Chapter 19

The Perfect Gift



It had been months since we last saw or heard from Satan’s spawn also known as Shin Sekyung. We knew she was still in Seoul, doing whatever it is she does. I always joked that she was busy reaping souls, or something which would always earn me a few laughs from our friends and Jonghyun. Sure it wasn’t the nicest thing to say, but after our last encounter, I didn’t feel very inclined to be nice to her.

It was the last day of 4th grade for Hana had promised that she could go over to her best friends’ house. Their names were Yixing and Luhan. Luhan was a year older than Hana and Yixing was 8, so just a few months older than Hana. Their father had gotten a job transfer two years ago which forced them to move from Beijing to Seoul. Jonghyun thought it was hysterical that our foreign blooded child was best friends with the Chinese kids.

“UMMA!” I heard from behind me.

I turned around and my daughter dressed in a purple dress with her Hello Kitty backpack came racing to me, arms open. I crouched down and hugged her, and I could see over her shoulder, Yixing and Luhan whom I had agreed to drive home since their mother was going to drive Hana home this evening.

“Hello boys.” I smiled.

They both bowed and said “Nǐ hǎo.” out of reflex. I never minded them greeting me in Chinese, I really was in no place to judge seeing as Hana would accidently greet other people in English without realizing it.

I drove the three kids to Yixing and Luhan’s house, while listening to them play in the back. They boys were teaching Hana Chinese, and I was surprised how quickly she was picking up on it. But then again, she was already bilingual so what’s one more language? She didn’t speak fluent Chinese, far from it, but she knew words here and there and basic sentence structure. Once we had arrived at their house, I let the kids out, kissed Hana on the forehead and told her to mind her manners and be good. She of course promised me she would and leaned up to kiss me again before racing off to meet her friends. I waved at their mother and shouted my thanks before driving home. I had an hour or so to myself before Jonghyun got home.  

“Yeobo!” He called out to me.

“In the bedroom!” I called  out to him.

“Yeobo, I don’t know if you noticed this or not, but our child is missing.” He said walking into the bedroom where I was folding the laundry.

“She’s at Yixing and Luhan’s for the afternoon.” I laughed at him.

“Oh, okay I was a little worried there.” He faked concern, putting his hand over his heart. I just rolled my eyes at him and laughed.

“You’ll never believe what Onew did today.” Jonghyun started to smirk thinking about it.

“Oh God, what did that dork do this time?” I asked.

“So we were working with your brother and his group right.”

“Mhmm.” I said nodding my head. My brother had gotten his company to agree to let Jonghyun and Onew to write a song or two on their new album.

“Well, we were all joking around about how I thought your brother was gay for T.O.P. and Seungri was joking around that they were having a 3 way. Well Onew came in at the wrong time and thought they were being dead serious.”

“Oh my God. Typical Onew.” I laughed.

“Well we all decided to roll with this. Your brother was being super explicit with their ‘three way’ and Daesung was joking that they were being really loud.” I started to laugh at the image of Onew’s face when he would hear all of this “So anyway, just to screw with him more, when T.O.P. was rapping, Jiyong hyung sat there and started shouting how hot his was and how his voice was getting him hard and stuff. Of course, this made T.O.P. laugh and we had to do a ton of redos on that rap but the best part was when they were all in there.”

“Oh no, what did they do.” I said in between laughs.

“So everything was fine, they were all harmonizing perfectly when all the sudden they all just started humping each other.” At this point I burst out laughing, that image was just too good. “Onew’s eyes were the size of barrels and then..” he had to pause because he was laughing too hard “They all started and making noises.” He burst out laughing again.

“Oh my GOD!” I laughed so hard that I fell to the floor.
“Oh it gets better!” Jonghyun half-shouted “Onew, fell out of his chair, his face bright red, and in his mad scramble to get out of the room, he ran into the C.E.O.”

“NO!” I said my eyes wide.

“Yes! Like full on ran into him. It looked like something out of a cartoon! And at this point the boys were on the floor laughing and I was trying my best not to laugh, and it was just a mess.”

“You guys are so mean!” I said even though I was on the floor with tears coming out of my eyes.

“I know, but it was too good to pass up.”

‘Where was Minho in all of this?”

