Ugh, this is torture..

Me Vs You

Dara's POV

I'm going to die now. I'll be breathing, living, eating, sleeping AND DOING EVERYTHING ELSE. WITH. HIM. IN. THE. SAME. ROOM. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
All these thoughts are driving me crazy. I am literally losing my mind.
"Erm, unnie?" CL who was sitting beside me in the front seat asked.
"Why are you making weird expressions?"
"Uh..." I scratched my head.
"I-I'm just really sleepy, I need to stay awake to drive and I read that if you make expressions while driving, it'll keep you awake." I forced a smile which I guess turned out to look dorky since CL giggled at me.
"Haha, unnie you say the most weirdest things at the most random time."
I just smiled.
"What's his problem? Scolding me about a burnt cake." GD's voice broke the silence in the car.
"Well that cake burnt your rooms in the dorm." CL stated.
"Well I'm sorry if I forgot about it."
"I know, don't think about it tonight. Just apologize tomorrow. Maybe you guys will kiss and make up. Hahaha." CL laughed.
"You and your disgusting jokes Chaerin-ah." GD laughed.
"But try saying sorry okay?"
"Yes mom." 
"Hey! I'm not old okay!"
"You'll be a great adviser for our kids one day you know?"
"WOAH!" both CL and GD shouted.
What made CL and GD shout was because as soon as Dara heard that sentence, she immediately pushed the pedal of her brakes, causing the car to halt. Dara then quickly drove as if nothing happened.
"Ow ow ow! My head hit the window." GD tried to soothe his forehead.
"So-sorry, I saw a cat on the road." Dara stuttered. She sounded sorry on the outside but on the inside, she was happy GD hit his head and that CL was safe from any danger.
Serves him right. I hope he has a head damage tomorrow.
"You two sleep there." I pointed at the vacant room in my apartment.
"Dara can I sleep with you?" GD teased.
"No. Goodnight." I bluntly replied and headed towards my room.
"Pabo! You go me! Why would you sleep with Dara unnie!" CL hit GD on the back.
"Oh yea, I forgot." GD smiled as he scratched his head.
"YAH! Goodnight unnie!" CL solded GD and managed to say goodnight to Dara at the same time.
Ughhhh! This is TORTURE.
I closed the door behind my back with my foot and slumped onto my cozy bed.
I'll just sleep this off...
I hear the sound of the birds chirping from outside. Wow, I can't believe I slept through the night peacefully. How I wish the night was I'll have to deal with that brat for the rest of my life. Would anyone care to take my place right now? 
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)