Chapter 11

The Perfect Gift

For the next half hour the doorbell began ringing incessantly. I nearly wanted to leave  it unlocked so we didn’t have to get up to get it everytime but as Jonghyun pointed out, just because we live in a very safe neighborhood doesn’t mean there aren’t creeps out there. Everyone who came hugged us and then beelined it to our daughter so they could play with her . She definitely wasn’t lacking in attention and love. I can’t lie, I was thrilled that so many people were in love with her. My biggest fear was that people wouldn’t accept her because she wasn’t full blooded Korean, but we didn’t come across that problem at all so far.

I watched from the couch as everyone cooed over my daughter. The only thing that irritated me was that Taemin and Minho kept STARING AT EACH OTHER! Even though they would catch each other staring at them they still said nothing because God knows what would happen if they actually talked to each other in more than just a platonic friend way.  Last time I checked, flirting never killed anyone. Eventually we decided it was time for cake and ice cream. As we sang happy birthday, Hana kept bouncing up and down, she loved ice cream and red velvet cake and I’m sure she was dying to get some. I looked up after getting everyone cake only to notice that Jonghyun wasn’t there, and neither was Minho.

I walked out of the kitchen to look for them and found them in the living room talking while looking at the picture I had taken of them while at the park.

“I don’t know Jonghyun” Minho said “I don’t think he likes me as much as you say he does.”

“Trust me, he’s very much enamoured with you.” Jonghyun put a hand on Minho’s shoulder.

“What do I say though?! Hi, I think you’re hot and want to be your boyfriend?”

Jonghyun laughed at this absurd response and I just rolled my eyes. “Well, no I think that may be a little too blunt for Taemin, but a ‘Hi, would you like to hang out after one of my practices sometime?’ suffices.”

“I guess, but do you really think that would work. I feel like he’s just being nice.”

This conversation was definitely not going anywhere so I decided to in. If Jonghyun can play matchmaker then I decided that my promise was void. “ Yes, I am positive he likes you.”

Both boys turned around to look at me, Minho’s normally frog eyes now wider than I even thought they could get. “Oh hey hyung, you heard all that?” He blushed.

“Yeah, and I can guarantee you that Taemin is definitely into you. He’s just shy, so he has a hard time approaching people with stuff like this. I used to have to set him up on dates when we were in college because he just couldn’t do it on his own.”

“Alright. I’ll ask him later tonight, but if he says no it’s your fault for making me look stupid.”

“He won’t.” Both Jonghyun and I said. Minho just rolled his eyes and walked back into the kitchen, probably so he could continue staring at Taemin some more.

“So, what was this you said about not playing matchmaker again?” I turned to Jonghyun folding my arms and smirking.

“I said you can’t play matchmaker not that I couldn’t.” I pointed out.

“How is that any different?!”

“Because you think you’re freakin cupid, I just got tired of watching them stalk each other with their eyes. Big difference.” Jonghyun kissed my nose, walking into the kitchen for cake.

“Hardly.” I scoffed following him.



Yay more 2min!!! I originally thought it was going to take me a lot longer to do this chapter but it didn't :) I got this typed up pretty quickly since my evening class was cancelled (YES!), and my friend got around to editing it almost immediately since she didn't have any classes after 2pm.  It's mostly a fluff chapter since the next few chapters are going to be more eventful and a little less fluffy. Also, let it be known that even though it seems like this chapter is really short it was actually five pages long.


From what I've read of the last chapter (thank you Google documents. The sharing feature is fantastic!) it's a really awesome chapter but it did make me tear up. It's not done yet but I can tell that it's going to be great and that you'll love it, even if it's not something you'd expect :) Thank you to all the people who've been following my story and subscribing! You guys are the bestest!! <3





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A/N: Good news! I just finished the first chapter of the new story! It's being edited as we speak and will be up tonight!!!!


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UnbreakableRose #1
Chapter 30: I ma full on sobbing right now. I loved this story, author-nim!!!
UnbreakableRose #2
Chapter 4: STOP MAKING ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the story, by the way!!
UnbreakableRose #3
Chapter 2: I'm only on the ssecond chapter, and I'm crying. Author-nim, I don't cry easily, so you did well!!!
Chapter 30: My second reading! No need to hide now! I cried a river! I'm so sad and happy both! They all died together! Wow! This is One of the best fics I've read! I love this so much.
Chapter 30: Ah my heart broke! I'm gonna read this again and break my heart again.
Chapter 30: No matter how many times i read this i still cry omg
Rereadinggg~~~ <33
Oh my god, that was so beautifully written, I had tears in my eyes at the end. ;)
So I should read from 1-24 then move to alternative ending to read the happy ending one?:) will it make me confused etc?>~<