I'm In Love With A King

I'm In Love With A King

I grasped Minho's hand tightly. Butterflies swooned in my stomach and mingled together as we crept further down the hallways. I looked back at the others and saw as Key stayed close to Jonghyun an wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's arm; fear written on his face. Jonghyun kept calm for Key, but you could see in his eyes that he was scared. But, I think we all were.

Suddenly a loud bang came from the entrance of the mansion.  My eyes grew wide as my mouth formed a circle. I quickly turned around to check on the others only to see them with the same expression.

"M-Minho..what was that?" I whispered as I stared at him; his face looking straight ahead.

"I don't know. Come on." He said as he grasped my hand and waved his hand for the others to follow. We quickly jogged down the hallway, moving faster and faster gradually. Minho quickly led us to the garden that only servants used. We went down the twisting turning stair ase until we finally reached the garden. We all finally took a moment to catch our breaths.

"Now what?" I asked between puffs and gasps.

"I don't know." he said as his struggled to catch his breath as he his sight remained dead ahead.

The bang we had ears earlier had occurred once again, it seemed to et closer and closer each time we moved farther and farther away from it. Minho grabbed my hand and began running. I looked behind to make sure everyone else was still together, and they were. They were all right behind us, obeying Minho's every order.
We ran down the garden hill, almost slipping as we made our way down. Onew, being the clutz he was, fell down the hill suddenly. I let go of Minho's hand quickly and ran back to help Onew as I was the only one who had noticed.

"Come on!" I whispered as I grabbed his hand and ran with him towards the others and back up to my place next to Minho.
"Thank you.." Onew said shyly as we remained running straight ahead. We didn't know where we were going. We just needed to leave this place.

Soon after, we found a Resting place in the beginning of the forest. We stopped to rest for a while and decide on what to do next.
I sat next to Key and held his hand as Jonghyun and Minho were reading the map. Taemin stood quietly next to Minho while Onew sat next to me and played with the grass.

"Minho.." I suddenly asked.
He looked up from the map and discontinued he and Jonghyun's conversation and looked up at me.

Yes?" He asked with a calm smile in his face, but he too I could tell was anything but calm.

"Where do we go?" I asked as I looks down at the grass, afraid of what his answer might be. It may have seemed needy, but everyone was anxious as to where we go next. None of us wanted to return to the mansion. Ever again.

"Well, we need to head North." He said as he stood up and pointed his finger north towards a jumble of trees and bushes.

"Then we will-"
"YAH!!!! This way!!!" We heard a husky man Holler from a distance. We looked up suddenly to see a crowd of servants rushing towards the forest, searching for..us.

"GO!" Minho screamed as we quickly rushed up and began running north like Minho had said. We all ran through the twist and turns of shrubs and unbelievable tall trees. Every single step seemed to take you no where, as everything looked the same. The further and further we went into the forest, the darker it got.

Soon, we heard dogs barking faintly behind us followed by loud screams of demands and orders from the same husky voice we had heard before.
I started to cry, as fear of my friend's lives were in danger, as well as my own. Tears dropped quickly down my mud stained face tree branches and leaves scraped against my face. I turned back to see if anyone was following me. Then, I realized I was alone.
I turned to my left them my right, only to make a full circle around myself to find not one single person was there. My heart beat fastened it's pace as my life as suddenly in danger and I knew I could never make it out alone, not now.

I quickly began running once again as the hollers and screams began to come closer and closer becoming less faint by the second.
My breath soon ran short and I quickly hid behind a huge boulder. I looked down to see a huge rock. I quickly grabbed it and through it away from myself, deep into the forest to throw the guards off track.

Once the hollers and barking became distant, I sat there alone and cried my eyes out.
I stared up at the sky and saw the sky was becoming darker and darker
As rain clouds formed far above my head. It quickly started raining, making my tears invisible. I held my head in between my legs and sobbed.
I was compeletly alone.
Then, my heart fastened it's pace as I suddenly felt a cold hand clasp around my shoulder.


 A/N:So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I sure know you guys will enjoy the next one! Lots of questions are answered! Ah, and I have recently created my first Oneshot featuring JongKey! It was a present for someone on AFF! :D if you guys want to read it, I'll provide the link below-

Love Should Go On - JongKey oneshot.

Please Comment And Subsribe My Lovelies!



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Planned on updating today, but Internet isn't working too well. I'm sorry my subs, haha. Will have to update Sunday or Monday! Be patient! :D I love you all!


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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
OMG... SUCHHH A OOD ENDING!!! yayyy iiima read the sequel :))
XxBlackBeat #2
elfaida #3
love the ending :D
I really want to know what happen to min you kinda made a cliffhanger
Please write a sequel!~
XxBlackBeat #7
I love the ending ermahgerd ;~; I love you okay... I love you for making this story ajblanf ;~; <3
fejwofreiojgreoije aww :">
that was nice and omg.. it's been a long time since I've read this hehe
you did a good job :D