I'm In Love With A King

I'm In Love With A King

I slowly turned around, holding my breath in fear. To my surprise, there stood Minho and Key. They looked down at me with sad faces pulled me up from the ground. I stared at Key, his eyes full of tears. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand as well. I smiled in return and gently squeezed he and Minho's hands as my heart was full of happiness..even at a time like this. I was so grateful for them to have come back for me as I was paralyzed with fear.

They both led me deeper and deeper into the forest. It seemed as if we were going no where and like we were walking for an eternity. Every step we took, leaves crunched under our feet or mud squished on our shoes. Every single tiny sound had us paranoid and on edge of being discovered. I felt like my heart would soon give away and take my breath away as the paranoia was too intense.

Key squeezed my hand tightly, and leaned into my ear and whispered,

"We'll be there soon." He said with a half hearted smile and regret. It seemed as if he had felt guilty for accidently leaving me behind. I patted his shoulder gently and nodded my head, the return to staring at the ground. I watched my feet take their steps, further and further way from the mansion. It was as if I was in a trance of some sort, because before I knew it, we had finally arrived. Minho suddenly nudged my arm and gestured me to look ahead.

I raised my head up and looked at the scrawny yet hidden house. It's outer decor was mostly made of out bark wood that looked like it could crumble any second. It was an old house that farmers used to occupy before they abandoned the house to live in the town, closer to shops. That was mostly the reason why a lot of abandoned houses still remained deep in the forest. If you were ever to walk far enough, you just might run into a ton of them.

We all quickly ran up to the house. Minho held the door open for Key and I, then he looked around to make sure no one had seen. He quickly shut the door and locked it tight with steel lock that seemed odd compared to the ancient door. I quickly scattered to the center of the room covered with a large red carpet that sat directly infront of a rock fireplace. Taemin, Onew, and Jonghyun all three sat there around the fire stretching their arms out so their hands could return feeling. I ran up to the fire and sat right next to Onew and quickly pulled my hands out and did exactly the same. I rocked back an fourth, forcing my body to get warm once again. Minho soon came over and sat down next to me and wrapped his arm round me, trying to get me warm.

He sat there and stared at me with a spark in his eyes and a gentle smile plastered on his lips. I looked way from the fire and looked over at him. I smiled back at him and instantly let me head fall down onto his shoulder as I was exhausted from all of the running and crying. At that moment, out of all moments, I smiled. I smiled because even out of all the midst of chaos, I remembered exactly what made me fall for Minho. His kind eyes and his beautiful smile. Although he had always seemed do harsh, I couldn't help myself.

"Now what?" Onew suddenly asked as his eyes stared straight into the fire, as his mind was trying to answer the question itself.

"I guess..we rest." Jonghyun said as he looked up from looking at Key.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll keep watch while you guys sleep." Minho said as he stared at all of us.

We all nodded and quickly stood up from our positions by the fire. Key quickly walked to the other end of the house and dug into the bag full of our belongs. He unfolded and laid out a gigantic blanket for us all to sleep on. I quickly laid down and took my place infront of the fire while Key laid behind me, followed by Jonghyun then Onew. Taemin refused to sleep as he kept watch with Minho.

I stared into the fire, just thinking about what could happen or what might happen next. My mind seemed to wander and make me paranoid then the actions around me. It seemed so difficult to let my thoughts go, yet it was so simple. I shook my thoughts away and snuggled into my arms as we didn't have a blanket to cover with. Suddenly, I felt a hand clasp my shoulder once again; making me jump. I turned to face Key as his face played a worried expression that he so desperately tried to hide. I couldn't help but think these feelings that everyone else was experiencing was my fault. I had gotten them into this mess.

"It'll be okay...remember?" Key said as he smiled kindly and did his best to play out his best aegyo. I smiled at him, his ageyo was the cutest. I nodded my head in defeat causing him to smile in return. I rolled back over and watched the fire as my eyes grew as heavy as bricks. I smiled the least bit, as I couldn't make it through all of this without optimistic feelings. Without it, it'd be impossible.


Minho's POV

I stared carefully at Min as she shivered and trembled from the cold. Her bright brown orbs reflected the fire's light. I frowned as I saw her in this condition, all because of me. I had persuaded her to come her as well as the others. It was my job to get them through this, and If I can't even do that, then what right do I have being a King. I knew from the start I wasn't cut out for it. Especially under the harsh rules of those above me..my mother. Her name alone made me cringe. My father had always been the worse with beating and the torture, but all my mother did was just sit and watch as he left marks all over my helpless body. They hovered over me so I could never escape.

She wasn't a mother , and my father wasn't a father. They were nothing to me. What had always hurt me the most, was that my mother, the woman who had created me in her womb, the woman who had nursed me as a baby, the woman who had gave me life and sent me into this world, all she wanted to do was slowly lower me to think I was less of anyone else. Being a "King" could never make me think I was on top. Only hated and below. This is why I had to leave. Even though I as a king, cannot leave the title, I had never thought of myself of a King and I never wanted to. Not unless I could do things my own way and not follow the steps my "mother" and "Father" had made. 

Please Read Author's Note.


A/N: Alright, so I know this might be a pretty short chapter, but it does contain a lot of info that some of you have been wondering about. Plus, I'm sorry if any of Minho's life events had made any of you cry! That wasn't my intentions! Haha, but, I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I think after writing all of these chapters, I could be like a typing master! LOL! Oh, I almost forgot! I also made a Jongkey Oneshot for Danuyel2006 's birthday, so if any of you want to read it I'll provide the link. It also contains , but, I'm sure you erts would like that :D xD It's okay, I do too :3

Love Should Go On - JongKey oneshot.

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Planned on updating today, but Internet isn't working too well. I'm sorry my subs, haha. Will have to update Sunday or Monday! Be patient! :D I love you all!


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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
OMG... SUCHHH A OOD ENDING!!! yayyy iiima read the sequel :))
XxBlackBeat #2
elfaida #3
love the ending :D
I really want to know what happen to min you kinda made a cliffhanger
Please write a sequel!~
XxBlackBeat #7
I love the ending ermahgerd ;~; I love you okay... I love you for making this story ajblanf ;~; <3
fejwofreiojgreoije aww :">
that was nice and omg.. it's been a long time since I've read this hehe
you did a good job :D