I'm In Love With A King

I'm In Love With A King

It was the night we would all make our disappearance together, and we were all getting nervous. Key to say the least, was really antsy. He kept rambling and rambling about what we all needed to do and what we needed to bring. But, I couldn't blame him. He was just being prepared, I couldn't day the same for myself. The night before my mind was too preoccupied to even think about what to do. I just had one thought.

Were we going to make it?

Then a knock came from the door, Key quickly shooshed me and crept to the door quietly.

"Who is it?" Key asked as he pressed his ear against the door.

"Who do you think?" Onew saied from the other side. Key sighed and quickly open the door and grabbed Jinki by his shirt and pulled him into the room quickly. Key gave him a disapproving glare and I could already see Onew slipping. He was clearly intimidated by his glare, as anyone else in this world would be.

"Idiot! Are you crazy making so much noise this late?!" Key whispered in an angry tone that could almost remind you of being scolded my your mother. Onew just shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the floor pulling a snack from under his shirt; quietly eating it like a chipmunk. I giggled as he resembled a child.

Midnight came too soon, as we all had to quickly run to Minho's room to meet up with the others. Key uickly got up, grabbing a single bag filled with all our things as we couldn't carry a lot of bags, and we also had to leave some things behind so if anyone would ever check our rooms it wouldn't look suspicious. We all three quickly crept out from behind the door and tiptoed down the hallway. My heart fastened it's pace as every single boom or crack had me on edge. I couldn't imagine the thought of us being caught now.

Of course, a midnight patrol guard was making his rounds on one of the corridors that led to MInho's room. I jumped in surprised and held my hand over my mouth to keeo from making any noises. Key grabbed Onew and I's arms and quickly drug us to another corridor that Jonghyun had told him of. We ran and ran, all three of ours hearts beating faster and faster with each step.


We finally arrived in front of those familar wooden double doors. I pushed the door in slowly instead of knocking as it could make unecessary noise. We all three crept in as Taemin, MInho, and Jonghyun quickkly turned around to face us. Jonghyun wuickly walked over to us and grabbed us and pulled us in faster.

"You all look like mice! Get in here!" He said as he roughly pushed us in to the room. Key of course just giggled and slyly rubbed Jonghyun's arm on the way in. I only smiled at seeing this as it was a great comic relief for all of us as it was cute to see how different they acted with each other.

"Okay..we will all be taking the back exit that leads throughout the forest and leads to an old abandoned house near a lake." Minho spoke as we all surround around him in front of a map. We all three nodded and grabbed our things. Minho walked out first and grabbed my hand so naturally I was second. Then Jonghyun and Key held hands after us followed by Taemin and Onew creeping behind us with a bag in each of their hands.


  • Please Read Author's Note.





A/N: So, I know this is REALLY short. But, I don't want to put much more into this chapter. Plus, I'm still trying to think of what of what should happen next. Like I've said before, I pretty much write as I go. I have a few ideas but I'm not too sure on which idea I should exactly choose. Plus, I think this might be my last day updating until a week or so. BUT! I'm not sure. Oh, by the way, you guys have to watch this video, I seriously cried my eyes out wen I watched this.

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I love you!~





SHNee 2min






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Planned on updating today, but Internet isn't working too well. I'm sorry my subs, haha. Will have to update Sunday or Monday! Be patient! :D I love you all!


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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
OMG... SUCHHH A OOD ENDING!!! yayyy iiima read the sequel :))
XxBlackBeat #2
elfaida #3
love the ending :D
I really want to know what happen to min you kinda made a cliffhanger
Please write a sequel!~
XxBlackBeat #7
I love the ending ermahgerd ;~; I love you okay... I love you for making this story ajblanf ;~; <3
fejwofreiojgreoije aww :">
that was nice and omg.. it's been a long time since I've read this hehe
you did a good job :D