“Laughing on the couch, trying not to pee himself.”

“Wow, you guys need to stop doing that stuff to him. You’re going to give him a  heart attack.”

“Pssh, heart attack my . I just want to see him turn into a tomato.”

After we were done laughing about Onew’s embarrassing meltdown, we decided to make dinner and popcorn and sat down to watch a  movie. We ended up only getting half way through the movie though, before my phone went off.

“Hello.” I answered.

“Who is it?” Jonghyun asked me.

“Yixing and Luhan’s mother.” I mouthed back.

“What does she need?”

“I don’t know, but she sounds upset?”

At my words, Jonghyun’s face scrunched up with worry. I continued to listen to the boys’ frantic mother. At first she was speaking to me rapidly in Chinese until she remembered I didn’t speak Chinese. When she remembered that minute detail, she switched into English, a language we both spoke. I was not prepared for what she told me over the phone. Once she hung up, I sat on our couch staring at nothing for a moment, tears running down my face. Jonghyun, walking back into our living room after using the bathroom rushed to my side.

“Baby! What’s wrong?!” He cried with worry “Kibum! Talk to me!”

“Car..” I whispered.


“Get the car keys…”


Finally realization hit me, and I sprung up off the couch. I raced to the door, grabbing the car keys, and putting on my shoes and reaching for a coat. I finally turned around looking for my husband.
“Jonghyun! Let’s go! I need you to drive!”

“What is going on, Kibum?!”

NOW!” I screamed a fresh wave of tears rushing down my face.

“Okay!” He cried mimicking my movements.

Once he had his jacket and his shoes on, I handed him the keys to the car.


“Where am I going?!” He shouted, turning on the car.

“The hospital.” I whispered.

WHAT?!” He turned to look at me, his hands shaking.

“I’ll explain once we get there, right now I need you to drive.”

Without another word, Jonghyun drove as quickly as possible to the hospital, his hands shaking as he drove. Neither of us talked, I just cried in the front seat. At some point in the drive, he reached over and took my hand gently in his. It took us all of ten minutes to reach the hospital, when normally it took us half an hour.

“What the hell is going on, Kibum?!” Jonghyun demanded once he had parked the car.

“Hana…” I sobbed “Someone hit Hana while she was riding bikes with the boys.”

“No!” Jonghyun put a hand over his mouth, the words came out in a strangled cry. Before I knew it, Jonghyun was moving at lightning speed, pulling me with him. The next five minutes were a blur. Jonghyun, being the strongest out of the two of us at the moment, managed to get the receptionist to tell us that she had been moved to emergency surgery. And after a few minutes we found ourselves in the waiting room, alone.

“We should call your brother and the boys.” Jonghyun finally said in a monotonous voice.

“Yes.” I replied.

“I’ll call Onew, you call your brother.”

“Okay.” I said. I reached into my pocket pulling out my phone, dialing my brother’s number. He didn’t pick up, so I dialed it again, and again, and again. No answer. Finally I dialed T.O.P. knowing he would answer.

“Hello?” T.O.P.’s deep voice said after the second ring. “Kibum?”

“T.O.P.? Where’s Jiyong.” I choked.

“He’s changing, what’s wrong Kibum? You sound like you’re crying.” He said in a worry laced voice.

What’s wrong? Why is Kibum crying?” I heard Daesung ask behind him.

“Hana..She’s...she was hit by a car. She’s in surgery.” I choked out. “Jiyong won’t pick up his phone.”
“Oh my...Oh my God! Alright, hold on Kibum I’ll get Jiyong and we’ll be right over okay?!” He cried, his voice cracking.

Hyung, what is going on? Why are you crying!” Daesung’s voice echoed in the background.

“Stay strong, Kibum. We’re on our way okay?”

“Okay.” I whispered. After I hung up I dialed Taemin, seeing as Jonghyun was still on the phone, calling his mother.

“Hello?” Taemin’s bright voice said.

“Taeminnie?” I sobbed.

“Umma, what’s wrong?!” Taemin cried.

Is that Kibum?” Minho’s voice called.

“Yes,” Taemin said to him “Now shut up, I can’t hear! Umma, what’s wrong?”

“Hana was a car...she’s in surgery.” I sobbed.


