The Perfect Gift

A/N: These are all questions are from you guys, which is awesome! We're doing this for fun, and to add a little "happy" fillers since the story is really morbid right now :( Hope you enjoy our answers!


Q: Which chapter was your favorite chapter?

N: I have a few favorites. The first was the Christmas scenes. Those were fun, they were cute, and they were special. I love Christmas (as mentioned in A/N) and I had a lot of fun with that chapter. Another favorite were the park scenes. I loved the whole, tickling Onew until he fell, Jonghyun being a goof, and Key and Taemin just letting it happen. The other park scene when 2min announced their relationship was super fun to write. I got to just go crazy with Key and Jonghyun’s reactions and that was a lot of fun for me to do.

B: I enjoyed reading the park scene, it made me laugh and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I loved the Christmas scene too. I like the interactions between Jonghyun and Key when they were hanging up lights. I laughed a lot while editing that chapter. I thought the entire thing was hilarious, from the whole “I am a man” to the walking dictionary, to Jonghyun not being able to put the tree together. I also loved the thing with Daesung and Jiyong when they were reading to Hana during Christmas. My other favorite scene was the fight between Jonghyun and Key. I didn’t think the fight itself was funny, just when Key kicked Jonghyun out of the room and onto the couch for the night.


Q: Bre said there was a lot of symbolism in the dream scenes with Hana. Elaborate please?

B: Well there was a lot of subtle and not so subtle symbolism in those chapters. The symbolism starts with her waking up in a white room. White is the color that usually represents purity, honesty, innocence, and usually signifies a new beginning. The next symbol was her mother. The mother was used as a gentle guide, normally it would be an angel that is supposed to get you when you die, but not in this case so that showed she wasn’t dead yet. Hana’s change in appearance shows that she matured from what she was, you can even tell in the way she speaks and interacts with the other characters. She also said that she had cross earrings in  her ears, which are naturally, a sign of Heaven or God. Then, when the baby disappears from Key’s arms, that was showing that Hana was “gone” or even “dead”. When she’s back in the white box, and she hears Jonghyun, that means she’s in her subconscious.  In Jonghyun’s dream, when she leaves, she “walk[s] towards the light.” which is pretty self explanatory. When Jjong and Key are talking, they said that she wore a white sparkly dress (again, white) and the straps crossed across her back (the use of the word cross could imply that she had wings). Jonghyun also calls Hana his angel a few times in the two chapters which is not just a term of endearment in this case. Also a verrrryyyyy subtle "symbol" was in the 3rd chapter (I think), and it was Hana slept with Key and Jonghyun. She said that someone took her away from them which, if you re-read that, it was a MASSIVE foreshadow. It actually surprised me when I was re-reading the chapters when I was answering the "favorite chapters" (I couldn't remember which one was the park chapter) I read that and I literally slammed my hands on the table and was like "NO FREAKIN WAY!". It both surprised and impressed me that she foreshadowed that so far in advance.  So there’s a lot of subtle stuff that I picked up on.


Q: What was the hardest chapter to write/edit?

N: I feel like this is an obvious answer but it was the two dream chapters. I had to keep returning to them because it was too hard for me to write them all in one sitting. I did cry a lot writing those chapters, so I’m not heartless I swear! But they were important chapters so I knew I had to write them. I looked like a small child though, I had like tears running down my cheeks and...it was bad….

B: I’m gonna say the two dream sequences. Those were tough man. Not sure how I got through those! I had to edit them in little sections because I couldn’t deal with the sadness in them. I know I teased Nikki about the fluff but seriously, she went from so much fluff my teeth were rotting in my head from the sweetness, to absolute heartbreak. I sat there for a moment just staring at my screen, going “WHAT?! Where did this come from?!” because it was just such a drastic turn of events. I mean, I should’ve seen it coming since she introduced Sekyung but I still didn’t see it coming so I was really shocked.


Q: How long does it take you to write/ edit each chapter and how long are your chapters normally?

N: It depends on the chapter. Like I said, the two dream chapters took me longer than normal because I didn’t bust them out like I do with other chapters. The other chapters took me anywhere between an hour to two hours depending on how motivated I was. Most of the time, my chapters are anywhere between 2-3 pages. The dream chapters however, are each approximately 8 pages. So they aren’t short, even if they appear short. There are about 2,000 words in the dream chapters.

B: It takes me a while sometimes. I try to get it done in one sitting, but it can be hard because I have work and my suitemates (yes, I live in a suite not just a normal dorm room) will ask me to do stuff. If I do it in one sitting then it will take me, about half an hour at most. It’s a lot easier to edit than it is to actually write the chapter.


Q: What exactly is the process you guys go through to write/edit/ and upload?

B: So apparently I explain this better than Nikki does. Our process is kinda like a factory process. Here’s the step-by-step:

    1. Nikki writes the chapter on Google docs (yes, that’s what we use. It’s a lot easier than having to email the documents back and forth). When she writes the chapter it will say “chapter___:writing”

    2. Once she’s done writing she will text me and let me know (she’s infamous for doing this at freakin 2 am!!!) and then I get on the docs when I get the chance. When they’re ready to edit the name will be “chapter___:Edit”. I go through and edit the chapter and change the name to “chapter____:final” so she knows I finished.

