No More Dream

Hoseok and Joo Eun makes their way back from the school; hand in hand. It was more like he was dragging her since he was walking ahead of her. She couldn’t hold it and then a smile appears just staring at his back.

“Are you alright?” He asks.

“I’m fine.” She replies.

After a while of walking, they arrive in front of Jungkook’s place. He slowly let’s go of her hands shyly.

“My Joo Eun-ah!” Jungkook’s mother calls out. “Where have you been?”

“I’m sorry to make all you and uncle worry.” Joo Eun says sadly.

“As long as you’re back, it’s what matters most.” Jungkook’s father responds.

“Next time if you want to go somewhere, you must let me know first.” Her aunt hugs her tightly brushing Joo Eun’s hair.

“Alright Auntie.”


After the boys finds out that Joo Eun was safe and sound, they all says their farewell and went home. It was late, Jungkook’s parents were asleep. Joo Eun was also in dreamland. Jungkook on the hand; laying his back against his bed.

“Does she have feelings for him?” He whispers shaking his head in disbeliefs. “Jungkookie, don’t think so much about it.”


(Flashbacks) Hoseok and Joo Eun sits together on the bleacher after he has found her. It was an awkward moment since both of them knew, she was falling deep for him.

“Don’t worry.” He says.

“A-about what?” She stutters.

“You shouldn’t have feelings for me.” He softly says.

“Why?” She asks half-heartedly.

“Just because.” He sighs. “You know nothing about me.” He continues.

There was a long silence.

“Even if I don’t-“ She pauses to think. “-that doesn’t mean I won’t stop liking you.” She glances at him whose looking at the stars. “Even if you don’t like me.”

“In the end, you’ll just be hurt.” He says calmly.

“Why? Just because you don’t like me?” She questions.

Hoseok glances at her whose smiling beautifully.

“Don’t worry. I know already.” She says holding her emotions in.

“I don’t like sad endings.” He sighs.

“It’s okay. I’ll be alright.” She says. “I just want to tell you what’s deep inside of me.”

“I don’t hate you.” He says. “I’m just saying ‘sorry’ ahead of time.”

Joo Eun smiles at him. She knew the future wasn’t looking so bright for the both of them, she didn’t let that break the most beautiful moment she is having.

“I’m sorry.” Hoseok quietly thought to himself. (End of Flashbacks)


When morning rises, Joo Eun gets up from her bed and gets ready for school. After a few minutes getting dress, she opens the door and sees Jungkook also coming out from his room.

“Good morning.” She says happily.

“Good morning.” He replies walking away.

“Is there something wrong?” Joo Eun says feeling an uncomfortable vibe.

“It’s nothing. I’m just tired.” He lied.


Joo Eun follow him downstairs and seat herself next to him at the dining table. After having breakfast made by Jungkook’s mother, the two walks side by side to school.

“What’s wrong? You’ve been quiet since morning.” She asks curiously.

Jungkook just shook his head. Joo Eun didn’t feel like forcing him if he didn’t want to talk. She walks a little ahead of him. He stares at her back silently.

“There is a problem.” He thought to himself. “The problem is-I think I might be falling for you.”


“Hello noona!” Taehyung shouts upon seeing her.

“Hi.” She smiles back at him.

“Wait a minute.” Jimin stops to think. “Something’s wrong.”

The boys even Joo Eun stares at Jimin silently.

“Did you two get into a fight this morning?” Jimin asks.

Jungkook and Joo Eun glances at each other awkwardly.

“It’s not that.” She explains. “Jungkook says he’s just tired. He’s been like this since morning.”

“Jungkook isn’t that kind of person though.” Seokjin confirms.

“Hyung! I’m just tired! I didn’t get much sleep last night!” Jungkook whines.

“Boys, boys!” Namjoon raise his voice to calm the group down. “Stop bothering the Maknae.”

Suga stands up from the bench and walks towards Joo Eun ignoring the others. He leans in closer and whisper in her ears.

“Meet me in the gym at lunch, can you?”

Yoongi and Joo Eun stares at each other and she felt it was something urgenct, she agrees nodding her head. Yoongi leaves the scene and enters the school.

“What’s up with him?” Seokjin asks confusedly.

The boys shrugs their shoulders. Joo Eun silently glance at Hoseok who completely ignores her.


During lunch, Joo Eun quickly leaves the room heading to the gym since Yoongi asks her to meet him there and he didn’t attend class. She felt a little worry inside. As she arrives at the gym door, she slowly, taking a breath and opens the wide twin door. She sees Yoongi playing basketball all by himself. She was admiring his skills from afar. She sees his sweats dripping down his face, so she didn’t dare to approach him. She felt a weird tension between them. He was so into the game; it was like he was battling against himself. She watches him play quietly by the bleacher.

“It’s the first time.” She thought to herself. “I’ve never see him this serious before. How can a person be so different? Why does he look so tense and manly? Why is he like this?”

She was concentrating hard on his movements, her thoughts about what kind of person he really is creeping back in her mind. Yoongi throws the ball into the hoop and drops dead on the ground trying to catch his breaths. After a while, he stands up and smiles at her, whose waiting.

“Why does he smile like that?” Why-why is my flatter by just a single smile?” She questions herself.

“Want to play?” He asks.

She stands up, walks towards him to pick up the ball from the ground.

“But I don’t know how to play.” She says.

Yoongi snatches the ball away from her and dribble a few times.

“Easy.” She breaths heavily. “Just protect and dribble.” He’s catching his breath. “I’ll be the one stealing. Understand?” He said with the last breath he has.

“Understand.” She replies in a cute voice.

They look at each other and starts to giggle. Yoongi walks over and hands her the ball. Without realizing, she also grabs onto his hand when she tries to take the ball from him. A slight new sensation came to her. Shyly, she takes the ball.

“Don’t get carry away.” He says.

“I won’t.” She responds.

“Alright. Start!”

Yoongi moves back a little to give her space and when he thinks she was ready; he quickly went forward towards her like a lion attacking its prey. Since it was her first time, instead of playing it the correct way, she just took the ball and ran around the gym freely.

“That’s not how you play.” Yoongi says jokingly.

Joo Eun just laughs. It was a memorable moment for the two of them. The gym was huge, but their laughter could be heard throughout the room. After a long game of chasing, they finally manage to sit down and catch their breaths. Yoongi was sweating more than before and Joo Eun likes that side about him, when he’s running around freely without worrying about anything.

“What is it you want to say?” She finally asks.

There was a long silence and all they could hear was the way Yoongi was breathing heavily.

“I came to play a game and think of how I should explain it to you.” He says.


“I don’t remember.” He lies.

“What is it?” She whines.

Yoongi didn’t answer her and when she wasn’t paying attention he blurts it out.

“Want to be my girlfriend?”

It took her by surprise. She just stares at him blankly.

“I just want to say it before I don’t have a chance to.” He says. “The feelings-my feelings.”

Joo Eun’s mind was not in the right place. She was absolutely confuse at what he was trying to do.It was so suddenly, she didn’t know how to answer. After realizing what he just did, he laughs it out.

“I don’t want an answer now.” He sighs. “I just want to tell you how I really feel about you. That’s all.”

Yoongi avoids her as he felt the hard stares from her eyes.


“It’s the first time.” She thought looking at him endlessly. “The first time having these feelings. The feeling of being wanted by someone else. For someone who seems to be afraid of what will happen, you are brave enough to express your feelings. I thought you’ll be different but you’re no different at all. You may look tough from the outside but inside I know you’re actually afraid. Right Yoongi-oppa? You’re afraid of my answer. You’re afraid of the ending.”








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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2