Friday

Why Did it Take So Long to Find Me?

Robert           Kangin        Cha Seungwon          Cha Noah             Kangta


Oh!! Eunhyuk and Zhoumi oppadeul had prepared Apple Muffins for breakfast. I sat cosily on the sofa wearing my green frog couple pyjama, leaning my head against Zhoumi oppa's shoulder and waiting for the broadcast. The muffins were good and we drank Youthberry White Tea. Yeah you might guess, that was my pick!!

As the broadcast started and I watched how ferociously I defended Robert, my phone rang. It was father's number. Donghae snatched the phone.

- You're not picking up

- Oppa!!

- Chohwa-ya, neo!

- I have to. Matters won't be solved this way

He involuntarily gave it back.

- But put it on the speaker

I did

- Hello

- Waa Park Chohwa!! Am I being recorded now as well?

Though I was taken aback I said

- Yes

- Well done. After all it runs in the family; being conniving

What the hell does that mean?

- I never imagined the kid who lived 10 years in depression after her mom left her would pull few strings. Anyhow you caught me off guard. You may do that vulgar show to your heart's content

And he hung up. I understood nothing.

- So does that mean he's given up?

- What's going on?

- Don't worry now

The guys were throwing random questions and I just stared blankly. Why would Father change his mind? He didn't sound kidding when he called me the first time? What happened to force him to change? What strings did I pull? How am I conniving?

The show went on and I simply stared. The bell rang and a postman asked me to sign. I did and received an envelope. It was sent from London. I ripped the envelope and took the paper. It was a contract. My father's name was there but the other party was erased. In short; the contract stated that my father wouldn't interfere in my life. And dad actually signed that!!

- Who would have done this?

Siwon asked

- Daddy Long-legs

I simply unconsciously and naively answered. There was no other answer. I either have a daddy long-legs or a godmother!!


Ya Park Chohwa!! You shouldn't have said that. I was already struggling against going to see you and now. See you soon my soul-mate.


But what on Earth did 10-year-depression mean???


The guys made fun of me as they watched how awkward I was with g.o.d. Dad's phone call wasn't mentioned at all. Kangta seonbae wasn't in the room then. Everyone was surprised but glad nevertheless.

The gathering before sleep felt so warm. I didn't know I cried that much. The guys were so kind and considerate that night. Fans went crazy over it; especially Chul's hug.


We finished watching the broadcast and were waiting for the director to announce the activities.

- Ok guys I'll give you 30 minutes to get ready

We exchanged confused glances.

- Ready for what?

Leeteuk asked

- You don't need to know. You only can carry a backpack. Fill the backpack with whatever you think you might need. You only have 30 minutes.

- But we need to know where we're going so we can prepare

Siwon claimed

- Counting down started

What the hell?

Though clueless we prepared our backpacks and gathered in the living room.

Since it sounded like a trip to me, I wore green shorts and a white sleeveless shirt with a pair of trainers.

The director ushered us to the bus. We didn't know where we were heading.


- Are we going to Pusan?

Eunhyuk oppa asked but the staff didn't care to answer. The bus took some unfamiliar route. Sungmin cried:

- No way!! Are we going to Taebaek Mountains?

- Mwo??

The director smiled

- But what are we going to do there?

We asked as the bus stopped. The staff handed us camping tools. No kidding!! We weren't going to camp in the Taebaek!!

- Yes you are

- Sir!!

- Kangta, you take the crew. I'll stay here in the van. The leader who'll be responsible for you is waiting. For the coming three days listen to him well. Get going!!

Somehow we managed to reach the camping site. The ground was suitable, but only that piece of ground was.

- They brought us to kill us here. Seems like your dad is fulfilling his threat

That was supposed to be funny but Heechul realised it wasn't

There were two guys waiting for us, I couldn't see their faces. We stood there waiting for whoever that leader would be.

The leader turned around and I swear I thought my heart stopped.

What was Cha SeungWon doing there? Why was Cha SeungWon there? Could it be? No way would it be!!

- Attention!!

He hailed. It was his voice. His voice was so peculiar I would never mistake it. So there he stood, face matching the voice.

I was standing puzzled when Shindong oppa, who was standing to my right, nudged me. I looked at him and he pointed at Cha SeungWon. Cha SeungWon was gazing at me with raised eyebrows.

