On the way

Unforeseen Harmony




Luhan positioned himself as he aimed for the blue ball. His sight sharpened, focusing only on his billiard game.

Tao walked in the room and flicked the blue billiard ball with his fingers. Luhan looked at him incredulously and groaned. “Tao! I was going to hit that!”

“I know.” He shrugged and sat on the billiard table. “That’s techinically the point.”

“What do you want?” Luhan sighed, or more like groaned.

“Be honest with me, Ge.” Tao shifted his weight, intently looking at his gege.

Luhan’s forehead creased in annoyance as he gathered the balls. “What now?”

“Do you like my cousin?”

Luhan stopped what he was doing and eyed the younger. “Nara?”

Tao rolled his eyes. “Who else? Unless you’re referring to my male cousins… and you’re indirectly admitting that you’re gay, which I already know. Of course it’s Nara, duh.”

“Why are you asking me that?” He crossed his arms and leaned on the table, ignoring Tao’s remarks. Tao pursed his lips and shrugged. “Well… I just need to know.”


“Because I need to, and I'm... I'm curious and more.

“Curious? Why?

“Because, erm— hey! I was asking you a question! Don’t answer me with questions.” Tao frowned and glared at his Gege. Luhan chuckled and placed his palms on the table, leaning his weight there. “I’ll answer, if you answer me. Why do you need to know?”

Tao sighed exasperatedly. “Well, because I’m his cousin and I need to know. That's the third time I'm saying it now.”

Luhan his chin, feigning deep thinking. A smile tugged on his lips as he mockingly stole glances at the younger male. “Hmm.. let me think...

“Taoooooo!” Xiumin trudged in and whined. “Can you reach the cookie jar on the top shelf? It’s too high! Come on and help your hyung!” He scolded and dragged Tao out the game room.

Tao protested as he looked at Xiumin and Luhan alternately. Luhan just shrugged and peeked his face out the door, flashing Tao his cheeky smile. “Help your Xiumin hyung.” He whispered and winked, before finally slamming the door shut.

“Ge, I’ll get back to you!” He hollered form the hallway, helpless as Xiumin ordered him around.

Luhan could only chuckle. “The bun could be useful at times.”


“Good Morning Sir!”

Daehyun nodded and politely smiled at the secretary. He carefully opened the door and peeked in. “Uhmm…”

“Daehyun-sshi!” Nara stood up from her seat and scrambled to welcome him. “You’re early today.” She mused, letting him in.

Daehyun chuckled sheepishly, entering her enormous office. “Well, I want to give you this.” He smiled and handed her a small box. Her eyes rounded as she took the box. “T…thanks. But, what’s this?” She curiously shook it and looked at its covering.

Daehyun chuckled and sat down. “Teabags. They’re jasmine. Well, I don’t know what you… like… but Jasmine tastes good. And it’s soothing. Yeah right, soothing.”

She grinned and placed the box on her table. “Thank you very much!”

“No problem.” He replied too abruptly, a smile tugging on his lips. His eyes followed her, his interest even more deepening. And actually, he... he wanted to ask her out for lunch out again.


“Well, would you do me the favor of drinking tea with me, Mr. Jung?” She smiled as she produced two cups from her small cupboard. Daehyun couldn’t help but smile back at her. “Of course, Ms. Kim. It would be a pleasure.”

“I see you’re in a good mood today?”

He chuckled. “Does it show too much?”

She pursed her lips, and nodded. “Very much.”

“Cute.” He muttered mindlessly as he observed her from afar. “Adorable.”

Nara spun on her heel and raised her brow. “Did you say something?”

He looked up, baffled. “What?”

“I heard you say something.” She mused.

Daehyun bit his lip and looked down, hiding how flustered he was. “I was talking to myself. I get… weird sometimes.” He sheepishly chuckled and inwardly cursed himself for being careless. *Wow Daehyun, really. Wow, such a pabo.*

Nara giggled and placed the cup in front of him. “I am too, don’t worry. It feels good hearing someone admit that. Especially from a successful company heir.”

“Well, you’re lucky to know.” He groaned playfully. He rarely gets playful with people, which makes it... unusual.


Meanwhile, Luhan looked around the building, observing everything that greeted his eyes. His sight landed on the big family portrait of the Kims, and the corners of his lips tugged into a small smile. “Beautiful.” He whispered to himself.


Nara’s eyes were focused on the papers in front of her, while Daehyun stood beside her carefully explaining everything. She occasionally nodded, her thoughts only revolving around what she was hearing.

“Uhm, Young Miss, someone is here to see you.” Her secretary carefully caught her attention. Her brows furrowed for a second. “Who…?”

The door opened and Luhan peeked in with his famous lopsided grin.

“Hey Na!”

“Ge!” She grinned back.

