No More Dream

A/N: Finally!! Another update. Sorry for the long wait. I'm trying to managing two stories and it's not going so great x( I will try my best! Here's one for the readers. 


Hoseok went straight to the hospital, like he promised, but soon realized that she is currently in the ER due to a sudden shock in the blood vessels.


He found Jinyoung and his mother who’s waiting outside the ER waiting for answers.


“Is she alright?”

“Did you—?”

“Oh. Is she okay?”

“The doctor said something’s up with her blood vessels. She was in shock… we’re waiting for the outcome.”


Hoseok calmed down a little when the doctor came out saying everything was fine, that they’ll move her back to her room as soon as they can. Hoseok sat in the room, besides her, waiting for her to be conscious. After a long while, he eyes finally opened.


“You’re up.”

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at graduation?”

“Do you know what time it is?” He reaches to grab her hand. “You scared me there.”

“I’ve been sleeping for that long?”


Hoseok gently brushes the strand of hair from her face behind.


“Were you really scared?”



His replied made her softly chuckled and smile.


“I love your smile.” He said without shifting his gaze from her.

“Congratulations, Oppa.”

“Thank you.” He said holding her hand to cup his face. “I’ll let you get some rest.”

“Already? But, I just saw you.”

“You know I want to stay longer but, I have some things to take care of tomorrow. I’ll come back in the morning.”


“I promised.” He held his pinky out. “Get some rest, okay.”



He gently places her hand under the cover and pulled the blanket up to cover her neatly.


“I love you.”

“I love you too, Oppa.”

It’s another early morning for Hoseok, who’s up preparing to go visit his friends on their big day. He kept his promise and visit Yejin in the morning. When he reaches her room, anxiousness filled his heart. In front of him was an empty bed, her was about to head out but then the bathroom door opened in front of his eyes.


“Oppa.” Yejin calls him while trying to fix her shirt.


A sigh came out from his mouth and a smile appear across from his face.


“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“Nothing.” He approaches her, helping her button up her shirt. “Why didn’t you ask the nurse to help you?”

“I just want to do it on my own.”


He quickly undone her button and fix it without realizing that they’re inches away from each other; to be able to do things for one another without a reason. After adjusting her hospital gown, Hoseok helped her get into bed.


“I’m going to visit the guys today.”

“Graduation, right?”

“Hm.” He smiles charmingly at her. “It won’t take long.”

“Go. I bet they miss you already.”

“You’re not mad, are you?”

“I’ll be lonely but I won’t get mad.”


“For what?”

“I’m always leaving you for something else.”


She reaches out to cup his cheek.


“I’ll be waiting.”

“Thank you.”


Hoseok gets up from his seat and heads for the door, however, he couldn’t stop himself from returning back to her side and give her a soft peck on the lips.


“You know I love you, right?”

“I know.”

“I’ll be back.”


She nods her head watching him leave the room, this time for real.  

Hoseok stands in front of the school entrance, watching family members walking in and out. He took a deep breath before heading inside. Most people were in the auditorium hall while Hoseok roamed around the school building. He visits the classroom he once was in, to the fields where everyone would meet; in his eyes, everything was still the same, never changing.


Gradually, he moves his feet towards the auditorium where the ceremony was taking place. He slowly opens the door into the hall so he wouldn’t disturb anything. He stood and watched silently from the back as his friends were walking towards the stage to receive their diplomas.


As the ceremony comes to an end, the student and their families moves out to the school yard to have some quality time together—which includes photos and food. Hoseok witness the bond between his friends, he approaches them right before they’ve taken their first photo together.


“Hyung!” Taehyung shouts surprisingly, making the guys and Joo Eun turn around.

“Congratulations.” Hoseok said, giving them a high-five.

“It’s been a long time.” A smile appears on Namjoon’s face.

“Hyung, where have you’ve been?” Jungkook asked.


It was non-stop questionings for Hoseok.


“I have to graduate too.”

“When’s your graduation?” Yoongi asked.


“Without us?” Seokjin said, stunned by his answer.

“It was just a small ceremony compared to what you guys have here.”

“We will always show up, you’re our hyung after all.” Taehyung said cheekily.

“Noona, are you going to say anything?” Jimin slightly push Joo Eun.


Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok all made glances at her.


“Hey. It’s been a while.” Hoseok finally said first.