Damn it!! Why was my heart throbbing? What would I do now?

- So you're Park Chohwa?

That's my name that's my name

- Yeah

- I can't hear you

- Yeah

- Louder


I yelled. He paced towards me. I held Dong oppa's sleeve. I was literally about to fall. I could handle Super Junior, g.o.d, MBLAQ, Kim Jun, Lee Seungri, SHINee and Jang GeunSuk but I couldn't handle Cha SeungWon. Cha SeungWon was different. He was my life's roller coaster. When he was about a foot from me he asked:

- Do you know who I am?

- Yes

- Good. Do you think I'm here to play?

- No

- Good. Then why don't you take me seriously?

- What have I done?

I gaped at him


I was yelling at her. I was practicing my role as the commander there and she raised her big brown eyes to me. I felt that my heart weakened a bit. And I realised it's be better to keep my distance.


- Avert your eyes

I did

- Let go of his sleeve. Are you a baby?

I swallowed my nervousness and unwillingly dropped my hand. Cha SeungWon walked back to his place.

Could he have heard my heart beats?!

He resumed:

- This guy will be my assistant, Cha Noah

I was so dumbstruck by SeungWon oppa I didn't notice the guy standing by his side. I shot a glance at him and he was really Cha Noah; my greatest source of frustration. I mean why on Earth would Cha SeungWon's son be my age?? Why why?? I loved Noah and hated him. And there he was smiling at me. I nodded. Heol!!

 - Now we'll need to pitch the tents. Every four will share a tent

- I'll have my own?!!! Yaaaaaaay

I cheered

- Why would you? The extra one will be mine

Cha SeungWon shut me

Aiyo aiyo aiyo!!


I followed HaeBum to set the tent when Noah popped out of nowhere

- Hi

I stared at him and smirked

- What's with the smirk?

- Yaah!! How can you look so similar and feel so different?

- Are you comparing me with dad now?

- Anyhow. No matter what, you're no good. Move away

I pushed him and helped oppadeul with the poles. Cha Noah didn't seem the kind to give up. He held one corner of the tent

We had to tidy up the things inside and HaeBum left me and Noah to do that. I was in no mood to converse so I turned my MP3 player on. Michael Jackson was singing Man in the Mirror.

- If I were you, I'd turn this off immediately

- But you're not me

- Huh!! The normal reply would be: why?

- Do I look normal to you?

He scanned me from head to toe and shook his head

- But I think you should turn it off anyway

- And I think I shouldn't if I were to bear your company. Hold this carefully!!

The song ended and Super Junior's Opera was on. Yes!! I was singing along and dancing the choreography when Noah started again:

- Park Chohwa

- What?

- I think you should turn turn it off

- Opera!! Why? Jealous? Shall I teach you the dance?

- Park Chohwa, behind you

I spontaneously turned around and Cha SeungWon was staring down at me

God!! My heart dropped to my feet.

- Having fun?

He asked

- Yes

- Ya!!

- Oppa!! Why do you keep yelling at me?

- Who's your oppa?

- 그럼, 아저씨? 차승원씨? 차승원? 승원아? What else do you want me to call you, ahjussi? Cha SeungWon-ssi? Cha SeungWon? SeungWon-ah?

- Yaaaaaaaaaaaa!!


I was totally taken aback. She astounded me


- Why shouldn't I call you oppa?

- My son is your age

- It's not my fault that you had him when you were 20!!

I was shouting. Cha SeungWon was gaping at me in disbelief

- Who taught you that men 20 years older than you are called oppa?

- 21 years

- And why is that?

- Kim SeungWoo oppa was born in 1969, so…

- Wa!!

I think I gave him a heart attack


She almost gave me a heart attack. I lived 45 years and I have two kids but I've never met anyone like her!!


Oppa didn't comment again and we were summoned out.

- You'll team up. Each pair will head to a certain direction and find me something special. And when I say special, I mean something that has meaning, for you. Be here before sunset.

We were teamed up and given direction. My partner was Cha Noah!! Damn my luck couldn't it be his dad?!


We were climbing and climbing and nothing at all caught our attention. Something special. Noah didn't seem as bad as I thought. Spending time with him was fun.

