
Unforeseen Harmony




“Can we eat pizza?”

Daehyun smiled boyishly at her and nodded. “Sure. Let’s order the extra large size!”

“Awe, don’t challenge me, Jung Daehyun!” She grinned and socked his arm. They both laughed, prancing their way to the pizza shop.

An hour later they walked out almost too slowly. Daehyun let out a burp and covered his mouth. He rubbed his stomach and another burp came out.

“How can you seriously be fine after all that?” He looked at her with disbelief. She was just walking beside him, looking as fine as she was when she entered the shop.

She chuckled. “I’m full.”

“That’s full? You look like you could eat another one!” He joked, eyeing her doubtfully. She wagged her index finger in front of his face. “Told you not to challenge me.”

“Okay, you’re the queen of eating now, Na.” He shrugged. She looked at him, her eyes small as slits. “Should I take that as a compliment?”

“Up to you.” He gave her a teasing look. She chuckled and pushed him playfully.


“When I was a kid, I believed stars were my angels.” Daehyun smiled. Nara looked up and in an instant, a smile also conquered her face. Stars were scattered up above like sprinkled glitters.

She looked at Daehyun sitting beside her. “You like angels?”

“Of course! They’re like… protectors. And they make us happy.” He animatedly explained. He looked at her and was surprised to see her smiling back. “Do you?”

She bit her lip. 


“I told you, don’t follow me!”

Minjun chuckled and slung an arm around her. “I told you, I won’t leave you!”

She in her breath. “Oppa, it’s my first club experience with my friends, I don’t need you there.” She scowled.

He shook his head firmly. “No. I won’t listen to you?!”

“Why?!” She sighed exasperatedly, clearly annoyed.

Minjun huffed. “I’m your protector. Your guardian angel.”


“Nara?” Daehyun blinked innocently. She woke up from her memory and smiled uneasily. “Yeah, I like them. They’re my… protectors too.”

He leaned back on the bench and chuckled. “Funny when we look at stars and tell them to protect us.”

She smiled knowingly and looked at the heavens once more. The stars greeted her sight. She exhaled heavily. *You’re there, Oppa. I know.*


“Thanks for today, Dae. I really had fun.”

Daehyun looked at her eyes that sparkled under the moonlight. His heart was beating fast, and he let it be. In fact, he loved it.

He wondered… when will Nara feel the same way too?

“You should go in now, It’s cold.” He grinned.  “Bye Na, I had fun.” He guided her in the car and waved. She waved back and grinned. “Take care.” She mouthed.

“You too.” He mouthed back, and Nara’s car was speeding away.

Daehyun stood there looking the car disappear. His heart soared with happiness. His knees felt weak, and he let it be once again. He was letting his emotions take over his body.

Today he witnessed himself be different around her. He felt more open, more free. He hoped the feeling would last. He looked at the stars and smiled.


Luhan looked at the stars for a while and closed his eyes.

“I need to be brave.” He whispered, leaning on to the hood of his car. He was parked outside the Kim mansion, doing nothing. What was he doing?

He didn’t even know why he arrived there. All he knows was that he darted out his house and the steering wheel took him here.

His heart clenched knowing she was having a date with Daehyun. How he wished he was fast enough to realize. Smart enough to realize how dense he was.

Little did he know it was only Kris who called it a ‘date.’


He looked beside him and saw Nara there, staring back at him. Her car’s engine was still , she had gone out the car to go to him. Here it goes, face to face to him.

Luhan swallowed, his heart beating a hundred times faster than its normal pace. He looked at his shoes, biting his lip. Oh how he wished he could just hug her. But that would be too fast right?

“It’s… cold. Why are you out here?” She mumbled uncertainly.

He looked up and forced out a smile. He stared at how her eyes displayed a hint of worry. Is she worrying over me? He thought, trying to calm his poor heart. “I missed you.” He blurted out. He hid his hands in his pockets and cursed inwardly. *W-what did I just say?*

Nara’s eyes widened slightly. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she avoided his gaze.

“Uh… I missed you too, ge.” She chuckled. “Were you busy?”

“I’m sorry.” He blurted out once again. Words seem to be escaping his lips on their own.

Nara tilted her head curiously. “G-ge?”

“I’m sorry I haven’t been acting right. I’m sorry I haven’t called and visited you.”

Nara’s lips broke out to a smile. “It’s fine, ge. I know you’re… busy with work and you must be stressed and preoccupied.”

Luhan shook his head firmly, his forehad creased. “No, I wasn’t. You know even if I’m too busy I will always have time for you.”

Nara swallowed. Luhan's words just hit her like a bullet, straight to her weak points. Was Luhan joking around with her? Because he’s her supposed to be fake boyfriend? Surely, his actions were making him… feel differently.

Luhan looked up and met her eyes. “I was a jerk. Sorry.”

“It’s fine, Ge. You don’t really have any faults. Come, let’s go inside.” She grinned and tugged on his arm. He looked at her and his heart clenched.

Nara felt butterflies on her stomach for some unknown reason. Her fingers felt tingly. She forced herself to chuckle. “Were you worried you haven’t been a good boyfriend, Xi Luhan?”She teased to lighten the atmosphere.

Luhan’s heart clenched more.

He hid his disappointment. *I didn’t mean all that as you fake boyfriend, though…*

He forced a smile. “Yeah, yeah.”









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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3