Knowing Her

Unforeseen Harmony





Nara’s lids fluttered open, the sunlight shining through her curtain’s slits. She didn’t have the chance to go home at the Kim’s residence last night. She fell asleep at her unit in New Songdo.

Her phone buzzed beside her. She lazily grabbed it, eyes narrowed. Immediately, she sat up, looking at the thirty two missed calls she received from her brother and Dad. *Oh no.*

Her brows furrowed for a while.

“Darn it, the Incheon branch opens today!” She hissed, tapping both of her cheeks.


“Where is that woman?” Mr. Kim whispered at his son. Jaejoong’s forehead creased as he looked around the increasing guests. “I’m sure she’s on her way, Appa. Don’t worry.”

His father pursed his lips, his eyes hard. “She better be.”

Just then, the doors opened, gaining everybody’s attention. Nara stepped inside in a Balmain dark green embroidered velvet dress just above her knees, garnering all stares from the guests. She smiled at everybody, posing elegantly at the cameras that greeted her.

“Appa, Oppa. I’m really sorry.” She mumbled as she reached her father’s place. Jaejoong just flashed her a cheeky grin, secretly pointing his puckered lips to Mr. Kim. Her Dad nodded proudly, his anger vanishing. “I like how you smiled there, you represent the company well. Just… stop being tardy, Na.”

“But it’s called being fashionably late, Appa.” She chuckled.

Her Dad shot her a pointed look.

“I was joking.” She reasoned out, pouting.


“Ya pig!”

Nara her heel, only to be greeted by Tao’s bear hug. She let out a hearty chuckle and wrapped her arms around him.

“You look different in a suit.” She commented, eyeing him up and down. Tao shrugged. “Just admit it, Na. I look gorgeous in a suit.”

She snorted playfully, rolling her eyes.

“Ge!” Tao smiled at the two boys making way towards him.

Luhan smiled immediately upon seeing Nara. “Hey Nara.”

“Hey, Luhan-sshi.” She smiled back.

Kris’ brow rose. He looked at the two back and forth before turning to Tao. Tao stared back, trying to figure out what the duizhang wanted.

“Oh!” He lightly gasped, chuckling like a little child. “Nara, this is Wu Yi Fan, Heir to Wu Enterprises. He’s older than me, and he’s a giant.” Tao said casually, oblivious of the intense glare Kris was sending him.

Nara giggled, tilting her head up to meet his face. He gave her an awkward smile. “Hello, Nara-sshi.”

She grinned cheerfully. “Hello! You’re really really incredibly tall.”

He raised a brow, his lips slightly tugging out of amusement. “I take that as a compliment?”

“Of course it is.” He smiled a little while nodding, but secretly he was looking at Luhan who was busy scrutinizing Nara’s every move. *The way he looks at her…* Kris inwardly scoffed.


People were busy commenting on the newly opened branch, congratulating the Kim’s, taking their time to socialize and meet potential future business partners.

Nara blew a raspberry as she scanned the room. Clearly, boredom was eating her whole. She was with Tao, but it was if she was alone. Tao was busy ransacking the buffet table.

“Hey there.” Luhan approached her with a goofy smile.

She couldn’t help but shake her head at his cuteness. “Hello, Luhan-sshi.”

“Can we… drop the formalities? It’s a bit awkward.” He ruffled his hair,  snickering. Her head darted to him in seconds. “So… what should I call you, then?”

“Luhan would be fine. But… I’m older than you, right?” He teasingly wiggled hs brows. She rolled her eyes playfully. “Fine, Luhan Ge.”

Luhan felt his lips tug into a satisfied smile. “I like how that sounds, Nara.”

“Of course, it came from the mighty Kim Nara.” She huffed, straightening her posture and giving him a lopsided grin. He grinned back, somehow surprised to see another side of her. “Why are you not eating?”

“I don’t really… feel like eating those.” She looked at the table with a sour look on her face, her brows knitted together. Instinctively, he shot her a quizzical look. “Why?”

She shrugged, laughing at Tao who was still busy. “Well… I prefer some other dishes.” Luhan nodded, but inside he was very curious. Silence overpowered for a while, when it was disprupted by a very familiar sound.

A grumbling stomach.

His eyes darted to Nara who was hiding her face in embarrassment. She was obviously trying to hide her flushed face. He let out an amused chuckle and lightly poked her shoulder. “Guess what?”

“W-what?” She looked up, her cheeks crimson.

He grinned playfully. “Let’s get out of here.”

She looked at him questioningly for a while, before her eyes brightened at the thought. She looked around for a while, nodding at Luhan as they sneakily went out.


“But I want to drive.” Nara defended. Luhan shook his head, obviously against the idea. He rounded his eyes, giving her a stern look. “I’m taking you out for lunch, Nara. At least let me drive you too.”

