
Unforeseen Harmony




Nara bit her lip as she walked inside her office. Her mind was preoccupied with several things, and the day didn’t really start well for her.

And to add up to that, she was confused.

Luhan. She shook her head. Luhan was on some serious problems regarding his mother, and she wanted to make him feel better. She just didn’t know how to. But she had this urge in her to make him happy, which she never felt her whole life. She never felt this strange longing for someone everyday, that it seemed to be a crime.

A smile tugged on her lips as she placed her bag down and removed her coat. She turned to the desk when her sight landed on the bouquet of flowers.

Daehyun. She bit her lip. Daehyun confessed to her so abruptly that it didn’t quickly register on her mind. But instead on hating him, she found a friend in him. She didn’t open up to people, but being with him made her tell him anything. She liked his company, which was rare for her.

But she couldn’t fool herself, she knew who she was leaning on to more. There’s just one thing holding her back.

Fear. Fear of hurting the other one.

But this feeling inside her, she couldn’t deny it.



Nara looked up to see Luhan leaning at her door frame with a small smile. She grinned and waved him in. That feeling inside her increased.

“You came early, Ge.” She chuckled as she tapped his shoulder. Luhan shrugged, when his eyes stopped at the flowers. His brows furrowed for a second but her composed himself. “Seems like I have competition.” He joked.

Nara turned to the flowers and reddened.

“Anyway.” Luhan interjected before the situation gets completely awkward. “Can I kidnap you today?”

She raised a brow at him. “Kidnap? Wow.”

“Yup!” He huffed and walked towards her. “I want to bring you to some places.”

She nodded, but the bit her lips. “B-but, aren’t you busy with the… investigation?”

Luhan managed himself well. “One day won’t hurt, Na. Trust me.”

She again nodded and grinned at him. “Okay, Young master Xi~”

“Well then, Young Miss Kim, let’s go~” He chuckled and guided her by the waist, making her cheeks flush crimson.


“Will Jae Hyung kill you?”

Nara chuckled. She never thought of her brother though. Or his wrath.

She shrugged. “Maybe.Or not. He trusts you.”

“I’m honored.” He nodded to himself, glancing at Nara as he drove. Moments later they stopped at one place she was least expecting. His house.

Luhan chuckled as Nara blinked with confusion. He shook his head and gently placed her hand on his. “Come.”

She nodded and gripped his hand. Maybe it was out of habit, them holding hands. Ever since they agreed to that dating scheme, it really wasn’t a bid deal. But Luhan wanted more, deep inside him. He wanted it to be real.


Luhan pushed the door open and ushered Nara inside. They were standing at the elder Xi’s study. Nara was taken aback by how the place was greatly decorated, as if a woman was using the room.

Of course, Luhan noticed her scanning the room. “My… Mom decorated this place for my Dad.”

“She did great.” Nara nodded, afraid of triggering pain unto Luhan’s emotions. The door opened again behind them and Mr. Xi walked in. His eyes rounded slightly at the two, but then a soft smile replaced his stunned countenance.

But his face displayed weariness and mourning, even though he was smiling.

“It’s good to finally see you here, Nara.”

Nara bit the insides of her cheeks. Last time she saw him, or might as well heard him— he was forcing his son to break off their dating scheme and leave her as a friend.

Mr. Xi shook his head as a light tired chuckle escaped his lips. “I didn’t mean those, Nara. I meant to be there so you can hear me, though.”

Nara’s head involuntarily tilted in confusion.

Luhan cleared his throat. “Papa wants me to… realize some things that’s why he did that.”

Her lips parted in realization, as her cheeks turned light crimson in embarrassment. Mr. Xi again chuckled and jokingly shooed the two away.

“Now go, you two. I believe Luhan has something to show you.” He winked before pushing them outside the study.

“What is it?” Nara mumbled.

Luhan sheepishly touched his nape and smiled crookedly. He led her to rows of doors until he stopped at the far most end. “Here.”

They silently entered the dark room. When the lights flicked on, it was an ordinarily room. In fact it looked less extravagant that any other place in the house, but It exuded a homey feel.

The wall at the far most end was made of sliding glass doors, that led to the small garden outside.

“It’s beautiful.” Nara whispered. Luhan smiled softly as he watched her walk around the room, admiring its simplicity. She stopped at a frame where a woman at her mid0thirties was smiling.

The soft facial features, the big doe like eyes, the thin pink lips— she knew in an instant who it was.

“This is my mother’s lounge room.” Luhan said, voicing her thoughts.

She faced him, unable to express the right emotions. She didn’t want him to be sad, but she was confused as well. In the end she mustered to ask. “Why did you… bring me here?”

Luhan walked towards her and smiled softly. They sat down the couch and he started speaking. “Before she passed away, she always told me that when I grow up, I should be the best man to the person I love.”

Nara bit her lip.

“She would always gush about meeting a girl that could make ma happy, and she wanted it to happen so bad.”

She looked at her sincere eyes looking back at hers. Somehow, a part of her melte under those eyes. Her heart was in a steady rhythm, but it started to accelerate without her even knowing why.

“This place is closest to her heart, Na. This is the best thing we can have to make her remain as if with us, physically.”

She reached out to wipe a tear that lined his cheek. He smiled and gently held her hand on his cheek.

“But it’s not about her right now.” He murmured. He looked around the room and his face displayed genuine happiness.

His eyes stopped at hers before he whispered.


“Ma, I want you to meet her, the girl who makes me happy.”





hey guys. you must hate me for not updating. sorry.

i already have chappise thoug, but'm not sure of them. that's what's holding them back.


anyway, i'll be out of the country, but i'll try to update those chapters, whever i can find time. and wifi too!lol

forgive me. :((

anyway, lovelots!

i hope you guys stay huhu



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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3