
Unforeseen Harmony





Nara’s eyes traveled across the room. It was clean, just like how she left it. Her eyes stopped at the closed floor-length door windows, and again, her heart clenched.

“How are you, Junnie?”

Her words rang endlessly on her ears, the silence eating her whole. She stepped outside, and began singing her heart out.


“Why is Nara late anyway?” Lay asked as he flipped the meat on the grill. Tao just shrugged nonchalantly, munching on fresh cucumber slices. “She has her own schedule every night.”

“Yoga?” Xiumin looked up.

Chen shook his head. “No, maybe, facial?”

“Massage?” Kris followed. It was past seven and they already started gobbling down their shares. Luhan sat there on the corner, his brows knitted together. Just like a baby with a frown.

Tao walked to him, finally getting irked with his other hyungs. He was dodging their questions anyway. “Ge, what’s up with the face?”

Luhan shook his head, waking up from his thoughts. “Eh?”

Xiumin and Chen snickered, now walking together to Luhan and Tao’s place. Tao groaned at the sight of the two.

“He’s probably sad he missed his unit tonight.” Chen plopped beside Luhan, lightly socking his arm.

Lay chuckled from his place; he was listening all the while. “Right, he’s disappointed!”

Tao looked at the guys quizzically. He continuously nudged Luhan to get some answers. Oh, how he hated being left out. “What’s in there, ge? Girlfriend, huh? Or… cookies?”

Luhan closed his eyes briefly. He didn’t know what to say, or maybe, he didn’t want to see To’s reaction when he explains. Xiumin shrugged beside him and handed him a glass of juice. “I’ll explain for you, deer. Maknae, listen closely, this may be a little… weird.”

Luhan shot him a look that he purposely ignored.

Tao’s attention turned to the bun in an instant. He liked knowing weird things. A small grin plastered on his face as he clasped his hands excitedly.

“Well, you see, there’s this—“


“Kids, Nara is here.” Kris hollered, briskly walking to the gate. Xiumin abruptly stood up and followed him with a grn, leaving Tao hanging. “Ge!!!” He tried to get his attention but he heard nothing.

As soon as the gate opened, Nara flashed a warm smile. “Uh… hello.”

“Hey Nara! Tao’s inside! Come! Come! This is the mighty mighty territory of the Huangs!” Xiumin exclaimed, slinging an arm around her as they walked towards the garden. She chuckled and walked happily with the eager dude. “Of course I know, I’m his cousin, remember?”


Lay expertly flipped the meat before looking up. “Hey!”

“Hey, Lay..”

“Ge.” Lay finished with a lopsided grin. She nodded while chuckling, walking towards her cousin who was sitting with Luhan and Chen. “Hey Na! I called Jaejoong Ge already and told him you’d be home a little late.” Tao muttered as he enveloped her in his arms. She nodded, patting his back. “Thanks, panda. You know how he turns into that over protective monster.”

“Don’t talk like that to your brother.” Tao mockingly turned his face seriously and wiggled his index finger.

“Hay Naraa!” Chen grinned and patted the empty seat beside him. She smiled back and eagerly sat down.”Hey Chen Oppa!”

Chen smiled contentedly and feasted with the meat slices.

 “Hey.” Luhan caught her attention next, his big doe eyes glistening under the moonlight. A small warm smile was pasted on his lips.

Nara looked up, only to meet those hazel brown eyes. “Oh, hey Luhan Oppa! We seem to be seeing each other often nowadays.” She mumbled, nodding absent-mindedly.

“And we seem to always meet on meal time.” He stuck his tongue out. Nara raised one brow and crossed her arms. “What are you getting at?” Her tone was challenging.

“You… eat pretty much.” He mumbled, eyeing her knowingly. Tao sat there motionless, just observing. “You guys are so… casual. It freaks me out.”

Luhan rolled his eyes.


Few minutes later everybody got engrossed in their own worlds.

Nara stood up and walked towards the grill. Lay smiled at her before focusing back on the meat, flipping it expertly.

“Aren’t you gonna eat, Lay… ge?” She chimed beside him, crinkling her nose at the heat. Lay chuckled softly and pursed his lips. “Later, I’ll finish this. This is just the main reason why the boys can’t live without me.”

“I can see that.” She grinned.

Lay looked at the boys briefly and shook his head.

“Are you the only one who knows how to grill?”

Lay shrugged. “Let Xiumin grill and it’s gone before it can be served. Chen’s too… giddy he tends to flip it too much it flies. Kris… well Kris is Kris. Tao, just like Xiumin. Luhan… well he can grill, but I take the task. I love doing this.”

Nara had an amused smile as she listened. “That’s… interesting.”

“You think so?” Lay chortled. He wiped his hands on his light blue apron and looked at her. “Do you know how to?”

