From what we were before to now

Me Vs You
Author's POV
"W-What?!" GD blurted out loudly, causing the two culprits to step away from each other.
GD's and CL's eyes were both wide, obviously from shock.
What were they almost doing?!
CL slowly closed that was agape to process what she was looking at.
GD and CL could've blushed madly at the sight but this seemed a little more serious to them than to laugh around and tease the two couple.
"W-What Ji actually means is, he is sorry to interrupt both of your time alone." CL quickly said from further misunderstanding.
"We-We're here to just return the keys that Top had left inside GD's c-car." CL bent down to grab the keys off the floor.
CL then threw the keys onto the sofa and quickly held onto GD's wrists tightly.
"S-See you two tomorrow!" CL let out and eye-smile and waved her hand before quickly rushing out of Dara's household with GD partially imaging what might have happened if he didn't go through that door.
Dara's POV
"W-Well, that was...very awkward." Dara burst out into laughther as she recalled the sight of GD's face.
-Few minutes before CL and GD barged in-
"So, how was your 'kiss and make up' session?" I grinned widely at Top.
"Gosh, I don't know. How did your 'I'll claim CL to myself but I can't' plan work?" Top counter attacked me with his sarcasm skills.
"Where did you guys head to?" I started the conversation properly, admitting defeat.
"Arcade, fighting each other, killing mobs and whatnot."
"Ohh, so manly." I gave him a slight chuckle as I continue to dry my wet hair with a towel.
Top walked over to the living room to where the remote to the air con was.
"I'm sweating." he reasoned as he turned the air conditioner on.
"I'm freezing." I exclaimed and pointed to another towel that was wrapped around my body.
He took off his shirt and threw it from the living room into what he claims as, his room.
"It's my room."
"I mean taking off your shirt. Was that really compulsory?"
"Yeah, I'm hot." 
"Puh-lease, you can't even stay under the sun. I go to the beach often so I'm way hotter than you are." I joked around.
Top turned around and gave me a smirk.
Okay, I would take back my words but I won't.
And I have to say, Top is really hunky and handsome and hot and-
And I have got to stop pausing and saying the word, "and".
Top started walking slowly towards me and when he was getting really close, I started moving backwards as my response to stimuli took over.
"What did you say?" he said in a tormenting way.
He managed to pin me onto the wall with his hands at the sides of my head.
"I-I said you are not h-h-h." Top's face was nearing mine after every word that came out of my mouth.
He was getting too close and if I were to mouth the last word, we'd be kissing by now.
But I couldn't lose to Top so I cleared my throat and managed to say, "Hot."
He neared me one more time, only to press our foreheads together.
And my towel dropped to reveal my polka dotted undergarments.
"Am I hot now?" he smirked.
"W-What?!" a voice shouted, followed by the sound of keys dropping to the floor.
Top pulled away from me instantly only to find GD and CL in my living room.
They were in shock and we were too.
"But that face GD made was epic!" I wiped my tears that were piled up at the corner of my eyelids.
"Why are you even laughing?! They probably thought we were going to do, it!" Top furrowed his eyebrows in disgust.
"Well you were the one who decided to take an inch closer to my face. For a second there, I thought you were going to kiss me." I picked up the towel that fell onto the floor.
"You just had to drop your towel now did you!" Top continued on the 'they thought we were going to do it' topic.
"Chillax Seung,it's not much of a big deal." I comforted him by patting his head softly.
"What about you huh? CL was right there! Aren't you angry or something?! She just witnessed me pinning you down to a wall!" Top kept doing hand motions everywhere, which was normal since he only does that when he gets super mad.
"I'm not angry at all to be honest. Yes, I do have a crush on CL, more like, I love her and I want to marry her. But, after going out with her and such, I don't think she'll ever have feelings for me. Her reaction when she saw the both of us...if she really did have feelings for me, she'd probably snap and take me away from there." I pause to enter my room.
"For now, I have a battle. It's between Jiyong and I. I don't want CL to have babies with a jerk like him. CL deserves so much more and I might not be in that position to do it but someone else might. And that person, will not be Jiyong." I continue as I give Top a genuine smile.
"Well if you excuse me, I need to dry my hair." I smile at Top who seemed like he wanted to say something but closed his mouth to nod at me in return.
I close the door to my room and sit at my dressing table. I search for my hair dryer and plug it into the socket.
If CL doesn't return my feelings, then let it be.
I've been madly in love with her and I still am.
But I've been chasing her, thinking I might get the role as her lover, until someone else took the role.
I tried to get closer to her, hanging out with her as often as I could.
Sure she's clingy.
But that doesn't mean she's in love with me.
She's Lee Chaerin, I'm Sandara Park, she's Park Bom and she's Gong Minji. Together we create a group called 2NE1.