“Yah! Since you’re here, let’s take a photo together.” Namjoon grabs Hoseok by the arm and pulls him in.

“Let’s do it.” Seokjin said.


Joo Eun was still in dazed from his appearance and couldn’t move her feet; the guys all lined up beside her. Soon, she felt her heart pounding louder by the minute as Hoseok wraps his arm around her shoulder. For a moment, she found it hard for her to breath.


After all the pictures were taken, Hoseok went on an conversation with Namjoon and Jungkook that he didn’t realized Joo Eun was gone from the scene. As time passes, he turns around and secretly made his way to go find her. Making his way through the hallways, he sees her coming out from the classroom and heading toward the front entrance.


“Can we talk?” He said, grabbing her arm to get her attention.


She follows him quietly towards the back of the school building.


“You didn’t say much back there, are you alright?”

“I-I’m okay. I wasn’t expecting you to show up.”

“I just missed the guys and—“


Before he finishes, she made her way towards him and embrace him tightly into her arms.


“I missed being in your arms.” She tried to hold back the tears. “Why are you always so late to everything?”


He gently pulled her back and oddly stare at her.


“Is there something wrong?” She asked and he could only chuckled. “What’s wrong?”

“Did you know, you’re changing by the day?”


“You’ve given it all to him, huh?”


She knew exactly what he meant and could only give him a slight nod as a reply.


“I knew he’ll take you away someday.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Why would you think that? You and hyung are my good friends. I actually want the two of you to work things out.” A sigh came out and his smile slowly fades. “The truth is, I actually came to say my goodbyes.”


“I’m planning on going to America with Yejin.”


“I’m back with her now and she’s in need of me at this moment.”

“Sorry, Oppa.”

“What are you apologizing?” He asked. “C’mon, let’s go get the guys, I’ll tell you the full story.”


Hoseok and Joo Eun heads back to the guys and just when he was about to open his mouth, his phone rings, interrupting.


“What is it, Jinyoung?”

“Jinyoung?” Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung all had confused look on their faces.

“Isn’t that JR?” Namjoon responds.

“I’m at your school…” He went silent for a second. “Yejin? When!?” His raised voice echoes.


He didn’t think twice before rushing out the school yard.


“His hyung and Yejin-noona really back together?” Jungkook asked.

“He never mentioned anything.” Namjoon was just as confused.

“Something doesn’t seem right.” Jimin pinpoint his opinion.

“Oppa and Yejin are going to America.”


The guys all glance at Joo Eun.


“America!” The guys shout in unison.

“Did he tell you that?” Seokjin asked.


Joo Eun could only nod as a response.


“What’s up with this hyung?” Jungkook sounds angry.

“This won’t do. I have to call him.”


Namjoon made a call and after a few moments he hangs up again. Soon later, they found themselves in a hospital without knowing the reason why. Yoongi spots Hoseok sitting near the ER room and next to him was JR sitting beside him; and an older woman.




Hoseok lifted his head but didn’t say anything. The guys knew more than to asked questions at the moment. All the guys had a confused look on their faces. They were clueless of what’s going on and why JR had to be there?


After fifteen minutes later, the doctor walks out and approaches everyone. He stood in front of Hoseok, Jinyoung and Jinyoung’s mother.


“How’s my Yejin doing?”


The boys were startled by the mention of her name.


“… about the treatment in America.”

“What about it?” Jinyoung asked.

“I suggest we transport her there as soon as we can.”

“All of a sudden? Why?” Hoseok couldn’t keep his temper down.

“Her heart is in critical shock. She needs a transplant as soon as she can or else—“


The atmosphere went dead silent but the gasps were still heard.


“She’s fighting the pain but her heart is going on shock mode which is why she keeps having blackouts.”


Jinyoung’s mother steps back trying comprehend everything.


“Yejin’s conscious now, but, I have to say the sooner she leaves the better it is for her.”


As the doctor excused himself, the ER door opens and two nurses along with Yejin came out. The three of them rushes over to her side.


“Yejin-ah. Are you okay, baby?”

“I’m alright.”

“Guess it’s changed in plans. You’re schedule to the next available plan to America.” Jinyoung said staring at his sister.

“Why, Oppa?”

“OPPA!?” Loud commotions from the guys were heard.







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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2