Chapter 4

Nct127: Kim Doyoung FADED

Chapter 4

The moment you stop doing things, change is inevitable. Regardless of the surroundings and the people around you. 

Doyoung always believed that taking care of other people first is the only thing one needs to achieve to be like. He's considerate since he was a child, thankful to those people who supported and loved him despite him being a burden. He doesn't want the people important to him to feel such pain. It's painful when you do your best but can't find results. 

After experiencing pain for more hours that night, Doyoung got to sleep. He wakes up feeling uncomfortable and Mr. Baek checks up on him and finds out the effects of the medicine are draining his stamina. He needs more rest.

Doyoung did not get up in the morning, He saw manager Hyung coming into his room and closing the door after. 

"Doyoung, how are you feeling?" Mr. Baek asked worriedly. 

"I'm not feeling good, Hyung. D-Don't tell the members." Doyoung even in pain prioritized s. Mr. Baek sighs his frustration but nods to the younger. 

"Hyung, How's Doyoung Hyung?" Haechan asked after Mr. Baek closed the door of Doyoung's room. 

"He has a cold. I need to take care of him. You can go to your schedules." Mr. Baek said while patting the maknae. 

"He's fine right?" Haechan insisted on asking. Worries are evident in his gleaming cheeks. 

"Yes. He will get better. He just needs rest." Mr. Baek asserted again while glancing at the youngest.

The afternoon came and Doyoung decided to cook his food. His manager needs to attend the 127 members while having a deal with Doyoung that he will remain at the dorm for the whole day. He agrees since he doesn't have anything to do at the moment. His brother is busy with taping while his parents told him to visit them next weekend. Doyoung sighs while finishing the chicken with tomato sauce. He likes the taste of it but still, the bitter taste of the medicine he drank last night stays beneath his tongue that made him shudder by the bitter taste of it. 

Doyoung felt relief when the pain of his stomach subsided when he ate food. Dr. Jin said that he's low on sugar and that's also the cause of him losing consciousness. Doyoung's body is weird but he is used to it. He can't do anything either but be vigilant of his own body. 

The clock ticks at 2:00 pm. Doyoung is staying in his room doing nothing like singing or watching movies. He also listened to western music. He is bored but Doyoung is used to this setup since he was a child. He was forbidden to move because he will faint by just doing some excessive physical activity unlikely to a child but his personality as a social butterfly never ends there. It only made him crave attention and friends. He likes people's closeness and company. He doesn't like to be alone and that's the reason why Doyoung stands and has that kind of personality. The exhausting personality he developed when he was alone at the side of the hospital trying his best not to inconvenience his family. 

Doyoung is on the verge of falling asleep feeling his body ache and the concern of later drinking his medicine again. It's frustrating enough but Doyoung is forbidden to drink cold medicine. He will endure the pain till it will subside on its own. The hot temperature isn't going away unless the medicine that Dr. Jin gives him will be comfortable inside him. Doyoung is close to cursing but holds himself. He just checks his phone and the caller is none other than his close cousin, Byul. 


"Hello?" Byul asked from the other side of the line, taking her time to wait for Doyoung's answers. 


"Byul? What is it?" Doyoung asked, feeling exhausted. The cold is getting him again. 

"I heard your condition from Oppa. A-Are you okay?" She sounds worried. His brother probably informed her, Doyoung thought.

Byul is the person Doyoung trusted the most. She was one of the people who looked out for him and visited him when he was staying at the hospital. They play sometimes but not entirely because Byul is the same as him. She has heart failure. Draining her stamina and she experiences fatal attacks in the past. The only thing that made them different is the fact that Byul is healed. Her heart transplant happened when Doyoung was in high school. She flew abroad and came back healthy. Miracles happen to people but Doyoung also wishes that it happened to him too. Wishful thinking faded as the times came by. 

"Hyung didn't tell you entirely right? Wanna come over? But I'm sick right now Byul." Doyoung said in a hoarse voice. He sounded so weak as he is truthful. Byul is Doyoung's anchor and the only person who understands him and comforts him. They used to be frequent in the past but not anymore because Byul became busy and Doyoung happened to become an idol and his schedule is always full. Byul takes years to be gain her health after the surgery

"I will come to you. I miss you so much, Bunny bear." Byul in the other line sounds soft like a mother which Doyoung is nostalgic about. It's been a long since he heard that pet name she used when she was comforting him. 

"I can't today but tomorrow is possible." Doyoung is determined to meet his cousin but because he promised his manager that he won't come out he will stay home. 

"Alright. See you at the coffee shop I used to meet you. I can't take you far because you're still sick." Byul sounded excited and that made Doyoung feel secure.

They talk like hours but mostly by Byul telling him about herself that Doyoung failed to be updated. He listens to her until he falls asleep. Byul ended the call and sighed. She spent 2 minutes gazing at her default phone. Her hands are shaking while her heart is racing. She can't figure out what to feel when Gongmyung tells her that Doyoung passed out 4 and a half days ago.  Her time stops and she feels terrible. The memories they shared are deeper than it appears. She's afraid to lose Doyoung. Her only family. 


A/N: Hi guys!!! TMI: Byul is the name of my cat. I used it as a character in my story. This story is still slow, I haven't write incidents but I wish I could write it faster. There will be misunderstandings and annoying characters but I will try my best because those are members of 127. Guys! Don't hate me. lols I need it for story advancement. Nothing personal ayt? 

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Lonless_airess #1
Chapter 19: I cant wait to read it
Lonless_airess #2
Chapter 19: Can i ask when can you upload the next chapter