Say Ahh~!

Me Vs You

Author's POV

-Ramen Restaurant-

"Well look who's here guys! Our favourite ramen customer." an old man shouted out as soon as Dara stepped into the restaurant.

"Haha! Hey ajusshi!" Dara shouted back.
"Owner of the shop?" CL asked Dara.
"Yup." Dara replied back.
"As expected you'd be popular here. It's all RAMEN. I bet you come here everyday!" CL teased Dara.
"Welcome Ms. Ramen! So what will you be having today?" the old man asked Dara.
"Hmm...I've never tried the chicken special. I'll go with that one then!" Dara replied back.
"How about you little lady?" the old man turned to CL.
"Erm..whatever she's having." CL replied the old man.
"Okay, so two chicken special ramen and two special drinks coming right up!" the old man said with a huge smile.
"Thanks ajusshi!"
"That old man is creeping me out Dara. He smiles like every 2 seconds. PEDOOO!" CL whispered to Dara.
"Shhh! He's just like that. You barely get to see an old man smile and not hit you with a stick even if you did no wrong." Dara said as she hoped CL wouldn't think of the old man as a pedo. 
"You got hit by an old man with a stick?" CL curiously asked after hearing Dara.
"Yeah...for accidentaly stepping on his lawn nomes..." Dara admitted.
"Hahahahaha!" CL bursted into laughter after hearing Dara's confession.
"I was 8 back then! I didn't know his nomes were his 'soldiers who protect my lawn from evil!' At least that was what he told me...." Dara recalled her past.
"Wow Dara you have the most weirdest childhood stories I have ever heard." CL said while still laughing.
"Ohh I'm soo hungry! That special ramen must be worth it! Having such a delicious name too." Dara said to get out of the topic they were on.
"Omo...just because the ramen had the word 'special' in it, the name sounds delicious?" CL lifted her right eyebrow up.
"Well the word 'special' says it all!" Dara protested.
"Unnie, you and your kiddish ways never change!" 
"Well I'll always be myself! I won't ever change!"
"Sometimes I do wonder how you'll be when you get into a relationship."
"Hmmph...Relationship? I'll stay SINGLE!"
"Yeah right! Let's see how long you'll last!"
"I take that challenge!"
"Here you go! Two bowls of the chicken ramen special. Made by the owner of this restaurant himself! And to quench your thirst, fresh coconut juice." the old man appeared again, interrupting the two girls.
"FINALLY! Thankkk youuuu soooo much ajusshi!" Dara said with joy.
"Thank you uncle." CL thanked the old man.
"Anytime girls!" the old man said as he started to laugh at Dara who was sniffing the ramen like a dog.
"Da-Dara....You should stop sniffing your ramen. People might think you're crazy." CL whispered to Dara, hoping she would stop smelling the ramen like it was somekind of drug.
"But it smells sooooo goood!" Dara said as she closed her eyes and sniffed the scent of the ramen one last time before picking up her chopsticks.
Dara started to slurp the ramen, enjoying every bite of it. She was almost done with her ramen. She stopped to check on CL who barely even touched her food.
"Yah CL! Why haven't you touched your food yet? It'll be a waste if you don't eat this super duper delicious ramen! Come on try it!"
"Bu-ut it's really hot..."
"Well look who's the kid now! Do you want me to feed you?"
Omoooo! I'm going to feed my baby-rin!
Dara held CL's bowl of ramen with her left hand and took out the chopsticks with her right. 
"Here." Dara said as she held the chopsticks that had ramen in between them, towards CL's mouth.
CL munched on the ramen and swallowed it.
"Delicious! More! More!" CL said as she held both her hands together acting all cute so that Dara would feed her again.
Dara knew CL's plan. She put CL's bowl back on the table and started to eat her own ramen.
"Unnieeee!" CL pouted.
"You're a grown up girl. Feed yourself!" Dara said as she stuck her tongue.
"It's still hot!" 
"Easy. Just blow and eat." Dara said as she chewed on her ramen.
"I don't wanna!"
"Mmm! My ramen is finished!"
"Wow unnie. You totally finished it all. No ramen left behind, no soup left behind." CL said as she looked at Dara's ramen bowl.
"How about you? I see no progress in your eating, young one." Dara said as she acted all 'Guru'.
"It's very hoooooooot! Can't you see the steam?"
"Yah. It cooled down already. It's just your imagination."
"No it just looks like it's cooled. Don't get fooled unnie!"
Haha everytime CL wants something done, she'll make a lot of excuses. Even excuses that make no sense at all.
"I so 'believe' you CL. If you want me to feed you, tell me your reason. Don't tell me you're lazy to feed yourself OR the ramen is still hot when it's not ORR the chopsticks are magicly heavy that you can't even lift them ORRR you have no energy left in you because the ramen is '' away your energy source."
"Nooo! Your guesses are all wrong!"
" give me a reason."
"I just miss those times when you always fed me." CL whispered to Dara.
"Aw! I feel so touched! Fine you win. I'll feed you."
"Yay! Thank youuuu!" CL proudly thanked Dara.
-At the back of the ramen restaurant where people cook ramen-
"Hey uncle! Who's that other girl? The one our superstar is feeding?" a young man asked.
"Oh, that's Chaerin, 2NE1's leader." the old man replied.
"Hey uncle, don't you think they look like a couple from a distance? I mean like Dara is the boyfriend who's feeding 'his' girlfriend." the young man stated out.
"Boy! What is going through your head?! How could you think of that?! They are idols for heaven's sake! Watch your words!" the old man scolded.
"Haha I'm just saying! Don't get angry uncle! But don't you think it's true, about what I just said?" the young man asked again.
"Enough chatting! Get back to work!" the old man scolded as he hit the younger man on the head who immidietly ran to his station.
"What has gotten to the minds of the young ones these days! I just don't know." the old man said to himself.
-Back at where Dara and CL were-
"Oh c'mon CL-roo! One more scoop and you're all done!"
"But unnie, I can't take it anymore! I feel like I'm about to burst!"
"Oh well...Since you're full, I guess you don't need to finish it then. No point in forcing you to finish the ramen that I paid for....with MY money which I EARNED."
"Okay fine! I'll finish it!"
Dara smiled as she watched CL eat her last scoop of ramen.
"Thanks for the meal ajusshi!"
"You're welcome! Come back again!"
"Sure will!"
Fluffy chapter? Haha.
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)