I'm In Love With A King

I'm In Love With A King

The remainder of the night, Minho and I just discussed the rest of our dismissal plan. But, as usual, Minho did more of the talking and planning while I just nodded along. Afterall, he was King and was used to giving out orders and making decisions. Before we knew it, the sun had already began to pop up over the horizon, turning the sky an orangish blue.

"Ah, we must be getting to bed. Sleep in as long as you like, I'll call for a day off for all servants." Minho said politely as he walked me to the door. I frowned as I had trouble leaving him after being with him for so long. He looked at me sympathetically and then spoke,

"I would invite you to stay...but..It's risky." H esaid with a frown as he grasped me into a hug and wrapped his arms around me into a tight hug. I nodded my head into his body and eventually let go of him.

"Now go, before anyone catches you. I'll watch you from here." He said kindly as he led me out the door and stood in the door frame waving goodbye to me as I left him, my image getting smaller and smaller as I walked further and further down the passageways.


Once I arrived to our doors, I hesitated as to which door I should enter first. I sighed and gently opened Key's door to reveal him sleeping as if he had never slept in his entire life. His right leg was swung out off the futon mattress as his pillow lay clear on the other side of the room. His head was thrown back on top of another pill as drool slid down the corner of his mouth. I giggled to myself and ran over to wake him up.

"Key-oppa! Key-oppa!" I whispered into his ear as if it were a chant. He only groaned in response, fighting the morning. I continued to shake him and chant him to wake up for another five minutes until he successfully gave up and woke up. He sat up with a grumpy face and rubbed his eyes harshly.

"Yah! What?" He said as he laid his head into his hands.

"Ah..I..erm...have news." I stuttered out as Key's sudden intense voice and glare had greatly intimidated me.

"Ah, what?" He said as he quickly jumped up in excitement as if his mood took a 360 degree turn. My eyes widen as I couldn't believe that he was just in a foul mood then all of the sudden was perfectly fine. The usual Key.

"Well, we will be making our dismissal two days from now." I said as I rose two fingers in the air making a 'V' shape. His face suddenly took another turn and looked sad.

"Ah...well I have to tell Jong-" He started to say before I cut him off from his sadness to reveal good news.

"No need to tell Jonghyun! Minho is bringing him as well as Taemin." I said with a smile as I saw Key's face suddenly light up in over joyment. I giggled as Key quickly hugged me and began rambling on as usual about what we should do to prepare for leaving. Then, I suddenly remembered that we still hadn't told Onew the news of our leaving. I quickly interrupted Key and asked,

"Wait! What about Onew?" I asked as my eyes grew wide. Key's eye then grew wide as well as he jumped up from his bed and ran out his room. I quickly followed him out the door and down the hall.

"Key? Where are we going?!" I asked. He only kept silent as he grabbed my hand and quickly ran down the corridors. But, I had remembered the Minho had called for the servants a day off, so we wouldn't have to worry about being caught and punished for being out of our rooms. But then again, the one guard wouldn't have obeyed the rule so easily.

Finally, we arrived infront a door as Key knocked rapidly and profusely. I just stood all the while next him, waiting for the owner of the room to answer the call.

Onew's face no later appeared in the doorway. He rubbed his eyes in a tired manner as his hair was in a big mess and dried drool stuck to the corner of his mouth. I giggled, thinking it was only adorable how these men acted.

"Onew.. you must leave with us in two days!" Key shouted while we were in Onew's room.

"Key.." Onew said plainly.

"No buts! You have to come!" Key shouted even louder.

"Key!" Onew shouted once more. I only watched as the two of them went back and fourth, my head turning on the other as they each talked.

"It won't be the same without you!" Key shouted even louder than before.

"Key!!! I am already coming! Jonghyun has already informed me as Minho had just told him the news not too long ago." Onew said with a blank and irritated face as it had taken so long to get Key's attention.

"Oh.." Key said as his face turned the color of strawberries.

"We are all meeting in Minho's room at midnight in two days." I spoke as the room had become silent. "Meet us an hour before midnight in Key's bedroom." I spoke once more as he simply nodded his head. Key and I then left as Onew wished to return to sleep.

Onew's POV

The night before, Jonghyun had visited my room to let me know that we would be leaving the mansion. He hadn't known the details yet, all he knew was that we would be leaving in groups. I sat there for a moment in a state of shock. Jonghyun had realized this and let me be alone for a while to think for myself and make my final decision.

That night, I had stayed up late. I thought about what would happen to me or what I was going to do without this place. I had lived here since I was a small child, just like Taemin. We weren't close, but it was because we were never around each other as most child servants were not allowed to interact with other child servants because Minho's father had thought that the children would goof off instead of doing their servant work.

Although this place was not a place someone could not called heaven, only hell. It was the only home I had ever come to know. I had come to live here all alone when I was a five years old because my parents had died.

I was out on the streets, alone as a child as I had no relatives to take me in. Then, one day I had met Minho as he and his father were out on the small town for food. He had invited me to come live there. As a child, you naturally think it would be a delightful place. And, so did Minho as he was only just a child as well. He was far too young to know the truth about the place. He had only thought torture and punishment as was natural way of life. But, it was never a life at all.

As I sat and thought about all of this, it angered me. And, although this was the place I only knew of as a home...I couldn't stay here much longer. This mansion had held too many painful memories for me. I knew it was time for me to leave and start over.

So, that's when I had decided I need to leave. And yet, Min and Key had came at the exact time as I had decided, as if I had somehow called them here.

I knew this journey we would all take together would be insanely dangerous. Yes, Minho was the King. But, there was also a higher authority that could overrule anything Minho decided or did. And that authority was Minho's mother. His mother was just as worse as his father, although she had abandoned the mansion years ago to leave everything in young Minho's reasonability, she was still in charge.

When Minho's father died of a disease resulting from stress. Minho's mother had blamed it all on Minho because his Father always made up pointless problems about Minho and made up reason to only injure and abuse Minho. Of course, his mother had believed it all.

No one had ever heard of his Mother or even seen her in quite some time as she secluded herself deep into the forest. But...you never know when an unexpected problem could suddenly occur...

From no where...




  • Please Read Author's Note.



 A/N: Ah, I was a little cautious about releasing this chapter as I wasn't sure if too much information was packed into one single chapter. But, you all must know this information before they leave the mansion as their personal problems could suddenly interfere with their goal in leaving. But I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope I didn't make Jinki's story too sad.

Please Comment And Subsribe!

You guys must love me know since I've been updating like everyday. I've been typing my off! LOL.

I love you all!


Tae & Dae: excited waving






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Planned on updating today, but Internet isn't working too well. I'm sorry my subs, haha. Will have to update Sunday or Monday! Be patient! :D I love you all!


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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
OMG... SUCHHH A OOD ENDING!!! yayyy iiima read the sequel :))
XxBlackBeat #2
elfaida #3
love the ending :D
I really want to know what happen to min you kinda made a cliffhanger
Please write a sequel!~
XxBlackBeat #7
I love the ending ermahgerd ;~; I love you okay... I love you for making this story ajblanf ;~; <3
fejwofreiojgreoije aww :">
that was nice and omg.. it's been a long time since I've read this hehe
you did a good job :D