No More Dream

Jungkook and Joo Eun walks back home after school was over. Jungkook was still acting strange, he didn’t want to speak with her at all.



“Who’s Yejin?” Joo Eun suddenly asks.

She overheard the juniors at school talking about a girl name Lee Yejin and wants to know who she was. Jungkook slowly pace himself back since it was so unexpectedly.

“Who?” He asks again even though he knew what she was going at.

“Lee Yejin.” She says slowly this time.

“Why are you interest in her?”

“Just because. I heard she was in our class group, but I don’t think I’ve ever met her.” She goes on. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.”

“It’s Hoseok-hyung’s.” He pauses.

She has her ears wide open and was waiting patiently as Hoseok’s name was mention.

“It’s hyung’s first love.” He suddenly says.

Her steps stop as it was even more random of an answer.

“Oh-really?” She stutters.

“Are you alright?” He asks.

“Of course.” She says coolly as like it didn’t bother her.

She gently punches him on the arm.

“Let’s go home.” She said excitedly but walks ahead.

Jungkook felt something was wrong by the way her hand was trembling. He silently follows her from behind. After a few minutes, they arrive back at Jungkook’s home. Joo Eun takes off her shoes and quickly went to her room.

“Jungkook-ah, what’s wrong with my Joo Eun?” Jungkook’s mother asks.

He glances at the stairs and sighs.

“Heartbroken.” He murmurs.

“Heartbroken?” She repeats.

“Yes, I believe she’ll be taking a break.” He responds.

“Who’s this guy?” His mother asks.

“I don’t know.” He walks away.

His mother stares at her son’s back and then to her husband who’s sitting next to her.

“Our son too. His heart is also broken.” Jungkook’s dad whisper softly.


Joo Eun glances at the key chain from Hoseok and she could feel tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

“Silly girl. Why are you stressing out? Don’t worry about it.” She mumbles to herself.

She sits at the end of her bed with her legs dangling over the bed. There were too many thoughts going on in her head. She was restless, she was unable to fall asleep.


There was thirty minutes before school starts and Joo Eun went around the school trying to find Hoseok since she wants to ask him some questions. While walking in the hallway with her hands inside her uniform pocket, she meets Jimin and Taehyung whose laughing from the distant.


“Oh-noona, hi!” The both answer.

“Have you seen Hoppie-oppa by chance?” She asks.

“Hoseok-hyung?” Taehyung repeats.

“We saw him behind the school building earlier-“

“Thanks.” She cuts Jimin off.

“YAH!” Taehyung smacks Jimin’s head. “Are you stupid?!”

“Ah, right!” Jimin remembers. “I hope she’ll be gone by the time noona get’s there.”


Hoseok was behind the school building but he wasn’t alone. There was a smaller girl about Joo Eun’s size maybe a little taller there with him.

“What is it this time?” Hoseok asks.

“I heard you had a fight with my brother yesterday.”

“So what?” He questions.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you care.”

“I’m just worry about you.”

“Worry? Those words shouldn’t come out from your mouth.


“I don’t believe it anymore, your words.” He says before grabbing his bag.

The girl quickly hugs him.

“Can’t we start over again?” She pleads.

He stands there motionless since she was in fact his first love and he couldn’t do anything seeing the soft side of her get to him. He reaches out his hand to return the hug. Joo Eun apparently appears at the wrong timing to witness the scene. Broken, she retraces her steps back to where she came from, far away from them.


Joo Eun sits silently in her seat with just more thoughts filling her little brain.

“Alright class!” Mr. Hwang their teacher came inside the room. “As you all know; we’re having a music competition soon.” He waits as the students’ whispers amongst themselves. “I actually want to win the award this year. Please don’t disappoint me.” He says. “A group of 4-6 people, after you have decided let me know so I can write it down.” He continues.

Mr. Hwang sits quietly as the students talks amongst themselves who they want to form a team with.

“It’s actually quite easy.” Namjoon says confidently.

“He’s letting us choose our groups?” Seokjin question in disbeliefs.

“We’ll win this.” Yoongi smiles.

Joo Eun who was still dazing off into LaLa Land startle when Seokjin taps her on the shoulder.

“Wanna join our group?”

“Me?” She says in confusion.

