I'm In Love With A King

I'm In Love With A King

It had been one year since Minho's mother died. I remember feeling so helpless and sorry for him. He had done no wrong, but in his mind, he had.


Now, I stood in the background while Minho and Key played with the child.


Our child.


"He looks just like Minho, eh?" I looked over to my left to see Jonghyun standing next to me, a drink in his hand as he leaned against the wall. I smiled at the thought. My child...to be just like Minho. I shook my head in response and Jonghyun chuckled. I remember wondering if everything was truly over. Now that both of Minho's parents were dead, he was left with the mansion for real this time. Everything was up to him. We had kept our servants so they could still earn a living, but we made sure it wasn't work to them. Key and Jonghyun had lived with us. Since the mansion was ginormous, we had more than enough room. Taemin moved out to recieve a proper education. It was good for him.

"I need to find life outside of this place while I'm still young."

Those were the words Taemin had said to all of us. We were happy to let him go, but sad to see him leave. As for Onew, he was always out and about. He had planned on finally settling down, but he too had dreams he still needed to fulfill. I think we all did. Our dreams had been surpressed for so long because of this house. But, not anymore. I had everything I wanted. I had to admit, I didn't need much more. This..was my dream.


I stared at Minho and Key as Minho held the baby and lifted him the air. Throwing him up just a tiny bit to have fun, but to be safe. Key stood next him as he made funny faces at the child. Jonghyun and I both giggled at the two's cute sides.


I remember when I told Minho of my pregnancy, he was more than thrilled. But, I could tell he was frightened. He was scared of being just like his own father had been to him. But, I knew Minho better than that. He could be cold-hearted, but never towards the child. He could be strict, but knew had when to make people happy.


"Thank you for unfreezing my heart."


I remember him saying those words at one pointed. He had said them after we were offically married. Everything seemed so perfect and happy, just like a perfect story book ending, right? It wasn't. Minho still held guilt everyday from his parents. It angered me since he had done no wrong, and because I couldn't help him. Key and Jonghyun were still together, but Jonghyun still had trouble realizing his feelings properly. Key was senstive, and Jonghyun still needed to learn that. They all still held hatred towards their own parents for what they had done to them. It doesn't seem too tragic, but it is when a person deals with it throughout every single day.


Despite that, we could still be happy together. The past..is the past.


"He lookes just like me.."


I remember Minho saying those words after we had our first child. He sat there with the baby held in his arms. He looked so proud and happy, but also frightened. I know Minho dreaded the thought of the child having the same traits as him because, he wanted his baby to be better. But, to me, I loved it. Minho was a good person, he just didn't realize it yet.


"Yah! When are you going to make dinner?' Key yelled from across the room. Minho's ears perked up as he too looked my way and his face seemed to ask the same question. I giggled at the two, they looked like helpless children.

"I guess now." I chuckled as I walked out of the large room with a couple of servants to assist me. I usually never needed any help, but the past month or so, I did.


"I'll come too!"Jonghyun shouted from behind me as he jogged up next to me.




Once we were in the kitchen, Jonghyun stood next to me as I chopped up a few ingredients and he ate a couple.


"Did the doctor say anything new?" His voice was concerned and sincere, which made me sad.


"Not yet.." I gathered all of the ingredients and throwing them into the bowl. To be honest, I wanted to avoid the subject as much as possible. It was true, I was ill. Lately, I had been tired and dizzy ever since I had the child. I had started taking medicine for the sickness, and it did help. But, the doctor seemed to think it was more serious then a silly little cold. I wanted to think otherwise, but I couldn't. It worried me everyday. The thought of not being able to watch my child grow up into a wonderful person.


"I'm sorry." He apologized for bringing up the subject.

"It's alright!" I reassured him, I couldn't stand the thought of making someone upset in such a way.




Shortly after, we had dinner. Taemin and Onew surprised us suddenly by showing up at the doorstep.


Now, we all sat together once again. Just like we used to. It made me smile. It I were to fall seriously ill and die, I wanted this to be one of my best memories.


"Cheers, to freedom." Minho said with his wide smile as lifted his glass up in the air. The sound of all of the glass clicking togther sounded throughout the room. It was such a wonderful sound to hear. The sound alone signaled the room was filled with a lot of people, which I loved.


I loved everything about this place now...


I can't believe...I'm in love with a king.






  • Please Read Author's Note



A/N: Yeah, I know the ending and I'm sorry it's so short. But, I think the ending should end this way. If I get enough requested, I may make a short sequel to this story.

Thank you all for sticking with me this long, I'm really grateful. Because of you guys, I continued to write and improve my skills. Even when I wanted to give up, one comment always made me wanted to contine and for that, I'm grateful.

I thank you guys for all of your support and reassurment! I hope you all continue to read my other stories as well! Just subscribe to me as an author if you wish x)

Thank you guys so much.


Remember, let me know below if you want a sequel!

I love you guys!




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Planned on updating today, but Internet isn't working too well. I'm sorry my subs, haha. Will have to update Sunday or Monday! Be patient! :D I love you all!


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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
OMG... SUCHHH A OOD ENDING!!! yayyy iiima read the sequel :))
XxBlackBeat #2
elfaida #3
love the ending :D
I really want to know what happen to min you kinda made a cliffhanger
Please write a sequel!~
XxBlackBeat #7
I love the ending ermahgerd ;~; I love you okay... I love you for making this story ajblanf ;~; <3
fejwofreiojgreoije aww :">
that was nice and omg.. it's been a long time since I've read this hehe
you did a good job :D