She contemplated for a while before nodding. “Okay… but, how about my car.”

“I’ll send you back here, after eating. Is that okay?” He bargained. Nara her chin before eventually grinning at the idea. “Okie-dokie!”


“So, where to Young Miss?” Luhan grinned playfully as he focused his eyes on the road, his hands gently wrapped around the steering wheel.

Nara rolled her eyes before snorting. “Anywhere would be fine?” She looked at him, waiting for confirmation. Luhan shook his head at her hidden childishness. “Anywhere, ma’am.”

He swore he saw her face lit up at that moment. She lightly jolted up in her seat due to excitement. “Then... to Mcdonalds!”


Luhan almost stumbled catching up as Nara hurriedly walked towards the glass doors, nothing else but famished. Her forehead creased a little at the familiar smell of food, tickling her hunger.

“You really are hungry.” Luhan exhaled, dusting off lint in his coat as they lined up. Nara was too engrossed to reply, her whole attention glued to the lighted menus.

He looked at the place nearly filled with people of all kinds. He flinched a little noticing how they were standing out. He was in a formal suit, Nara in a cocktail dress. And well, every other customer were on their casual clothing.

His brows furrowed even more, looking at some boys eyeing her exposed legs. He hated it when people ogle, he just thinks it’s… not righteous.

Without any second thought, he removed his coat. “Nara.” He lightly nudged her shoulder, but she was too preoccupied that she only muttered, “Quarter pound or double cheese?”

He bit his cheek, peeved by the stares and attention directed to Nara. He hesitantly held the fabric in his hands, hesitant.

“Dude, isn’t that Kim Nara? I’d tap her!” He heard someone whisper from behind.

He bit his lips, finally encircling his hands on her waist. She immediately gasped from the slight intact, her eyes widened.

Luhan mumbled an apology, trying his best not to make contact. He carefully tied the coat’s sleeves on her waist, his brows knitted together.

Nara gulped and looked at Luhan’s work. She looked down, obviously taken aback, that blood instantly rushed to her cheeks. “T…Thanks, Luhan Ge.”

“Sure.” He mumbled, drowning in embarrassment.

*At least I got her covered up.* He smiled to himself, sending those boys earlier a warning look.


“So this is your kind of food?” Luhan started, taking a big bite of his burger. Somehow he was deeply intruiged by Nara’s personality. After all she was a chaebol daughter.

 Nara nodded as she swallowed, picking up two pieces of French fry.

“I like real food.” She chuckled, dipping the French fries on her vanilla sundae. Luhan’s brow raised as she placed it on , closing her eyes, clearly satisfied as she chewed. Nara opened her eyes only to find Luhan staring at the fries and the sundae.

She shook her head, amused. She poked his hand and urged him to get some fries. “Go on, I’ll let you try some heavenly goodness! This is Kim Nara's secret heaven!”

Luhan reluctantly picked one fry and looked at her for confirmation. She nodded, a lopsided grin on her face. “Then dip it on your sundae.”

He nodded slowly, dipping the fry on the cold sundae. She chuckled a bit seeing his focused expression. Luhan scrutinizingly examined the dipped fry before he finally placed it on his mouth.

Nara looked at him expectantly.

“Wow, that was great!” A grin plastered on his face as he picked more fries, dipping it. Nara giggled and did the same, both of them enjoying how it tasted like.

She dabbed table napkin on her lips and looked up. “Better than ketchup?”

Luhan nodded, his face lit up. “Better than ketchup.”


Luhan burped loudly, immediately turning crimson as he realized his mistake. Nara just giggled and socked his arm. “Welcome to the pig club!”

“I’m a deer, for your information.” He jokingly replied, all the embarrassment vanishing in a second. Nara rolled her eyes playfully, prancing towards the parking lot. “You know, you can eat with us. I mean, Tao ge and I usually come here often.”

“And we’ll eat that secret recipe of yours? The heavenly goodness?”

She nodded eagerly. “Yup!”

They slipped in the car, satisfied and with full tummies. Luhan started the car with Nara babbling about stuff. *She gets hyped when full.* Luhan noted, shaking his head in amusement.

Nara observed the passing view as they sped off. Luhan glanced at her for a second, and again his brows furrowed.

Even if she was bubbly, smiling and such, he felt something different.

Like there was this thing.

There was just something in her, something… melancholic.


Finally, they arrived at the venue. Only few people were left, judging from the cars parked. They walked sie by side, full and happy.

"So you just left wothout a word, huh?" Jaejoong stood there on the glass doors, his arms crossed.




I somehow enjoyed writing this. kekeke luhan feels~

i'd love to hear from you :)) hhihi actually I'm quite doubtful of how my fic would turn out, but i'm happy writing about luhan. lol




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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3