I'm In Love With A King

I'm In Love With A King

As me and Key walked down the dark corridor, I looked around at all the paintings that hung up on the walls.
One I saw, was a king gathered together with his wife and a small child. The child looked a lot like the King I just saw.
But what was frightening was that, no one in the picture was smiling.

I't is a family portrait, why wouldn't you smile?'

"Key? Where are we going?" I suddenly asked.
"Ah, it's lunch time so we have to meet in the servants' dining room." he asked glancing at a few servants that walked by.
"Ah.." I quietly said.

When we reached the dining room, it was nothing like the King's.
The dining room was gloomy. It was decorated with old, cracked wooden tables accompanied by tiny wooden stools. The floors were pure concrete. The walls had no decoration neither.

It was pretty quiet as I watched all of the tired servants slowly walk by with their food trying to find an empty seat. Some servants were old, while some were young. But I never saw any children.

Key guided me to the counter where we picked up our food. We both got a tiny wooden tray and were handed a wooden bowl filled with anything but food. I shriveled my nose in disgust.

As we sat at a nearby table, I stared at my food blankly.
"Yah, you better eat! You'll need the energy." Key said as he shoveled down his food.
"Neh.." I said as I slowly took a bite. It wasn't surprisingly as bad as it looked. So I ate as much of it as I could stomach.

"Yah, here." Key said as he nudged me and pulled out an apple.
"Where'd you get this?" I asked in hopes of getting more.
"We are all given one at lunch on special occasions or certain days of the week." he said.
"I can't take this from you." I said, pushing away the fruit.
"Yah!!! Take it, you'll need it! Trust me." he said with a small glance into my eyes.

I eventually took it and ate it as fast as I could as we only had a short time to eat.

A guard standing by the door rung a small bell, ordering us to leave.
All of the servants scurried out of the room running to their next chore.

Our next chore was to clean the garden.
Key and I both went together once again. It didn't matter, as long as the chore was completed.

After 4 hours of cleaning the garden, planting seeds, watering the garden and picking weeds, Key and I couldn't have been any more tired.
It was getting late and the bell was rang for all of the servants to return to their rooms for bed.
Key walked me to my room slowly as we were too tired to walk to much, but we had no choice.
Once we got there, Key gave me a hug goodnight and slowly walked to his room which was 5 doors down.

I suddenly heard hefty footsteps coming down the hallway. My eyes grew wide Key quickly looked at me and mouth the word "surveillance". We both quickly ran into our rooms and slammed it shut.
Once I got into my room, my heart was beating a little fast. But I shook it off and washed the dirt of My face and hands with a rag.
I laid down on the cold hard futon mattress on the ground. I stare up at the window and looked at the moon. I wondered if my family missed me.

The next morning, a loud bell rang for  everyone to wake up and take showers. I was still in my night gown as I walked outside to see everyone running to the wash room.
I looked to the right of me to see Key coming out of his room as well.
"Yah, come on." he said as he gestured me to follow him.

When we finally got there, it was a little bit crowded.
"Women is there and Men's is here. I'll wait for you until you're finished." Key said as he pointed to washrooms.
I shook my head and ran into the washroom. It wasn't as crowded as I thought, 'there must be other washrooms too' I thought.
I got a towel and hurried to the a separate shower.

I walked out to see Key standing there waiting for me, his back against the wall. I ran up to him.
"Finished!" I yelped.
He jumped slightly and smiled.
"Be sure to dry your hair, you'll catch pneumonia with these cold air settings." he said as if he were my umma.
I nodded and dried it with a towel.
"Ready to go change now?" he asked gesturing his head in the direction of the hallway.
"Neh." I said

When I got back to my room, I quickly changed into my uniform and finished  doing my hair and tied it into a messy bun ((A:N here is a picture, the link won't work when I name it .http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=19329822 just copy and paste it in a URL :)) The familiar bell rang once again to start our chores.

When I walked out of my room, Key and I were instantly grabbed and pulled away by two guards.
We dared not to scream, as we could suffer major punishment...

'But where we're they taking us?' I wondered as we walked down the corridor. 






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Planned on updating today, but Internet isn't working too well. I'm sorry my subs, haha. Will have to update Sunday or Monday! Be patient! :D I love you all!


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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
OMG... SUCHHH A OOD ENDING!!! yayyy iiima read the sequel :))
XxBlackBeat #2
elfaida #3
love the ending :D
I really want to know what happen to min you kinda made a cliffhanger
Please write a sequel!~
XxBlackBeat #7
I love the ending ermahgerd ;~; I love you okay... I love you for making this story ajblanf ;~; <3
fejwofreiojgreoije aww :">
that was nice and omg.. it's been a long time since I've read this hehe
you did a good job :D