“That’ll be great.” Yoongi says with a half-smile.

“I-“ She hesitates and glance at Hoseok. “I don’t want to mess this up for you guys.”

“It’ll be fine. We need a female vocal anyways.” Namjoon states.

“Sure, if you say so.” Joo Eun fake a smile.


After school was over, Joo Eun went to the music room like promise since they decide to meet every day after school to practice. Joo Eun arrives first and takes a look around but no one was there yet. She sets her bag down and walks over to the piano and lift the cover. She took a deep breath and starts playing the first key.

What should I say?

Where do I start?

I’m only hanging my head,

You’re looking at me.

In this awkward silence.

I don’t love you.

I’m sure you already know.

Even when I see you shedding tears,

My heart doesn’t ache anymore.

I don’t love you.

There’s no other reason.

I don’t even want to say, ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘Forgive me’

That’s all.

This is how I really feel.

I don’t love you.

I don’t love you.Urban Zakapa, I Don’t Love You


She hears the claps behind her and she stops playing the playing.

“That was good.” Seokjin says happily.

“You played the piano well.” Namjoon compliments.

“Thank you. I played a little back in Jeju.” She replies.

“You have a sweet voice.” Yoongi smiles at her.

Shyly she thanks him with a smile and suddenly caught eyes contact with Hoseok who was standing by the door.

“Let’s get started.” She says quickly trying to avoid Hoseok.

“First if all, we need to know what kind of music will get us this award.” Seokjin says seriously.

“Rap.” She quickly responds.

The guys stare at her with question marks on their faces.

“You guys are a Hiphop team.” She says.

“Yes but they’ll just think we’re gangsters.” Seokjin replies.

“Not like how you did last time.” She says. “Put down a softer beat and melody. The lyrics has to be understandable since most of the viewers are going to be older adults, they won’t understand if you did it like last time. I guarantee.” She continues. “Make sure to say the words clearly and keep it short.”

The guys follow her movements like she was a word machine since she kept on talking. They couldn’t understand a single word she was saying excepts the last part, ‘keep it short.’ She smiles brightly at the boys.


They all shook their heads.

“I’ll go over it again.”

“NO!!!” Yoongi suddenly screams.

“I never thought words can be this tiring to listen.” Namjoon says rubbing the back of his head.

The whole time, Hoseok didn’t join the group in any conversation or said anything. He just sat behind all of them quietly.


After hours of chit-chatting, the group decides to call it a night and head home.

“Eun-ah.” Seokjin calls her out. “Did you want me to take you home?”

“Yeah, it’s getting pretty late to go home alone at this hour.” Namjoon says.

“It’s alright.” She replies.

“I’ll take you.” Yoongi suggests.


Seokjin and Namjoon stares at Yoongi blankly.

“You house is the exact opposite for hers.” Seokjin confirms.

“Why don’t Hoseok send her home?” Namjoon suggests.

Seokjin and Yoongi glances at Hoseok while Joo Eun tries to keep her distant from him.

“That’s right. Hoseokie lives not far from Jungkook.” Seokjin says cheerfully. “Can you take her?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Hoseok answers after a while.

“Alright! Problem solve. Let’s go hyung!” Namjoon says wrapping his arm around Seokjin’s shoulders.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Yoongi says patting her back.

After everyone has left, Joo Eun packs her stuff.

“Let’s go.” Hoseok says taking off with his bag.

Joo Eun follows silently behind him. While they were making their way up a hill, Hoseok glances back towards her.

“If you’re not going to keep up then I’m going to leave you.”

Quickly, she picks up her pace to catch up.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asks.

“Nothing.” She replies.

“If you have something to ask, just say it.”

She hesitates for a while before speaking.

“About Yejin-do you still love her?” She asks nervously.

“Yejin? Why?”


“I still do. After all, she’s my first love.” He cuts her off.

Joo Eun smiles as nothing is wrong even though her heart feels like shattering glass.

“Really? I guess I understand now.” She whispers.

“Are you disappointed?” He asks.

“Not at all.” She fakes a smile.

He didn’t say anything as he knew she was hurt pretty badly.


“There’s a line between us.” He thought to himself. “You shouldn’t like me.” His mind wonders off. “I’ll try my best-not to have feelings for you either.”









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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2