I'm just her best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
I'm a girl, she's a girl.
The society in Korea just won't accept if we were a couple too.
Her crush was on Teddy and then to GD.
I could say GD is caring to 'return' the feelings that CL had for him but I'd rather smack him in the head for playing with her feelings.
So now, I'm trying my best to defend and protect my Lee Chaerin away from that monster.
And hey, Warrior Dara might get herself a lover along the way too, right?
I mean who wouldn't want this pretty face?
"Gosh, Dara you flatter yourself too much." I say to myself and turn the hair dryer.
Top's POV
I walk over to the living room couch and plop myself onto it.
I place my hands under my head and stare blankly at the ceiling.
Dara must have gone through a lot these few months.
It was from hearing the news of CL and GD's relationship then whining about it to me everyday, to sounding all matured and hinting me that she might let CL go with another guy.
I wonder how I got to be close friends with her. I can't remember much but I'll try and recall some of it.
"Girls, meet your seniors! I know you've all been waiting for quite sometime because the boys have been performing here and there for the past few months!" Papa YG pulled in four girls into the dance room.
We were told that we were going to meet a bunch of trainees who have been here for quite sometime now. We were prepared to be bombarded by questions or maybe crazy fans, but these girls seemed so reserved and calm.
"Oh, time flies. I need to go now. Boys, be friendly and be nice." Papa YG smiled and made his exit.
Both sides were quiet until little Seung decided to break the ice.
"Hi there!" SeungRi quickly waved at the girls who were slowly seating themselves down on the floor.
"Would you girls introduce yourselves?" Taeyang eye-smiled at the girls who were obviously nervous about the meeting.
One of the girls nudged the girl right next to her. One by one, the girls introduced themselves.
"H-Hi, I'm Park Bom."
"I-I'm Gong Minji."
" I-I-I'm L-Lee Chae-Chaerin."
"I'm Sandara Park!"
I was taken a back for a moment because, out of all the girls, Sandara Park was the only one who didn't stutter as much and had a cheery vibe around her when she gave a huge smile.
"Top's smiling." Daesung's face brightened up.
"Wow, Sandara. You must be a lucky person. You managed to make Tabi smile." GD gave Dara a thumbs up.
My bedroom door had burst open with a bang onto the wall followed by shouts of my name being called over and over again, "Seung, Seung, Seung, Seung!" 
I know that voice from even a mile away. It was Dara's.
"W-Whaaat do you want?!" I got up half way with my bottom half still on the bed.
"Hi!" she gave me a 'V' sign and smiled.
"Ugh! Go away! You're disturbing my beauty sleep!" I dropped myself onto the bed with a pillow covering my face.
"Seung!" she repeated multiple times.
"What?!" I threw the pillow that was on my face, aiming it straight onto her face.
"Ow!" she fell down onto the floor with a loud thud.
"What was that sound?!" GD came into the scene.
"Top! What did you do?! You can't just hit our junior with a pillow!" GD scolded me and helped Dara up.
"Did that hurt?" GD checked Dara's face.
"N-Nope but Top is mean!" Dara ran away without turning back to look at me.
GD eye-smiled at Dara.
That was the first sign of him slowly falling in love with her.
"You like her don't you?" I stood out of my bed.
"Shut up." he smiled at me right after.
"Why do you want to get close to me Dara?" I question her as we sit together in the dance room.
"Cause we have the same problems, duh." Dara stared down at the floor.
"W-What do you mean?"
"I know who you are in love with."
"Haha, yeah." I roll my eyes to the side.
"I know who you were in love with too."
"Yeah, sure you do." I remark sarcastically.
"The one you were in love with could take you to seventh heaven but it's sad that it rained in your heaven."
"W-Wh-" I got cut off.
"And the one you're in love with is Bom unnie isn't it?"
"Mhm..." I nodded slowly and laugh.
She then whispered into my ear.
My mouth was hung agape.
"Is it that obvious?" 
"Yup, but hey...I'm in love with a girl too." she calmly said as she looked at me, searching for my reaction.
I slowly processed what she had said and replied her with a shout.
"Lee Chaerin, I'm in love with Lee Chaerin."
"Just keep it a secret for me and I'll keep yours too." she continues.
~End Of Flashback~
Hey there guys/girls/people x)!
SkyDragon's encounter with TabiSan, followed by Dara who might give up and Top's background history mystery :p
Sorry this update took a while. My family decided to prolong our trip and I'm officially going back tomorrow! Luckily I managed to find a decent internet line here, took a while to load stuff too :\
Is this chapter long enough? Cause I decided what chapter will be the last chapter already and I never planned the last chapter till well, today haha.
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)