
Me Vs You


Author's POV
The boys made their way out of the place where they ran across obstacles, hid behind artificial rocks, be the one's shooting or to be the one getting shot, with smiles on their faces.
"Glad there was a place to shower there." Taeyang wiped his hair with a towel that he got for free.
In fact, all the boys had everything for free since they were BIGBANG.
"Tell me about it, I need to smell good." Daesung smiled, causing Taeyang to laugh and pat his shoulder.
VI, who was walking in an awfully slow pace, had his eyes on his phone, Taeyang and Daesung were laughing about in front of Daesung and GD and Top were in leading the pack of 'children'.
No conversation started either. No "Hey, forget what happened that night ok. I forgive you." or a reply which would be something like, "It's no problem buddy. Gimme a brotherly hug."
The silence between GD and Top was so awkward. GD had his hands in his pockets while Top had his hands in his back pocket.
The boys were making their way to the cinema in search of good movies to watch until two familiar voices, not to mention sharp piercing screams, ringing into their ears.
"YONGGIE, TABI, SOL, SUNGGIE, RIRI!" Bom and Minzy did hand gestures that seemed like they were insane or something.
Top had his index finger pressed on his lips. Bom and Minzy knew what it meant and they just sat quiet on their table and looked around. Lots of people were staring but no one bothered that much cause Bom, Minzy and the rest of BIGBANG had their shades on. Basically, they seemed like they were debuting in a new group called "YG's Shades".
The boys reached Bom's and Minzy's table and sat on the vacant seats.
"So...where's CL and Dara?" GD asked the two girls.
"They're watching a movie, they should be out soon." Bom replied and continued, "Where have you guys been? You guys smell like you've bathed in a flower scented bathtub."
"We played paintball. No group won, no group lost. It was a tie. After that we showered. The soap we used was flowery so..." GD said awkwardly.
Top took a whiff of himself and said, "Hey, I do smell like flowers..."
"Y-Yah, why'd you have to sleep in such a time? Making me carry you all the way out." a girl in leopard patterned shades carried another girl on her back, who also had shades on, to the "YG's Shades" group's table.
"Chaerin?" SeungRi paused his game on his phone and put it on the table to help the tired CL out.
"W-What happened to the goddess?" Top questioned CL who heavily panted after taking a seat on one of the chairs.
"She fell asleep..." CL leaned on the chair, getting responses from everyone around the table.
"Halfway through the movie?!" 
"Aish this girl..."
"Even with loud sounds just blasting inside the theatre?!"
"Yup..." CL responded with one word to answer everyone.
"Well, I guess Dara and I better get going." Top smiled.
Top bent down in front of Dara, who was snoring, with his back facing her. 
"CL, Seung a little help carrying her onto my back?" Top laughed when he saw CL and SeungRi panicking when Top shot them an accidental glare.
CL and SeungRi placed Dara onto Top's back and Top stood up slowly and placed Dara's arms around his neck. He jumped up a little to make sure Dara wouldn't fall off him while he carries her back down.
"Well I'll be heading back to Dara place and I'll be sleeping there. The BB van will come back for you guys so I'll see you all tomorrow! Night!" Top blew everyone a kiss.
"Bye Tabi!" everyone except for GD who currently had both of his hands clenched really tightly underneath the table.
"I swear, now that I keep thinking about it...those two make such a great couple!" Taeyang squirmed around in his seat like a fangirl.
"I know!" Daesung agreed with Taeyang.
"They will cause mayhem together! Destruction! Godzilla in Korea!" Bom lightly placed her head on the table.
"Unnie, calm down... Let's all be happy for the both of them even if we don't support their relationship. As long as Dara unnie is happy then 2NE1 is happy." Minzy gave Bom a thumbs up and patted her head.
"I want corn..." Bom muttered as she closed her eyes.
"Well BIGBANG isn't happy at all," GD mumbled and crossed his arms.
"Dara unnie does seem alot happier today, I guess." CL sat down on the same chair that Dara had slept on and rested her head on her palms.
"Thirstyyyy..." Dara mumbled in her sleep.
"Yah, who gets thirsty while sleeping." Top wanted to knock Dara's forehead for being such a dork.
Top went over to the cinema food counter.
"Excuse me, could I get one iced cola?" Top ordered making the boy at the counter nod and grab a cup.
"Here sir." the boy handed Top the cup while Top reached into his pocket to get some extra change.
Top turned around and put Dara off his shoulder. Dara wobbled to the side and tried to keep her balance. She was half awake and half asleep. Top laughed as he saw Dara's dorkiness. He carried Dara like how a person would carry his bride into their new house.
"'s your drink. I know you're thirsty so wake up for a while ok?" Top whispered and moved the straw close to Dara's lips.
Dara stirred around when she felt something circle-shaped touching her bottom lip. She bit on it and when she heard someone say "drink" she in and in came the cola flavoured drink.
"Mmm..." Dara hummed in delight.
Dara managed to open her eyes a little and what she saw through her pupils wasn't Top, it was an image of CL staring into her eyes, giggling as she looks at a sleepy Dara.
"Dara...why'd you sleep halfway during the movie?" Top's voice sounded like CL's as Dara hallucinated.
"I'll tell you why I slept so I'll whisper it to you!" Top held his head down and had his ears facing Dara's almost closed eyes. 
Dara kissed "CL's" cheeks and said "CL, I love youuuu!"
With that, Dara went back to dreamland and dreamt of everything that had to do with her Pudong.
"Dara, you never seem to change do you?" Top smiled at Dara who grabbed hold of Top's shirt. It didn't seem like she would release her grip anytime soon so Top decided to carry Dara that way until they got back to Dara's apartment.
-At the YG's Shades table-
Dara kissed Top and everyone in the table could clearly hear the words, "I love youuuu!" coming from Dara.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Bom said while GD banged his fist on the table.
"Honestly, both of you seem so insecure about the two of them dating." Minzy sighed at her two sunbaes.
"Ji, just calm down... Do you hate Top so much you don't want to see him happy?" CL said as she got off her seat to walk to GD.
"That isn't the reason CL..." GD mentally told CL.
"Y-You won't understand." GD slumped onto his chair.
"Come on, let's all hang about around the mall!" SeungRi took his eyes off his phone and dragged Taeyang and Daesung, leaving the other behind.
"Let's go Ji." CL clung onto GD.
"Why do I suddenly feel alone on the inside?" someone mumbled at the far back of the group.
The two chapters were crappy right? I apologize! I need some jealous scenes hehe ;P 
But some drama is coming soon after some updates I guess. I just need to fill in some gaps in my story to get to the drama parts.
Chae's birthday is coming soon! Basically day after tomorrow! One shot....? Haha. Anyways, I'll be updating next Sunday then Wednesday then Sun then Weds etc!
Thank you to my new subbers and my subbers (who haven't unsubscribed to this story yet) for helping me get 50 subs for this story of mine! *Throws confetti* I've never had lots of subscribers before so I'm really happy!
But! I usually lack something which would be comments. Grrr at my silent readers XD So I hope I can get comments once in a while to know all my readers are still there XD
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)