WHAT?! PLEASE TELL ME YOU’RE JOKING!” Minho cried back at Taemin in a panicked voice.

“I wish I was.” I cried into the phone, I felt Jonghyun pull me into his arms.

“Don’t worry Umma, we’re on our way.” Taemin sobbed into the phone.


Just then the doctor walked into the empty waiting room.

“Are you Kim Hana’s parents?” He asked, Jonghyun nodded his head.

“Doctor Jung.” He introduced himself to us.

“I got to go.” I said into the phone hanging up.

“Hello.” I cried.

“You can go see your daughter. The anesthesia is going to take a while to wear off, we had to give her a lot of it, she kept trying to wake up.” He said to us. “She had a lot of blood loss, a broken rib, a skull fracture, her leg is broken, and she has a punctured lung. We tried our best, but only time will tell how well she will recover. I haven’t seen injuries this bad since my days in general surgery. Usually kids don’t come in looking like that.” He looked down. “What happened to her, if I may ask.”

“A car hit her.” Jonghyun managed to get out.

“Oh. Well that explains a lot then. You should talk to the police then, so they can find who did this. I am so sorry that this happened to your family.” He said genuinely apologenic. “She’s in room 302. You should go see her.”

“Thank you.” I said

We walked up to the elevators and eventually found ourselves on the third floor. Both of us raced into our daughter’s room. She was laying in a white room, wrapped in gauze and casts around her body, tubes everywhere, her heartbeat the only noise in the room. The sight made me burst into tears as I raced to her side, grabbing one of her tiny, needle filled hands into my own.

“My baby..Oh my sweet baby!” I sobbed.

“Here, sit down.” Jonhyun said behind me pulling up a chair for me. I looked up to see that his eyes were glued to her, his breath uneven, and tears were threatening to fall down his face.

“Kibum!” I heard my brother’s voice cry as he raced into the room, s close behind him “Where is sh-”

He stopped talking as soon as he was in the room, his eyes landing on her. Suddenly all the members were speechless, tears running down their faces. As if we were in a drama, Taemin and Minho raced into the room, having the same reaction as my brother.

“My baby…” I sobbed again.



DOUBLE UPDATE YAYAYAYAYAYA. But seriously, AHHHH don't hurt me! Seriously though, you didn't expect that did you?! (E/N: I wasnt -_-). I had a hard time writing this chapter. It took me FOREVER to write this (E/N: she even asked me for my collection of "depressing music").  I had to keep going back and forth between this chapter and the ones after it because it was just...ugh. I literally cried writing this because I couldn't take it. I hate this chapter, even though this was always going to be a part of the story no matter what. I hope you guys don't hate me for this T_T (E/N: BOOOOO SCREW YOU!).

Anyway, the next chapter will be up tomorrow :) Hope you guys liked it :) Remember to comment! I love hearing your guys' feedback on my story (E/N: Seriously, she gets all excited and texts me when you comment on her story.)




tumblr_m9t5hfXZVR1r78fza.gif Freaking Onew haha


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0003kgze <------ Just cause it's funny

tumblr_m8nie0hg6k1qgzv58o1_500.gif YES
 T28h6FEXTPCfUX.gif He's so cute omg (totes don't ship Jongkey :p )

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A/N: Good news! I just finished the first chapter of the new story! It's being edited as we speak and will be up tonight!!!!


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UnbreakableRose #1
Chapter 30: I ma full on sobbing right now. I loved this story, author-nim!!!
UnbreakableRose #2
Chapter 4: STOP MAKING ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the story, by the way!!
UnbreakableRose #3
Chapter 2: I'm only on the ssecond chapter, and I'm crying. Author-nim, I don't cry easily, so you did well!!!
Chapter 30: My second reading! No need to hide now! I cried a river! I'm so sad and happy both! They all died together! Wow! This is One of the best fics I've read! I love this so much.
Chapter 30: Ah my heart broke! I'm gonna read this again and break my heart again.
Chapter 30: No matter how many times i read this i still cry omg
Rereadinggg~~~ <33
Oh my god, that was so beautifully written, I had tears in my eyes at the end. ;)
So I should read from 1-24 then move to alternative ending to read the happy ending one?:) will it make me confused etc?>~<