[Part 2] Rides, rides, rides!

Me Vs You

Author's POV

"Why'd you take me here unnie?" CL asked Dara.
"To have some fun with me. Duh!" Dara replied.
CL laughed and grabbed Dara's hand, interlacing hers with Dara's.
"Hm?" Dara turned over to CL while making a "Why are you holding my hand?" look.
"Nothing, anyways let's search for a ride." CL eye-smiled at Dara and got a head nod from Dara.
"I bet you have a ride you're scared of unnie!" CL assumed.
"Really? Me? Afraid of a ride? Pfft. Nonsense!" Dara denied.
"There must be at least ONE ride that could get you scared." CL said, feeling confident.
"Like I said, no ride in this amusment park will ever make me scared. Oh hey, how about this one?" Dara changed the subject.
"U-unnie...It's a haunted house..." CL stared at the huge signboard above them.
"Soooo? It's day time! Nothing to be afraid of! If you're scared you could always hug me!" Dara joked.
"I...I'm scared of haunted houses so, let's go for something else." CL then started walking away, wanting to escape from going into the haunted house with her unnie.
"Oh come onnnnn!" Dara managed to grab CL's wrist and pull her back.
"I don't want toooo!!" CL tried to release Dara's strong grip on her wrist.
"Fine. Don't go with me. I'll go alone then. Ill be leaving you all ALONE. Don't blame me if I'm not out of the haunted house. I'd probably get eaten alive in there and you won't see me ever again." Dara pouted as she let go of her grip on CL's wrists and started to walk toward the haunted house.
"UNNIE!" CL ran towards Dara.
"Yes?" Dara asked.
"I don't want to leave you alone...." CL said while looking at the ground.
"So you're following me?" Dara crossed her arms.
CL nodded like she was still unsure.
Dara pumped her fist in the air and shouted aloud.
Goblins,ogres,ghosts,trolls and every other sort of monstrous creature would pop out of nowhere to scare the wits out of CL and Dara. 
-After the haunted house experience-
"Well that was fun wasn't it?" Dara smiled and patted CL's shoulder.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU WERE SO CALM. HOW ARE YOU SO CALM?!" CL practically shouted into Dara's ears while she covered them herself.
"Really? Well at least I wasn't the one who ran off just by the sight of a troll and got lost in the house now wasn't I?" Dara laughed.
"Shhhh! Off to the next ride!" CL demanded the change of topic.
What CL didn't notice was how frightened Dara was during the whole walk inside the haunted house due to the house being dark. Dara was pratically shivering. Dara just didn't want to show any signs of her being scared just to show CL how 'tough' she was. 
"How about that one?" CL pointed to a certain ride.
"King Viking?" Dara read out the name of the ride.
"Yeah can we go on that ride unnie? Please?" CL pleaded.
"I'm not so sure... It doesn't look safe...." Dara sounded worried.
"Oh come on! It just swings back and forth..." CL assured.
"But I don't like swingy swingy stuff..." Dara muttered to herself but it was loud enough for CL to hear.
"That's not a reason!" CL said and dragged her unnie to the ride.
Be brave Dara, it's just a ride. No harm...no harm at all....
-During the ride-
"WOOOOOOOO!" CL shouted as the ship swung higher.
"I FEEL LIKE IM GONNA VOMIT!" Dara covered .
"WHAT?" CL asked Dara because all she was hearing was the voice of people who were also screaming.
"I DONT FEEL WELL!" Dara shouted a little bit louder.
"WHAT? YOU FEEL GREAT? YEAH THIS IS AWESOME RIGHT?" CL misinterpreted what Dara had just said.
"I NEED THE WASHROOM AFTER THIS!" Dara puffed her cheeks like she was about to vomit anytime soon.
"WHAT?!" Dara turned over to CL who gave Dara a thumbs up and a wide smile.
"WOOOOOOO!" CL raised her hands up.
"KILL ME NO-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" (boat thingy spins 360 degrees)
As soon as the boat stopped rocking Dara quickly dashed off to the washroom and came back looking pale.
"Wow unnie you look as pale as a ghost! Hahahaha!" CL laughed hard.
"Ugh....I should NEVER go on a ride like that with you..."
"Was it that bad?" CL asked.
"OH NO....IT WASN"T BAD AT ALL." Dara replied sarcastically.
"And you were like 'There's no ride that I'm scared of!' " CL imitated what Dara had said before.
"Whatever...let's go for another ride.." Dara crossed her arms.
Dara and CL walked around and Dara saw a ride that caught her eye.
Time for revenge....
"Wanna get wet CL-roo?" Dara said with an evil grin.
"Er I'm not that sur-!" CL couldn't finish her sentence as she already got pulled by Dara into the ride called "Flume Ride" without her own agreement whatsoever.
"Niceee. We're on a log boat!" Dara clapped her hands feeling excited.
"This reminds me of our trip to Disneyland...." CL recalled. (2NE1TV Season 2 episode 9-1 :D)
"Well we didn't know we were gonna get wet. We didn't even buy a raincoat. Just relax. Your hair won't get wet. Look around, no one's wearing a raincoat too. So care less about your hair and enjoy the ride!" Dara tried to comfort CL.
"Wait I think I should get my mirror and comb that's in my bag at the counter there." CL turned back and looked at Dara.
The sound of a siren went off.
"I think the ride's gonna start soon!" Dara happily exclaimed.
"Wha? Wait! My mirror and comb!" CL tried to unbuckle her seatbelt that was holding her in place.
"Sorry CL-roo, but I'm afraid they locked us down. We can't open our seatbelts anymore." Dara said.
"Wha-Wha? Wait! No no no no! AHHHHHHHHHH!" CL was hitting the log boat in attempts of escaping but failed when the boat started sliding down the first slope.
Dara on the other hand just shouted in excitment.
The ride had so many slopes that it made not being wet at all not possible. In the middle of the ride, there was one steep slope that caused so many people to get wet. Dara was enjoying the ride, screaming her head off, being happy as the water splashed on her, while the person in front of her, well lets say she was more concerned about her hair than her ride.
-After the ride-
"This. . Big time. My hair. Ruined. RUINED!" CL shouted.
"Oh come on CL! They have hair dryers here in the toilets and I packed us some spare clothing in my bag while you were sleeping. We can change and you can worry about your 'precious' hair." Dara waved her hands in a back and forth motion in front of CL's face.
"LET'S GO."  CL grabbed Dara's arm all the way to the toilet.
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)