You could say it was a fun day

Me Vs You
Dara's POV
"Woahh, I've never been here before!" I said in awe.
The place was huge!
"Unnie, you were the one who suggested mini-golf...and you've never had a mini golf experience?" Minzy seemed like she could see through me.
Well yes I've golfed before.
I mean...being at the site with your friends and just sitting under the shade is a golfing experience too is it not?
"I have golfed, and I have had experience in golf itself. The only difference is, I've never been onto a mini-golf's campsite or anything." I lied.
"Well it's a good thing our Dara unnie suggested this cause I think I need to polish my golfing skills again." CL put on her leopard printed sunglasses like she was preparing herself for a catwalk.
"Chaerin, you've golfed before?" Bom asked.
"Yeah but that was years ago when I was traveling with my dad around France. He took me to this beautiful place that had a ridiculously romantic seaside view."
"Oh, France, the city of love." Bom clasped her hands together and brought it to the side of her face.
"You mean Paris." Minzy decided to burst Bom's bubble.
"Yah! Come here!" Minzy ran causing Bom to shout at her.
"You guys! You forgot your golfing equipment!" I manage to shout as loud as possible but instead earned some angry looks at some couples.
Hmmph! You guys wouldn't even be angry at me if I took off these glasses of mine! just cause you guys have lovers doesn't mean you guys can rub it on my fac-
CL interrupted my thoughts with a laugh, followed by her statement,
"They'll come back looking for us after their game of tag ends."
"So I guess we'll just have to-"
This time CL interrupted me while I was about to end my sentence. 
She was shouting and pointing at a miniature windmill.
"This one unnie! This one! This one!" 
She looks so adorable when she jumps up and down.
"Uh, oka-!"
And this is what happens when CL is in KidChaerin mode.
Interruptions everywhere and at anytime at all.
"Hey unnie, I have a question...." CL's voice echoes from behind me.
"Hm? What is it?" I wiped off the drop of sweat that trickled down my cheek.
"Are you sure you've golfed before?"
"I-I'm just rusty, like you, b-but worse!" I stammered pretty badly.
"But unnie you-" 
"I-I just need concentration!" I cut her off as I angrily take my glasses off and hook them on my collar.
"Unnie you're-"
I'm sorry for cutting you off but I can't show you how y I am in golf!
"Shhh Chaerin! I'm going to hit the golf ball now and if I miss this last time I'm going to give-!"
This time, I was the one cut off by a warm embrace.
"You should stop hardening your muscles." her hands traveled onto my shoulders to massage them.
"And loosen up those eyebrows of yours, you look funny." she got in front of me and pushed down my eyebrows with her index fingers in a playful way.
Then she went behind me and got a grip on my hands. She slowly started moving my body around. Then my arms. Then my legs.
"You stand like this." 
I was totally lost for words.
"You know, you're a super bad liar right?" she placed her head on my shoulder and giggled.
"Unnie all of your tactics failed. Now if you think my tactic won't work, you can let me do anything you want for the day."
Anything I want?
Oh, all the things I want you to do for me.
"But if my tactic works, we will be going to the gym and you'll have to get on the treadmills for three hours straight or sit ups. It depends."
Oh my gosh.
I'm going to aim this thing wrongly!
Escaping my fate of running or doing sit ups!
"Now I know you're probably thinking of aiming it elsewhere but I'm not going to let that happen. That's why I'll be helping you out." 
As much as I love how she's holding my hands together and getting to feel her pressed onto my back, I am thinking of one thing only : I hope I miss.
And I know whatever CL plans out will be correct and when she with that game face on, there's a 99.99% of me perspiring like crazy after this.
Help me, please.
Author's POV
"Well, well what brings you girls here? I thought you guys would be celebrating today since Papa YG told me you guys were having an off day!"
"I-I was so close to winning!" Dara tried to wriggle herself out of CL's "trapping someone between my arms" stance.
"I was going to run away from being dragged and then....then she came with that dark look and-and!" Bom stopped her sentence with a scared look on her face after getting a look from Minzy.
"I won haha!" CL was controlling Dara like a puppet by moving her arms around involuntarily.
"Uh, you three aren't telling me what exactly brought you here." Hwangssabu felt confused.
"CL won a bet over Dara and I caught Bommie stuffing food into after I chased her around the mini-golf area. I knew as a responsible maknae, I was to take her here immediately." Minzy solved their trainer's questions.
"Good job Minzy, good job." Hwangssabu patted her back.
"Dara's going to run for three hours! Right Dara?" CL smiled sheepishly and looked over at Dara.
CL nudged Dara hard causing Dara to shout in pain then answer.
"A-Ouch! Y-Yes!"
"That's good. Now what shall we do to Bom?" Hwangssabu asked Minzy.
"Bommie get back here." Minzy pulled Bom back to her original spot but with a slight difference.
She came back with a piece of tissue.
"You must be mistaken. I-I am Jenny!" Bom quickly placed the tissue in front of .
"How odd it is to have a person that has Bom's eyes and nose but is covering their mouth with a tissue." Hwangssabu crossed his arms.
"And coincidentally you have the same English name as Bom." Minzy smirked.
"I have a runny nose! I need to see the doctor! Goodb-!" Minzy forcefully grabbed Bom's wrist and with all her strength, pulled her back.
"Aha! You were eating the sweet that I left as bait on the counter!" Hwangssabu laughed in an evil way.
"You aren't escaping unnie." Minzy repeated, making that whole sentence embed into Bom's mind.
'Meep' was all Bom could say.
Dara's POV
I feel like I'm going to pass out because of the running and the person who is in front of me.
CL chose the best spot to gaze upon me.
"I wonder if you'll give up after an hour! I'll just be right here to watch you fail." that was what she said.
She's been behind the monitor for an hour or two ever since I set foot on this treadmill.
Luckily there's the monitor to keep me from being in such an awkward moment with CL.
I am prison running.
Prison : Cause I feel like I'm being locked up in this special room with a huge window of the city for three hours.
Running : Cause I'm obviously running on my best friend, the treadmill.
But I could say I'm prison running in heaven.
Because I have this extraordinary angel who monitors me.
Who knows if she might pity me after I finish running.
"Unnie..." CL caused me to snap out of my thoughts.
My eyes were following her hand that was inching towards my face.
Then I realised she was wiping off all the sweat that had been forming around my face.
"Thirsty?" she asked and I nod in response.
She lifted up my chin and held a bottle close to my mouth.
I don't know when or where she got those items because all I saw was her, nothing else.
"You have got to visit the gym more often and eat more unnie. It's good for your health." Dr Chaerin advised me.
I nodded my head, unable to say anything to which responded by curving upwards.
"Simply beautiful", I told myself.
Back once again! I 100% planned out whatever I would be writing for the chapters to come till the end ;D
I'll be wrapping up this story soon and then going on to my next project with the tag "nothinggggyet" 
And I'll try my best to update a lot!
I wrote this long chapter because I found out I was (and still am) going to be bombarded by tests this week and the weeks to come -___-
~Unrelated section~
I know this might be really late but, what were your thoughts on "Falling In Love"?
At first I was like, "Whoa, what's with that strange beat?" and then I replayed it over and over which concluded to me getting hooked haha.
And of course I would not forget to mention how Bom wrecked my bias list for one whole week before my original list restored itself yesterday.
~ End of Unrelated section~
I hope you all enjoyed your read though! (Sorry for taking up space down here)
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)