We were about to change route when I glimpsed a cave. I nudged Noah

- Ya ya Cha Noah!! Look there!!

- Ya!! Don't tell me

- Noah

I pouted

- No way!! It's getting dark!

- But we haven't found anything yet. C'mon! Do you think your dad would let us be if we went back empty-handed?!

He considered for a minute

- Even though, this is not it

- You're scared

- I'm not

- You are. It's written all over your face: I AM SCARED

- I'm not. Let's just go in mwo

I grinned.


- Do you have a torch?

I asked Noah as we entered the cave

- Yes

He handed it to me and we carefully walked in. There was nothing special there

- Ya!! There's nothing here. Let's just get back

I was feeling cold. I put the sweater I had in my bag on but my legs were bare. Nonetheless, I'm not going back yet.

- Let's walk a bit longer. Eo?

- You're driving me crazy chincha!!


We walked deeper when suddenly heaven appeared in front of us. Icicles hung from the roof of the cave and there was a frozen lake there. The scenery was breathtaking. I darted a glance at Noah who only smiled

- Guess we found it

- Yeah. What's the meaning though?

- Mmm, our journey to heaven?

Noah was pleased with that

- Let's take some photos and samples

- Samples?

- I have a Thermos

I winked

We took some beautiful shots. I cut the tip of an icicle, emptied the water from the Thermos and stored the icicle there.

We were heading back when the battery suddenly was dead.

- Noah, don't you have other batteries?

- No. Don't you have a torch?

- No 

We used our mobile phones. We didn't notice when we came in but it was a long way we walked. The batteries of the phones ran out. I was nervous. Noah was scared. And I felt guilty. That was no place for emotions though.

- Noah, we'll hold hands and walk carefully. We already walked this long. I don't think the mouth is far.

- Mmm it can't be

We held hands and walked carefully.


I was the scared one. She was strong and composed. I couldn't see her face then but my hand was shaking more than hers. The cave was cold, the light was gone and we didn't know how far the cave mouth was. I wanted to reassure her. I wanted to act dependable but strangely I liked that she was the cool one.


Calmly, walk calmly Chohwa. You pulled him into this. It's your responsibility to get him out of here safely.

I was measuring my steps and walking carefully when I felt faint. I felt a sting in my leg. My head spun and Noah's hand was no longer in mine


Suddenly she grunted, her hand dropped mine and she fell backwards. My body supported her. What was going on? I called her and tried to wake her up but to no avail. What should I do?

As I was thinking I felt cold drops of sweats running down my hand, the hand that was supporting Chohwa's head. I touched her forehead and it was burning; a scorpion or a snake.

I felt the whole world goes blank. I had to get her out of there quickly or else she wouldn't survive. As I felt her face with my hands I took a vow; if Chohwa was to make it out of here alive, I'll live my life to protect her.

 There was no light I wouldn't be able to the venom; when suddenly I remembered her MP3 player. Thankfully it was with her. After a long try I found the sting; it was a scorpion then. I tried to the venom out knowing that it would have already spread. I carried her on my back walking as fast and as careful as I can towards the mouth.


If this continues I'll have a nervous breakdown I swear. It's 10 ok. It's 10 and they're not back. Their mobile phones are turned off. We called the security but they said they can't dispatch a team until the morning especially when no one knew in what direction they went. We searched all over the place they were supposed to cover and found no trace of them. I felt that my heart was ripping. Nothing would have happened to them, I kept repeating to myself. I shouldn't collapse like Yesung hyung who was nursed by Sungmin!! I can’t fall apart. Chohwa will be back. She has to. I haven't told her I like her yet.


This isn't fun at all Noah-ya. This is isn't fun. You need to come back quickly and safely. You need to bring that psycho back as well.


- Are you worrying about the broadcast now?

Edward shouted at me when I reported what was happening to him.

- Kangta

- Yes sir

- If Chohwa doesn't return safely, I'll kill you all

I smiled to myself and I thought: you wouldn’t need to do that. We would do it ourselves.


We finally got out of the cave. I laid Chohwa down and caught my breath. There was only the moonlight. I looked at my watch and it was midnight. Chohwa's face looked black. She was still breathing. What should I do what should I do?

I ran down to seek help


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Chapter 43: Yes...what happens next?
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