She nodded excitedly.

“Can you take over? I need to get some lettuce. It’s running out.”

Nara smiled, taking the clippers from his hand. “Sure.”


Luhan walked out the house after getting some drinks. His eyes landed on Nara’s figure on the grill, and his face lit up.

“So you know how to do this?”

She turned to look at him, and smiled. “Of course. What do you take me for?”

“An eater, like Tao?” He teased. Nara lightly pushed him to the side with her hip. “Get lost, you’re disturbing the great chef.”


Luhan chuckled and watched her carefully place meat on the grill. She smiled contentedly, setting the clippers to the side.

“Hey Naaaaaaaa!” Tao beamed, running to their place.

She lifted her hand up too abruptly, that it hit the heated part of the griller.

“Ow!” She winced, cradling her arm with her good hand. Luhan jolted up from his leaning position and snatched her burnt hand. He examined it for a while and clucked his tongue. “Tao get the first aid kit!” He hollered, dragging her towards the house.

The boys scrambled after him, all panicky.

She bit the insides of her cheeks as the pain dominated her hand.

“This will sting a bit, just a bit. Trust me, it’ll be fine.” Luhan shushed, staring at her with urgency in his voice. She nodded without any hesitation. He carefully placed some ointment on his index finger and applied it on the burnt spot.

“Trust me.”

She whimpered, but still kept still.

“Done.” Luhan whispered, blowing her hand softly. She looked at her red hand, but her gaze slowly landed on his face. Unconsciously, a smile crept up her lips.


He looked up, only to return the smile. “Are you okay now?”

She nodded, suddenly feeling shy. Luhan’s face was inches away, that his breath reached her skin. His hand gently clasped hers, attempting to make it feel better. Instead, it was making her feel… shy.

Tao stood at the farthest corner of the room, jumpy. “Na! You okay?!” He asked worriedly, clenching his fist. He couldn’t go near her; he knew he could cause more trouble.

“I’m fine, ge. Get over here.” She laughed.

“I can’t! I’m really sorry! You know I love you, right?!” He pleaded like a little baby. Nara rolled her eyes, ignoring the pain on her hand, and Luhan’s closeness.

Xiumin snorted. “Oh please, Tao you almost killed me by ‘accidentally’ hitting me with your wushu stick! Do me a favor and stay away for a while. Spare us all.”

“I’m really sorry!” Tao whined, stomping his foot as he helplessly clung on the wall. “Na, I love you!”

“I love you to, ge.” She cooed.

Kris leaned over to check the burn. “It’s… quite large.”

“It’ll heal fast.” Nara assured him. “It’s nothing.”

Luhan furrowed his brows, looking at her pointedly. “Nothing? You should be careful next time.”

“I was careful, but I was startled.” She reasoned out.

“No, under any circumstances, you should be careful. You were only a few centimeters away from the grill, that’s not right.” He chided softly.

Nara nodded like a child, defeated. “Yes sir.”


“What happened here?” Lay walked out the kitchen with a bowl of fresh lettuces, blinking innocently.



Employees greeted Kim Corporation’s Creative Director as she passed by the busy morning halls.

“Ma’am, your schedule will be mostly filled this month with matters concerning Jung Enterprises.”

She nodded and gave her secretary a small smile. “Let me know if they arrive.”


She sat on her revolving chair, looking at her bandaged hand intently.

“Trust me.”

Luhan had muttered those words last night, yet it was different. It brought back some painful memories.

“Trust me.”

“B-but Junnie, you’ll… get hurt with this.”

“Just… trust me.”

 She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.


“Good Morning Sunshine!” Jaejoong barged in, a lopsided grin on his face. Nara smiled weakly at her brother, hiding the bandaged hand under the table. “I got you some bagels and coffee, dear sister!”

“Thanks Oppa. I was in a hurry this morning I didn’t have time to eat with you.” She mumbled, lifting the cup to her with her good hand. Jaejoong clutched his heart in feigned pain. “I’m really hurt you forgot me because of work, Na.”

“Cut it out.” She groaned, rolling her eyes.

“Anyway.” Jaejoong shot her a disdained look while pointing his index finger at her face. “Smile. You have a visitor.” He wiggled his index finger and walked out.

“What?” She asked but the door already closed. A exasperated sigh escaped her lips.

It creaked open after few seconds, gaining her attention. “Oppa?”

“G-good Morning.” Daehyun walked in dressed in his usual coat and tie, his face composed as he closed the door. “Your brother… kind of… let me in.”

She stood up and smiled at him. “Of course! Uhm… let’s eat?”

Daehyun’s eyes landed on the small food packages. “Oh, I can go out for a while..”

“No- wait! Just… stay.”



sorry for the late update. I've been busy with school. huhu

and thanks for subbing guys! :>



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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3