Luhan immediately recoiled when he noticed there was someone else. “Oh… I’m sorry I didn’t know you were in a…”

Daehyun looked at the new man and nodded politely. “No, it’s fine.”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” Nara smiled, looking at Daehyun gratefully. “You look weird standing there, come in ge.” She chuckled and pulled him inside.

“So… this is Jung Daehyun, heir to Jung Enterprises. Daehyun-sshi, This is Xi Luhan, heir to Xi Corporation.” She beamed enthusiastically, yet keeping her formalities.

The two men shook hands and exchanged polite greetings.

“I feel so small.” Nara snorted to herself as she stood between the two guys. “Anyway, Daehyun and I were just about to finish. Uh… Can you… wait, Ge?”

Luhan nodded, his signature good boy smile pasted on his lips. “Of course! Go on.” He giggled and pushed her towards the table.


Daehyun and Nara continued to discuss things, while Luhan observed. His eyes were transfixed on her, only her. Tao’s question continued to ring on her ears.

“Do you like my cousin?”

He smiled to himself. She is interesting. She really is. He doesn’t even know why he went to her office, he just felt like he had to. And there it goes, his curiosity. Whenever he looked at her, bright and gleeful, he couldn’t fail but notice that hint of melancholy on her eyes.

Though she tried to hide it, it didn’t escape his keen eyes.

Little did he know, Daehyun noticed his stare transfixed on her.


“Then I’ll be going first.” Daehyun smiled. He didn’t want to go, actually. Or he was hesitant. He glanced at Luhan sitting at the couch and he knew he had to. “See you tomorrow, Ms. Kim?”

“Of course, Mr. Jung. See you tomorrow.” She chuckled at how they called each other. Daehyun gave her one last smile and left, stealing glances as he exited the office.

Nara pranced towards Luhan and smiled. “Sorry I made you wait.”

It’s fine. I understand work. I’m going through that too.” He rolled his eyes and huffed. Nara playfully slapped his arm. “So… what brings you here, Ge?”

“I… I don’t know too. Uhm, boredom?”

She snorted. “So you were bored and you decided to… come here?”

“Well, I wanted to pester you.” He shrugged.

She slapped his arm again, making him wince. “Hey, what did I do?” He protested. Nara just flashed him a grin and took her coat. “Honestly, Ge. Why are you here?”

“I wanted to visit you. Well, my legs brought me here. Tao told me you’re really different when it comes to work. He was right, you’re so not… the pig you.”


“Stating facts here.” Luhan smiled.

“Hmm… I have this dress fitting for a company ball… do you want to accompany me then?” She chimed. Luhan pretended to think deeply. “Let me see…”

“I mean, It’s fine if you—“

“Of course I would. Come on!” He chuckled and pulled her up.


Daehyun twirled his keys around his finger as he approached his BMW. His lip was twitched upwards with slight disappointment. Before he could slip in, he looked at her, giddily getting in Luhan’s car. A sigh escaped his lips. “Maybe not today.”


“Well, how does this look?” She twirled around in front of him, holding the soft fabric she was wearing, feeling its texture. Luhan hid his smile and nodded. “Looks good on you.”

“But the other one…?” She pouted.

Luhan chuckled and shook his head. “Both look good on you, Na. But… the color of this dress makes you… glow more.” He bit his lip, hiding his flushed face. Nara’s lips tugged into a bright smile. “Really?”

“Really.” He assured.

She gave him a light squeeze on his shoulder and hopped towards the dressing room to change. Luhan touched his shoulder, and tilted his head at the direction where she left. “… Strange.” He mumbled, still bothered by something. Something he sees in her. 

“I’m done!” She chirped as she hopped out the room and encircled her hands on his. He tensed and stopped for a while. Something inside him stirred up. Nara curiously looked over him and realized her mistake. Immediately, she retrieved her hand and bit her lip. “I’m… sorry. It’s… It’s… just that… Tao Gege… I do that… Aish, sorry.” She turned to the other side, scrambling towards the exit.

A small chuckle escaped Luhan’s lips. He followed her out, and noticed the zipper of her dress still halfway open. Abruptly, his eyes scanned the area as he ran towards her. In an instant his arm was around her shoulders.

“Ya!” She shrieked.

Luhan muttered under his breath. “Sorry.”

She felt her zipper close on her back, and realization dawned on her. “I, uh, thanks ge.” She mumbled, again feeling all the embarrassment creep up her. Luhan placed his hands on his pockets. “Be careful next time.” He playfully chided. She in her breath, inwardly scolding her own self. “I am clumsy, I won’t even try to deny that.”

“More like… forgetful?” Luhan teased.

“Okay, both.” She rolled her eyes.

Luhan smiled back, his heart unexpectedly fluttering as a new warm feeling surges up him.



Teehee. <3 sorry for the very late update. Exam eweek, prom week and more. tsss




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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3