    3. I get onto AFF and upload the document as a chapter, I mark it as hidden so she can add her authors note. Recently, I go in right after she does this and put in little comments of my own just for fun).

    4. She unmarks the chapter as hidden after she’s added the note and picture spam. And it’s posted

    5. Repeat steps


Q: Where did this story even come from?

N: Well, it actually started from a dream I had (that sounds so cheesy).  But my dream was really vague. The whole next day I just sat there and thought about my dream and started writing random stuff down. It finally came together in my Philosophy class (of all the classes) and I rushed back to my suite at the end of class and just started writing. I sent it to Bre who suggested that I make this a fan fic because she thought the story was so unique. So I made an account and wa-la “The Perfect Gift” was born!

B: What are you? Stephenie Meyer?


Q: Are you guys lefties or righties?

N: Haha, okay? I’m a righty, I’ve been a righty all my life. BUT Bre does have a really funny story about this.

B: Haha alrighty then? Random much? I am ambidextrous which is a really fancy word for I can use both hands when I feel like it. When I was little (like 5) I was a righty, but I broke my arm so I learned to be a righty, then when I was 7 I broke my left arm (I have great luck). But when I was in the 8th grade my mom made me have surgery on my right index finger (some girl at school broke it “for me” without my consent and it healed wrong because everyone thought I had just “jammed it”. Still bitter over that.) and due to the pins the stuck in my finger, I was in a cast for about 6 months forcing me to use my left hand (surgery didn’t do much good and I ended up getting a bad bone spur which was the length of my finger and had to be removed via surgery). Point of the whole terrible story, I was a righty, then a lefty, then a righty, THEN A LEFTY! Currently, I prefer to use my right hand for writing since it’s faster for me to use my right hand, and I tend to use my left for drawing. But when I eat people notice that I will swap hands as I eat so I start with the fork in my left hand, and then it ends up in my right by the time dinner is over. Amusing right?


Q: Who are your biases? Both groups and members.

N: Oh God. Um um um um um…...I obviously like SHINee and JongKey. I think out of SHINee I have two biases. I love Onew for his sweet personality and his honey voice, and I adore Key because he’s KEY. I like Exo a lot too and don’t ask me to choose one of Exo’s members because there’s too many but my favorites are basically all of M and I love Suho from K. I also like 2ne1 a lot and I TRIED to figure out a way to incorporate them into my story but it would’ve been too many characters.

B: WHY YOU DO  THIS TO ME?! Okay, I like SHINee, especially Key and Taemin. I also really like MBLAQ, they amuse me, like A LOT. I listen to Super Junior a lot, I love Yesung (he has a pretty voice), Kyuhyun (he makes me laugh), and Eunhae (they’re always together so they’re like their own person). I LOVE Big Bang, they make me laugh so muc it’s unbelievable. They need to do Hello Baby and Sesame Player. Just imagine poor T.O.P and Daesung with a kid, best thing ever. GD would be funny too. I like Jay Park (long story behind that), I have some SNSD on my iPod, and I love B1A4 because they make me smile. I also like Exo, my biases of Exo are Luhan (I have spaz attacks whenever he starts singing, it’s bad 0.o), Lay, and Chen. I love the amount of troll that Chen does, it just cracks me up. I like U-Kiss (DONGHO IS LEAVING D:) especially Kiseop, I feel like he’s really underrated though.  


Q: Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

N: I just turned 19 last month :)

B: I will turn 19 on the 27th of October :) So in a little over a week :D


Q: Do you guys play any instruments or play any sports?

N: I can play the piano and the guitar. I used to be a swimmer in high school but I’ve been too busy to be on the swim team.

B: I used to play the clarinet but I don’t know any other instrument. I can sing though. As far as sports go, I used to be a swimmer too in Junior High and I was in my school’s musicals for almost ten years before I “retired”. I “retired” in the 10th grade when all the musicals my school did were cliche and boring. I loved doing the musicals we used to do (i.e. Seussical, Annie, Narnia, Beauty and the Beast, Le mis.). Instead I took back up figure skating, which I used to do before I broke my leg in the 7th grade (Actually the 17th of October was the 7 year “anniversary” of when I broke my leg lol yes, I remember the date).


Q: Both of you have said you lost friends, how did you lose so many friends? If you don’t mind me asking.

