Cheer up ok?

Me Vs You

Dara's POV

I can't believe this but I'm taking CL to watch Twilight. Yup, Twilight. I am really not so fond of this movie but CL over here has been following the movies, she would never miss any of them. But during this period of time where we've started being busy again, CL doesn't keep up with all these stuff anymore. She doesn't even know the new continuation of Twilight came out already. I have a feeling this will be a big surprise for her. 
"Are you done yet? The movie is starting soon." I went back into the toilet to check up on CL.
"Wait, I'm almost done." CL came out of one of the stalls and made her way to the toilet sink to wash her hands. She turned off the tap water and looked at her reflection on the mirror. 
I was leaning my back against the toilet door with my hands crossed.
CL tied her hair a couple of times and there were a few strands of hair that kept hanging over her face.
I glanced at my watch and sighed. Five more minutes till the movie starts. This will take forever if CL keeps this up.
I walked to CL and took out my comb from my jacket's pocket. I started combing her messy hair and took the two rubber bands out of her hands. I tied up CL's hair neatly and earned a delighted smile from her, which made me smile back.
"Thank you unnie! Now let's go!" CL grabbed my hand and ran outside of the toilet to the food corner.
"Popcorn! Drinks!" CL shouted and pointed at the two items displayed on the counter.
I feel like a dad for some reason ...
Author's POV
CL still had no idea of what movie they were going to watch but she was prepared for it. CL stared at Dara who looked really bored. Her palm of her hands supported her head on the seat as she stared at the blank screen with droopy eyes.
"When will the freaking movie start...." was on Dara's mind.
Soon the lights went dark and a bright white light was projected on to the screen, that was blank a moment ago.
"Finally..." Dara muttered under her breath.
As soon as the characters appeared on the screen, CL started moving about in her seat. She was really excited that she paid no attention whatsoever to Dara, who was slowly taken over by boredom. 
CL had taken the popcorn out of Dara's grasp and ate it all for herself, not giving a single piece out to Dara. 
After a while, CL felt cold and didn't realize she was shivering. CL wanted to ask for Dara's jacket but she didn't want to leave the screen. CL's shivering posture was visible to Dara's eyes. Dara sure knew she fell in love with the person right next to her blindly but, it didn't mean she was that blind to not  see CL shivering like she was in a freezer.
So Dara did the right thing she knew she could do, and that was to place the jacket over her loved one.
As the movie progressed, so did Dara's boredom state, CL turned to her unnie. She found Dara's head leaning on the right side of her seat with her arms crossed on her chest. Dara was asleep as CL had already guessed. CL knew Dara wasn't fond of Twilight. Dara had nothing against the actors but she had something against the plot. 
CL would always quote Dara's words about Twilight which would be, "It's about two guys fighting for a girl and it's obvious how the main character that she's dating and whom she fell in love with first, would be the one to win her heart. No one would give the second person a chance."
Then, CL noticed how Dara's jacket was covering her and protecting her from the coldness in the cinema. CL could see Dara was also cold, she kept rubbing her crossed arms together to create friction.
CL giggled at the actions that Dara made while sleeping soundly in the cinema, even though loud sounds from the movie that were bursting out through the speakers and not to mention in high volume., could make Dara sleep.
CL laid the jacket that was on her, down onto Dara and slowly placed herself under the jacket. They were both now sharing a jacket to keep themselves warm. After that, CL took her attenion back to the screen.
CL was focused until a weight was put on her right shoulder. She turned to her right and saw Dara sleeping peacefully with her head against her shoulder blade. Dara nuzzled her face onto CL's shoulders which made CL feel a tingly sort of sensation. 
As soon as Dara settled down to find the perfect spot for her head to rest on, CL brushed the strands of hair on Dara's face.
"You deserve some rest unnie. You did quite a number of stuff today. I bet you planned this all out from the start, didn't you?" CL smiled to herself and turned back to the movie.
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)