B: Nah, you’re fine. It’s hard for Nikki to respond, she’s more emotional about this stuff than I am. Not that it doesn’t impact me, but I am more open about it, and I talk about this stuff more than she does. Total we lost eight friends (one of which was only me). The first friend we lost was in the sixth grade, our friend was skateboarding and a dump truck hit him by accident and ended up dragging him for a block before he finally saw all the people screaming for him to stop. The next friend was in the tenth grade, we actually lost two friends that year. The first of the two was a friend that I had been doing musicals with for nearly five year and she was also in Nikki’s class. She was jogging one day and began having trouble breathing, by that night she was in the  hospital and it was discovered that she had a blood clot in her lung thanks to the birth control she was on at the time. The next friend committed suicide and was found a week after our first friend died. I won’t give out any details about that because it’s not something that is mine to say. Then my senior year (I’m a year older than Nikki), a friend of ours passed away from Leukemia, which he had for his entire life. It was his time though, he had been in remission 5 times. He left behind his twin sister, bless her heart. Then about a month later, a semi-friend/acquaintance who lived in my neighborhood got into an accident and was killed on impact. No he wasn’t drunk, it was cold, dark, and it was raining badly and they think he took a turn too quickly. The next friend was a family friend of mine who died after a 5 year battle with brain cancer and tumors. He knew Nikki somewhat well but I was much closer to him so it was hard. Then about a year ago we lost our friend Bryton to a drunk driver. He was playing with is 3 year old nephew and his 5 year old niece when they were hit by a drunk drive at 1 pm.  His nephew died instantly, his niece died while Bryton was in surgery and he died shortly there after. I like to think he was waiting to see if she was going to make it and if she did, he would’ve lived. I was at college at the time so I never got the chance to say goodbye. The most recent friend to die, was in December. He passed away after his battle with Leukemia as well. So yeah, happy times :( we miss them all dearly, especially Bryton who was like a brother to me, and my family friend who had known me since my mother found out she was pregnant with me. So uh, yeah. That’s our depressing dead friends story.


Q: Bre is really funny with her commentary, what is the funniest phrase she’s ever used, or the funniest thing she’s said?

N: Oh boy, there’s a lot haha. One time she informed me that she was going to be an idol because she’s got a good voice and when she becomes an idol she’s going to “serial screw all the hot ones”. After I laughed at her, she then proceeded to sing the Pokemon song, going “I’M GONNA BE THE VERY BEST THAT NO ONE EVER WAS DU DU DU DU! TO SEDUCE THEM IS MY REAL TEST, TO SCREW THEM IS MY CAUSE!! KPOP IDOLS, GOTTA DO ‘EM ALL!!” I just about died laughing.

B: Okay, one, I didn’t say screw I used a different word but close enough. Two, I totally was on key! Three, I’m glad I amuse you. So my favorite quote/phrase/thing I like to say would be “95% of the time I’m never wrong, and the other 5%, I’m always right.” Yeah, it always gets a laugh outta people and it’s fun to say. Don’t be judging me! Oh, I also like to use the whole “haters gonna hate” thing when I’m acting silly because 90% of the time I really don’t care if people think I’m immature. I’m funny, dammit!



Okey dokey, this was fun :) (E/N: I enjoyed this) Thank you to everyone who sent me and Bre comments on Facebook, and I even got a couple of like personal messages (?) on AFF so that’s where these came from. I’m pretty sure that Bre threw in a  question for her own amusement, but I can’t be sure. If you think of anymore questions, feel free to ask them on the comments, and both of us will answer :) We do our best to respond to everyone immediately. But, we are human, we do sleep, Bre has midterms this week and next week, and we may be on different time zones (E/N: Nikki is on Pacific Standard Time, and I am on Central Standard Time- US & Canada.) So please understand that we are doing our best (E/N: I tend to stay up late, I’m a night owl so that’s why I respond to people who post stuff at like 1 am my time. Outta curiosity, where do you guys live. I swear I’m not stalking, I’m just really curious because we get super late night comments our time.) I know I say this every time but, thank you to all the people reading this, and mega thanks to everyone who is commenting. I absolutely love interacting with you guys and getting feedback! Have a good day/night!!  



kpop_macro3_large.jpg Omg this pic KILLED me. T.O.P.'s hair though, it looks soo...dinosaur.


Funny_BIGBANG_-_G-Dragon_4_large.jpg Bad GD omg hahaa

tumblr_m6toladRF01qex1r3.jpg omg that video is hilarious!!!

82b9f6bccece64599c733a648fa382cf.jpg hahaha omg this song is so addicting and GD is sooo HAWT!!


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A/N: Good news! I just finished the first chapter of the new story! It's being edited as we speak and will be up tonight!!!!


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UnbreakableRose #1
Chapter 30: I ma full on sobbing right now. I loved this story, author-nim!!!
UnbreakableRose #2
Chapter 4: STOP MAKING ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the story, by the way!!
UnbreakableRose #3
Chapter 2: I'm only on the ssecond chapter, and I'm crying. Author-nim, I don't cry easily, so you did well!!!
Chapter 30: My second reading! No need to hide now! I cried a river! I'm so sad and happy both! They all died together! Wow! This is One of the best fics I've read! I love this so much.
Chapter 30: Ah my heart broke! I'm gonna read this again and break my heart again.
Chapter 30: No matter how many times i read this i still cry omg
Rereadinggg~~~ <33
Oh my god, that was so beautifully written, I had tears in my eyes at the end. ;)
So I should read from 1-24 then move to alternative ending to read the happy ending one?:) will it make me confused etc?>~<